

Broken to Beautiful - Where dreams become unbreakable.

Timeline photos 04/02/2022

It doesn't matter if you are a leader in business or trying to master your life. It's a struggle sometimes to identify your purpose. Fortunately, I have been helping to stoke the flames in a few ways, and if you have lost your way, use these to find your way back.

#1 - Do what is life giving to you.
#2 - Don't avoid the difficult. Therein lies a challenge which you could reap a wonderful harvest.
#3 - Notice what you are good at doing and think of ways to multiply it.
#4 - Learn to respect and like what comes easily to you that is difficult for others.
#5 - Observe others in joy of what they do, and follow their energy, not what they do.

Set your mind everyday on the things that matter most to you.

Timeline photos 03/02/2022

Every day is a new day.
It may not start out ideal, but the human condition is never about starting that way.
We have achieved greatness through the milennia not because we were given achievements from the outside.
Rather, our achievements first began in our very intangible thoughts.
The day is as good as you know how to start with.

Step 1: Who are you going to be today?
Step 2: What does such a person aim to achieve?
Step 3: What does such a person do when encountering problems or impediments?

Decision is, therefore, a better way to move through life rather than "hoping" for what you want.

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Have you designed your desired life today?

Timeline photos 01/02/2022

People can learn easily. Leaders need to learn, parents need to learn, even teachers and coaches need to learn.
However, people can also learn to be helpless easily.
If they can have "learned helplessness" (coined by Martin Seligman the father of positive psychology), then you're probably putting your good effort in the wrong direction!
If what you are doing is not getting you good learnings, results or outcomes, then you simply change the strategy without changing the goal. Often, the strategy is based on your assumptions. This is known as "double loop" learning where you don't just change what you do but change the thinking behind why you do what you do.

Can you therefore learn "about" your learning and make adjustments there, in order to get the results you want?

Register for upcoming webinar workshops on Mindset Mastery, Personal Alignment and Masterful Learning.


Life is sometimes a painful uphill slope.

I get it - nobody wants to feel like their life is out of control.
And yet, from time to time, it does.
The question is - are you prepared when it happens?
How strong can you get now, so that when you need strength, you have it?
How loving can you get now, so that when you need love, you have it?
How supportive can you get now, so that when you need support, you have it?

You don't have to engage in a challenge that kills you, you merely need to challenge yourself enough to know you have progressed.

When you learn, you develop your growth mindset. When you can learn without imagining there is a finite ending, and put effort into your learning, you are constantly growing, progressing and observing how far you have come.

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Register for upcoming talks at 👈
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Timeline photos 30/01/2022

Reflection is always a path to clarity. Yet, few seek it because most people fear looking inward and what they might find. Through coaching leaders, I have found that clarity is not scary - it is liberating, and you should seek it to chart your course.

Timeline photos 27/01/2022

I'm aware of people who are ambitious who fall to tatters when something like a pandemic or economic crisis hits.
That is not ambition. That's a convenience mindset. Things are never smooth sailing in a storm. And you can't sign a contract with the weather to ensure it doens't rain! The point is, the rain does not matter! The ambition should be stoked in the fire such that even the most terrifying tempest merely makes it burn brighter.

If you have a burning ambition, remember why you have it, especially in the darkest of days!

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Timeline photos 27/01/2022

I've advised my leadership students and coachees never to rush their coaching. This is why my coaching is a minumum of a year, and my training of coaches is a minimum of three years. Still, some people want to "cut to the chase" because they feel that's the way things are most productive.

Is a certificate for coaching in 3 days worth much to any client, you think?

Well, I hate to disappoint you. "Tasks" are fine to do practically and quickly. Learning, on the other hand, requires iteration, sometimes frustration, amid being immersed in it. That's how mastery is done. You keep doing it, hit a roadblock, try something else, and allow the connections to take place in a nonlinear fashion until it seems like absolute common sense.

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Build the right learning attitude.

Timeline photos 25/01/2022

What is passion?
Passion comes from Latin - it means to suffer.
Most of us think that passion is all about doing something we love.
The truth is that when you are willing to suffer for something or someone, you demonstrate great love.
And there may be more than one thing you are willing to suffer for, not just one.
Keep seeking your passion because when you finally find it, you will experience bliss, growth and happiness.

To find out more about pursuing your passion and what it takes, DM me for a conversation!

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Timeline photos 25/01/2022

Stupidity is about doing things that don't work.
You can have stupid choices.
Stupid behaviors.
Stupid expectations.
Even stupid goals.
What's the biggest stupidity is continuing to do what doesn't work when you don't learn. As an executive coach, I have seen many people get intro trouble not because they aren't smart, but because they did not heed the small things, and focus on learning.
As Albert Einstein said: Insanity is making the same mistake twice expecting a different result.
For things to change, we change first. If you can make it a powerful change, you inspire and lead the world.

Timeline photos 23/01/2022

If you are overburdened by the worst case scenario and worried that things will go wrong, just get stronger. You can do this by challenging yourself in the simple things. Do more, help more, push harder for your own sake. This way, in your future, you create a special set of memories that get you through the roughtest of times.

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Life is sometimes a painful uphill slope.I get it - nobody wants to feel like their life is out of control.And yet, from...
