Armstrong Asset Management is a specialist private equity fund manager in Singapore, committed to in It currently manages the Armstrong S.E.
Armstrong Asset Managment is a dedicated Clean Energy fund managment company. Asia Clean Energy Fund. This is a private equity fund that invests in small-scale renewable energy and resource efficiency projects in Southeast Asia. This strategy is driven by the high energy demand and strong market fundamentals in the region. Armstrong Asset Management will seek to provide investors with a gross retu
rn in excess of 20% per annum. The geographic focus of the Armstrong S.E. Asia Clean Energy Fund is principally in the following countries: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. The investment strategy is based on the key features summarised below:
- An obvious market need supported by strong economic fundamentals
- A commitment to positive social and environmental impact
- Risk minimisation through a plan to develop a portfolio of small-scale projects
- Use of established technologies
- The ability to generate early cash flows
- Competitive advantage as a result of the team’s local operating experience
- A clear exit strategy. Specialties
Private Equity, Renewable Energy, ESG, Solar Power, Wind Power, Small Scale Hydro, Resource Efficiency, South East Asia