Apôtre Mewoeto K. Adjognon Officiel

Apôtre Mewoeto K. Adjognon Officiel

Cette page est destiné à la publication des informations concernant l'Apôtre Mewoeto K. ADJOGNON.


The book "Total Deliverance From Water Spirits" by Kodjo Mewoeto ADJOGNON is a practical guide for helping people who are suffering from the works of water spirits. The author, who is a Christian pastor, affirms that these spirits can cause a variety of problems, including health problems, financial difficulties, troubled relationships, and spiritual problems.

The book is divided into three parts. The first part provides an introduction to water spirits, their nature, their activities, and their means of control. The second part deals with the symptoms of the works of water spirits. The third part provides instructions on how to be delivered from these spirits.

The author proposes a holistic approach to deliverance, which includes prayer, fasting, repentance, and renouncing occult practices. He also provides specific prayers for deliverance from water spirits.

The book has been well-received by readers who found it informative and helpful. It has been recommended by pastors and spiritual counselors for people seeking help for the works of water spirits.

Here are some of the topics covered in the book:

* The nature of water spirits
* The activities of water spirits
* The means of control of water spirits
* The symptoms of the works of water spirits
* Prayer for deliverance from water spirits
* Fasting for deliverance from water spirits
* Repentance for deliverance from water spirits
* Renouncing occult practices for deliverance from water spirits

If you think you may be a victim of the works of water spirits, this book can be a valuable resource to help you obtain deliverance.

Here are some tips for using this book:

* Read the book carefully to understand the concepts and instructions.
* Pray and ask God to guide you in your deliverance process.
* Be patient and persistent. Deliverance can take time.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact a pastor or spiritual counselor.

Here are some additional details about the book:

* The author, Kodjo Mewoeto ADJOGNON, is a Christian pastor and deliverance minister from Togo. He has been ministering for over 20 years and has helped thousands of people to be delivered from demonic oppression.
* The book is based on the author's personal experience and his research on the subject of water spirits.
* The book is written in a clear and concise style and is easy to understand.

If you are interested in learning more about the works of water spirits and how to be delivered from them, I recommend reading this book.

Buy the book by clicking this link



The book "Total Deliverance From Water Spirits" by Kodjo Mewoeto ADJOGNON is a practical guide for helping people who are suffering from the works of water spirits. The author, who is a Christian pastor, affirms that these spirits can cause a variety of problems, including health problems, financial difficulties, troubled relationships, and spiritual problems.

The book is divided into three parts. The first part provides an introduction to water spirits, their nature, their activities, and their means of control. The second part deals with the symptoms of the works of water spirits. The third part provides instructions on how to be delivered from these spirits.

The author proposes a holistic approach to deliverance, which includes prayer, fasting, repentance, and renouncing occult practices. He also provides specific prayers for deliverance from water spirits.

The book has been well-received by readers who found it informative and helpful. It has been recommended by pastors and spiritual counselors for people seeking help for the works of water spirits.

Here are some of the topics covered in the book:

* The nature of water spirits
* The activities of water spirits
* The means of control of water spirits
* The symptoms of the works of water spirits
* Prayer for deliverance from water spirits
* Fasting for deliverance from water spirits
* Repentance for deliverance from water spirits
* Renouncing occult practices for deliverance from water spirits

If you think you may be a victim of the works of water spirits, this book can be a valuable resource to help you obtain deliverance.

Here are some tips for using this book:

* Read the book carefully to understand the concepts and instructions.
* Pray and ask God to guide you in your deliverance process.
* Be patient and persistent. Deliverance can take time.

If you have any questions or concerns, you can contact a pastor or spiritual counselor.

Here are some additional details about the book:

* The author, Kodjo Mewoeto ADJOGNON, is a Christian pastor and deliverance minister from Togo. He has been ministering for over 20 years and has helped thousands of people to be delivered from demonic oppression.
* The book is based on the author's personal experience and his research on the subject of water spirits.
* The book is written in a clear and concise style and is easy to understand.

If you are interested in learning more about the works of water spirits and how to be delivered from them, I recommend reading this book.

Buy the book by clicking this link





It is well.

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*📕Vous pouvez acheter tous les livres électroniques de l'homme de Dieu y compris le nouveau intitulé* ```L'infaillibilité du secours de Dieu ``` *dans le menu "e-book" sur son site web en cliquant sur le lien ci-dessous:*👇👇👇


*🇹🇬🌍•Apôtre Mewoeto K. Adjognon, Église Biblique Salut et Vérité, en face du Lycée de Gbényédji, Lomé - Togo{Afrique de l'ouest}*

☎Pour plus d'informations, de don et de prière d'intercession, contactez-nous aux numéros suivants :
+228 90 05 39 19
+228 99 44 38 07

*NB: Partagez ceci avec vos amis et membres de famille pour les bénir*

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God bless your day


God bless you
