Joe Abass Bangura

Life Coach | Business Strategist | Motivational Leader

Photos from IOM Sierra Leone's post 03/07/2024

IOM Sierra Leone Partners with Life By Design SL to Empower Migrant Returnees

Photos from Joe Abass Bangura's post 28/06/2024


Picture this: you're at a job interview, armed with certificates. But the panel spends only a minute or two glancing at your qualifications before diving into an hour-long discussion about your skills and your practical experience. In today's private sector job market, this scenario is becoming increasingly common. Certificates may get your foot in the door, but it's your skills that secure your place at the table.

This shift in focus from paper qualifications to practical skills is what Limkokwing University of Creative Technology (LUCT) in Sierra Leone is addressing through its innovative, skills-driven approach to education. The university's recent end-of-semester student exhibition served as a powerful testament to this philosophy, showcasing not just what students know, but what they can do.

Held at the University Campus Auditorium, the exhibition brought together an impressive array of projects from various departments, offering visitors, industry professionals, and fellow students a glimpse into the practical skills and innovative thinking cultivated at LUCT.

Architecture students presented models addressing real-world challenges, including a greenhouse complex utilising environmental waste, a flood-mitigation housing design for Fourah Bay Community, a housing complex for the disabled, and cost-effective housing using local materials. The graphic arts section showcased creative visual communication skills, blending photography and design with effective messaging. Entrepreneurship was evident with students developing health drinks and snacks, integrating extensive research on culinary health, local herbs, and sustainable ingredients. In technology, first-year IT projects focused on enhancing campus efficiency through user-friendly software solutions.

As one industry professional observed, "It's not just about knowing things anymore; it's about doing things. In our 21st Century marketplace, the demand is for doers, thinkers, creators." LUCT's exhibition perfectly exemplified this principle, showcasing students who are not just learners but innovators and problem-solvers.

The exhibition aligns with the vision of education advocated by thought leaders like Fred Swaniker, founder of the African Leadership University, who advocates for mission-driven education that transcends paper certifications. It also echoes the philosophy of LUCT's founder, Prof Tan Sri, who stressed that success comes not from the paper one graduates with, but from mastering and applying disciplines like innovation, analytical, creative, and critical thinking.

As I walked through the exhibition and spoke with the students, the words of the inspirational tagline on one of the walls resonated deeply: "Innovation is the heartbeat of a dynamic nation." Indeed, by focusing on cultivating practical skills, Limkokwing Sierra Leone is not just educating students; it's empowering them to shape the future of Sierra Leone and beyond.

Photos from Joe Abass Bangura's post 25/06/2024


We had a remarkable day yesterday at the Limkokwing Innovation Hub!šŸŽ‰First, we kicked off with the highly anticipated launch of our Business Growth Mentorship Program. Following the event, we attended the end-of-semester student exhibition, showcasing the incredible creativity and innovation of Limkokwing University students.

The turnout at the launch was impressive, with the cohort of 37 selected Startups chosen from a pool of 107 applicants. I was excited at the opportunity to help these eager and talented entrepreneurs take their startup businesses to the next level.

Also in attendance were several esteemed business experts who will be working alongside us to provide valuable mentorship throughout the 9-month program.

I reflected on a concept shared with us at Africell 15 years ago by a dear friend and brother, Dr Modupe Taylor-Pearce Jnr, about the four stages we go through in life: The Learning stage; the Self-Marketing stage; the Employment stage; and the Entrepreneur stage. He concluded: ā€œIt is people in the fourth stage that have the power to shape the worldā€.

It was those words that made me realize that my desire to shape my generation could only be achieved as an entrepreneur. In that moment, the entrepreneur in me was born.

We have since supported over 2,900 entrepreneurs and businesses.

As defined by Steve Blank ā€œA startup is a temporary organization in search of a repeatable and scalable business modelā€ - Limkokwing and Life By Design will work with these 37 startups over the next 9 months to search for repeatable and scalable models for their businesses.

No business plan survives first contact with the customer; startups must be ready to use Market Feedback to continue to iterate until they discover a repeatable and scalable model.

Limkokwingā€™s Senior Manager, Academic and Corporate Business Development, Mr. Bashir Muhammad Idris, highlighted the importance of commitment and perseverance, stating that while there is a lot of talent in the country, itā€™s perseverance that truly makes the difference. He also talked about the need for having a business-oriented mindset as an innovator. And he underscored the necessity of thorough market research, and developing a viable product (MVP).

The startups excitedly shared their expectations from the program:

- Networking
- Partnership opportunities
- Learning business development
- Consultancy for business growth

Following the launch and orientation program, we then had the pleasure of attending the Limkokwing University student exhibition. This event was a spectacular treat in and of itself, and deserves its own full post in order to do it justice.

A huge thank you to our partners, Limkokwing University Of Creative Technology, Sierra Leone Friends, Sierra Leone Economic Diversification Project, Invest Salone, Africell Sierra Leone/ and Rokel Commercial Bank.

I look forward to an exciting journey ahead as we work together to build a brighter future for Sierra Leoneā€™s entrepreneurial community!


Looking forward to this special event on Monday! Join us in celebrating and supporting the creativity and innovation of these talented university students. See you there!

Ask Joe Abass 21/06/2024


Thank you for being a part of the "Life by Design" journey with me. A lot of you have been asking for us to create a forum where you can ask me any question you have about business strategies, personal development, or any other issue that matters to your growth and success.

I am committed to helping you turn your challenges into opportunities and achieve your dreams. Please submit your questions below, and I will address them in upcoming episodes of "Life by Design" and on our social media platforms. Alternatively, you can send your questions to [email protected].

I look forward to hearing from you and providing the support you need to craft your own Life By Design.

Warm regards,


Ask Joe Abass Thank you for being a part of the "Life by Design" journey with me. A lot of you have been asking for us to create a forum where you can ask me any question you have about business strategies, personal development, or any other issue that matters to your growth and success. I am committed to helping...

Photos from Joe Abass Bangura's post 17/06/2024


Last week was both a hectic and immensely exciting time for me, even as we concluded the historic three-day event that was the Sierra Leone Innovates Tech Summit, which saw an electrifying convergence of young delegates, innovators, leaders, and tech enthusiasts in Bintumani, Freetown.

One of the highlights for me was the discussion on "Regulatory Pathways: Shaping an Innovation-Friendly Environment in Sierra Leone" in which I was a part. Alongside a panel of esteemed colleagues and experts, we delved in-depth into the pivotal role regulatory frameworks play in nurturing an ecosystem conducive to innovation. Strategies to bolster financial inclusion, support startup growth, and leverage technology to tackle local challenges were extensively discussed.

Following the panel, I had the pleasure of hosting an engaging Q&A session with students and young innovators, including high school students from the Lebanese International School, Albert Academy, Beacon Girlā€™s High School, Prince of Wales, and several others. These interactive sessions allowed us to explore critical issues such as identifying valid business ideas, strategies for marketing innovations, and the resilience required for entrepreneurial success. Witnessing the passion and creativity of Sierra Leone's next generation of innovators and entrepreneurs was truly inspiring and filled me with hope for the country's future.

The summit itself was a showcase of transformative initiatives that are shaping Sierra Leone's tech landscape. Day 1 featured the formal launch of the Summit and unveiling of the Tech and Innovation City by President Julius Maada Bio šŸš€; Africell showcased its use of cutting-edge technologies to streamline its human resource management systems šŸ’¼. Day 2 saw deep dives into fintech, data security, and regulatory pathways, while Day 3 hosted panels on government-private sector synergy, women in technology šŸ‘©ā€šŸ’», and digital public goods šŸŒ. The Summit also saw an Agriculture Innovation Challenge in which three young Sierra Leoneans won a total of $60,000 for their groundbreaking innovations.šŸ’”

Amidst these engaging events, several key initiatives and national milestones were unveiled: The launch of Starlink in the country and at the Albert Academy School promises to revolutionize internet access and learning opportunities across the country šŸ›°ļø. This, in addition to the signing of an MOU between the government and to develop and operate a Data Center in the Tech City, signifies a commitment to building a robust tech infrastructure, fostering innovation, attracting investment, and driving economic growth through technology.

As I reflect on this remarkable experience, I would like to commend the Ministry of Communication, Technology, and Innovation and partners for organizing such a visionary event, and I greatly look forward to the nation harnessing the gains from this momentous occasion. šŸ™šŸ‡øšŸ‡±



There is a popular saying that goes, "Those who can, do; those who can't, teach." It implies that teaching is a fallback for those who lack professional success. But this outdated notion overlooks the potential of educators to innovate and lead by example. Embracing an entrepreneurial spirit, educators can transform their roles and enrich their students' learning experiences.

For many teachers, the last book they read was for their final exams in college, and their notes are often years old. This stagnant approach limits both their growth and their students' learning. Imagine teaching business studies without personal business experience, or discussing financial management without even having a bank account or keeping a personal budget. Such gaps highlight the disconnect between theory and practice.

An entrepreneurial educator bridges this gap by integrating real-world experiences into their teaching. For example, a business studies teacher might have a small business, providing firsthand insights and credible examples for their students. Similarly, a home economics teacher who runs a restaurant can offer students hands-on learning opportunities, demonstrating teamwork, customer service, and business management in a practical setting.

Who says educators cannot be entrepreneurial? Adopting an entrepreneurial mindset means continuous education innovation and practical engagement. Teachers can develop new teaching materials, write books, start side businesses, or collaborate with local enterprises to provide real-world learning opportunities.

Entrepreneurial educators serve as role models, demonstrating lifelong learning and adaptability. They teach students to think critically, solve problems creatively, and apply their knowledge practically. This prepares students not just for exams, but for life beyond the classroom. Mostly, it transforms education from a static transfer of knowledge into a dynamic, interactive, and impactful journey.



Recently, I and Life by Design have become involved in work with the International Organisation for Migration, Sierra Leone (IOM) in their Migrants Voluntary Repatriation and Reintegration Program (MVRRP) reintegration assistance program, which is designed to help returning migrants re-assimilate into society in ways that are productive by providing career skills training and entrepreneurial support and guidance.

Yet, I believe that by far the most important and fundamental gift that I or anyone else can give to anyone who desires to advance themselves in life is the one that transforms both their perception of themselves and their sense of what is possible. An empowering mindset that liberates one from submitting to despair and the forces of external circumstances, empowering one with agency and responsibility for their own life, is the most powerful treasure that a human being can have.

This is the reason why I always endeavour to start any project I embark upon to help change the lives of other people by sharing the story of my own humble background, and how I overcame the challenges of poverty and perpetual failure to eventually turn around the direction of my life simply by the power of choices.

Thus, I share again this video which was made about a decade ago by as part of a promotion to showcase the power of resilience and self-empowering beliefs. The video was titled ā€œFrom Nothing, We Can Be Something.ā€ Iā€™ve lost count of the number of testimonials Iā€™ve received over the past decade from people who told me that this 90 second video helped change their lives. It is my hope that it will continue to serve as an inspiration to many others, and remind them that there are no hopeless situations in life: that anyone can succeed and become who they were destined to be as long as they make the decision and commit to it.

[Note of thanks: I would like to say a mighty thanks once again to my creator for honouring me with this call. To my wonderful parents, who are now at rest, for the life they gave me, for bringing me into a world filled with challenges and struggle, while also giving me the love, wisdom and example to be able to overcome it and fulfil my destiny. I thank you, mum and dad, with all my heart.ā¤ļø

Thank you also in many ways to for the invaluable role you played in shaping the impactful person Iā€™ve become over the past 19 years and for giving me the platform to amplify my story. I will be forever grateful.]



Hi everyone,

I'm pleased to announce that Iā€™ll be participating in the 2024 Sierra Leone Innovates Tech Summit this coming week. This exciting two-day event, hosted by the Ministry of Communication, Technology, and Innovation, will be taking place at the Freetown International Conference Center, Bintumani, from June 11th to 13th.

I will be part of a panel of national and international stakeholders discussing the topic of "Shaping an Innovation-Friendly Environment in Sierra Leone." As someone deeply passionate about fostering innovation and supporting entrepreneurship, Iā€™m looking forward to sharing insights and engaging in meaningful discussions about how we can create a thriving tech ecosystem in our country.

Some of the crucial issues that matter to all of us in the tech and innovation space that we shall be covering include:

- The Role of Regulatory Reforms in Economic Growth
- Supporting Tech Startups and Innovation
- Fostering Creativity and Entrepreneurship
- Practical Support for New Businesses
- Collaborative Approaches to Regulatory Reform

This summit is a fantastic opportunity for entrepreneurs, tech enthusiasts, and everyone interested in the future of innovation in Sierra Leone. Iā€™m looking forward to engaging with you all, sharing insights, and working together to build a vibrant tech ecosystem in our country.

Donā€™t miss out on this chance to be part of an important conversation. See you there!

Joe Abass Bangura



Success and failure often seem dictated by fate or luck, but they are ultimately deeply rooted in our belief. People fail because they believe deep down that they are destined to fail, and this belief informs their actions. Each failed result reinforces their belief in their inadequacy, creating a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Conversely, those who succeed do so because they believe success is not only possible but inevitable. This belief drives them to act with confidence and persistence, until they ultimately achieve the results they seek.

It is not the events themselves but the meaning we attach to them that determines how they affect us. Two people can experience the same setback, but their interpretations of what it means will determine how the event affects them.

People with a success mindset see challenges as learning opportunities, while those with a failure mindset see them as confirmation of their limitations.

People who believe in their potential for success take consistent, purposeful actions toward their goals. In contrast, those who believe they are destined to fail take half-hearted actions and quickly abandon their pursuits when immediate results are not seen.

Tom Bilyeu quotes this as the only belief that matters:

ā€œif you believe you can, you will - because your behaviours are going to follow that beliefā€

ā€œif you believe you canā€™t, you wonā€™t - because your behaviours are going to follow that beliefā€

Breaking the cycle of failure requires challenging our self-limiting beliefs. Ultimately, it is the meaning we choose to attach to events in our lives that determine how those events are going to affect us.

Free Business Growth Mentorship Sessions with Mr. Joe Abass Bangura 21/05/2024


Application Deadline: 9th June, 2024
Mentorship Venue: Limkokwing Innovation Hub, No. 51 Regent Road, Hill Station.

Application form:

Who Should Apply? - Students/Alumni of Limkokwing University and local Entrepreneurs who are eager to propel their business to new heights

For Inquiries: contact Mr. Abdulai Conteh at +23274873450 or email [email protected]

Free Business Growth Mentorship Sessions with Mr. Joe Abass Bangura Are you a Limkokwing University student/alumni or an entrepreneur within the community eager to propel your business to new heights? Look no further! Join our mentorship sessions led by Mr. Joe Abass Bangura, a renowned business coach and the founder/CEO of Life By Design Group. Contact Information:...



I'm pleased to announce that I shall be offering free Business Growth Mentorship Sessions for Limkokwing students/alumni as well as local entrepreneurs who are eager to elevate their businesses through personalised business mentorship and guidance.

Who Should Apply?

- Limkokwing University Students & Alumni
- Local Entrepreneurs

What to Expect?

- Tailored mentorship sessions focused on Business Development and Product Development
- Expert guidance to tackle your specific business challenges and goals

šŸ“… Application Deadline: 9th June, 2024

šŸ“ Venue: Limkokwing Innovation Hub, No. 51 Regent Road, Hill Station

šŸ“ Application form:

For inquiries, reach out to Mr. Abdulai Conteh at +23274873450 or email [email protected].


In honor of Sorie Daniel Kamaraā€™s 50th Birthday last week, I would like to present his Impact Story highlighting the incredible journey of his life. I am extremely privileged to have known Sorie and to have witnessed his remarkable transformation firsthand. Happy Birthday, Sorie, and here's to many more years of achievements and fulfillment ahead!


I got to know Joe Abass Bangura and his family in 1997, and Life by Design in 2016. Joe Abass became a crucial figure in my life during a time of uncertainty after my university graduation left me jobless for three years, leading to feelings of frustration and aimlessness. His influence proved instrumental in shaping my career path and guiding me through the completion of my ACCA professional qualifications.

When I first met Joe, I was struggling to find my place in the job market and doubting my abilities. However, Joe's unwavering belief in my potential encouraged me to persevere despite the setbacks I faced. He stressed the importance of staying focused on my career path and obtaining professional qualifications, particularly the ACCA, to enhance my prospects in the competitive field of accounting and finance.

With Joe's guidance, I embarked on a journey to complete my ACCA qualifications. He provided resources, study materials, and assistance in finding effective study techniques. Additionally, he went beyond mentoring by networking on my behalf, arranging interviews, and helping me secure my first job after university.

The specific messages and advice I received from Joe were numerous and life-changing. His emphasis on timely and quality work inspired me to strive for excellence. Joe also highlighted the importance of continuous learning and professional development, encouraging me to pursue opportunities for growth and improvement in my career; empowering me to seize opportunities and expand my horizons.

Beyond my career, Joeā€™s impact extended to my family life, from his values system helping me navigate bachelorhood, to him serving as the chairman at my wedding reception. My beautiful wife and two amazing daughters who bring me immense happiness and fulfillment, join me in this piece, in registering our immense gratitude for his influence on our lives. We will forever be grateful.



The prosperity of any nation depends greatly on the optimal alignment between its talents and its industry.

Unlocking the potential of Sierra Leone's youth is not just a goal, it is a mission that is committed to. The platform is about providing institutions with the talents they require to accomplish their mission, and youths with the skills and opportunities that empower them to succeed and play their own role in transforming society.

By connecting talented individuals with opportunities for growth, professional development, and success, we're not just building careers; we're building a brighter future for Sierra Leone.


Meet Kadie - she's not just scrolling through job listings, she is sculpting her dream career with! is a vibrant online platform tailored for the Sierra Leone market, bursting with hundreds of annual jobs and lucrative tender advertisements, and seamless end-to-end recruitment services.

But isn't just your average job-hunting hub: It is at the forefront of talent development and cultivation in Sierra leone. Its candidate screening process ensures that each employer or organisation is presented with a curated selection of candidates perfectly suited to meet their needs and requirements. Its professional skills training services are not just about ticking boxes, theyā€™re about helping to unlock potentials in young Sierra Leoneans and propel them towards their dreams.

As we pave the way for a brighter professional landscape, together we can take career growth in Sierra Leone into the future.



Persuasion is a potent tool in the arsenal of any effective professional or entrepreneur. It goes beyond mere rhetoric; it's about crafting compelling arguments that sway the opinions of others, win concessions, and ultimately lead to successful outcomes.

The ability to persuade is a core leadership skill. Indeed, throughout history, many great leaders have been distinguished by their exceptional persuasive skills. Whether it's rallying support for a cause, inspiring a team, or steering an organisation through hard times, leaders who can effectively persuade others are the ones who rise to the top.

In the workplace, oneā€™s ability to persuade can open doors to coveted assignments, promotions, and salary raises. In each situation, what's crucial is the ability to present a compelling case, akin to a skilled lawyer arguing before a judge. Persuasiveness is also useful for navigating the internal dynamics within oneā€™s organisation. Whether youā€™re seeking collaboration from colleagues, or trying to influence decision-making processes, the ability to persuade your peers and superiors is indispensable. It's about knowing when and how to present ideas, tailoring arguments to resonate with the audience, and addressing potential objections preemptively.

In sales, persuasion is the lifeblood of success. Convincing customers to choose your product or service over competitors requires more than just a sales pitch - it demands the art of persuasion. Showing understanding of your customersā€™ needs, articulating value propositions effectively, and overcoming their objections with tact, are all essential aspects of persuasive selling.

Whether in professional settings or interpersonal interactions, the ability to persuade others is a powerful force for driving change, achieving objectives, and forging meaningful relationships. By mastering the art of persuasion, you can unlock doors to success, influence and leadership in a myriad of contexts.



You're trying to find the perfect candidate for your team. You've sifted through endless applications and resumes and conducted numerous interviews. Yet you just canā€™t seem to find ā€˜the right oneā€™.

This familiar frustrating experience for employers in Sierra Leone is changing thanks to the power of online recruitment. opens employers up to a goldmine of talents all over Sierra Leone at the click of a button. The online platform boasts the largest pool of candidates in the country, ensuring employers not only improve the quantity but also the quality and diversity of their applicants. It also streamlines the entire recruitment process, saving precious time and resources. also believes in nurturing talents within Sierra Leone. It offers access to top-notch training programs designed to upgrade employee competencies and performance to the highest levels.

Gone are the days when employers had to settle for mediocrity. With, you can level up your hiring game and strive for excellence.



In the world of business, growth is a necessity for survival. Every employer/business owner understands this fundamental truth. But the path to growth is often fraught with risks and uncertainties. And therefore, the reality is that growth requires a willingness to take action even in the face of risk and uncertainty.

People who are averse to risk tend to fear and resist change, preferring to cling to the familiar and the comfortable. They require absolute certainty before taking action, only to find that by the time they have all the facts, the opportunity has slipped away. The result is being left behind as competitors move forward. As the saying goes, "fortune favors the bold."

To truly thrive in the realm of business, one must be willing to act on limited information, and to accept that mistakes may occur along the way..It's about understanding that not all risks can be eliminated, but they can be managed effectively.

However, embracing risk does not mean being reckless or impulsive. It requires careful consideration and strategic planning. It means starting where you are, with the information and resources available, and adjusting your course as you go along. It's a continuous process of learning, adapting, and evolving.

Remember: without a willingness to step outside of one's comfort zone and accept the possibility of failure, one cannot grow. It is by taking calculated risks and embracing change, that you position yourself for success. As the old adage goes, "nothing ventured, nothing gained."



My fellow Sierra Leoneans, hearty congratulations as we mark the 63rd birthday of our beloved nation. However, like a 63 year old person whose life is plagued with challenges and unfulfilled dreams, many of us may feel that there isnā€™t much worth celebrating. However, unlike the human being, a country has an indefinite lifespan, and, with clear vision and a collective spirit, the future holds unlimited possibilities for the advancement and prosperity of our nation.

It is in this spirit that I would like us to reflect upon an important truth about the nature of independence that, if embraced, will propel us towards realising our potential as a nation.

In his book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey outlines what he calls a ā€˜Maturity Continuumā€™. It begins with Dependency at the lowest level to Independence at the intermediate level, and finally to Interdependence at the highest level.

The lowest stage, Dependency, is the one in which a person externalises responsibility for their life and circumstances. At the collective level, this mentality gives away power and autonomy to whatever we surrender responsibility to; from slavery and colonialism to the actions of previous generations - only perpetuating our dependency and creating a ā€œthem, them, themā€ society.

The next stage is that of Independence, where a person assumes responsibility and accepts agency for their life. Independent individuals make up an independent nation. However, left by itself, individuals at this level may tend towards self-seeking attitudes and behaviour, at the detriment of the common good; creating a ā€œme, me, meā€ society.

Finally, the highest state of being is that of Interdependence. This is where one recognises their strengths and responsibilities while also acknowledging the value in others. In this stage, individuals collaborate as a team to achieve mutual goals and shared success - creating an ā€œus, us, usā€ society.

A ā€˜teamā€™ consisting of Dependent individuals, however, would be a fragile and dysfunctional team, hence the importance of independent individuals within an interdependent structure.

So, as we mark the 63rd anniversary of our nationā€™s independence, let us strive towards interdependence, where we recognise the value in each other and work together towards common goals. Letā€™s also remember that responsible and independent people form the backbone of a strong and prosperous nation.

We look to the future with hope, determination, and a shared commitment to building a brighter tomorrow for all Sierra Leoneans. Happy 63rd Independence Day, Mama Salone!

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20B Old Railway Line, Brookfields

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