Ereykoobka Af-Soomaaliga

Ereykoobka Af-Soomaaliga

Ereykoobka = Qaamuska
Haddaba barro afkeenna sida uu u baaxad weyn yahay.


to & around the . and we you and prosperous .

Layla Abdi Suleiban oo gabay taariikhi ah ka jeedisay Xuskii Daraawiish 22/01/2020

Leyla Abdi Suleiman oo gabay taariikhi ah ka jeedisay Xuskii Daraawiishta Iyo Halgankii dheeraa Sayid Cabdullae Xassan uga xoreeyey gummaysigii ku soo duulay Ummadda Soomaaliyeed.
Leyla waa macalimad wax ka barta Park Center High School ee Brooklyn Center in Minnesota.

Layla Abdi Suleiban oo gabay taariikhi ah ka jeedisay Xuskii Daraawiish


TO: The Nobel Committee for Literature
Per Wästberg (Chairman)
FD, Writer
Anders Olsson
Professor, Writer
Kristina Lugn
Horace Engdahl
Professor, Writer
The Swedish Academy
P.O. Box 2118
SE-103 13 Stockholm
Visiting address: Källargränd 4, Gamla Stan, Stockholm
Phone: +46 (0)8-555 125 00
Fax: +46 (0)8-555 125 49
E-mail: [email protected]

CC: World Libraries
On Friday January 18, 2018
Your Excellencies,

Subject: The Nomination of AL-Haji Dr. Badal W. Kariye for Nobel Prize in Literature 2019

We, the Union of the Somali National Authors (USNA) hereby officially nominate Somali American Writer of 106, Investigative Journalists, Researcher and Philanthropist AL-Haji Dr. Badal W. Kariye for Nobel Prize in Literature 2019 in regard to his extraordinary literary and literature contributions to humanity in the 21st century.

AL-Haji Dr. Badal W. Kariye was born in the Democratic Republic of Somalia on 1st of January 1983, and he started his elementary School at Hodon Primary School in Mogadishu then he moved to Taleh Primary School in Mogadishu before he fled from Somalia in 1991 to neighboring Kenya after the Somali civil war broke out.

Fortunately, AL-Haji Dr. Badal W. Kariye began his secondary education at Dhagahley Secondary School at Dhagahley Refugee Camp in 1993 then after graduating Dhagahley Secondary School then he attended several colleges and universities in Nairobi, Kenya where he earned diplomas and degrees before he immigrated to the United States of America on September 27, 2006.

AL-Haji Dr. Badal W. Kariye speaks number of foreign languages and he sometimes teaches various subjects at colleges and universities in Africa and USA while he continues to write books and enjoys creative writing as well as advocating human rights.

For more information about his detailed biography: -

Best Wishes,

The Executive Board of the Union of Somali National Authors (USNA)
Dr. Abdi Ali Warsame, Chairman of the Union of the Somali national Authors.
Drs. Fadumo Ali Kimiko, Vice-Chairman of the Union of the Somali national Authors.
Prof. Mohamed Osman Bilig, Secretary-General of the Union of the Somali national Authors.
Drs. Halima Shamsudin Isaq, Spokesperson of the Union of the Somali national Authors.
Drs. Hawo-Lul Mohamed Shanta-Somalia, Treasurer of the Union of the Somali national Authors.
Prof. Mohamed Omar Shabab, Community Coordination & Public Policy of the Union of the Somali national Authors.
Dr. Ali Sheikh Mohamed, Religion, Education & Heritage of the Union of the Somali national Authors.
Mr. Ali Nur Jaylani, Sports & Youth Development of the Union of the Somali national Authors.
Drs. Hawo Abdi, Health & Social Development of the Union of the Somali national Authors.
Drs. Anisa Abdi Mohamed, Events Organizer of the Union of the Somali national Authors.
Layla Abdi Mohamed, Public & International Relations Manager

Welcome to the Official Website of Author Dr. Badal Kariye – 27/09/2018

Dear Nobel Prize Literature Committee and Dear World Citizens,
Mogadishu on Thursday September 27, 2018
Who deserves the Nobel Prize Literature 2018?
Meet and Know Somali American Extraordinary and inspiring Intellectual Ambassador Al.Haji Dr. Badal W. Kariya (Warfa), author of 106 books, journalist, security export, human rights activist, scholar and philanthropist .
Well. The world citizens, worldwide libraries and museums have already received the biography and the profiled candidacy of Al.Haji Dr. Badal W. Kariya (Warfa) for the Nobel Prize Literature 2018.
Ambassador Al.Haji Dr. Badal W. Kariya (Warfa) is currently living in Minneapolis, Minnesota USA with his family since 2006 until now, and he is still writing books.
We, the Union of Somali National Authors (USNA) proud to announce our best wishes to Al.Haji Dr. Badal W. Kariya (Warfa) for the Nobel Prize Literature 2018.
This Website is the official website of Ambassador Al.Haji Dr. Badal W. Kariya (Warfa)

Welcome to the Official Website of Author Dr. Badal Kariye – As a writer, researcher, analyst, linguist, traveler and diplomat, I welcome your suggestions or comments to review and gain more information and knowledge


Hambalyo Sannad-guuradii 58aad ee maalintii madaxbannaanida .
58th to in and around the on 1, 2018.

Home 14/06/2018

Mogadishu on Thursday June 14, 2018 the Union of the Somali National Authors (USNA) hereby officially announce that Former Ambassador H.E. Dr. Badal Kariye wins the Somali Literary Award 2018 for his 105th History Book of the Somali Rise and the Fall of the Somali President published on Saturday April 14, 2018 in .
Former Ambassador H.E. Dr. Badal Kariye is one of the world's most celebrated aspiring minds who writes and expose the facts regardless of fear, race, religion or political affiliation.
He is outstanding and extremely extraordinary Somali patriot who has shown exceptional talent to advocate, tell, share, disseminate the truth of information and corruption as it occurs in Somalia and around the world.
Former Ambassador H.E. Dr. Badal Kariye is Somali American writer, investigative journalist, security export. investor and diplomat, and he lives in Minneapolis, USA.

The Board of the Somali Literary Award at the Union of the Somali National Authors (USNrA) has decisively and overwhelming voted to select the best 30 out of 299 submitted books published between 2010 to 2018, and after 3 months of reading books and its contents, we, the Board of the Somali Literary Award at the Union of the Somali National Authors (USNA) has officially declared and awarded the Somali Literary Award on Thursday June 14, 2018 to writer Dr. Badal Kariye.

Congratulations to author Dr. Badal Kariye

Best Wishes,

The Union of the Somali National Authors (USNA)
Banadir Mogadishu
The Federal Republic of Somalia



Special Invitation
The Union of Somali National Authors (USNA) invited former Chairman of the Union of the Union of Somali National Authors (USNA) and Nobel Prize Candidate in Literature Ambassador H.E. Dr. Badal Kariye on Friday June 1, 2018 at 12:00 AM Eastern Africa local time to discuss about his ongoing research to expose the truth in Somalia where Somali leaders were, are and will be lack of transparency, accountability and trustworthiness since 1960s until now on in Somalia.
You can connect with us on Twitter or use to join and submit questions about 's current affairs, and how Somalis can reclaim from foreign spy entities running and misleading Somalis even in Mogadishu City and Somalia at large.
Ambassador H.E. Dr. Badal Kariye is a Professor of Political Sociology, writer of 105 published books, investigative journalist, researcher, diplomat and philanthropist who speaker more 19 languages.
Ambassador H.E. Dr. Badal Kariye is also a graduate in National Security and Defense Stragety at the Inter-American College, Washington DC and many other colleges, universities around the world.
Best Wishes,
The Union of Somali National Authors (USNA)

The Rise & The Fall of Somali President: His Excellency Mohamed Abdillahi Mohamed (Farmajo) 17/04/2018

Dear Somali & World Readers,
Minneapolis Monday April 16, 2018 this book is an inspiring chronological, enjoyable and true story book in regard to the events of social, economic, political derailments in the recovery strategy for Somalia, and how you can learn the past mistakes in order to correct and avoid the same mistakes to happen in the near future.

It's very hard to evaluate and lead our past errors individually or collectively if we have not been documenting chronologically since we took up leadership of any kind, and we always tend to forget our responsibilities when we do not communicate with others in public leadership wisely

Author Dr. Badal W, Kariye (Warfa) is the Internationally Acclaimed Somali American Author 105 Books, Investigative Journalist, Security Expert, Researcher,, Linguist & Nobel Prize Candidate in Literature.

The Official Website of Author Dr. Badal W, Kariye (Warfa) is

The Rise & The Fall of Somali President: His Excellency Mohamed Abdillahi Mohamed (Farmajo) This book is an inspiring chronological, enjoyable and true story book in regard to the events of social, economic, political derailments in the recovery strategy for Somalia, and how you can learn the past mistakes in order to correct and avoid the same mistakes to happen in the near future.It's...


Mogadishu on Sunday April 16, 2018 The of National Authors hereby officially Semi-Autonomous in has illegally sentenced & Niamo Abwan Qoran for 2 years her of for sharing and believing the unity of Somalia , explaining to others that Somalia was one country, is a one country and will be a country.


Xuska Sannad-Quuraddi 48daad Markii ay Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka qabsadeen Xukunka Dalka!
Maanta waa maalintii ay Ciidamadda Xoogga Dalka ay xoog kula wareegeen xukunka dalka ayadoo markaas si khiyaano ah loo dilay Madaxweynihii Rayidka Ahaa Allaha U Naxariistee Mudane Cabdirashiid Cali Sharmaake.

Maanta oo ay taariikhdu tahay 21ka Oktoober 2017 waxay ku beeggan tahay maalintii uu Sareeye Gaas Taliyiihii Ciidanka Xoogga Dalka Mudane Maxamed Siyaad Barre inqilaab aan dhiig ku daadan uu kula wareehay xukunka dalka asagoo rag badan oo hawsha la wadayna si xeelladaysan xukuno kala duwan ugu fuliyey si aysan marnaba u hunguriyeynin inay ku qabsadaan tallada dalka!

Home 02/10/2017

Press Release
Mogadishu on Monday October 2, 2017 the Union of Somali National Authors (USNA) presents the life and complete biography of Somali American Nobel Prize Candidate in Literature H.E. Dr. Badal W. Kariye (Warfa) who is internationally acclaimed author of 104 books, Founder, journalist, security expert, investor and philanthropist.

The Union of Somali National Authors (USNA) has recognized the outstanding and extraordinary literary contributions of the Somali American Nobel Prize Candidate in Literature H.E. Dr. Badal W. Kariye (Warfa) to the world, and we, the Union of Somali National Authors and the world at large know that he was, is and will be one of the best honorary contributors in literary works for literature.

For more information about his biography please visit his official website:

H.E. Dr. Badal W. Kariye (Warfa) is Somali American who lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota USA where he regularly writes and learns, and he can be reached through his official email which is [email protected]

Somali American Nobel Prize Candidate in Literature H.E. Dr. Badal W. Kariye (Warfa) is also the founder of these literary websites which he registers and archives literary works of local, regional and global literary works of authors, literary magazines and literature contributors.

Literature 360
Nobel Authors
Nobel Writers
Nobel Books

The Union of Somali National Authors (USNA), all the world literary organizations, Libraries and authors around the world are fully supporting H.E. Dr. Badal W. Kariye (Warfa) for Nobel Prize in Literature.


Dr. Abdi Ali Warsame
The Chairman of the Union of Somali National Authors (USNA)
K 4 Street Mogadishu,
Banadir 252
Email: [email protected]



Ka Jawaab Su`aalahan muhiim ah!
Yaa ku Saxsan inuu hoggaamiyo Soomaaliya 2020? Ma Madaxeeyne ay soo doorteen dhowr boqol oo qof mise Madaxweyne ay soo doortaan Ummadda Soomaaliya 2020?


Wannaagsan Soomaaliyeed Iyo Muslimiinta Adduunka, waxaan idiin rajaynaynaa suuban iyo . nala dhaha!
عيد الفطر السعيد إلى الصوماليين والمسلمين في جميع أنحاء العالم أينما كانوا يعيشون. #
to and around the wherever they live, and we you and .


Somali Americans and 's Future H.E. Osman Sheikh Omar welcomed Somali Minister Khadra Ali Bashir at Safari Restaurant in , MN USA.

's Future H.E. Osman Omar Sheikh Omar is the Chairman of Somali American Diplomatic Community and Diaspora Affairs since 1992 until now.

Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh oo dhagax dhigay dhismo cusub oo jaamacada umada yeelaneyso 09 11/03/2016

Somali President H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud talks at the reconstruction of the Somali National University Campus in Mogadishu, Somalia.

Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Xasan Sheekh oo dhagax dhigay dhismo cusub oo jaamacada umada yeelaneyso 09

Timeline photos 15/02/2016

Somali Language and Literature Study Circle and Somali scholars presents and celebrates this wonderful celebration for the International Mother Language Day which will be held at Safari Restaurant in Minneapolis, MN USA.
On February 21ST; 6:00 PM to 8:00 Pm

Meertadda Afka Iyo Suugaanta Soomaaliyeed waxay idiin soo bandhigaysaa Maalinta Afka-Hooyo ee caalamiga ah.
Waxaa lagu qaban doonaa xafladaas Safari Restaurant, Minneapolis taariikhdu marka ay tahay maalinta Axadda 21ka Feebaraayo, 2016. Saacaduuna tahay 6:00 -8:00 fiidnimo


Ministry of Education & Heritage celebrates the Somali Writing Day on January 19, 2016, & ordered all public schools must use Somali in all public schools, places including businesses as ordered by the Somali Deputy Prime Minister H.E. Mohamed Omar Arte and the Somali Minister of Education and Heritage H.E. Khadra Bashir Qoslaaye speaking at the opening of the Somali Cultural and Language Academy in Mogadishu City.

Timeline photos 29/06/2015

USNA Press Release
Mogadishu on Monday June 29, 2015 Meet Somali American Nobel Prize Candidate in Literature for his extraordinary contributions in literary works and literature in the 21st century Dr. Badal Kariye
He wrote 45 books in various academic subjects including fiction and non-fiction books, and he is a genuinely one of the wonders for unifying contemporary literature to humanity in the 21st century.
Certainly, he was born in Democratic Republic of Somalia but he is now a naturalized U.S. Citizen who has been living in the Twin Cities, Minnesota since 2006 until now.

He is a under 40 years of age, and he is the only one who became the unifying contributor for the wonders of the literary works and literature to humanity.

Globally, he is founding father of the The Book of the World Authors Or the Book of the World Writers where you can know and read the names of the world authors/writers by country.

He is also the Founding father of the Union of Somali National Authors, the Somali National Library (A-Z Digitized Formant Plus its website), as well as many other organizations.

He speaks many languages, and if you sit with him then it will one of your happiest moments because he advise everyone kindly and wisely.

Surprisingly, he likes to volunteer and travels as a public orator for many issues such community development, youth, education and spirituality etc.

Well, you can buy his books every worldwide bookstores, and he is currently writing his 46th book so, if you want to become an author or a writer then you are free to contact him through his official website which is:-

I am sure that he will definitely help you to reach your goal in order to become a writer.

Please if and when you are meeting with him, it is very nice to have a pen and a book to get ready because he is going to giving you a valuable time to learn what creative writing is all about?

I, as the Chairman of the Union of Somali National Authors Abdi Ali Warsame thank him for his noble achievement for unifying world literary works and literature in the 21st century, and we wish him all the best.

This articled was submitted by the Union of Somali National Authors on behalf of the Somali American Nobel Prize Candidate for Literature Dr. Badal Kariye, and we are truly wishing him to win the Nobel Prize for Literature in the 21st century.

Mogadishu, Somalia
K4 Street
Email: [email protected]/[email protected]


Welcome to the Official Somali Publishers (SP) at the Somali National Library.

Somali Publishers Welcome to the Somali Publishers is a Property of the Somali National Library

If You Love Me Then Don't Get Jealousy by Dr. Badal W. Kariye (Paperback) - Lulu 09/05/2015

The Internationally Acclaimed Somali American Writer Dr. Badal Kariye has published his 45th Book, and it is a Novel which titled: If You Love Me Then Don't Get Jealousy on Friday May 8, 2015 in USA.

It is available for purchase now!

The Internationally Acclaimed Somali American Writer Dr. Badal Kariye lives in the Twin Cities, MN USA.

Author's official website is:

If You Love Me Then Don't Get Jealousy by Dr. Badal W. Kariye (Paperback) - Lulu Buy If You Love Me Then Don't Get Jealousy by Dr. Badal W. Kariye (Paperback) online at Lulu. Visit the Lulu Marketplace for product details, ratings, and reviews.


If you want to join us or support the Somali Internet Society then all companies are welcome. We are not funded or accept funds from the international NGOS whose mission based on how to swindle on phony projects in Somalia since 1991 until now on.

Somali Internet Society Welcome to the Somali Internet Society (SIS)


Ereykoobka = Qaamuska
Haddaba barro afkeenna sida uu u baaxad weyn yahay.

Ereykoobka Af-Soomaaliga Ereykoobka = Qaamuska
Haddaba barro afkeenna sida uu u baaxad weyn yahay.