Man Shi Ying

Man Shi Ying

A breathing space for creative responses to bit of life. Find me on Instagram @manshiying_


"So who can afford to be a dancer?"

Saw Katrina Bastian perform Soliloquy in Sweat on 18th June 2022 and I must say I was mind-blown.

To me, the point wasn't the promised collection of half a liter of sweat. It was the sweat of passion and exhaustion exploding off the stage and leaping out to us. It stretched across our lives and stories, binding them all into one.

What do I love to the point that I'll dance on stage naked? I don't know yet, but may I continue to search for it.


Reflecting upon the meaning of success and achievements as I hypothetically fly across the island to witness a friend's Final Year Project.

It does feel a little pointless for life to be boiled down into a single sheet of A4 paper. Shoved into another person's face, boasting "I've done this! That's my work!" A tireless drone of skills oversold in exchange for inevitable underappreciation.

Satisfaction can't be found within dead ink.

It's the long-shot I crave. What do I want to be remembered for? For myself or for Him? What position in this world have I been prepared for?

Then I snap out of this melancholic mode and remember to be still. Striving will bring me nowhere. To sit and ask, that is the thing I shall do as I continue learning to live.


Part 1 || Learning how to use Procreate properly.

Here's an Angler fish!



It’s the quiet and stilled moments of the day that find me in my thoughts.

I was just thinking about what is currently happening in the world right now and honestly feeling a little helpless, guilty even, that I can sit here — peacefully continuing with my daily life.

I am thankful, at least, that my country has taken a stand against Russia’s actions. It was daring, given how small we are. Indeed a reminder of how smallness does not dictate one’s bravery.

Not everything can be done by everyone, but the spirit of courage lives on in our prayers and actions for those who have been wronged. Let us continue to extend mercy to the victims and stay rooted in justice.



Not too sure what I was trying to do here. But here's an aesthetic shot of some leaves.

One more day before my sem is over!



Taking the heart of the root
Formed of twistedness
Brought through end beyond

Flames. Shedding. Delayed time.

Time perfected strikes through understanding
Maturity grown from sincerity defined
A word that lives. Lives!

Living, breathing, dividing the bone from marrow. Relevance.

He is the author and protector of our faith
Yearning yet for partnership and companionship
What ifs of shadow. Yoked

Friendship. Servant. Friends of the bridegroom.

Hold steadfast my love, you are not meant to be alone.
Steadfast holds you, not strength in your ways.
Memory wrought of blood's compassion.

Oh Bride, remember your future.


I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one in need of inspiration for my wips. Who else out there feels the same?

More written blog posts here at the


Referenced from Psalm 18:1, where a man who seeks isolation is one who breaks out against all sound judgement. A sobering thing to consider in times of trouble.

Bringing this RanThot back with a fresh design. If you like how I role, do give this post a like and follow me for more!

More written blog posts here at the


These are the kinds of mornings where I am sort of bouncing and running circles around my mother in the kitchen. Well. metaphorically speaking. I am a little too old for heightened agility.

"T I double ger Er!"

More written blog posts here at the


I tend to ask Him pretty weird stuff. He's used to it.

More written blog posts here at the


Oranges are bae.

More written blog posts here at the


In Theatre class, we were taught the difference between the real vs. the actual vs. the virtual. Then Prof. brought in concepts of the Simulacra and Simulacrum. Interesting stuff, but my brain needs a break.

More written blog posts here at the


Another blog post written. Composed in a state of absolute tiredness. But hey, vetted and posted! Get a glimpse of how my "less of a brain" works by heading over to

If you like how I role, do like and follow me

More written blog posts found at my blog too. I try to post every week amidst my busy school schedule.


Sometimes it is better to live out beautiful experiences to the fullest rather than sit from afar in observation.

Though there would be those who'd argue that writing in itself is beauty.

I just think that we should never lose our wonder. Do you agree?

More written blog posts here at the


It is a personal conclusion that one who can't help but write is meant to be a writer.

Re-starting my RanThots so we're back at #1. This time with random aesthetically pleasing backgrounds and messy handwriting. Do like and follow if you'd want to see more of these!

More written blog posts here at the


"So I railed with anger in the face of God, for my weak sentiment, for the stupidity felt for needing a third party to help reconcile my hurt, involving others I love in the mess that I seemed to be the only one responsible for."

Reflecting upon the sense of loss experienced regarding a relationship, as well as a new notion of understanding God. Read more at my blog itself,

If you like how I role here, do give me a follow and a like!


Finally, a new blog post!

The story is that I was packing my stuff one day before I was almost defeated by the pile of bags sitting on the floor. After realising that I would probably never throw any of it away, I decided to create a story out of every bag to make up for it. So here's the first of the "Bag-a-Talle" series I have set out to write.

Today's story is about the phenomenon that is my Red Kanken, which has survived against all odds. Find out why at my blog. Link in my bio

Also, follow me to stay updated . I mean, I will try to keep a consistent posting rhythm up as much as possible... university can be hard.

Also, did I finally just release my first YouTube video or what? 💃🏻You are a champion if you read up to this point to see that.

The Red Kanken | A Bag-A-Talle 23/08/2021

Check out my latest video 👇🏻💃🏻💁🏻‍♀️

The Red Kanken | A Bag-A-Talle Made it because I felt like it. Kanken did not sponsor this video. Inspired by my blog post "The Red Kanken". Go check it out if you haven't!Beware of weird ...

A Small Realization - TheRandomWriterSG 12/06/2021

Fresh blog post, for the first time in forever.

Typing that line now, I suddenly realised the alliteration going on -- "Fresh blog post, For the First time in Forever".

A Small Realization - TheRandomWriterSG A brief reflection in the midst of rushing some essays. A realisation that struck me while I boarded a bus, how crazy is that?


Strumming Travels

In my latest “expedition” of exploring Singapore, I encountered a man who boarded the bus, guitar in hand, and held a mini concert of his own. I would say that his playing was rather pleasant; Chinese songs fingerstyled with a flair. Interestingly, no one really responded to his presence, and as people boarded the bus, they made special care to avoid eye contact. Likewise, because I didn’t dare to take a picture of him openly, this was all I could manage.

If you zoom in, you’d be able to make out an autograph of sorts on the belly of the guitar. I wonder who’s is it? Could it be an old friend, or perhaps his favourite guitar player?

I wish that I had the courage to talk to him a bit, or just say hi. But with COVID restrictions in place, people have been rather paranoid. Anyway, it is a strange but beautiful sight to see one so immersed in his own world, and it almost be a shame to intrude into it. To let it stay as a distant encounter is enough to satisfy the element of wonder.


My first attempt at writing a pantoum. A pantoum is a poetic style which basically takes the second and fourth lines of the previous stanza as the first and third lines of the following stanza. In theory, the poem can last forever.

Check it out in the


New post is up!

When we take leaps of faith, do we often know what we are doing?

Started a bit of a poem with regards to that. Check it out in the

Sorry for missing last week's entry. Term essays have been taking up a lot of my time lately, and I can't wait for the sem to end.

Also who else can't believe it's already November? 🙋🏻‍♀️


What does passion look like to you?

Post is finally up! Sorry that its late, I've been swarmed by all my assignments.

Check the writing blog out in the


Automatic writing today featuring Singlish and laundry. What goes on in our heads as we observe the laundry habits of different families?

Check it out here


You feel me?

More written stuff here


When you have lived your whole life wrapped within a system, do you even know to question the impossibilities?

New poem today. Click on the website link to read it!

Please show some love and support by following the account💃🏻


What is one thing you ended up doing after talking extensively about it?

More written stuff here


Decided to take a break from the short story I have been working on and write a poem instead.

This piece is centred around a recent conversation I had with a friend, dealing with memory and hurt. Read on in the


Decided to take a break from the short story I have been working on and write a poem instead.

This piece is centred around a recent conversation I had with a friend, dealing with memory and hurt. Read on in the


Finally managed to get today’s post up. Part 3 was a bit of a challenge for me to write. Balancing everything in the midst of all my assignments, I’m pretty spent. Ah wells, things will be fine soon, and I will continue my RanThots tomorrow.

The antogonist of the story has appeared. But is it the antagonist you expected? How do the passengers on board respond?

Find out what happens in the and follow to keep updated!


It’s up! Today’s written work is part 2 of a short story I started last week. To those who have been waiting for today’s post, thank you for your patience!

Everyone on the boat has started getting used to their life on board, but will everything go smoothly?

Find out what happens in the and follow to keep updated!


If you never act, you’ll never know.

More written stuff here


Taking a moment to appreciate the beauty of daily life.

More written stuff here


As I have established, I am so not vegetarian. But I do love my vegetables!

Btw, catching chickens around here is an almost impossible feat, so don’t worry about them, they are still fine.

More written stuff here


The taste of milk on cold metal, yum.

More written stuff here


Never from a position of haste, but from a bank of preparation.

More written stuff here .


A peek into the mind of a random writer. I’m so tired today, it has become a sort of wacky fuel.

Finally started working on the first draft of my short story😆💃🏻🎉 Check it out in the . I’ll be trying to update it every week, so do show some support by following to keep up to date!