Kmetija Volk Ukmar
Kmetija Volk Ukmar is a small urban farm producing fungi for both medicinal and culinary use.
V sredo ( 5.7) dostava gob v Ljubljano.
Feniksovi ostrigarji in Sh*take
se vidimo ;)
Kmetija Volk Ukmar Kmetija Volk Ukmar is a small urban farm producing fungi for both medicinal and culinary use.
Feniksovi ostrigarji na voljo od jutri naprej !
Phonex oyster mushrooms are available from tomorrow on!
Cena/ price :
Kmetija Volk Ukmar Kmetija Volk Ukmar is a small urban farm producing fungi for both medicinal and culinary use.
First harvest of Oyster mushrooms and flowers from the veggie patch … how are you using your mushrooms today?
Resasti bradovec je goba mesnate teksture in odličen nadomestek mesa. Je bogata z amino kislinami ter ima v povprečju 22g beljakovinskega deleža po suhi masi.
Na voljo za nakup - imamo samo 5 kg, hitro prodamo!
250 g = 5€
500 g = 10 €
1 kg = 20 €
Za nakup nam pošljite zasebno sporočilo tukaj na FB.
Oglejte si recepte v teh videoposnetkih:
Lion's Mane is a mushroom with a meaty texture and an excellent substitute for meat. It is rich in amino acids and has an average of 22g of protein by dry weight.
La barba frangiata è un fungo dalla consistenza carnosa e ottimo sostituto della carne. È ricco di aminoacidi e ha una media di 22 g di proteine in peso secco.
Available now for purchase - we only have 5 kg, selling fast!
250 g = 5€
500 g = 10 €
1 kg = 20 €
To buy please send us a private message here on FB.
Please have a look at recipes on these videos:
Kmetija Volk Ukmar Kmetija Volk Ukmar is a small urban farm producing fungi for both medicinal and culinary use.
Phoenix Oyster Mushrooms are quickly growing and will be ready for harvest within a week or so from today (roughly 25th May)
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