Aqriska BADI

Aqriska BADI

You don't want your neurosurgeon to have doubts about the meaning of it all while he or she is opera


Change your life in 30days challenge !
A journey to finding your truest self

Who's in


How would you like to be remembered!

Timeline photos 18/12/2017

qowlka illah baa quluubta sifeeya!! ka faaidayso waqtigaaga ugana faaiidayso wixii anfacaya aakhiradaada iyo aduunkaagaba..............heeso iyo gabayo midna ma dajiyaan nafta ee waxaa kaliyee nafta dajiya kurabada iyo walwalkana ka mayra waa quraan ka allah oo kaliya....


haday si dhab ah kaaga go antahay inaad nolosha heer sareeya ka gaarto ama hamigaaga gaaro wanaaji xiriirka kaala dhexeeya adiga iyo ILLAAHAY walahay waxaa xaqiiqaaa inaad si dhab ah u guulaysanayso wwaayo ilaahay ma hoojiyo adoonkiisa sida xaqaa uga cabsada illahayna ma dayaco camalka ay adoomihaasa wanwanaagsan suubiyaaan.

illaahy hanaga dhigo kuwo nolosha aduun iyo tan aakhiraba ka guul gaara,


How to Program Your Mind to Attract What You Want

We all aspire to be, do and have great things. Yet most of us simply aren’t creating the results we want. We don’t have enough money, romance, success or joy in our lives.

it is simply up to us to pull it out of ourselves. We all have genius. We just need to learn how to apply it.

Decide What You Want

In order to get what you want, you must first decide what you want. Most people really foul up at this crucial first step because they simply can’t see how it’s possible to get what they want — so they don’t even let themselves want it.

Don’t sabotage yourself that way!

What scientists now know about how the brain works is that you must first decide WHAT you want, before your brain can figure out HOW to get it. Once you lock-in your desires, your mind and the universe can step in.

Are you ready to get started?

Be Willing to Dream Big Dreams

As soon as you commit to a big dream and really go after it, your subconscious creative mind will come up with big ideas to make it happen. You’ll start attracting the people, resources, and opportunities you need into your life to make your dream come true. Big dreams not only inspire you, they compel others to want to play big, too.

Set Goals That Will Stretch You

Another value in giving yourself permission to go after the big dreams is that big dreams require you to grow in order to achieve them. In fact, in the long run, that is the greatest benefit you will receive from pursuing your dreams — not so much the outer trappings of fulfilling the dream (an expensive car, impressive house, loads of money and philanthropic opportunities), but who you become in the process.

As I’ve seen many times over, the outer symbols of success, can all be easily lost. Houses burn down, companies go bankrupt, relationships end in divorce, cars get old, bodies age and fame wanes, but who you are, what you have learned and the new skills you have developed never go away. These are the true prizes of success. Motivational philosopher, Jim Rohn advises that “You should set a goal big enough that in the process of achieving it, you become someone worth becoming.”

Service to Others

Something else you’ll discover is that when your dreams include service to others — accomplishing something that contributes to others — it also accelerates the accomplishment of that goal. People want to be part of something that contributes and makes a difference.

Turn Your Dreams into Goals and Objectives

Once you are clear about what you want, you must turn each item into a measurable objective. By measurable, I mean measurable in space and time — how much and by when. For instance, if you were to tell me that you wanted more money, I might pull out a dollar and give it to you, but you would probably protest, saying “No, I meant a lot more money — like $20,000!” Well, how am I supposed to know unless you tell me? Similarly, your boss, your friends, your spouse, your brain — God, the Universe — can’t figure out what you want unless you tell them specifically what it is. What do you want — exactly — and when do you want it by?

Write Your Goals Down

Write your goals down in detail, and read your list of goals every day. This will keep your subconscious mind focused on what you want. For an even more powerful approach, close your eyes and focus on each goal and ask yourself, “What is one thing I could do today to move toward the achievement of this goal?” Write down your answers and take those actions.

To help your reticular activating system begin finding YOUR wants in unexpected places, take time now to decide what you want and start writing!

Remember, don’t hold back!


waxaa jira beeno badan ama mala awaal ku waas oo bulshada kula nooli kugu abuurtay kadibna aad la qabatintay,
hadeer waa waqtigii aad naftaada runta u sheegi lahayd iskana furi lahayd silsiladaha aaad ku xandaabtay naftaada

waa kuwaan 6 mana awaal eed naftaada u diday hormarka\
guuldaradu waa astaanta dadka ay noloshoodu korayso hadii aad taagantahay maalinkasta saad shaly ahayd waxa cad in aadan hormar ku tilaabsan, guuldaradu maaha wax qofka hamigiisi wax u dhima balse dadka nolosha dmacsan inay heer ka gaaraan waxay u noqotaa dhiiri galin

tani waa hadal badanaa bulshadu kugu abuurtay taasoo ah inaadan cabsan oo aad wax kasta ku dhiirato. cabsidu waxay timaadaa marka qofku ku dhiirado wax ku cusub noloshiisa laakiin haduu ku qanco suu yahay waligiis cabsi dareemi maayo taas oo uu ka shalayn doono waqti aan shalaygu wax u qabanayn
farqiqa u dhexeeya dadka nolosha heer ka gaaray iyo kuwa aan ka gaarin maaha culayska cabsida soo wajahday intay le egtahay ee waa siday ugu dulqaateen iyo xalkay ku wajahen arintaas.

dadka nolosha heer ka gaaray waxay sameysteen deegaan ku saacidaya waxa ay damacsanyihiin sidoo kale waxay rafiiq ama saaxiib ka dhigtaan dadka ay isku hamiga yihiin.
maahan inaad kaligaaa isku kobto wax walba, noloshu sideedaba waxay isku dhisantahay is kaalmaysi isi saacidid. baribaaa ninaa saaxibo nahay wuxuu igu yri ""suaalahaaga oo bata aqoontada oo badata ayay ku xirantahay"" suaalahaguna ha noqdaan kuwo aad ku raadinayso cilmi laakiin waa inaysan noqon kuwo xujo aad kaga dhigayso dadka.maaha hadii aad dadka wax ka dalabo inaad dareento hooseeyn waaayo
“The strong individual is the one who asks for help when he needs it. dadka caqliyan iyo xigmad ahaanba u sareeya waa kuwa caawinad dalba markay u baahanyihiin.

badanaa dadka dhibaatada haysato waxay isku dayaan had iyo jeer inay dhibkaa haysta ay dusha ka saaraan dadka la nool, deegaanka ay ku nool yihiin ama dhaqaala yaraanta haysata ayagoo ku qancinaya naftooda dhibkaas inaysan ayaga laftoodu aysan masuul ka ahayn
waxad maqlaysaa tahriibka dhalinta soomaaliyeed had iyo jeer inay ku marmarsiyoodaan dagaalka wadanka ka jira shaqo la aanta ama dhaqaala yarida waxay had iyo jeer ka meermeeraysanayaan dhibku inay ayagu u sababeen naftooda(qorme kalaan kaga hadlayaa arintan ayado fahfahsan)

dhibka noloshu waa qayb ka mida koritaanka qofka, u qaado ama u fasiro dhibka aad maanta marayso waa mirahaad bari guran lahayd hadadan dhbkaaan marina bari waxaad caga u dhaqaysaa guryahana u xaaqaysaa kuwa kula facaa laakiin ayagu dhibkaas soo qadintay maalintaad adigu ka cabsanaysay.soomalidu waxay tiraahdaa "ninkii seexdaa sicii dibi dhalay" Asaagaa ka har habaar ma dhaafo, wiilka ama gabarta kula facaa markay maanta school ama jaamacad dhiganayso adne aad canjeelada ka dhamaysay waalidkaa maahan arin qancinaysa waalidkaaa iyo dadka hormarkaaga jecel, waalidkaa waxay manta kuugu dhimanayaan ama waxkasta kuu siinayaan waa inaad markay da'a noqdaan aad abaalkoodii waxuun u gudo kolba lama wda gudi karee laakiin hadad nolosha maanta ka dhacdo naftaada kaliya maadan waxyeelayn balse waxad wax yeelaysay mustaqbalka dhaman dadkii kugu soo tacab iyo maal beely MARKA WALAL nolsha ma jirto wax dhib yaran lagu helee kakac hurdada.

nolosha hormarkeedaa waa inaad garato waxa aad ku fiicanatahy kuwaasna waqtiga ugu badan ku lumiso saad usii xoojin lahayd uguna badali lahayd dabeeecad laakiin hadad waqtigaaga ku lumiso wax yaaladaad ku liidato inaad xadido xataaa hadad ku guulaysato waxaad noqonaysaaa average ama dadka meeshuu u badanyahay.
hadad rabto inaad nolosha heer ka gaarto baar waxaad ku fiicn tahay kuwaas waqtigaaga badan ku bixi kadib dabeecad ka dhig in shaa allah waxaad markaa noqonaysaa qof ku gulaysta hamigiisa

byy aqriska badi


inaad wadankaaga wax u qabato waxaa ka horaysa inaad naftaada hormariso


laabaatan jir geedkaa waabato lixdan jirbaa harsataaa


A room without books is like a body without a soul.”


“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.”


8 Life Hacks To Help Busy Students Do It All

1. Use an agenda. Seriously, use a really, really big agenda. For the first 20 years of my life, I had no appreciation of what a glorious tool an agenda can be, but now I have seen the light. Having an agenda can be so essential that you just may not know how you were able to function without it. Top it off with a variety of highlighters, and you’ll never forget to do something ever again. The secret to getting the most out of your agenda is writing everything down. EVERYTHING. Have a regularly scheduled class? Write it down. Want to study specific book sections on a certain day? Write it down. Have a bill due? Write it down. Getting lunch with a friend? Write it down. EVERYTHING. WRITE IT DOWN. Highlight each event with a coded color scheme for easy identification and cross it out with a single line when complete so you can still refer back to it if need be. Even if you don’t end up going to, say, a class (we all do it at times), don’t cross it off as complete until you’ve gone over the information you missed to make sure you make up the time.

2. Re-write your agenda. It is far too easy to write something down and then entirely forget about it (such as a final project that you don’t realize you have to do until 48 hours before the rough draft is due… true story). I cannot stress it enough that while writing information down in an agenda in advance is helpful, looking back at what you have written is essential for more effective planning. More specifically, it can be helpful to plan on a weekly or biweekly basis as well as yearly or monthly in an agenda. That way, you can reflect on your workload for each day and optimize your time. To keep an easy access reminder, I start out each week by transferring events in my agenda to a new document that I post above my desk as a quick reference for the week.

3. Adopt a positive attitude. While planning helps you keep track of everything that you need to do, one of the greatest hurdles in actually getting all of it done is believing that you are capable of doing so. Write yourself notes to boost your confidence, post motivational quotes all over (a motivational quote wall is a great addition to a study space), or simply say “screw you” to any negative thoughts that get you down. Thinking that you can get everything done is the first step to actually getting everything done.

4. Respect time. I learned early that “If you’re early, you’re on time. If you’re on time, you’re late. And if you’re late, don’t bother showing up.” Your time is precious, but so is other’s. Show that you respect others’ time by being early and they will be less likely to waste your time.

5. Efficiency is key. Multitasking may not be for everyone, but efficiently planning out your work can be. Minimize your travel time by planning courses, meetings, etc. according to their location. Listen to your favorite show while you read. Eat meals while you write out study plans. Call home while you walk to class. Seriously, CALL HOME. If anything, you’ll make your parents happy and perhaps they’ll be more prone to sending a care package or something else your way.

6. Study with friends. If you think that being a good student means having no social life, you’re doing it wrong. You just might need to slightly redefine your social life. Find friends who are also dedicated to studying and make plans to have study parties. That way you can keep each other motivated but you can take breaks to hang out with your friends. It’s a win-win situation.

7. Prioritize. Take the time to reflect and determine what should get your greatest focus. Do what’s highest priority first so that if you don’t get around to the lower priority items, it’s a less devastating outcome. I know you’re probably thinking, “But, but – that’s time away from working!” Sure, reflection takes time, but it will be essential for helping you get the most out of your time spent working or studying, so the time spent is definitely worth it.

8. Redefine “everything.” Doing everything does not necessarily mean doing EVERYTHING. Along with picking priorities, it is important to remember this little fact. Each person has their own maximum productivity, so comparing yourself to others will likely only make you feel worse. Rather than straining your body and your mind to do more than you are capable of doing well, work to understand your limits and try to find satisfaction in doing what you can. Make yourself a superhero by appreciating the work that you get done rather than fixate on the work you could (or should) get done. This can help you be more confident in your abilities and more efficient in your work.


caalamka aynu ku noolnahay wuxuu soo marary heerar kala duwan ilaa iyo kan aan hada marayno oo ah HEERKA tignooloojiyada,
wadankasta hormarkiisa waxaa lagu qiyaasaa dadka meeshaas ku nool intee bay shaqeeyaan iyo intee ayay wax akhriyaaan.
AQRINTU waa quudka ama raashinka maskaxda sidaa ruuxu haduusan wax cunin uu baahi u dareemayo ayaaa sidoo kale haduusan wax aqrin maskaxdiisu ama fikirkiisu ama caqligiisu gaabnaanayaa inta badane ma fahmaan dadku muhiimada ay leedahay aqrisku ilaaa dadka wax aqriyaa maahane.
HADABA hormarka noloshaadu waxay ku xirantahay inta saacadood aad wax aqrisid. aduunku dadka ku nool kala dheereeye orodna maahane ogow, ufakar sidii aad noloshaada u hormarin lahyd maalinba maalin ka danbaysa,samayso jadwal aad wax ku aqrisid hana is oran waxaas ma qaban kartid,waxqti uma hayo,ma aqrin karo,waan waynaaday ama waa yarahay wali waqti baan haystaa waxkasta oo marmarsiiyo ah waad samaynkartaa laakiin ogow waxa is qiyaamaya un waaa adiga iyo naftaada.


waa maxay yoolka noloshaada?
nolosha maxaaa kuu qorshaysan?
aduunka maxaa kusoo kordhisay?
hadadan wax kuso kordhin maxa ku qorshaysan inad ku biriso?
maxaa hor illahay u shaqaysatay iyo tan danbe?
ma waxad tahay kuwa ayagoo nool dhintay?


7 secrets of extraordinary people

The moment we hear the word ‘extraordinary’, we THINK of famous people, spiritual gurus or geniuses of the world. Because of this, to people like you and me, the thought of ourselves becoming extraordinary seems far-fetched—that’s why we don’t even aspire for it. However, it’s not only possible, but also easy to reach personal heights. It has been my absolute experience, after interacting with thousands of people, that there are seven secrets that can turn any of us into an extraordinary person—someone you will be proud of being.

1 Extraordinary is an action
You might disagree with me on grammar and say that extraordinary is an adjective [quality] and not a verb. Well, you are right, and that is where the secret lies. How do you think a human quality comes to life? Extraordinary people don’t materialise out of thin air, do they? They appear in reality by ‘doing’ things that help them acquire the quality of being extraordinary. A while back, I heard from someone who was in an extremely stressful situation, and didn’t know the way out. I tried to help by giving suggestions, but she kept dismissing my ideas for some reason or the other. I then realised that the person did not want to be helped, she wanted to complain and act victim. Helplessness is a habit. And extraordinary people don’t have it. In fact, they do the exact opposite—they complain rarely and focus on solving problems. They make sure that happiness is their prime goal. Extraordinary people ‘do things’ to make their life more valuable and different than the rest. It is about acting in ways that are uncommon or unexpected, and going out there and doing something way beyond your perceived limitations. Action definitely leads to being extraordinary.

2 Extraordinary is an attitude
Being extraordinary is not genetic or in-born. It is a collection of powerful thoughts. When you tell yourself over and over that you are a capable individual who is on her way to achieving great things in life—a spark ignites in your MIND. It lights up a fire that drives your attitude. Fortunately, our attitude is entirely in our control, irrespective of the good and bad that happens to us. Everyone on this planet has his/her share of ups and downs, misfortunes and bursts of good luck, and yet, we all respond differently to similar events. Have you wondered why? Because some people call upon their inner strength to rise above the daily clutter and focus on their best qualities and biggest goals. Every time a door or an opportunity closes on you, take it up as a challenge and march right ahead. It is an indication that what is best for you has not yet presented itself or that you have not focused on what you really want. Isn’t it common that just when we think all doors have shut on us, suddenly a perfect one opens, out of nowhere? Extraordinary achievements begin in the mind—attitude—more than in the reality of our current situation. As we allow for a proactive and empowered attitude to take roots in our mind, extraordinary results flow from there.

3 Being extraordinary is a choice
By now, you must’ve realised that being extraordinary is neither an accident nor a special privilege that some have and others don’t. It is a self-created state of being your best. And we become our best self when we choose the best. For example, when someone is being mean or rude to you, what is your first reaction? If you feel like getting back or paying the person in the same coin, you’ve taken the ordinary way out, and that takes no special effort. On the other hand, it takes solid strength of character and a well-considered choice to be different than the person who disrespects you. You can choose to not be insulted and speak and act with balance in the face of disrespect. This really puts the brakes on the other person. She doesn’t know how to respond to your extraordinary response. The next time, such people will THINK twice before crossing the line. Extraordinary people hold themselves to high standards and choose wisely, especially, under pressure and stress.

4 Extraordinary requires daily effort
If we CONTINUE to make the same mistakes we made before, and don’t learn from them, our chances of becoming an extraordinary individual diminish greatly. Learning from everyday experiences and closing the loop with feedback and improvement is a secret weapon of extraordinary people. At times, it is the most obvious thing to do, yet many of us just don’t catch on. It is simple, continuous and incremental improvements that make massive results possible. Extraordinary people don’t become so, one fine day. They practise being extraordinary every single day by making seemingly small, but important improvements; so can you.

5 Extraordinary demands discipline
Discipline doesn’t come easy to anyone. I’ll give you my own example. Before I began brisk-walking more than three kilometres every day, it was nearly impossible for me to do so. Yet, my body told me that I needed to exercise more, and I began to push myself every single day to put on my walking SHOES, go out there and walk. The first week was no fun at all. My body ached and I was out of breath. Then, something began to change, imperceptibly, but surely. At the exact same time, every day, an alarm bell would go off in my head that said—time to walk. Before I knew, I was already walking out of the door. To my surprise, I really started looking forward to tying my shoelaces and stepping out. Just three weeks of discipline had turned into a habit. You can do the same with anything you choose, to make it a good habit. Extraordinary people have the ‘stickiness’ that makes discipline a part of their lives.

6 Extraordinary is about learning
For most of us, learning becomes an occasional event once our formal EDUCATION ends. I’ll let you on to a secret: real life learning begins only after getting a degree. That’s when we need to step up on learning, big time. Extraordinary people learn from little things in life by keenly observing themselves and others. There are innumerable avenues to learn. You can read books, listen to audio talks, attend seminars, watch inspiring videos, talk to those who are wiser than you… the list goes on. Extraordinary people remain eager to learn every waking hour. No exaggeration. Every experience tells us something valuable, even the bad ones. We just need to choose to extract the learning and implement it at the right time. Extraordinary people are always ready to learn.

7 Extraordinary is a belief
What we believe is what we get. What we don’t believe, but CONTINUE to want, might elude us forever. In essence, if you want to become an extraordinary person, you must believe with all your heart that you are capable of standing out in a crowd—of achieving the impossible. Belief creates miracles. When I was in an extremely tough life situation, I set aside the superficial busy-ness of my life and focused on the ‘why’ of the situation. I realised quickly that the problem lay in my own head, not in the world outside me. It was a rude shock, but I decided to act on my discovery. From that day, I resolutely believed that I was deserving of being supremely happy and earning all good things in life. And that’s exactly what happened—almost effortlessly and in an amazingly short span of time. This is my truth. So, I can confidently say to you that believing in your chosen goals and dreams really elevates you to the level of an extraordinary person.

If you put these seven secrets into practise with all your heart, success will be yours to take.


Problems Are Not Meant to Stop You

Problems are not meant to stop you. They are meant to teach you.

It all depends on the perception that you have grown with. You can see problems as something very negative and undesirable but you can also see it as challenges which underneath have the potential for great personal growth.

Many times your personal development is dependent on the challenges you face on every day life and how you act to surpass them. It adds experience, growth and ultimately wisdom.

The perception of your local reality can be changed by changing what you consciously expose your being to especially your mind and physical senses.

Every single thing you do on your daily life creates a conjunction of habits and beliefs, which make up your paradigm. It becomes your reality. So be careful of what you CHOOSE to expose yourself too consciously, because if you ignore it you may end up creating a overall negative paradigm and negative system of beliefs.

Begin to create a more positive perception by associating and placing focus on positive things. As you do this regularly with time it will become “second nature” and your subconscious mind will take over so you simply start “being” more positive without having to think about it consciously all the time.

This is where you will start to see problems as challenges and as opportunities for personal growth.


كلما ازداد الإنسان طاعة لله،
فتح الله عليه من أبواب العلم والإيمان
ما لم يفتحه على غيره .

العثيمين رحمه الله .. صفة الصلاة

cuthaymiin wuxuu yir markasta oo adoonku siyaadiyo daacada alle illaahay wuxuu u furaaa albaabada cilmiga iyo risqiga albaabadaasne laguma furo ilaa daaco alle maahane


parents go through so much trouble ,just to make us happy and give us the return they ask for nothing but our love and respect......So dont be rude to them when they grow old,have patience because taking care of parents in their old age is a blessing only showered by Allah.


إن الله يعطي الدنيا من يحب ومن لا يحب ،
ولا يعطي الإيمان إلا من يحب ،
فإذا أحب الله عبداً أعطاه الإيمان ،
فمن جبن منكم عن الليل أن يكابده والعدو أن يجاهده
وضن بالمال أن ينفقه فليكثر من :
سبحان الله والحمد لله ولا إله إلا الله والله أكبر !
ابن مسعود رضي الله عنه

asxaabigii waynaa ee cabdullahi ibnu mascuud wuxuu yiri: illaahay aduunka yacni maalka iyo xoolaha wuxuu siiyaa adoonkuusan jeclayn iyo kuu jecelyahayba laakiin iimaanka illaahay maiiyo ilaaa adoonkuu jecelyahay maaheee haduu illahay adoonkiisa jecelyahay wuxuu siiyaaa iimaan marka walal ogow in illaah ku jecelyahay oo iiimaan kusiiyay kumanaan kaaa caqli iyo dadaal badan ayaan maanta haysan nimcada wayn ee islaanimadaa hadaba soo inaan allah uga mahadcelino maahan iimaankuu nasiiyaya


waxaaa jira qof dunda ku nool laakiin nafsiyan dhintay iyo qof dhintay oo dunida ka tagay laakiin wali raadkiisu dinida joogo oo laga xuso

hadaba soo shaqsiyad xuma maahan in adigoo nool aan dunida wax faaido ah ugu fadhin ama kusoo saaidin camal aduun aan qaban iyo mid aaqiraba

walalayaal fadhiga halaga kaco oo ha la dadaalo aakhiriyo aduunba

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qowlka illah  baa quluubta  sifeeya!! ka faaidayso waqtigaaga  ugana faaiidayso wixii  anfacaya aakhiradaada iyo aduunka...
