Alchemy by Martina

Alchemy by Martina

Here to assist & activate. Energy work, guidance & awakening.


As promised, this is a list of DNA activation tips that I put together with my dear friend . While you might be familiar with some, there are many useful resources & ideas for advanced upgrades in here. Enjoy 💜

- Absorbing the lightcodes - consciously sitting in the sunlight to "draw down the light" - focusing it on the crown chakra and channel it down the Sushumna Nadi & the chakras
- Various yoga poses, such as spine bends - release of tension from the muscular structure and release of energetic blockages, hence more flow in the nadis (network of channels allowing the energy flow in the body)
- Contract revocations - The Galactic Historian Andrew Bartzis has plenty on his website, for example the Soul Contract Revocation & Revocation for the Divine Feminine
- Meditation - conscious connection to your higher self (early morning is the best time when the veils are still thin)
- Eating live/raw foods (not heated/denatured) because they still hold all the light codes directly from Source. Organic if possible as the pesticides interfere with the coding and absorption into the body.
- Intuitive dance which gets you into a trance - best with eyes closed to truly feel into the flow
- Invocations & declarations, such as “I am on the Highest Timeline Possible. I am God, I am Sovereign, I am Free” repeated out loud throughout the day.
- Sun gazing at sunrise & sunset- staring at the Sun for a few minutes when close to the horizon, trying not to blink - increases dream recall, opens the pineal gland, increases melatonin and serotonin
- Visiting the sacred sites/Stargates/Mother Arc Hubs/energy vortexes - the Great Pyramid, Machu Picchu, etc... allows you to recollect parallel lifetime memories which has the potential to activate your dormant DNA in an instant.
- Sound meditation via gong/sound bowls/tuning forks are very potent activators for the DNA (many free sound meditations on YouTube)
- Breathwork - Rebirthing, Vim Hof, yogic pranayama or Holotropic breath work is as strong as plant medicine work and brilliant for upgrading your DNA
- Nature bath & walking barefoot- lying/walking on the earth and absorbing Schuman Resonance while grounding
- Ice baths - excellent to reboot your nervous system + deep breathing does miracles for your immune system and overall mental and physical vitality
- Binaural Beats/Solfeggio Frequencies - 528hz + 432 hz are great for instance (many free stations on YouTube such as LoveMotives and ZenLifeRelax and Meditation Mind)
- Contemplating the Law of One/spiritual study & frequent usage of the 12D shield
- Shadow work - where there is consciousness directed towards your shadows patterns during this time, there will be light given to help you transmute them (help to give you examples of where they show up in your life) - conscious contemplation + automatic writing
- Shadow work via The Gene Keys System- you upgrade your DNA when you move from the shadow to the gift to the siddhi
- Connecting to your higher self via a key question and pondering the answer via meditation or automatic writing
- Cacao ceremonies/meditations- opening the heart with cacao and setting intentions to connect/embody your higher self
- Restoring the Divine Template – through genuine light language videos and transformational tools and techniques such as those on Template Org or The One is Alone
- Contemplating with sacred tools - fractal and scalar technology
- EFT - Emotional Freedom Techniques "tapping" - free and easy to do yourself via YouTube videos- Brad Yates has some great content. Works very similarly to acupuncture + hypnosis


Our brain is like a super computer obeying the commands of the Higher Mind, Higher Collective Mind & One Self, God-Self centered in the heart.

The ancient Egyptians did not think too much of the brain, it was considered waste once a person passed away. However, the heart was very important to them, it was regarded as a spiritual center, the seat of the divine intelligence. It was kept intact with the mummy to ensure its eternal life.

Heart’s intelligence is only and true guiding force in our life/universe to ensure the highest timeline possible. Mind can logically understand and explain certain things, but very often they seem odd/weird/just too good to be true. It cannot understand synchronicity, it cannot understand magic, it cannot understand that which is “behind the veil”.

Whatever lacks the heart - soul connection is surreally artificial and robotic to me. The soul is often coming through the heart portal. This portal connects us with the unified field intelligence of the Source, hence direct and pure guidance comes immediately when tapped in.

Everything can be understood through the heart – the seat of the soul. All your questions, worries, concerns, it all dissipates when connected to your innate heart intelligence. It all makes sense. It is all so clear- the highest timeline is created from the heart.
Art: .babies


The majority of the population does not pick up on the presented truth codes, since they do not have a sufficient amount of their divine blueprint activated within their DNA.
It plays in their advantage that people do not understand it, since what they are disclosing does not make sense to the majority of humans but only to a few. To a few who can pick up on those codes and assimilate them into their DNA.


This might be another subject that many seem to have a very strong opinion on. Plant medicine ceremonies.

These journeys can uncover a lot as well as can infiltrate your bio-energetic field quite significantly.The intention has to be set, however it is not the key. If the facilitator is not of pure heart, in his/her spiritual integrity and does not know how to maneuver the released energies properly, it can lead to very distorted energy transmissions into your field.

The ceremonies are in many cases hijacked in the higher realms since the loosh energy that is available is huge, meaning it offers new hosts to attach onto when the purge happens.

All the participants are collectively taken to another realm where agreements and contracts can be made without a conscious awareness of the one signing them.
Inter-dimensional portals are opened through which lower dimensional entities can leak through.

Those who are sitting at the ceremony with you are releasing a lot as well and in case your energy is clean, they can attach onto you since they need a host. When one person releases the energy and it is not correctly transformed into another form by the shaman/facilitator, the energy has to attach onto a living host where it can further thrive.

I did partake in several Aya ceremonies in the Peruvian Amazon with my ex-partner and two experienced shamans, in a place deep in the jungle which made the experience very special.

I deeply honor the work that was done during my encounters with the Mother. However, I am aware that the energetic transmissions that took place were not all pure since I saw what was happening behind the scenes in my dreams and visions, hence I had to cleanse them from my field afterwards.

Therefore, at the current level of knowing, I would personally not engage in any similar activity being aware of the risk of being hijacked.

Art: .v.soul


From s*x magic, uneducated use of ta**ra, Thothian and Metatronic reversed teachings, artificial 10base Kabbalistic tree of life, channelings of various Egyptian deities and supposedly gaining power from them, twisted twin flame teachings, Archon-angels messages, false ascension timelines, love, light& nothing else movement and more.

Use your discernment. Connect only with what has the original pure KRYSTIC solar energy signature and architecture.


The ascension is a pretty complex quantum mechanics hence the codes I am receiving lately take time to integrate and be put in a format that is shareable here. I was a bit hesitant posting this one, but it wanted to come through.
So, the Earth does three different movements. It spins on its axis every 24 hours, it revolves around the Sun and it wobbles every 26 000 years. The wobble movement is also called the Precession of the Equinoxes, which is basically one cycle through which all incarnate beings evolve hence it is an integral part of the Ascension process. The Ancients called this circuit path the Golden Gate, which lies on the same line that passes through the Galactic Core in the frequency band of dimension 9.
Now, while the Galactic Core corresponds to the 9th dimensional level of consciousness, the Meta-galactic Core corresponds to the 8th dimensional level of consciousness. The D8 is very important since it is the central point through which the original morphogenetic imprint (tangible structure of the Soul) entered our entire 15-dimensional Time Matrix. That means we are all innately connected to each other and the universe through morphogenetic fields united through this D8 point- the Meta-galactic core.
Not only that, but this Meta-galactic core is where the Black hole AI technology of the Intruder Races is sourcing from. It holds the tilt of the planet at its unnatural 23.5 degree angle. Why? It is a reversal configuration of unnatural artificial gravitational fields allowing them to harness the life force energy. Also, when the planets are forced into unnatural orbits and tilts, the nature of time and the movement of consciousness can be controlled. Since D8 holds all the morphogenetic imprints and it was infiltrated with the artificial AI technology, it means that a lot of reversal coding exists in the grid that is being currently cleared by the Guardian Races.
The bottom line is that the planet is currently being aligned back to where it is supposed to be which is why the Precession of the Equinoxes cycle might be coming full circle.


Each of the 3 Founders Race Breneau Orders represents a collective of consciousness seeded into the time matrix by one of the 3 Yanas Collectives (Primal Sound Fields) from the Energy Matrix. Breneau refers to pure beings of great power and awareness.

The Emerald Order Breneau created the Elohei Elohim Feline-hominid Christos Founders Races called the Anuhazi (also known as “Lyran-Sirian Whites”) on a now destroyed Density-4 planet Lyra-Aramatena, which housed Star Gate-12 of the Universal Templar Complex.

The Gold Order Breneau created the Seraphei-Seraphim Avian-Insect-Reptile Christos Founders also called the Cerez (sometimes called the “Bird People” or “Carians”) Races on the Density-4 planet Lyra-Vega, which housed Star Gate-10 of the Universal Templar.

The Amethyst Order Breneau created the Bra-ha-Rama Cetacean-Aquatic Ape-Pegasus Christos Founders Races also called the Pegasai (also known as “Pegasus”) and the Inyu (sometimes called the “Whale People on a now destroyed Density-4 planet called Lyra-Aveyon, which housed Star Gate-11 of the Universal Templar Complex.
-Ashayana Deane: Voyagers


Distant star travellers
Carrying multidimensional codes in your DNA
Your true origin
Remember where you come from
Remember where you are headed
Remember why you are here
Activating strand by strand
Billions of galaxies within
Memories of Source
Consciousness of the Cosmos
Activate, each time more and more
Profound realisations
Wisdom re-integrated
Connected to the One
In Unity with all


Beyond what you perceive as a normal image of yourself in the mirror. Try gazing into your eyes, focusing on the point between your eyebrows or at the top of your nose for at least a couple minutes without blinking. My eyes usually don't dry out even if I hold the gaze for several minutes, works equally well when eye gazing with people or staring at a specific point outside/in the nature. Ready to experience magic? Try eye gazing haha, sounds like a cheap ad, but trust me, it's pretty cool. A guaranteed way to see beyond the veil, to see beyond the hologram if you're ready:)


These three and much more...
Experiencing parallel lifetimes with different people, either known to us or not. These dreams need to be collapsed upon waking up, so that we do not have our consciousness fragmented in various parallel realities.

Travelling in the lower or higher astral realm might feel even more real than the parallel lifetimes, since it is your dominant consciousness experiencing it instead of the fragmented consciousness living its parallel lifes.

You might have intense lucid dreams, which feel mystical or encounter various beings (not always benevolent), recognize the energy signature of the people you know but they are in a different form, explore various lands and environments, feel your energy in familiar places that your consciousness decided to visit again or just rest in the peaceful magical lands of the higher astral realm.

Regarding the third experience, I remember reading long scripts in different languages that I would not understand consciously but in the dream they made sense on a soul level.


On this journey of rediscovering the truth, there are many things which can make you fell scared, disgusted or angry.

They are parts of the different levels of wisdom and truth that need to be integrated in order to holistically heal the spirit by becoming familiar with both sides of the story. It cannot be bypassed, since then we get stuck.

In order to come into unity, we must know who we are, why are we here, what has happened to humanity, who is who on the global scene, how have we been lied to and why, what agendas is humanity under control of, who are those beings behind those agendas, what is truly playing out behind the scenes and what can we do about it.

If we can all get on same page by understanding how crucial it is to know the answers to these questions, we take our power back and this is how real revolution happens.

Art: Artxman


You will only see and attract what you are ready to absorb ⚡


Your galactic family is here with you now. You know it when you meet them, since the feeling of pure unconditional love rushes through you when your soul recognizes theirs without any logical explanation in 3D.

These souls hold the same codes within their being and there is a huge chance many lives here and elsewhere were lived with them. Just wanted to express how blessed I feel knowing so many fellow galactic guardians incarnated at this very special time.

We have managed to reach the critical mass and are successfully taking this planet out of the darkness by speaking our truth,shining our infinite light and activating our DNA & divine blueprints. Bringing pure crystalline consciousness into the grid and anchoring the divine intentions of planetary ascension.
Thank you and I love you.





Some more on incarnating in Archonic families. This morning a message illuminated the way I look at the situation of being born to a family of beings who do not understand nor support your spiritual evolution.

While we might have been placed into these families on purpose so that we do not grow as fast, there is another aspect that is often overlooked.

Living with Archons teaches us so much, it is like having a direct access to their world, understanding how they think, what they fear, how they behave in different situations, how they talk to themselves, how they see the reality and what programs are running them.

The growth here happens in a different way, it is not through their support, it is through a direct example of who they are. Gaslighting and unnecessary triggers to gain your energy amongst other sophisticated techniques.

Since they are not connected to their soul, and hence the Source is it nearly impossible to get energy from elsewhere. Patterns that need to be recognised as Archonic techniques and they are nothing less than that, not tolerated in any case.

Unconditional love for these beings for letting us into their worlds, but in no case tolerance of the sick patterns.

Art: Artxman


The inorganic parts of this time matrix are starting to feel and look progressively more surreal. Even though everything looks the same, it has a completely different energetic signature now.

The objects and people look like they are there, but it does not feel that way, which comes down to the extreme surge in frequency. The gap between the lower frequencies and the frequency we are embodying is truly starting to be perceived even more than before.

It is very easy to recognize a living soul within a human body and differentiate it from the AI artificial consciousness operating a body. Dealing with regular conversations feels harder than ever, especially with those who have not embodied at least 30% of their divine blueprint, therefore cannot re-member fully yet. Their energy feels distant and so does yours to them.

It also feels like there is less of an emotional response towards reality, everything feels like it is deeply rooted in neutrality. To put this in the right perspective, we are experiencing extreme energetic sways, but I feel it is all balanced since it comes from the zero point, hence feels very neutral.

The fragmented soul energy and timelines are being integrated and adjusted, also during the dream state.

It feels like a lot of confusing energy but at the same time there is emerging clarity, sense of higher purpose and excitement which relates to the new earth timelines perfectly aligned with the Christos Sophia divine blueprint.



The new timeline, the new template based on the highest values has been anchored into the planetary grid.

We can feel the new paradigm since yesterday's ceremony at Uluru. We can feel the new vibration, stay in it for as long as possible. The most important now is to stay in communication with your Higher Self, keep your new frequency very high and stay in a circle of people on the same frequency.

We are going to witness the largest cleanup of energies that do not belong to Eden, the New Paradise over the coming months. What has transpired yesterday, has been so far the most profound event in our lives and marks a huge shift in the planetary consciousness, the biggest one in literally billions of years.

As the organic grid system comes fully online, we will feel the reality shaping into something humanity has not witnessed for a very long time. What a time to be alive.
Infinitely blessed.

Thank you starseed family 💜🌈🌍💎

Art: Danielle Noel

The Time of The Big Shift - Astro overview of 2020 06/01/2020

New article written for Bodhi Tree Yoga Pai

The Time of The Big Shift - Astro overview of 2020 Astro overview of 2020


Can we please stop pretending that our planet has not been r***d for ages. Can we overcome this naive illusion that everything is happening for a reason?

Were the native populations of the sacred lands massacred for a higher reason?

I highly doubt that. Our ancestors were killed and their lands r***d in order to fulfill someone else’s agenda and the ignorance of humanity has fueled the fulfillment of these sick interests.

Connect with the ancestral spirit that lives within your sacred heart. Pray, talk to them, ask for assistance, ask for guidance. They are always with those who have the courage to walk their path.

They knew how to communicate with the heavens, they knew how to call in the rain, how to take care of the land and the living creatures. Even thought our essence comes from the stars, we came here to assist and are innately intertwined with the planetary energetic grid and the ancestral spirit.

We have been stuck in looping of this kind for eons. No more time to repeat the old ancestral wounds and traumas. It is time we set this planet on the highest possible timeline, we owe it to those who were walking these lands before us.


Our planet is not suicidal.

Gaia would not bring upon herself the immense suffering caused by the fires, killing millions of innocent creatures and humans to supposedly "heal". The planet is not healing herself by burning herself.

I do not believe our planet needs a reset contrary to the popular belief in the spiritual community. We have been there, done that during our galactic history and it did not bring much luck. What our planet needs is the move towards authentic ascension.

My soul rejects the idea that this is a part of the “cleansing” or the “prophesied time”. I believe our planet has different ways of cleansing her energies. It is not done by destroying the most ancient sacred lands and the lungs of our planet, hence damaging the already very fragile ecosystem.
What we are dealing with here might very well be sophisticated geo-engineering and the agenda of eco-terrorism.

Humanity is led to believe that there is a so called “climate change” happening caused by misaligned actions of the human race. That is a huge distraction from what is really going on here. The living energy on this planet is being destroyed in order to turn it into a desert like planet with very harsh conditions for living and moving people into highly controlled “smart cities”.

Calling all the ancestors from the sacred lands to assist in the coming times.



Ascension is not some sort of a quasi-spiritual new age concept that it's very often being promoted as. It is actually a highly scientific process of multidimensional energy mechanics. It is science which allows for the evolution of consciousness from simple to more complex forms. There are so many techniques given to us by the Guardians, such as the 12D Shield that we can/should/ use alongside with the flow of the Soul which activates the incarnate identity.


Our DNA is programmable and can be activated/deactivated. The Silicate Matrix contains the original twelve - strand DNA code of the original angelic human prototype. By evolving and comprehending our origins we are able to reassemble the dismantled DNA within our cellular structure, reorganize our memory imprints and reconnect with our original Soul Matrix. Step by step, strand by strand. Consciousness is not an attribute of the mind and mind is not an attribute of consciousness. Every DNA strand, molecule, every particle is imbued with consciousness. By activating the latent codes within our DNA we are literally able to raise our consciousness.

Self-Validation & Scorpio Influence of Your Soul Mission 17/10/2019

New Blog Post!
♏ Energies
Waking up to our TRUTH & SOUL MISSION

Self-Validation & Scorpio Influence of Your Soul Mission Intuitive Guidance, Astrology - October 2019


Tapping into that super- advanced GPS guidance is bound to bring miracles into your life. Even if the decision seems totally illogical to your mind, but you feel the calling in your soul, follow it. Our current incarnations on this planet are too short to ignore what the powerhouses of our existence, our hearts, are saying. And who knows, you might as well find what you've been looking for all along. The heart has its own intelligence and is guided by the soul's desire to fulfill its mission. That is the reason why the society can tell you how you should be and what you should be doing, but your heart can be whispering the exact opposite. Ignoring it is not going to lead anywhere, since your soul is much more powerful than this human ego avatar and it will always bring you to where you need to be based on your soul mission. Therefore, following the heart is the key to a fulfilling and joyous life. Both in terms of the galactic mission that we have signed up for and a human-life full of passion, love, peace and 🔥in the soul.

Timeline photos 16/09/2019

Sometimes we forget to flow.
Just simply be.
Be carried and held.
Held by the giant DIVINE force.
And freely exist within that intricately designed reality of ours.
Immerse yourself in your personal flow.
Feel however you might feel.
Don't force anything.
Embrace the connection you have with your guides, higher self and the universe.
Swim into the unknown.
Allow beautiful connections with others.
Strip yourself of the layers of your ego.
Be naked in the presence of the divine.
Just BE & FLOW.


Timeline photos 16/09/2019

Wandering in the known, seemingly unknown places.
Places where our souls have been numerous times and where they come from perhaps.
Distant star systems, galactic paradises which resonate with a sense of belonging and home.
Bringing this sense to the reality on Gaia and bridging the gap between the two.

Timeline photos 06/09/2019

Everything depends on our choices in life. We get to choose the path we walk on. When we make choices that are not in alignment with our Higher Self, we instantly know. And we ignore it sometimes, which is normal. However, in order to create the life we really want, we need to be 100% responsible for what it is we are creating. If not, it gives space to other entities to start creating through us. Even if you pop out of alignment for a second. To be deliberately creating means to be sovereign in your energy, owning who you are and not letting other people/energies lead the way for you.

Timeline photos 05/09/2019

We are approaching the completion portal very soon. 9/9/2019. Closing the old chapter and welcoming new ideas. It is an introspective and self-healing portal. 9 signifies endings/ completion and a natural culmination of a cycle. Trust that each ending is bringing you closer to the truth. To YOUR truth. Releasing old belief systems and the way we have been conditioned from childhood and growing up can resurface again in order to be seen and fully released. Be real with yourself, stay present and grounded.

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