Cde Jal R. Gai, Juba Videos

Videos by Cde Jal R. Gai in Juba. personal political activist blog

Rapid support force under the junta Harmed Hamden Diaglo known by his nickname Hematti took over Khartoum international airport.

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Rapid support force under the junta Harmed Hamden Diaglo known by his nickname Hematti took over Khartoum international airport.

That mean in Eastern equatoria Torit

How peaceful is this marriage going work from this point to sometimes now? Ladies why, ladies don't force thing yakwanna. 😂😂😂😂 This lady is really a typical of one big man I know the way she's talking.

I don't own the copyright but her message is weighting and pregnant. The real unnever be cover truth for anywho ever and never admitted the truth.

Take your to view it.

During her 20s she's complicated, But after 30s anything that's breathing is welcome.