YMCA in Bratislava, Bratislava Videos

Videos by YMCA in Bratislava in Bratislava. Od roku 1923 je historická budova YMCA súšasťou Bratislavy. Do dnešného dňa sa v budove aktívne žije.


Iryna začala najprv chodiť na individuálne hodiny slovenčiny a neskôr sa stala súčasťou projektu ako skúsená psychologička. Venuje sa seniorom z UA a aj deťom pri tvorivých dielňach. Všetkým dodáva energiu a pomáha im zvládať adaptáciu na nové prostredie. Sama to má však v živote ťažké...
Pozrite si jej príbeh ❤️


Iryna first started going to individual Slovak lessons and later became part of the project as an experienced psychologist. She attends to seniors from UA and also to children during creative workshops. She gives everyone energy and helps them adapt to a new environment.
However, she herself has a hard time in life...
See her story ❤️

YMCA hubs are operating in Ukraine, Romania, Moldova & Slovakia, addressing an immediate need for digital competences, employability-skills building, legal advice, mental health support and youth work, serving beneficiaries from the communities affected by the war. This project is YMCA Europe initiative supported by Accenture Foundation.

#ymcaeurope #ymcaslovakia #ymca4ukraine #ymcas2s

Other YMCA in Bratislava videos

IRYNA A JEJ OBDIVUHODNÝ PRÍBEH 🇺🇦 Iryna začala najprv chodiť na individuálne hodiny slovenčiny a neskôr sa stala súčasťou projektu ako skúsená psychologička. Venuje sa seniorom z UA a aj deťom pri tvorivých dielňach. Všetkým dodáva energiu a pomáha im zvládať adaptáciu na nové prostredie. Sama to má však v živote ťažké... Pozrite si jej príbeh ❤️ IRYNA AND HER AMAZING STORY 🇺🇦 Iryna first started going to individual Slovak lessons and later became part of the project as an experienced psychologist. She attends to seniors from UA and also to children during creative workshops. She gives everyone energy and helps them adapt to a new environment. However, she herself has a hard time in life... See her story ❤️ YMCA hubs are operating in Ukraine, Romania, Moldova & Slovakia, addressing an immediate need for digital competences, employability-skills building, legal advice, mental health support and youth work, serving beneficiaries from the communities affected by the war. This project is YMCA Europe initiative supported by Accenture Foundation. #ymcaeurope #ymcaslovakia #ymca4ukraine #ymcas2s

Helping and protecting the weak was and is a priority for us. In this case, we focused on self-defense in a melee attack. YMCA Europe #ymcas2s

Naše YMCA aktivity na podporu psychologického zdravia pre ukrajinské ženy v Gabčíkove, tábore pre odídencov 🇺🇦 Our YMCA activities to support mental health for Ukrainian women in Gabčíkov, a camp for refugees 🇺🇦 YMCA hubs are operating in Ukraine, Romania, Moldova & Slovakia, addressing an immediate need for digital competences, employability-skills building, legal advice, mental health support and youth work, serving beneficiaries from the communities affected by the war. This project is YMCA Europe initiative supported by Accenture Foundation. #ymcaeurope #ymcaslovakia #ymca4ukraine #ymcas2s

...a few more informal photos from the inspiring meeting "Refugee Skilling and Support II" evaluation session in iconic YMCA building in Bratislava ❤️ Thank you for being with us YMCA Ukraine, YMCA Zaporizhja region, YMCA Boyarka, YMCA Zdolbuniv, Volyn YMCA in Lutsk, Ukraine, YMCA Moldova, YMCA Romania, YMCA in Slovakia, YMCA Liptovský Mikuláš, YMCA Europe #ymcas2s

Najobľúbenejšia činnosť našich UA detičiek, ktorá rozvíja ich kreatívne myslenie a motorické zručnosti 💙💛 The most popular activity of our UA children, which develops their creative thinking and motor skills 💙💛 YMCA hubs are operating in Ukraine, Romania, Moldova & Slovakia, addressing an immediate need for digital competences, employability-skills building, legal advice, mental health support and youth work, serving beneficiaries from the communities affected by the war. This project is YMCA Europe initiative supported by Accenture Foundation. #ymcaeurope #ymcaslovakia #ymca4ukraine #ymcas2s

...aj dnes budú prebiehať prehliadky našej úžasnej budovy YMCA ❤️ Tešíme sa na vás! BRATISLAVSKÉ MESTSKÉ DNI 2024

Nádherná historická fotografia zo stretnutia delegátov YMCA zdobí stenu v budove. Ďakujeme za krásnu realizáciu ImageWell ❤️ #ymcahistory

Lucia sa na vás cez víkend už teší ❤️ Ďakujeme BKIS Bratislavské kultúrne a informačné stredisko, že môžeme byť súčasťou podujatia Bratislavské mestské dni a ukázať ľuďom našu krásnu budovu 😊 #ymcahistory #ymcainbratislava #bratislavskemestskedni2024

Iryna tentokrát robila s ukrajinskými deťmi veľkonočné košíčky na vajíčka 🐣 a pozrite si krásne výsledky ich práce 💚 This time, Iryna made Easter egg baskets with Ukrainian children 🐣 and see the beautiful results of their work 💚 YMCA hubs are operating in Ukraine, Romania, Moldova & Slovakia, addressing an immediate need for digital competences, employability-skills building, legal advice, mental health support and youth work, serving beneficiaries from the communities affected by the war. This project is YMCA Europe initiative supported by Accenture Foundation. #ymcaeurope #ymcaslovakia #ymca4ukraine #ymcas2s

Aktivita, ktorá ukrajinské deti veľmi baví 🇺🇦 Stále vymýšľajú nové a nové tvary a rozvíjajú tým svoju kreativitu. Naša Iryna ich v tom podporuje a je im oporou v ich ťažkých časoch ❤️ An activity that Ukrainian children really enjoy 🇺🇦 They keep inventing new and new shapes and thus develop their creativity. Our Iryna supports them in this and helps them through difficult times ❤️ YMCA hubs are operating in Ukraine, Romania, Moldova & Slovakia, addressing an immediate need for digital competences, employability-skills building, legal advice, mental health support and youth work, serving beneficiaries from the communities affected by the war. This project is YMCA Europe initiative supported by Accenture Foundation. #ymcaeurope #ymcaslovakia #ymca4ukraine #ymcas2s

Ďakujeme všetkým, ktorí si prišli s nami posedieť, porozprávať sa a dať si vianočnú kapustnicu 🎄 ...vážime si to a tešíme sa na ďalší rok s vami 💚 Thank you to everyone who came to sit with us, talk and eat Christmas cabbage 🎄 ...we appreciate it and look forward to another year with you 💚

Naša skvelá lektorka Diana učí ukrajinských seniorov pliesť takéto krásne deky ❤️ a popritom ich učí slovenský jazyk 🇸🇰 Our wonderful lecturer Diana teaches Ukrainian seniors to knit such beautiful blankets ❤️ and at the same time teaches them the Slovak language 🇸🇰 YMCA hubs are operating in Ukraine, Romania, Moldova & Slovakia, addressing an immediate need for digital competences, employability-skills building, legal advice, mental health support and youth work, serving beneficiaries from the communities affected by the war. This project is YMCA Europe initiative supported by Accenture Foundation. #ymcaeurope #ymcaslovakia #ymca4ukraine #ymcas2s

...a opäť je tu naša Marína z Ukrajiny a jej videá, v ktorých sa dozviete mnoho užitočných a praktických informácií 😊 Tentokrát vám povie ako správne separovať odpad na Slovensku ♻️ ...and here again is our Marína from Ukraine and her videos, in which you will learn a lot of useful and practical information 😊 This time she will tell you how to properly separate waste in Slovakia ♻️ YMCA hubs are operating in Ukraine, Romania, Moldova & Slovakia, addressing an immediate need for digital competences, employability-skills building, legal advice, mental health support and youth work, serving beneficiaries from the communities affected by the war. This project is a YMCA Europe initiative supported by Accenture Foundation. #ymcaeurope #ymcaslovakia #ymca4ukraine #ymcas2s

❤️ short clip from our Hernicka 🇺🇦 YMCA hubs are operating in Ukraine, Romania, Moldova & Slovakia, addressing an immediate need for digital competences, employability-skills building, legal advice, mental health support and youth work, serving beneficiaries from the communities affected by the war. This project is a YMCA Europe initiative supported by Accenture Foundation. #ymcaeurope #ymcaslovakia #ymca4ukraine #ymcas2s

🔻 beautiful trip to ZOO Bratislava with the children from the Ukrainian kindergarten 🇺🇦 YMCA hubs are operating in Ukraine, Romania, Moldova & Slovakia, addressing an immediate need for digital competences, employability-skills building, legal advice, mental health support and youth work, serving beneficiaries from the communities affected by the war. This project is a YMCA Europe initiative supported by Accenture Foundation. #ymcaeurope #ymcaslovakia #ymca4ukraine #ymcas2s

Skvelý výlet na vyhliadkovú vežu Kamzík v Bratislave ❤️ Všetkým sa veľmi páčilo a my sa tešíme, že pomáhame 🇺🇦 #ymca4ukraine #Y2Gether #ymcas2s #ymcaslovakia #ymcaeurope

🔻 pomáhame aj tým najmenším 🇺🇦 Marína sa aktívne venuje detičkám v škôlke ❤️ 🔻 we also help the smallest 🇺🇦 Marína has a lot of activities in the kindergarten ❤️ YMCA hubs are operating in Ukraine, Romania, Moldova & Slovakia, addressing an immediate need for digital competences, employability-skills building, legal advice, mental health support and youth work, serving beneficiaries from the communities affected by the war. This project is a YMCA Europe initiative supported by Accenture Foundation. #ymcaeurope #ymcaslovakia #ymca4ukraine #ymcas2s
