Local Nomad Tours

Local Nomad Tours

Discover Košice and Slovakia with us. Our passion is turning trips into joyful memories.


Read an article about Local Nomad Tours in The Slovak Spectator


Photos from Local Nomad Tours's post 26/07/2024
Spend 24 hours like a local from Košice | Local Nomad Tours 02/07/2024

Spend 24 hours like a local from Košice

Spend 24 hours like a local from Košice | Local Nomad Tours Local patriotism is a highly recognizable phenomenon here. Spend 24 hours like a local from Košice, and perhaps you'll come to understand why


Tour pre skvelú delegáciu z Mongolska! Vďaka nim si Richard oprášil svoje základy mongolčiny! Kosh*tsye bol üzesgelentei khot yum!

Igor s Richardom organizujú netradičné potulky po Košiciach: Prehliadka socializmu sa končí poldecákom 24/06/2024

Čteníčko o našom Local Nomádovaní...

Igor s Richardom organizujú netradičné potulky po Košiciach: Prehliadka socializmu sa končí poldecákom Odhaľujú tajomstvá nedávnej histórie. Sprievodca Igor Kupec (35) s kolegom Richardom Oľhavom (32) neukazujú návštevníkom Košíc len tradičné ...

What to do in Košice - Google My Maps 19/06/2024

What to do in Košice? Get advice from the locals. Here are our tips!

What to do in Košice - Google My Maps Tips from the locals - what to do and where to go


Človek sa na tých tour furt niečo nové dozvie. Napríklad ako sa povie nožkar po rumunsky! Bombardir!

Už to viem v 4 jazykoch:

SK: Nožkar
RUS: gopnik
ROM: bombardir
ISR: arsim


City tour for Visma labs!

Photos from Local Nomad Tours's post 03/06/2024

Ochutnávka vína na Tokaji a návšteva Borše.


Spiš castle


Teambuilding time...

Interview s Rudolfom Schusterom 30/05/2024

Hosťom nášho druhého podcastu nie je nikto iný ako bývalý prezident SR, primátor Košíc, spevák, tenista, cestovateľ, predseda parlamentu, spisovateľ a dramaturg - Rudolf Schuster.

Interview s Rudolfom Schusterom V rámci podcastu Lokál Vokál som sa rozprával s bývalým prezidentom SR - Rudolfom Schusterom. Hovorili sme o Košiciach, politike a mýtoch a legendách, ktoré ...

Photos from Local Nomad Tours's post 29/05/2024

Tour for lovely Indian families from Mumbai.

Photos from Local Nomad Tours's post 28/05/2024


Jednu z najlepších vinárskych oblastí na svete máme len hodinu z Košíc.

V sobotu 1. júna ideme ochutnávať špičkové vína do stredovekej pivničky jedného z malých rodinných vinárstiev vo Veľkej Tŕni. Máme ešte 6 voľných miest.

Cena za výlet je 50 eur na osobu. V cene máte:
10 vzoriek tokajských vín (suché, sladké, šumivé), občerstvenie a dopravu.

Spoznajte nových ľudí a zabavte sa!

Rezervácie na: [email protected]

🇸🇰 Andrew Tates Backyard: Kosice. I Mistakenly Stayed In Europe S*x Tourist Capital! 27/05/2024

No, it is not just us who are bothered by morons destroying our old town by graffiti.

(Btw: I have no idea why the author considers Košice as "Europe S*x Tourist Capital" Probably just another clickbait)

🇸🇰 Andrew Tates Backyard: Kosice. I Mistakenly Stayed In Europe S*x Tourist Capital! Driving back to Ukraine I had a supply collection stop. I thought, why not stay the night in a new city, a new country! Quickly did I discover this was And...

Discover Slovak folklore and traditions | Local Nomad Tours 20/05/2024

Discover Slovak folklore and traditions!

Discover Slovak folklore and traditions | Local Nomad Tours We are a small country with 5 million inhabitants, but when it comes to Slovak folklore and traditions, it is incredibly rich!

Photos from Local Nomad Tours's post 13/05/2024

Ráno po neúspešnom naháňaní polárnej žiary.


Medieval teambuilding for Erste team / George internet banking.

Nightlife in Košice 06/05/2024

Do you have a free evening in Košice and no work for the next morning? Immerse yourself in the night life of the city!

Nightlife in Košice Here are 10 tips from the locals about nightlife in Košice. Discover the best nightclubs, cultural centers, and punk epicenters with us!

Why we don't like being called Eastern Europe? | Local Nomad Tours 03/05/2024

Find out why Slovaks, Hungarians, Poles, and Czechs don’t particularly like it when you refer to their countries as “Eastern Europe.”

Why we don't like being called Eastern Europe? | Local Nomad Tours Slovaks, Hungarians, Poles, and Czechs don't particularly like it when you refer to their countries as "Eastern Europe." Here is why:

Meet Slovak Mythical Creatures | Local Nomad Tours 29/04/2024

Before you start wandering through the Slovak forests and mountains, read who you can meet there...

Meet Slovak Mythical Creatures | Local Nomad Tours Before you wander through the beautiful Slovak nature, read the stories of our ancestors about Slovak mythical creatures.

Local Nomad Tours - Unforgettable tours in Košice and Slovakia 10/04/2024

We are introducing our new web. Besides our tours, you can find there some articles and recommendations - on what to do, if you are living or visiting Košice!

Local Nomad Tours - Unforgettable tours in Košice and Slovakia We are tour guides who will turn your stay in Košice and Slovakia into a joyful experience. UNESCO sites, Spiš, Gemer, and Tokaj wine tasting

Photos from Local Nomad Tours's post 03/03/2024

Tour to the graves of the ancestors of our client. We visited Jewish cemetery in Spišské pohradie and nearby synagogue.

Am Yisrael Chai.


City Tour for Roma students from Košice and Stará Ľubovňa. They are up to moving here, so besides history, they got information about daily life in Košice.

Alternative City Tour Košice 23/02/2024

Staršia reportáž o našej alternatívnej tour po Košiciach.
Redaktorku RTVS sme v rámci relácie Slovensko v obrazoch previedli po socialistických Košiciach.

V hlavních rolích: Richard Oľhava, Igor Kupec
Dále hrají: Kristína Raševová, K. Gottwald, V.I. Lenin

Alternative City Tour Košice TV report about our alternative city tour in Košice. We were mainly speaking about the era of communism.


Včera bol medzinárodný deň sprievodcov, tak sme k tejto téme povedali pár slov:

Videos (show all)

Potápanie sa v Košiciach!
Tokaj - jeden z najlepších vinárskych regiónov na svete
Tokaj wine tasting!
Lokál Vokál je podcast o Košiciach, východe a ľuďoch, ktorých chcete počuť. Prvým našim hosťom je kastelán Košického hra...
Pár sekúnd z trojdňového prechodu Veľkej Fatry.
Wine tasting in Tokaj, long story short :)


