Urban Hotel Ljubljana

Urban Hotel Ljubljana

Situated only a few hundred meters away from the city center, the Urban hotel Ljubljana offers 36 thoughtfully appointed guest rooms.

Urban boutique hotel, located just a few steps from the city center in a green-designed Argentine park, surrounded by centuries-old trees, wants to stand out with its design and offer more than just accommodation. We try to offer prominent warmth and efficient service. Next to our guests, our team is the most important value of our hotel. The group of individuals who work at the Urban hotel provid


Urban hotel krepi svojo ekipo. K sodelovanju vabimo receptorja /receptorko.
Smo urejeno podjetje, z dolgoletno tradicijo. Na lokaciji v Ljubljani Štefanova 4 vabimo k sodelovanju receptorja/ko z namenom dolgoročnega sodelovanja. Nudimo korektno plačilo. Odprti smo za vse oblike sodelovanja :) .
-dvoizmensko delo in sicer od 6-14 ter 14 -22 ure . Nočnih izmen NI!
-redno delovno razmerje s poskusno dobo in željo po dolgoročnem sodelovanju.
-možnost osebnega in strokovnega razvoja napredovanja
-delo v butičmen hoteli z manjšim številm sob
-delovni čas brez nočnega dela, dinamično in razgibano delo v prijetnem delovnem okolju
-izlačujemo polni regres in stimulacijo skladno z delavno uspešnostjo
-delo v prijetnem okolju s strukturo gostov, ki vam nudi osebno zadovoljstvo

Več INFO na tel 041411666

Urban Hotel Ljubljana Situated only a few hundred meters away from the city center, the Urban hotel Ljubljana offers 36 th


Iščemo mlajšo upokojenko oz. osebo za pomoč pri čiščenju sob, na lokaciji Dolenjska cesta 242c in Štefanova 4. Delo poteka dva do tri dni na teden cca 3-4 ure na dan. Več INFO na tel 041 411 666.

Photos from Urban Hotel Ljubljana's post 16/02/2023

Urbanhotel odpira vrata NOVIM sodelavcem čistilki/sobarica , urejene delavne razmere 6h-14h in odnos do zaposlenih, korektno plačilo. l Omogočimo tudi bivane.
Več INFO na [email protected] oz. tel 041411666 oz [email protected]


Urban hotel krepi svojo ekipo. K sodelovanju vabimo sobarico /čistilko.
Smo urejeno podjetje, z dolgoletno tradicijo. Na dveh lokaciji v Ljubljani Štefanova 4 in Dolenjska cesta vabimo k sodelovanju sobarice/čistilke z namenom dolgoročnega sodelovanja. Nudimo korektno plačilo. Urnik dela: med 6-14 uro vedno na enaki lokaciji. Izplačujemo maksimalni regres. Neto plača 1200 eur. Odprti smo za vse oblike sodelovanja.
Več INFO na tel 041411666

Photos from Urban Hotel Ljubljana's post 22/01/2023

Urban Group je skupina z večletno tradicijo, ki upravlja tri butične hotele. Okrepitve iščemo za lokacijo Urban Hotel Ljubljana center, Ljubljana in sicer: 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐎𝐑 (𝐦/𝐳̌). Delo poteka dvoizmensko, med 6. in 22. uro. Nočnih izmen ni 😀. Mlada, dinamična ekipa. Nudimo možnost napredovanja, izobraževanja, team buildinge, redno in korektno plačilo. Predznanje v hotelski dejavnosti ali gostinstvu je zaželeno, ni pa obvezno. Na tem delavnem mestu se po naših izkušnjah odlično znajdejo natakarji/ce oz. osebe, ki so že delale v gostinstvu ali recepciji.
Za več informacij kliknite na našo spletno stran ali nas
kontaktirajte na 041-411- 666 oz. [email protected]


Letošnjo zimo bo Ljubljano prvič razgibal festival, ki bo prežet z ljubeznijo. Ne zgolj romantično, temveč tudi z ljubeznijo do kulture, umetnosti, dediščine, potepanja ...
Začenja se na praznik slovenske kulture, 8. februarja, simbolično pa ga bo 12. marca sklenilo Gregorjevo, dan, »ko se ptički ženijo«.
Več>> https://www.visitljubljana.com/sl/obiskovalci/nacrtujte-svoj-obisk/prireditve/luv-fest/

Photos from Urban Hotel Ljubljana's post 13/12/2022

Urban Group je skupina z večletno tradicijo, ki upravlja tri butične hotele. Okrepitve iščemo za lokacijo Urban Hotel Ljubljana center, Ljubljana in sicer: 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐏𝐓𝐎𝐑 (𝐦/𝐳̌). Delo poteka dvoizmensko, med 6. in 22. uro. Nočnih izmen ni 😀. Mlada, dinamična ekipa. Nudimo možnost napredovanja, izobraževanja, team buildinge, redno in korektno plačilo. Predznanje v hotelski dejavnosti ali gostinstvu je zaželeno, ni pa obvezno. Na tem delavnem mestu se po naših izkušnjah odlično znajdejo natakarji/ce oz. osebe, ki so že delale v gostinstvu ali recepciji.

Za več informacij kliknite na našo spletno stran ali nas
kontaktirajte na 041-411- 666, oz. [email protected]


Hotel Urban can be an excellent starting point for exploring the festively decorated Ljubljana. Check the best available rates @ www.urbanhotel.si


Festive Hotel Urban hotel is ready to welcome you during month of December, so you can walk through festively decorated Ljubljana, drink mulled wine by the ljubljanica and relax. Check the best offer on www.urbanhotel.si


Always Look on the Bright Side of Life.
At Urban boutique hotel we offer you a 10% discount when you make your booking via hotel web page www.urbanhotel.si.
You can not bit that price anywhere als and breakfast is included. 🍏🥐


The perfect day includes a good breakfast. Find your haven right here at The Urban Boutique hotel. Ready to plan next weekend's escape and enjoy festive lights in Ljubljana, where hotel is just few steps away from downtown? Hurry up and catch the beast deal on www.urbanhotel.si


We always offer the beast deal on our web page.


Iščemo pomoč:

Sobarico / čistilko

Opis delovnega mesta:
• čiščenje poslovnih prostorov
• čiščenje hotelskih sob
• ostala dela, ki sodijo v okvir opisanega dela

Kaj pričakujemo:
• II. stopnja izobrazbe katerekoli smeri
• poznavanje dela na področju čiščenja
• zaželene izkušnje

Kaj ponujamo:
- delo v dinamičnem in prijetnem delovnem okolju

Prijave sprejemamo v elektronski obliki na: [E-poštni naslov skrit]

Photos from Urban Hotel Ljubljana's post 05/06/2021

The focus of entertaining is impressing others;
The focus of true hospitality is serving others.

Thank you 🤍


Urban Boutique Hotel has been recognized as a 2021 Travelers Choice award winner. This achievement celebrates businesses that consistently deliver fantastic experiences to travelers around the globe, having earned great traveler reviews on Tripadvisor. As challenging as the past year was, Urban Boutique Hotel stood out by continuously delighting travelers.


Our Story

Urban boutique hotel, located just a few steps from the city center in a green-designed Argentine park, surrounded by centuries-old trees, wants to stand out with its design and offer more than just accommodation.

We try to offer prominent warmth and efficient service. Next to our guests, our team is the most important value of our hotel. The group of individuals who work at the Urban boutique hotel provide exceptional welcoming and warmhearted service to you. We try to create a collaborative work place, where we treat each other with respect. So our whole team is a part of one big "family" and we would like you to feel as if you're part of our "family". We will try to make your holiday as enjoyable as possible.

Situated only a few hundred meters away from the city center, the Urban boutique hotel Ljubljana offers 33 thoughtfully appointed guest rooms that combine popular bourgeois style with modern facilities, reflecting global trends – a comfortable and relaxing stay for a memorable experience.

Our rooms come in all sizes and with different views. All the main beds can be divided and used as a twin or double. It doesn't matter what size you choose, they all have the Urban boutique hotel perks, and all of the overnight essentials you’ll need.

All guests staying at the Urban Boutique hotel are provided with:

A smartphone that can be used during their stay and includes 30 minutes of local calls and preloaded Ljubljana guide applications for a comfortable experience in the city and to guide you to stay and travel like a local, a complimentary bottle of water and juice in the minibar, a push scooter to rent, 24/7 free access to the machine with coffee, tea and water in the breakfast room, kettle on request at the reception.

Stay connected at the Urban Boutique Hotel Ljubljana, Home comfort in the green heart of the Urban city!

Videos (show all)

Hotel Urban can be an excellent starting point for exploring the festively decorated Ljubljana. Check the best available...
Urban Boutique Hotel has been recognized as a 2021 Travelers Choice award winner. This achievement celebrates businesses...
Urban Hotel Ljubljana
