ISFFS Research & Publications

ISFFS Research & Publications

Cette page sert à marquer les travaux des enseignants chercheurs de l'ISFF Sousse.

Revisiting the relationship between business conditions, climate policy uncertainty, and environmental pollution: evidence from the USA - Environmental Science and Pollution Research 03/08/2023

Vient de paraître en 2 Août 2023, l'article de nos trois collègues Mohamed Yousfi, Sahbi Farhani, & Houssam Bouzgarrou.
Mohamed Yousfi, Mariem Brahim, Sahbi Farhani, & Houssam Bouzgarrou (2023). "Revisiting the relationship between business conditions, climate policy uncertainty, and environmental pollution: evidence from the USA". Environmental Science and Pollution Research, August 2023. (Scopus Q1, IF 5.8, Springer)

Revisiting the relationship between business conditions, climate policy uncertainty, and environmental pollution: evidence from the USA - Environmental Science and Pollution Research This paper aims to revisit the interdependency between business conditions, climate policy change, and the environmental pollution of the USA. Interestingly, our paper represents a completion to the existing literature on three levels at least. First, we propose to analyze this issue during normal p...

Will Substantial Revaluation of Chinese Currency Be Helpful in Attenuating the United States’ Trade Deficit with China? New Evidence from the Dynamic Threshold Kink Model 25/07/2023

Vient de paraître en 23 Juillet 2023, l'article de notre collègue Ridha Nouira.
Sabrine Ferjani, Sami Saafi, & Ridha Nouira (2023). "Will Substantial Revaluation of Chinese Currency Be Helpful in Attenuating the United States’ Trade Deficit with China? New Evidence from the Dynamic Threshold Kink Model". The International Trade Journal.

Will Substantial Revaluation of Chinese Currency Be Helpful in Attenuating the United States’ Trade Deficit with China? New Evidence from the Dynamic Threshold Kink Model This study explores the possible existence of threshold kink effects in the impact of the real dollar-renminbi exchange rate misalignment on the bilateral trade flows between the United States and ...

Renewable energy consumption, trade and inflation in MENA countries with augmented production function: Implications for the COP26 25/07/2023

Vient de paraître en 18 Juillet 2023, l'article de notre collègue Sahbi Farhani.
Xueqin Lu, Sahbi Farhani, Alaa M. Soliman, Chao Zhou, & Ke Su (2023). "Renewable energy consumption, trade and inflation in MENA countries with augmented production function: Implications for the COP26". Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 194, Septembre 2023, 122712.

Renewable energy consumption, trade and inflation in MENA countries with augmented production function: Implications for the COP26 This paper selects a multivariate panel data approach to understand and analyse the renewable energy augmented production function, with particular em…

Upgrading and Downgrading Developing Countries’ Sovereign Ratings: Does Governance Matter? 25/07/2023

Vient de paraître en 20 juin 2023, le chapitre de notre collègue Ridha Nouira.
Sami Ben Mim, Ridha Nouira, Christophe Rault (2023). "Upgrading and Downgrading Developing Countries’ Sovereign Ratings: Does Governance Matter?". Dans: Ben Ali, M.S., Ben Mim, S. (éd.) Governance in the Developing World. Springer, Singapore.

Upgrading and Downgrading Developing Countries’ Sovereign Ratings: Does Governance Matter? This paper investigates the determinants of the sovereign ratings assigned by the Moody’s agency for a sample of 29 developing countries over the 2000–2021 period. In particular we investigate whether enhanced governance standards help developing...

Energy commodity and stock market interconnectedness: Evidence from carbon emission trading system 20/06/2023

Vient de paraître en 14 Juin 2023, l'article de notre collègue Sahbi Farhani.
Zuoxiang Zhao, Chi Keung Marco Lau, Alaa Soliman, & Sahbi Farhani (2023). "Energy commodity and stock market interconnectedness: Evidence from carbon emission trading system". Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 194, Septembre 2023, 122669.

Energy commodity and stock market interconnectedness: Evidence from carbon emission trading system This research paper investigates the various dependence structures across oil prices, emission prices and stock markets for Middle East and Gulf Coope…

Whose policy uncertainty affects trade flows between Japan and the U.S.? 10/05/2023

Vient de paraître en 26 Avril 2023, l'article de notre collègue Ridha Nouira.
Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee, Ridha Nouira, Sami Saafi (2023). "Whose policy uncertainty affects trade flows between Japan and the U.S.?".

Whose policy uncertainty affects trade flows between Japan and the U.S.? Previous studies mostly assumed that the effects of policy uncertainty on trade flows are symmetric. In this article, we add to this literature by arguing and demonstrating that the effects could be ...

How does corruption affect sustainable development? A threshold non-linear analysis 10/05/2023

Vient de paraître en 6 Avril 2023, l'article de notre collègue Ridha Nouira.
Fredj Fhima, Ridha Nouira, Khalid Sekkat (2023). "How does corruption affect sustainable development? A threshold non-linear analysis". Economic Analysis and Policy, Volume 78, June 2023, 505-523.

How does corruption affect sustainable development? A threshold non-linear analysis This paper investigates the impact of corruption on sustainable development using the Seo and Shin (2016) threshold model for a panel data set of 96 t…

Non-Linear Determinants of Developing Countries’ Sovereign Ratings: Evidence from a Panel Threshold Regression (PTR) Model 13/02/2023

Vient de paraître en 13 Février 2023, l'article de notre collègue Ridha Nouira.
Sami Ben Mim, Ridha Nouira, Fatma Mabrouk (2023). "Non-Linear Determinants of Developing Countries’ Sovereign Ratings: Evidence from a Panel Threshold Regression (PTR) Model". Sustainability, 15, 3390.

Non-Linear Determinants of Developing Countries’ Sovereign Ratings: Evidence from a Panel Threshold Regression (PTR) Model This paper investigates the non-linear effects produced by the main determinants of the sovereign ratings issued by Moody’s agency. Using a sample of 29 countries observed over the 2000–2019 period, we identify the factors leading a country to be classified, respectively, in the speculat...

Real exchange rate misalignments and economic growth in Tunisia: New evidence from a threshold analysis of asymmetric adjustments 07/02/2023

Vient de paraître en Avril 2023, l'article de notre collègue Ridha Nouira.
Thouraya Hadj Amor, Ridha Nouira, Christophe Rault & Anamaria Diana Sova (2023). "Real exchange rate misalignments and economic growth in Tunisia: New evidence from a threshold analysis of asymmetric adjustments". The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 88, 215-227.

Real exchange rate misalignments and economic growth in Tunisia: New evidence from a threshold analysis of asymmetric adjustments In this paper, we focus on both the impact of real exchange rate (RER) misalignments on economic growth and the assessment of misalignments’ threshold…

The moderating effect of women directors on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and corporate tax avoidance? Evidence from Malaysia | Emerald Insight 07/02/2023

Vient de paraître en 13 Janvier 2023, l'article de notre collègue Maali Kachouri.

Rakia, R., Kachouri, M. & Jarboui, A. (2023), "The moderating effect of women directors on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and corporate tax avoidance? Evidence from Malaysia", Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-print.

The moderating effect of women directors on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and corporate tax avoidance? Evidence from Malaysia | Emerald Insight The moderating effect of women directors on the relationship between corporate social responsibility and corporate tax avoidance? Evidence from Malaysia - Author: Riguen Rakia, Maali Kachouri, Anis Jarboui

U.S Stock Market and Cryptocurrencies During the COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak 07/02/2023

Vient de paraître en 14 Janvier 2023, le chapitre de notre collègue Mohamed YOUSFI (ancien doctorant de notre collègue Houssam Bouzgarrou).
Yousfi, M., Zaied, Y.B., Tliche, Y. (2023). “U.S Stock Market and Cryptocurrencies During the COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak”, in: Ben Ameur, H., Ftiti, Z., Louhichi, W., Prigent, J.L. (Eds.) “Crises and Uncertainty in the Economy”, pp. 171–186. Springer, Singapore.

U.S Stock Market and Cryptocurrencies During the COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak This paper investigates the dynamic correlation and hedge ratio between S&P500 index and 4 major cryptocurrencies (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and Tether), applying the M-GARCH model and using daily data July 5, 2015 to October 12, 2020. We show that the dynamic...

What can we learn about the market reaction to macroeconomic surprise? Evidence from the COVID-19 crisis 07/02/2023

Vient de paraître le 10 Janvier 2023, l'article de nos collègues Houssam Bouzgarrou & Yousfi (son ancien doctorant). .
Houssam Bouzgarrou, Zied Ftiti, Waël Louhichi & Mohamed Yousfi (2023). "What can we learn about the market reaction to macroeconomic surprise? Evidence from the COVID-19 crisis". Research in International Business and Finance, 64, 101876.

What can we learn about the market reaction to macroeconomic surprise? Evidence from the COVID-19 crisis We investigate the impact of macroeconomic surprise and uncertainty on G7 financial markets around COVID-19 pandemic using two real-time, real-activit…

Lending relationship, small businesses and NPLs in Tunisia 07/02/2023

Vient de paraître le 16 Décembre 2022, l'article de notre collègue Ridha Nouira.
Fredj Fhima, Ridha Nouira & Philippe Adair (2022). "Lending relationship, small businesses and NPLs in Tunisia". Middle East Development Journal, 14(2), 337-352.

Lending relationship, small businesses and NPLs in Tunisia The banking system in Tunisia suffers from non-performing loans, fuelling the aversion of banks to credit risk and hindering the financing of SMEs. The research question tackles the ‘transactional ...

The impact of corporate social responsibility on firm financial performance: does audit quality matter? | Emerald Insight 07/02/2023

Vient de paraître le 21 December 2021, l'article de notre collègue Anissa Dakhli.
Dakhli, A. (2022), "The impact of corporate social responsibility on firm financial performance: does audit quality matter?", Journal of Applied Accounting Research, Vol. 23 No. 5, pp. 950-976.

The impact of corporate social responsibility on firm financial performance: does audit quality matter? | Emerald Insight The impact of corporate social responsibility on firm financial performance: does audit quality matter? - Author: Anissa Dakhli

Do women on corporate boardrooms have an impact on tax avoidance? The mediating role of corporate social responsibility | Emerald Insight 07/02/2023

Vient de paraître le 7 December 2021, l'article de notre collègue Anissa Dakhli.
Dakhli, A. (2022), "Do women on corporate boardrooms have an impact on tax avoidance? The mediating role of corporate social responsibility", Corporate Governance, Vol. 22 No. 4, pp. 821-845.

Do women on corporate boardrooms have an impact on tax avoidance? The mediating role of corporate social responsibility | Emerald Insight Do women on corporate boardrooms have an impact on tax avoidance? The mediating role of corporate social responsibility - Author: Anissa Dakhli

The impact of ownership structure on corporate tax avoidance with corporate social responsibility as mediating variable | Emerald Insight 07/02/2023

Vient de paraître le 30 August 2021, l'article de notre collègue Anissa Dakhli.
Dakhli, A. (2022), "The impact of ownership structure on corporate tax avoidance with corporate social responsibility as mediating variable", Journal of Financial Crime, Vol. 29 No. 3, pp. 836-852.

The impact of ownership structure on corporate tax avoidance with corporate social responsibility as mediating variable | Emerald Insight The impact of ownership structure on corporate tax avoidance with corporate social responsibility as mediating variable - Author: Anissa Dakhli

Financial Econometrics and Machine Learning 14/09/2022

Partagé sur le profil de notre collègue Sahbi Farhani
Dear friends, colleagues and researchers,

You are invited to submit your high-quality papers to the special issue "Financial Econometrics and Machine Learning" in "International Journal of Financial Studies (IJFS)" (Q2).

Deadline for manuscript submissions: December 31, 2023

Guest Editors:
Dr. Sahbi Farhani
Dr. Muhammad Ali Nasir

Financial Econometrics and Machine Learning Special Issue in journal International Journal of Financial Studies: Financial Econometrics and Machine Learning


Publié aujourd'hui sur le mur de notre collègue Sahbi Farhani
📑Dear Professors and Researchers,
As an Editor (Guest/Subject/Associate), I invite you to submit your original papers to:

1️⃣Special Issue (SI): "Sustainability of Renewable Energy Sources " (with Mehdi Ben Jebli)
◾Journal: Sustainability (Impact Factor: 3.889, Q2)
⛔30 June 2023(Deadline for manuscript submissions)

2️⃣Special Issue (SI): "Energy Economics in Sustainability"
◾Journal: Sustainability (Impact Factor: 3.889, Q2) (with Khaled Guesmi)
⛔30 June 2023(Deadline for manuscript submissions)

3️⃣Special Issue (SI): "Financial Econometrics and Machine Learning"
◾Journal: International Journal of Financial Studies (ISSN 2227-7072) (with Muhammad Ali Nasir)
⛔30 September 2022(Deadline for manuscript submissions)

✳Journal: International Journal of the Energy-Growth Nexus (© 2022 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.) (With Angeliki Menegaki & Aviral Kumar Tiwari)

✳Journal: Ecological Economics
(Specialty section of Frontiers in Environmental Economics)

✳Co-Chair of the TRACK-BETA’22 / 14: Energy, Environment and Sustainability
The 2nd BETA 2022 International Conference on Business and Economics Theory and Applications “BETA’22” (with Prof. Lotfi Belkacem, Anis Bouabid, Aymen Ajina, Amani Kahloul)
◾All papers must be submitted electronically using the following link:

Dr. Sahbi Farhani
Higher Institute of Finance and Taxation of Sousse, (Institut Supérieur de Finances et de Fiscalité de Sousse ISFF)
University of Sousse (Université de Sousse), Tunisia
Email: [email protected]

Whose policy uncertainty affects commodity trade between Australia and the United States? 22/08/2022

Vient de paraître le 17 Août 2022, l'article de notre collègue Ridha NOUIRA.
Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee, Ridha Nouira & Sami Saafi (2022). "Whose policy uncertainty affects commodity trade between Australia and the United States?". Australian Economic Papers.

Whose policy uncertainty affects commodity trade between Australia and the United States? Recent studies are assessing the impact of news-based policy uncertainty measure on trade flows between countries. In this paper we add to this new literature by investigating the symmetric and asymm...


Vient de paraître le 14 Juillet 2022, l'article de notre collègue Ridha NOUIRA.
Sami Saafi, Ridha Nouira & Nadia Assidi (2022). "On the nonlinear relationships between shadow economy and the three pillars of sustainable development: new evidence from panel threshold analysis". Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics.


Vient de paraître le 25 Avril 2022, l'article de notre collègue Ridha NOUIRA.
Sabrine Ferjani, Sami Saafi, Ridha Nouira & Christophe Rault (2022). "The Impacts of the Dollar-Renminbi Exchange Rate Misalignment on the China-United States Commodity Trade: An Asymmetric Analysis". Journal of Quantitative Economics.

Do renewable energy and national patents impact the environmental sustainability of Tunisia? - Environmental Science and Pollution Research 06/04/2022

Vient de paraître en Avril 2022, l'article de notre collègue Sahbi FARHANI.
Sana Ghorbal, Sahbi Farhani & Slim Ben Youssef (2022). "Do renewable energy and national patents impact the environmental sustainability of Tunisia?". Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29, 25248–25262. (Springer, IF: 4.223, Q2)

Do renewable energy and national patents impact the environmental sustainability of Tunisia? - Environmental Science and Pollution Research This study is focused on analyzing the linkage between carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, renewable energy consumption (RE), foreign direct investment (FDI), national patents (NP), exports (X), imports (M), and gross domestic product (GDP) in Tunisia by using the time series data from 1980 to 2017. A u...

Financial Econometrics and Machine Learning 22/02/2022

Call for Papers (Special Issue "SI" (
We are pleased to invite you to contribute to a SI of "Financial Econometrics and Machine Learning", that will be published in the journal International Journal of Financial Studies (ISSN 2227-7072).
Guest Editors:
1- Dr. Sahbi Farhani, Higher Institute of Finance and Taxation of Sousse (ISFFS), University of Sousse, Sousse, Tunisia
2- Dr. Muhammad Ali Nasir, University of Leeds, United Kingdom (UK)
Please note that a part of this SI will be devoted to the top selected papers that come to be presented in The 1st Conference of the Association for Quantitative Economic Research “AQuER Conf’22”, March 24–26, 2022, Hammamet, Tunisia (

Financial Econometrics and Machine Learning Special Issue in journal International Journal of Financial Studies: Financial Econometrics and Machine Learning

Investigating the Relationships between Renewable Energy Consumption, Socio-Economic Factors and Health: A PVAR Analysis from MENA Net Oil Importing Countries 23/12/2021

Vient de paraître le 23 Décembre 2021, l'article de nos collègues Sahbi FARHANI & Mohamed KADRIA.
Mohamed Kadria, Sahbi Farhani & Yosr Guirat (2022). "Investigating the Relationships between Renewable Energy Consumption, Socio-Economic Factors and Health: A PVAR Analysis from MENA Net Oil Importing Countries". Sustainability 2022, 14(1), 151. (mdpi, IF: 3.251, JCR - Q2 (Environmental Sciences) / CiteScore - Q1 (Geography, Planning and Development)).

Investigating the Relationships between Renewable Energy Consumption, Socio-Economic Factors and Health: A PVAR Analysis from MENA Net Oil Importing Countries In this paper, we tried to contribute to the previous literature by analyzing the relationship between renewable energy consumption, socio-economic factors and health in the presence of a stringent environmental policy and lobbying power. Using a Panel Vector Auto-Regressive (PVAR) technique, we spe...

The Role of Energy and Environmental Quality in Exploring the Economic Sustainability: A New Appraisal in the Context of North African Countries 18/12/2021

Vient de paraître le 18 Décembre 2021, l'article de nos collègues Sahbi FARHANI & Mohamed KADRIA.
Sahbi Farhani, Mohamed Kadria & Yosr Guirat (2021). "The Role of Energy and Environmental Quality in Exploring the Economic Sustainability: A New Appraisal in the Context of North African Countries". Sustainability, 13(24), 13990. (mdpi, IF: 3.251, JCR - Q2 (Environmental Sciences) / CiteScore - Q1 (Geography, Planning and Development)).

The Role of Energy and Environmental Quality in Exploring the Economic Sustainability: A New Appraisal in the Context of North African Countries The aim of this study is to investigate the long-term relationship between real gross domestic product (GDP), energy consumption (EC), and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions using: (i) fully modified ordinary least square (FMOLS) and dynamic ordinary least square (DOLS) estimates, to deal with the bias....

Do renewable energy and national patents impact the environmental sustainability of Tunisia? - Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28/11/2021

Vient de paraître le 28 Novembre 2021, l'article de notre collègue Sahbi FARHANI.
Sana Ghorbal, Sahbi Farhani & Slim Ben Youssef (2021). "Do renewable energy and national patents impact the environmental sustainability of Tunisia?". Environmental Science and Pollution Research. (Springer, IF: 4.223, Q2)

Do renewable energy and national patents impact the environmental sustainability of Tunisia? - Environmental Science and Pollution Research This study is focused on analyzing the linkage between carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions, renewable energy consumption (RE), foreign direct investment (FDI), national patents (NP), exports (X), imports (M), and gross domestic product (GDP) in Tunisia by using the time series data from 1980 to 2017. A u...

The Impact of Multiple Vaccines on the Death Rate — A Focused Review for BCG Vaccination in the COVID-19 Pandemic Period | COVID-19 Pandemic and Energy Markets 15/10/2021

Vient de paraître en Octobre 2021, le chapitre de notre collègue Sahbi FARHANI.
Sahbi Farhani, Imen Gam, Ilhem Barboura (2021). "The Impact of Multiple Vaccines on the Death Rate — A Focused Review for BCG Vaccination in the COVID-19 Pandemic Period", in: Guesmi, K., (Eds.) "COVID-19 Pandemic and Energy Markets: Commodity Markets, Cryptocurrencies and Electricity Consumption under the COVID-19" (Chapter 1). World Scientific Series, pp. 1-16.

The Impact of Multiple Vaccines on the Death Rate — A Focused Review for BCG Vaccination in the COVID-19 Pandemic Period | COVID-19 Pandemic and Energy Markets World Scientific Series in Energy and Environmental FinanceCOVID-19 Pandemic and Energy Markets, pp. 1-16 (2021) Free AccessChapter 1: The Impact of Multiple Vaccines on the Death Rate — A Focused Review for BCG Vaccination in the COVID-19 Pandemic PeriodSahbi Farhani, Imen Gam and Ilhem BarbouraS...

Photos from ISFFS Research & Publications's post 05/09/2021

Vient de paraître en Mars 2021, le chapitre de notre collègue Nada MAALEJ MAHDI.
Nada Maalej Mahdi (2021). "Le droit d'accès à l'information en matière financière et budgétaire auprès de la collectivité locale", dans: Baccouche, N. (Ed.) "Transparence et Droit" (pages 647-684). Ouvrage collectif en l'honneur du doyen: Néji BACCOUCHE. Publication du Centre d'Etudes Fiscales de la Faculté de Droit de Sfax (Avec le concours de la Fondation Hans Seidel).


Vient de paraître en Juin 2021, l'article de notre collègue Ridha NOUIRA.
Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee, Ridha Nouira & Sami Saafi (2021). "US Export Earnings from and Import Payments to German Industries: Role of the Real Exchange Rate and Asymmetry". Economic Issues, 26(1), 57-73.

Crise des subprimes et effet de contagion 19/05/2021

Vient de paraître en Mai 2021, l'article de notre collègue Montassar ZAYATI.
Montassar Zayati, Sami Ben Mim, Améni Sallemi Chaabene (2021). "Crise des subprimes et effet de contagion. Analyse de Cointégration en panel dynamique". Gestion 2000, vol. 38, no. 1, pp. 31-49.***e-gestion-2000-2021-1-page-31.htm

Crise des subprimes et effet de contagion Ce travail analyse les dynamiques de court et de long terme des indices boursiers relatifs à cinq marchés développés et quatre marchés émergents sur la période allant du 28 septembre 2003 au 15 mars 2018. En utilisant la technique de cointégration en panel dynamique et la méthode FM-OLS, no...

Risk Spillover during the COVID-19 Global Pandemic and Portfolio Management 14/05/2021

Vient de paraître le 14 Mai 2021, l'article de notre collègue Houssam BOUZGARROU.
Mohamed Yousfi, Abderrazak Dhaoui & Houssam Bouzgarrou (2021). "Risk Spillover during the COVID-19 Global Pandemic and Portfolio Management". Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 14(5), 222.

Risk Spillover during the COVID-19 Global Pandemic and Portfolio Management This paper aims to examine the volatility spillover, diversification benefits, and hedge ratios between U.S. stock markets and different financial variables and commodities during the pre-COVID-19 and COVID-19 crisis, using daily data and multivariate GARCH models. Our results indicate that the risk...

What Drives the Relationship Between Export Upgrading and Growth? The Role of Human Capital, Institutional Quality, and Economic Development 05/05/2021

Vient de paraître le 04 Mai 2021, l'article de notre collègue Ridha NOUIRA.
Ridha Nouira & Sami Saafi (2021). "What Drives the Relationship Between Export Upgrading and Growth? The Role of Human Capital, Institutional Quality, and Economic Development". Journal of the Knowledge Economy.

What Drives the Relationship Between Export Upgrading and Growth? The Role of Human Capital, Institutional Quality, and Economic Development The main goal of this paper is to empirically examine whether human capital, institutional quality, and economic development affect the relationship between export upgrading and economic growth. Different from most previous studies, which include an interaction term between export upgrading and a co...

The Impact of Regulations, Energy Prices and Economic Activity on the India’s Electric Power Consumption: A Kalman Filter Application 23/04/2021

Vient de paraître en Avril 2021, le chapitre de notre collègue Sahbi FARHANI.
Sahbi Farhani (2021). "The Impact of Regulations, Energy Prices and Economic Activity on the India’s Electric Power Consumption: A Kalman Filter Application", in: Goutte, S., Guesmi, K., Boroumand, R., Porcher, Th. (Eds.) "Advances in Managing Energy and Climate Risks" (Chapter 4). Springer, Switzerland, Pages 57-77.

The Impact of Regulations, Energy Prices and Economic Activity on the India’s Electric Power Consumption: A Kalman Filter Application This study presents an analysis of the time-varying GDP, FDI, exports and energy price elasticities of electric power consumption in India over the period 1978–2015, using the Kalman filter approach. The results show that GDP and the energy price …

Optimal government size and economic growth in developing and MENA countries: A dynamic panel threshold analysis 19/04/2021

Vient de paraître le 19 Avril 2021, l'article de nos deux collègues Ridha NOUIRA & Mohamed KOUNI.
Ridha Nouira & Mohamed Kouni (2021). "Optimal government size and economic growth in developing and MENA countries: A dynamic panel threshold analysis". Middle East Development Journal, DOI: 10.1080/17938120.2021.1898231

Optimal government size and economic growth in developing and MENA countries: A dynamic panel threshold analysis (2021). Optimal government size and economic growth in developing and MENA countries: A dynamic panel threshold analysis. Middle East Development Journal. Ahead of Print.

U.S. – Italy commodity trade and the J-curve: new evidence from asymmetry analysis 12/04/2021

Vient de paraître officiellement en 2021, l'article de notre collègue Ridha NOUIRA (date d'acceptation: 10 Juin 2020).
Mohsen Bahmani-Oskooee & Ridha Nouira (2021). "U.S. – Italy commodity trade and the J-curve: new evidence from asymmetry analysis". International Economics and Economic Policy, Volume 18, 73–103.

U.S. – Italy commodity trade and the J-curve: new evidence from asymmetry analysis Previous studies that tried to assess the J-curve phenomenon for Italy employed linear models and found little support for the phenomenon. In this paper we employ nonlinear models and estimate asymmetric J-curve effects for each of the 58 industries that trade between Italy and the United States. Fr...

RFGE 22/23 Open access - Institut Français des Administrateurs 04/04/2021

Vient de paraître en Mars 2021, l'article de notre collègue Meriem JOUIROU.
Meriem Jouirou, Faten Lakhal & Mohamed Béchir Chenguel (2021). "Divulgation volontaire d’information et cash flows libres : Cas des entreprises familiales françaises". R***e Française de Gouvernance d’Entreprise, Numéro 22/23, 144-175.

RFGE 22/23 Open access - Institut Français des Administrateurs La RFGE est la r***e académique, en langue française, dédiée à la gouvernance d’entreprise. Cette r***e semestrielle est publiée depuis …

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