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The Best Solutions Dental Clinic – Dental Clinic in istanbul, Dental treatment in istanbul, Teeth Whitening, Dental plaques, zirconium crown, porcelain crown, dental implant 13/02/2023 dental implant price starts from € 350.-

The Best Solutions Dental Clinic – Dental Clinic in istanbul, Dental treatment in istanbul, Teeth Whitening, Dental plaques, zirconium crown, porcelain crown, dental implant You can get information 24/7 from our experienced consultants about Dental Health services we provide. In order to give you the best service, we answer all your questions.


What are the Advantages of Zirconium Crown?
It provides a completely natural look with its light-transmissive property.
Metal, which is the classical choice of material in the crowns, causes an opaque look on the teeth. Zirconium prevents that and the appearance is quite lively.
It prevents plaque from forming on your teeth thanks to its smooth and glistening surface. Discoloring from substances such as coffee, ci******es or tea is not observed in the zirconium crown method.


Applying Zirconium Crowns
The first step before applying the crowns is to reduce the size of your teeth. Once your gums have regained their healthy look we take some measures. We choose the best suited type of zirconium for you in the lab, based on the color texture of your teeth. Then the zirconium crowns are formed to fit your teeth using special adhesives. Final result is no different than any teeth without crowns.


Why Prefer Zirconium Crown?
One of the main reasons to prefer this treatment is its perfect match with the inner mouth tissue. The longevity that dental treatments and aesthetics seek, is possible with zirconium. Zirconium is highly durable against physical impact and it is almost impossible to break. Numerous durability tests as well as patient experience prove the quality of zirconium. Because it is not metal based, it doesn’t reflect light as metals do. Therefore, it doesn’t cause an opaque or blackish appearance in the mouth. It is highly resilient to heat changes. Cold and hot temperature affects the teeth much less with zirconium than other types of crowns. That means the patient is not restricted in their food and drink choices. It is absolutely allergy-free. In fact, many patients with metal allergy are immediately recommended this treatment.


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Zirconium Crown
Zirconium dental crown, with its all-white color and resistance to heat, is the ideal dental treatment for patients who are allergic to metal. Zirconium is optically transparent and allows light to flow through instead of blocking it, which results in a more natural and aesthetic look.

Properties of Zirconium Crown
For the longest time, the usage and application of metal was vast in the field of dentistry and dental aesthetics. However, metal based products are harmful to the gums to a certain degree and they’re never enough to provide the desired aesthetic look. Zirconium crowns have solved all of these problems permanently by bringing about a new age in teeth and gum health and aesthetics. Reducing the usage of metal inside the mouth, instead preferring the all-white zirconium alloy which provides a 100% natural look, will improve your look immensely- especially on the frontal teeth where the importance of appearance is huge. They aren’t even noticed during smiling or talking because of how naturally white they look.

Zirconium crowns are heat resistant, transparent, all-white and quite an ideal treatment for patients who are allergic to metal. Your teeth will no longer be sensitive to heat or cold in this treatment. Discoloring from smoking, coffee or other substances is brought to a minimum with the zirconium crowns. They will not cause a loss or change in taste, and they will not induce breath odor.
Additionally, being highly transmissive to light means no dark coloring on the gums that occurs when metal crowns are used. With metal crowns, it is inevitable that your gums near your teeth will take on blackish or purplish color, the reason being the material used in the crowns and their low transparency. Zirconium will never cause an opaque or blackish look in your mouth. Zirconium crowns which are used to fix a lot of aesthetic and appearance issues, are also incredibly vital for teeth health. With its perfect blend with the gum and the teeth, the risk of infection or disease is much lower with the zirconium crown than its alternatives.


Zirconium Crown
Zirconium dental crown, with its all-white color and resistance to heat, is the ideal dental treatment for patients who are allergic to metal. Zirconium is optically transparent and allows light to flow through instead of blocking it, which results in a more natural and aesthetic look.


1. Making the jawbone suitable for the implant
According to the preferred type of anesthesia, the mouth is anesthetized and the area where the implant will be placed is cleaned. If there is a tooth to be extracted, it will be extracted. An incision is made in the gum to expose the bone where the implant will be placed. In order to create a space for the implant that will act as a tooth root, a deep hole is made in the bone with a special drill and the implant is screwed there. The implant is covered with the incision made gingiva and 1-2 stitches are made.
2. The healing process of the bone
After the implant is placed in the jawbone, approximately 2-6 months is waited for the jawbone to grow and merge with the dental implant surface. This period is necessary for the formation of a solid foundation for the new artificial tooth.
3. Attaching the abutment to which the crown will be attached
In implant application, after the healing process of the bone is completed, an additional surgery may be required to place the abutment to which the crown will adhere. The mouth is anesthetized and the gum is reopened to expose the dental implant. The abutment is attached to the dental implant, covered with gingival tissue and sutured. After the abutment is placed, approximately 2 weeks are waited for the gums to heal.
4. Tooth selection and mold creation
Once the gums heal, a series of appointments begin to make the new implant crown and mouth molds are taken for proper alignment to the mouth.
The crown is not placed until the jawbone is strong enough to support the use of new teeth. Removable, fixed or artificial teeth consisting of a combination of both are decided.
a. removable artificial tooth
It can be partial or full denture, similar to traditional dentures. Contains artificial white teeth surrounded by pink plastic gum. It is mounted on a metal frame attached to the implant abutment and snaps securely into place. It can be easily removed for repair or daily cleaning.
b. Fixed artificial tooth
It is permanently screwed or bonded to a separate implant abutment. It cannot be removed for teeth cleaning or while sleeping. In general, each crown is attached to its own dental implant. In addition, because the implants are extremely strong, several teeth can be replaced with one implant by bridging together.
5. Implant use
The last step in the dental implant application is the fitting of the new crown. Sometimes, depending on which tooth is being restored, the dentist may perform rehearsals before the crown is complete to check its shape and fit in the mouth.
When the final decision is made, the artificial tooth is screwed or glued.
It is normal to develop some small bruises and swellings in the gums and soft tissues after the procedure is finished. A cold ice pack is placed over the skin over the surgical site immediately after treatment to help reduce swelling.
After Implant Treatment
Apart from the fact that one or more tooth loss can be treated with dental implants, it is possible to provide treatment by using dental implants in cases where the patient has lost all of his teeth. In a patient who has lost all their teeth, the necessary basis for a fixed prosthesis can be prepared by placing eight implants in a jaw. The number of implants to be placed may vary depending on the patient. However, dental implants can also be used to provide roots. In patients with extensive bone loss and who are afraid of advanced surgical procedures, 2 or 4 implants can be placed in one jaw and removable prostheses can be made on these implants. The life standards of the patient are increased with prostheses that provide aesthetics and also stay stable while functioning.


attached to its own dental implant. In addition, because the implants are extremely strong, several teeth can be replaced with one implant by bridging together.
5. Implant use
The last step in the dental implant application is the fitting of the new crown. Sometimes, depending on which tooth is being restored, the dentist may perform rehearsals before the crown is complete to check its shape and fit in the mouth.
When the final decision is made, the artificial tooth is screwed or glued.
It is normal to develop some small bruises and swellings in the gums and soft tissues after the procedure is finished. A cold ice pack is placed over the skin over the surgical site immediately after treatment to help reduce swelling.
After Implant Treatment
Apart from the fact that one or more tooth loss can be treated with dental implants, it is possible to provide treatment by using dental implants in cases where the patient has lost all of his teeth. In a patient who has lost all their teeth, the necessary basis for a fixed prosthesis can be prepared by placing eight implants in a jaw. The number of implants to be placed may vary depending on the patient. However, dental implants can also be used to provide roots. In patients with extensive bone loss and who are afraid of advanced surgical procedures, 2 or 4 implants can be placed in one jaw and removable prostheses can be made on these implants. The life standards of the patient are increased with prostheses that provide aesthetics and also stay stable while functioning.


Apart from being able to treat one or more tooth loss with dental implants, it is also possible to provide treatment in cases where the person has lost all their teeth. In people who have lost all their teeth, eight implants are placed in one jaw and the necessary ground is prepared for a fixed prosthesis. The number of implants to be placed may vary from person to person.

However, dental implants can also be used to provide roots. 2 or 4 implants are placed in one jaw for people who have extensive bone loss and are afraid of advanced surgical procedures. Removable prostheses are made on these implants. The living standards of people are increased with prostheses that provide aesthetics and do not move during function.


Implant treatment; It is the process of placing screws made of titanium, developed for missing teeth, into the jawbone. Dental prostheses are placed on the implants placed in the jawbone. Since the implant acts as a tooth root, there is no need for any healthy tooth to be cut or deformed.


A dental implant is a treatment for obtaining a new tooth root by placing screws made of titanium into the dental bone. The implant method has taken the place of methods such as bridges and prostheses, which are frequently used for missing teeth, with the effect of developing technology.


-Because they are made by a durable material their longevity is high.
-Their low cost and aesthetically pleasing appearance
-Much shorter treatment period than other methods
-A lovely smile. It is a method frequently preferred by patients who has aesthetic concerns.


Porcelain Crown Varieties
Crowns with porcelain as their primary material are divided into three categories:
-Porcelain Crowns
-Ceramic Crowns
-Metal Crowns
Treatment options may differ depending on the teeth property and circumstances of the patient.
1) Porcelain Crown for Single Tooth
The crown method used for tooth damaged by physical impact or accident
2) Porcelain Crown for Frontal Teeth
The crown method locally applied to the front side of teeth to create an aesthetically pleasing appearance
3) Complete Porcelain Crown
The crown method that completely covers the whole teeth, front to back. Its durability is amplified by adding glass ceramic on top the base ceramic material.


Applying Porcelain Crowns
After the examination by Promed Clinic dentists, the teeth are cleaned thoroughly with dental contouring to fit the porcelain crowns. Afterwards your teeth are imprinted on a mold with the dental impression technique. This mold explicitly displays the measures for your teeth so the porcelain crowns are made to fit perfectly without inaccuracy. The mold that is your dental impression is then used to manufacture the crowns and within a few days your crowns are ready to be applied to your contoured teeth with a special adhesive by your Promed Clinic dentist. Applying porcelain crown takes around 3 sessions.


Porcelain Crowns
Porcelain teeth is the aesthetical treatment for teeth that have lost their natural beauty or function due to various circumstances. With porcelain teeth the patient has a beautiful aesthetic smile along with healthy looking teeth.
Porcelain dental crown is a crown treatment for teeth. It is made of porcelain and is covers the teeth surface. This treatment method involves placing porcelain on teeth surface and with it; your effort to hide your smile and your worries for your appearance will dissipate.


The cost of the procedure is determined by the treatment methods to be applied on the teeth and the gums. The physician will decide on the cost according to existing dental problems that needs to be solved with the procedure. Since the procedure depends on the person, the cost also depends on how many treatment methods will be applied. The cost can have small differences from clinic to clinic, however this difference comes from the quality of the service you will receive, the expertise and experience of the dentist who will perform your operation.


It is possible to achieve the ideal smile thanks to the Hollywood Smile procedure. Since it is determined specifically to the person and their teeth and gum structure, the result is always highly satisfactory.
It is ideal for patients who require multiple dental treatment options at the same time. You will achieve a whiter and cleaner smile with this procedure. Also your mouth and jaw shape will be made more symmetrical.
Your teeth’s appearance with the other features of your face, such as your lips or your nose, is also taken into account. This procedure will make you feel like a Hollywood star and you will never want to hide your smile.


Lots of different dental treatment methods can be used in conjunction when crafting Hollywood smiles. These treatments are determined by the physician according to specific needs of the patient’s oral and dental health. They include procedures such as composite fillings, periodontal surgery, prosthesis, dental plaque cleaning and teeth whitening.

When you first apply for this procedure your condition will need to be examined thoroughly. These examinations of your teeth and gum are done by the expert Promed Clinic physicians. Required dental treatment plans, along with their alternatives are then offered to you and the course is planned.
During the process we will take measurements and make models of your teeth in order to determine the teeth structure and find appropriate dental procedure methods. After the ideal form is determined the Hollywood smile crafting process starts with additional treatment methods to achieve that smile.

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Danimarkalı ikizlerin Türkiye'de diş tedavisi kabusu Danimarka'da pahalı olduğunu için İstanbul'a diş tedavisi için gelen ikizler Alicia Nicolajsen ve Melissa Petersen, ilk gittikleri klinikte aradıklarını bulamayınca, başka bir yer arayışına geçti. Suriyelilere ait ve kaçak olduğunu belirttikleri ikinci klinikte iddiaya göre, ikizle...


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Hollywood SmileHomeHollywood Smile
Hollywood Smile
Hollywood Smile is a dental treatment plan that aims to craft the perfect smile specific to the person. It achieves this perfect smile through providing healthy and good-looking teeth. In this procedure various dental treatment plans can be used together to create the ideal mouth structure and a beautiful smile.

Hollywood Smile procedure has gained quite an attraction over the last few years. It aims to create the smiles like those of Hollywood stars through dental treatment and dental aesthetics methods specific to the patient. The process itself can depend from patient to patient. Ideal oral structure is determined and a more symmetrical, healthy and aesthetically pleasing smiles are crafted.
Compared to other dental treatment plans, Hollywood smile procedure provides a much healthier and attractive look. The reason being, it is specifically planned for a specific patient. Their needs are determined more accurately. Their facial and oral structure is taken into consideration more precisely, resulting in an ideal dental and smile design. You won’t want to hide your smile after this procedure, just let it show freely.

The Best Solution Dental Clinic Part:1 24/12/2022

The Best Solution Dental Clinic Part:1 Dental operations simulations


Dental implant prices start from € 350.- Get the opportunity for high quality with cheap prices.


Hollywood Smile
Hollywood Smile is a dental treatment plan that aims to craft the perfect smile specific to the person. It achieves this perfect smile through providing healthy and good-looking teeth. In this procedure various dental treatment plans can be used together to create the ideal mouth structure and a beautiful smile.


Dental plaque cleaning procedure starts by using ultrasonic devices that won’t harm the teeth. Thanks to the vibration caused by these devices dental plaque layer is cracked and large formations of tartar are separated from the teeth. Afterwards you spit out the dislodged tartar and plaque with some water we spray on your teeth. Next step is removing the small scale formations with appropriate medical tools. Then we apply a tooth paste containing fluoride to cleanse the teeth and the procedure is complete. There are no side effects or pain in this treatment. Some may experience mild tingling, but only temporarily. The process takes about 10 minutes.


Even if we brush regularly minerals in foods, drinks and even our salivary glands can cause dental plaque to form on our teeth. It needs to be cleaned by an expert. After a while dental plaque can re-occur, therefore it is recommended to repeat this process every 6 months.

The first step of dental plaque cleaning is an examination by the Promed Clinic expert doctors. After a thorough examination tartar and plaque layers on the teeth are removed using various tools. These tools clean out the tartar and the plaque without damaging the teeth.

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