
This is the official page of Rt. Hon Jemma Nunu Kumba, Speaker of RTNLA

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 27/10/2023

Rt Hon Dr. Tulia Ackson
I.P.U President Elect 2023
Congratulations Africa
Congratulations East Africa
Congratulations United Republic of Tanzania
Congratulations....... Women of Africa
Congratulations to all women across the globe...

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 13/10/2023

شاركت مساء أمس في الإحتفال باليوم العالمي للفتاة في السفارة البريطانية في جنوب السودان. الفتيات اللواتي تقلدن عدة مناصب في الدولة، بما في ذلك القطاعات الحكومية والبعثات الدبلوماسية والمنظمات الدولية.

إنها مسؤولية تقع على عاتقنا جميعاُ، ونحتاج إلى مراقبتها للتأكد من أن هناك معلمين مدربين تدريباً كافي لتقديم الخدمات التي يحتاجون إليها في قطاع التعليم.

الدولة لديها الكثير من السياسات والقوانين المعمول بها لتمكين المرأة، وحماية الفتيات والأطفال، ولكن مرة أخرى نحتاج إلى الإشراف والتأكد من تفعيل هذه القوانين وتنفيذها واحترامها.
إذا لم يكن هناك أمن، فلن نتمكن من تحقيق ما نريد تحقيقه، ولهذا السبب يعد اتفاق السلام هذا أمراً أساسياً للغاية، بجانب التنفيذ الفعال، وهذا مهم جداً لجمهورية جنوب السودان لأنه بدون السلام والإستقرار لن نتمكن من توفير الأمن اللازم وتقديم الخدمات التي يحتاجها مواطنونا.

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 28/09/2023

Leaving for Italy to attend the ordination of Most Rev. Bishop Stephen Ameyu as the diocesan Bishop of Juba as a Cardinal.

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 27/09/2023

May your soul rest in eternal life, Hon Agnes Lasuba

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 26/09/2023

The members of the Transitional National Legislative Assembly today paid their last respect to honor the late Hon. Agnes Kwaje Lasuba at the National Parliament. Before the body was taken to her home town-Yei for burial.
Hon. Agnes was a great adviser to me, she was very humble person and she could associate with everyone young or big.
I appreciate those who turned up today to honor this great hero.

قام أعضاء المجلس التشريعي الوطني الانتقالي اليوم بتكريم عضوة البرلمانية الراحلة المقيمة/ أغنيس كواجي لاسوبا بمقر المجلس التشريعي الوطني الإنتقالي قبل أن يتم نقل جثمانها إلى مسقط رأسها بمقاطعة "ياي" لمراسيم الدفن.
كانت البرلمانية الراحلة/ أغنيس لاسوبا مستشارة عظيمة بنسبة لي، ذو شخصية متواضعة للغاية، ولديها قدرة فائقة في التواصل مع الجميع بمختلف الفئيات صغاراً كانوا أم كباراً.
كل التقدير لأولئك الذين حضروا اليوم لتكريم هذا البطل العظيم.

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 25/09/2023

Earlier today we received the body of late Hon. Agnes Kwaje Lasuba.
Late Agnes was a liberator, veteran and Member of National Assembly she passed away at her house in the Kenyan capital Nairobi where she had been receiving treatment. May her soul RIP

اليوم إستقبلنا جثمان البرلمانية الراحلة/ أغنيس كواجي لاسوبا.
وكانت الراحلة/ أغنيس هي آحد المناضلات في حرب التحرير وهي عضوة بمجلس التشريعي الوطني الإنتقالي، وقد توفيت في منزلها بالعاصمة الكينية "نيروبي" حيث كانت تتلقى العلاج.
لترقد روحها في السلام.

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 07/09/2023

I’m delighted to meet the winner of Miss Earth South Sudan and her delegation. I congratulates the new Queen. I am willing to support the team in the upcoming international competition of beauty contest. I appreciate the work of the C.E.O of Miss South Sudan Mrs. Aheu Deng.

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 07/09/2023

Sports can as well contribute to the development of our country. Let us invest our time, South Sudan Basketball Association 🏀 is a living example.

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 31/08/2023

Meeting with the Japanese ambassador to Republic of South Sudan to discuss how the National Legislative Assembly can cooperate with the Assembly of Japan for bilateral relations, Parliamentary Diplomacy.


Well done SSD Basketball team for making our flag shine in the world.

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 28/08/2023

I met with the leadership of South Sudan National Youth Union and other youth leaders in my office this morning. They briefed me on the upcoming third (3rd) Convention of the National Youth Union which will take place in December this year.
The National Assembly’s ready to extend its support to the activities of the youth, because they’re the future leaders of the country.

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 16/08/2023

Meeting with the President of Senate of D.R.Congo Modeste Bahati Lukwebo at National Assembly in Kinshasa.

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 16/08/2023

Meeting the President of D.R.Congo, H.E. Felix. I met him in my capacity as the President (FP-ICGLR) and Speaker of TNLA on the Fact-Finding mission on the political, humanitarian & security situation in Eastern part of DRC & the Sudan. There are a lot of things that we can achieve as Africans and people of Great Lakes Region. Let us give peace a chance across the region.

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 11/08/2023

Earlier on today, I met with the Ambassador of Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) H.E. Adolphe Nkongosoli Sadiki and discuss range of issues which include the invitation of the Speaker of South Sudan. Who is also the sitting President of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (FP-ICGLR) to lead the Second Phase of the Parliamentary Fact-Finding Mission to Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Besides that, this will also include bilateral Parliamentary diplomacy between the two countries

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 03/08/2023

I had a fruitful meeting with Western Equatoria Students' Union in Juba today. Thus, It’s good for students to be in a union like this and provide support for each other and also promote education and unity among themselves. The future of this country belongs to the youth.


On this day, my fellow Honorable Members of this August house took oath of allegiance to serve our people and the country as Law Makers most importantly at this special period of the Transitional Government of National Unity (TGoNU). Reflecting back to the tasks that were waiting us from both bestowed our respective political parties and the ARCISS agreement. The demand was very clear smooth ,efficient and timely implementation of the R-ARCISS.

Cognizant of the promises, I made during the aoth taking in the Augus House, which were timely passing of the agreement’s related bills, welfare of members, Staff and provisions of the conducive working environment, Women Parliamentary caucus’s office, Baby day Care for Hon. members with young children, Parliamentary diplomatic engagements, adjusted New Chamber and erecting of the big rough hall to accommodate big events and join sittings of the National Legislature.

With the above promises, I am delighted to share with you our accomplishments as well as the work in progress.

On Welfare,
1. Just two months after oath taking and appreciating H.E the President of Republic Gen Salva Kiir Mayardit who approved emoluments of MPs and Staff of TNLA.
2. Purchasing of Staff bus as well as evacuation Van for sick emergencies.

On Parliamentary Diplomatic Engagements

1. Payments of our Financial Commitments to both regional and international organizations such as IPU , PAP and EAC Parliament.
2. Hosting EAC Inter-Parliamentary games in Juba.
3. Hosting of Great Lakes regional Conference in Juba.
4. Participation of South Sudan Parliamentary Team in PAP Elections. Though South Sudan's candidate was later blocked through conspiracy notion, unfair electoral procedures that were applied.
5. Elections of the Speaker of the Parliament of South Sudan as Chairperson for East African Speakers' Forum.
6. Elections of the Speaker of the Parliament of South Sudan as President of International Conference of Great Lakes Region.
7. Successful Conducts of Elections for the Members of South Sudan to East African Parliament.
8. Participations of South Sudan Parliamentary delegations in various international and regional bodies Parliamentary diplomacies

Developmental Projects accomplished as well as ones in Progress.

1. Successful building and opening of the New Parliamentary Main gate.
2. Successful construction and opening of New Parliamentary Cafeteria
3. Successful construction of the new office Space block to be opened.
4. Successful construction of the Women Parliamentary block to be opened.
5. Renovations and Expansion of the Parliamentary Main Chamber, at Finishing Stage.
6. Erecting a New Parliamentary rough Hall with the capacity of thousands people, at finishing stage.
7. Successful renovation and reconstruction of the Parliamentary wall fence.
8. Alternative Generator’s Power Station established as Stand by incase of power outage

Implementations of the A-ARCISS

1. The Parliament of South Sudan passed number of bills into Laws more importantly, agreement’s related bills,
a. South Sudan Constitution making process bill,Passed.
b. South Sudan Political Parties bill ,Passed .
c. SPLA act 2009 Amendment bill,Passed.
In short the Parliament so far enacted many Laws.

2. Parliament of South Sudan so far has witnessed and have been enjoying a working relations among all Political parties to the agreement. In the Parliament we have adopted the spirit of consensus. A mode of decision making, where spirit of different opinions are taken into accounts as required in the R-ARCISS.
3. Different Parliamentarians and Specialized Committees have led peace disseminations amongst the communities of South Sudan and most of these are facilitated by the National Legislative Assembly.
4. Summon and directing different Cabinet members, when concerns arise across the country particularly Security, economy, social cohesion, governance and agreement related issues.

Together, we can build the South Sudan 🇸🇸 that fulfills our needs and desires


Revolutionary Salutes to Our Gallant Forces.

Comrades, brave men and women of our nation. This day brings a fresh memory of the loss of our great man and icon of our freedom, liberation and movement, the SPLM Founding Chairman H. E. Dr. John Garang and all those who perished in the process of our struggle. Our icon as if he knew this day was near, made a wise decision to choose his successor, our sitting President H. E. Kiir Mayardit, the only man he trusted with the journey of liberation and getting us to the promise land, the Republic of South Sudan.

I salute you comrades, as we celebrate this victory and reading the history of your sacrifices which is written on a golden plate with your blood. Though it is a painful memory remembering, the cost of freedom, we still celebrate your lives because you didn’t die in vain. I pay my humble tributes and honor to all heroes and heroines. On behalf of the Transitional National Legislature (TNL) to all who shade their blood, besides Cde.Col. Dr. John Garang De Mabior .

I would like to Congratulate H.E the President of Republic Gen. Salva Kiir Mayardit whose wisdom and guidance navigated us all to the Promise Land, thank you Cde Salva. I thank our gallant forces men and women in uniforms for the great sacrifices and services to our nation despite many challenges.

Let me thank all veterans whose bravery and dedication brought us this great nation, congratulations Comrades.

FOREVERMORE, WE ARE GRATEFUL for your sacrifices

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 30/07/2023

Vice President Dr. James Wani Igga, Hon. Michael Chiangjiek, Hon. Dr. Festo Kumba and I joined St. Theresa Cathedral English Services choirs in celebrating 47 years, since the formation in 1976.

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 18/07/2023

Greatly honored to officiate this historic event of the launching of the Maputo Protocol in South Sudan.This protocol is focusing on protecting rights of the women, girls and the persons with disabilities.

It also calls for equal and fair women representation in public offices. Its intended to eliminate the harmful practices such as child marriages and women discrimination when it comes to property ownership. It also recognizes economic right for women and women economic empowerment. The Maputo Protocol give socio-cultural rights to women to ensure social wellbeing of women and girls in Africa.


In effort to expeditiously and wholistically address the ever growing day to day health challenges confronting our country and its people, regulate and preserve archives, records and the cultures of our country including protection our women from harmful cultures and equally confirm our commitment and obligation to international norms. Today I presented three critical bills to the president for enactment into law.
They include, National Archives and Record Management Bills 2023, National Public Health Institute bill 2023, and Convention on Cluster Munitions.

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 27/06/2023

The IMF Mission Chief for South Sudan, Mr. Niko Hobdari, paid a courtesy visit to the Transitional National Legislative Assembly this afternoon and we discussed the economic reforms and how to stabilize the country’s inflation.

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 26/06/2023

St Theresa Cathedral-Juba

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 17/06/2023

Delighted to have been invited by Concern South Sudan. The national Organization of the First Lady, H.E. Mama Mary Ayendit for fundraising organized for South Sudanese returnees from North Sudan.

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 15/06/2023

My staffs surprised me today in the office with birthday cake. Thank you for your support and wishes.

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 14/06/2023

Hon. Dr. Costello Garang Ring Lual, you have been a great comrade. It was wonderful meeting you in the office, in the Transitional National Legislative Assembly. More so, in your role as Advisor on Presidential Affairs. Together we can drive this country to another level.

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 11/06/2023

I joined the Diocese of Juba and the Episcopal Church of South Sudan at All Saints' Cathedral for Sunday services.

May name of the Lord Jesus Christ be glorified.

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 30/05/2023

The FIBA World Cup trophy was presented before the August House premises.

We are extremely proud of our National Basketball team and I would like to congratulate them for the achievements they have made.

The Republic of is the first country in the East African region to qualify to the WorldCup in the first trial.

Keep it up. We are all very proud of you!

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 23/05/2023


As the President of the Forum of Parliaments of the Members States of the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region (FP-ICGLR). Today, I met His Excellency, President of the Republic of Angola, H.E. João Manuel Gonçalves Lourenço at the state house.

I presented the resolutions and declaration of the last plenary session of the forum to His Excellence, the President of the Republic, who is also the sitting head of the summit of the Great Lakes Region. In the last meeting in Juba, we discussed issues in relation to peace and security and developments in members states of the Great Lake Region.

During that meeting, we made a number of decisions and the resolutions, which we have presented this evening to H.E. the President. Since there're conflicts in the D.R.C, Sudan, and also some parts of the Republic of South Sudan.

Therefore, we had made the resolution on the issue of parliamentary diplomacy amongst the parliaments of the region. The resolutions that we have brought to His excellency in his capacity as the Chairman of the summit, which he will present to the heads of States include among others;

These include the views and demands of the Parliamentarians in regard to the issues of security, peace and development in the region. His Excellency has also been briefed about the Sudan 🇸🇩 crisis and other challenges facing the region.

Photos from Rt.Hon's post 22/05/2023

As the sitting President of the Forum of Parliaments of the Members States of the International Conference of the Great Lakes Region (FP-ICGLR), this morning, my delegation and the Secretary General met with the Rt. Hon. Speaker of the National Assembly of the Republic of Angola, Ms. Carolina Cerqueira.

The delegation discussed the issues affecting the people of the Great Lake Region. We also met with the political parties that are represented in the Parliament, we were briefed about the leadership structure of the Parliament as well as the representation of the political parties in the Parliament. I would like to congratulate the people of Angola and their government for gender balance in the government specially the Parliament and even the speaker of the Parliament is a female this are some of the democratic principles that are required for our nations to go ahead. I have also briefed the leadership of the Parliament on the composition of South Sudan TNLA.

The main reason we are here is to meet H.E. the President of Angola in my capacity as the Sitting President of the Forum of the Parliamentarian of the Great Lakes Region. We are here to present to him the resolutions of the last meeting, which was gelatin Juba, and to brief him on the key discussions which were made. The focus of the Great Lake Region is on Peace, Security, and Development.

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Thanksgiving gathering organized by the Staff's in the TNLA in honor of the Rt.Hon.Speaker




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