Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple

Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple

Devi maa ��

Photos from ChanSin Enterprise Limited's post 06/09/2021
Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 17/01/2021

Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple
Sunday Morning Devotion - January 17, 2021

On behalf of Mother, Baba, the Head Pujari and devotees of our Temple we take this opportunity to extend warm and heartfelt appreciation to all for joining with us in service this morning, in person or via the social media.

We do appreciate you joining with us in creating positive vibrations. We look forward to your frequent participation with us. Mother and Baba is more than happy to receive each and everyone of you.

Do have a super week ahead.
Om Sri Aadi Shakti Nau Durga Devi Namaha.

Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 14/01/2021

Makar Sankranti – January 14, 2021

Our humble love, adoration and salutations to our Divine Baba in the form of Sri Surya Deva.

Let your warmth fill us with your love. Let the rays of your light brighten our pathway. Let your brilliance usher in the light of positive energies and vibrations. Let your presence ward away all that is dark, evil and distressful.

Om Aditya Vidamhe
Deva Karaya Dheemahe
Thanno Surya Prachodayath

Let me meditate on the Sun God,
Oh, maker of the day, give me higher intellect,
And let Sun God illuminate my mind.
Om Om Sri Surya Devaaya Namaha

PHOTO CREDIT – Ryan Sookdeo


Om Sri Ganeshaaya Namaha

A special invite to you and yours to join with us via our Facebook Live Stream for a special Satsangh as we commemorate and usher in the year 2021 with positive energies and vibrations.

Looking forward to seeing you joining with us on the LIVE.
Do feel free to share this invite...

Jai Sri Durge Ma!


A new beginning means a fresh start in life . Do a self retrospection , look within yourself and see what makes you positive and what is that creates the negativity . Once you determine the positive aspect of yourself , now look for ways , that way with which you can enhance it further in your life so that old situations which brought unhappiness and turmoil can be avoided in your upcoming future . The positive aspect will radiate within you , without getting disturbed by your compulsions , once you start practicing spirituality . The devotion and trust on Mother and the person who initiated you into your Sadhna , your guru ! They will make sure the life stays forever on the positive track within yourself no matter what is happening on the external . Divine Mother is one entity but has diversity of her manifestations , similarly learn to remain in tune with your inner cosmic spiritual nature Which is your inner intelligence and learn to stay stable in all diverse aspects of life in this year . Sri Matre Namaha ! May this year 2021 bring all the happiness and well being in your life.


Om shakti om all are welcome 🔱

Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 23/11/2020

Happy birthday to our loving sai baba

Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 14/11/2020

Our laxmi puja 🙏🙏

Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 14/11/2020

Lighting up mother temple 😍🥰🙏🙏

Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 13/11/2020

From the Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple family to your family, we extend Divali greetings and Mother Lakshmi Divine blessings.

May you and your home be filled her light of joy, good health and prosperity.



Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple

Devotion of Love conducted by:
Friends In Dharma (Kirtan Mandali) of Rio Claro
In the accompaniment of Guru Ji, Mahant Pujari Kalidass Angad of the Divine Maha Kali Shakti Temple, Joyce Road, Chaguanas


Divali Offering
Sunday, November 8, 2020

Live Coverage courtesy FRIENDS IN DHARMA

Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 25/10/2020

NAU RATRI - October 25, 2020

Today we performed devotion to the Divine Mother in the form of Maha Mata Ganga Mata.

We prayed for Sri Ganaga Maa to purify us, our community and our country with her purified water. To quench the thirst of all life forms with her nurturing water and to wash away all that is negative.

Thereafter, we conducted our Visarjan of the Kargam followed by Puja to Sri Krishna Baba.

We take this opportunity to confer our heartfelt appreciation to all who contributed and took up the mantle of the leadership role in the performing of the daily Pujas. Devi Maa's profound blessings upon each and everyone of you. Let your devotion continue with the same joy and love.

Thank you to the Divine Mother for all the opportunities given to us during this period. Do be pleased by our love and devotion. Our love have intensified.

Om Shakti Om.
Om Sri Aadi Shakti Nau Durga Devi Ma.
Om Aim Hreem Kleem Chamundaaye Vicche.
Jai Maa Kali.

Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 24/10/2020

Day 8
Laxmi mata puja had a successful night

Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 23/10/2020

NAU RATRI – October 23, 2020

We offer obeisance to the Divine Mother today, in Her glorious form as Maha Mata Sri Saraswati Devi.

Mother, you are the Divine Shakti that bestows upon us knowledge.
Do illumine our mind and intellect so we can have understanding…, so we can identify the right from the wrong and to be so equipped to make the right choices and do the right things.

We take this opportunity to confer our heartfelt appreciation to Lisa & Adrian for taking up the mantle to perform Puja and devotion to that Divine form of Sri Saraswati Mata. May She shower her benevolence on them both and bring about goodwill and prosperity.

Om Sri Saraswati Divyaaye Namaha

Om Saraswati Namasthubhyam
Varade Kamarupini
Vidhyarambam Karishyami
Siddhir Bavathume Sadha
Salutations to Goddess Saraswati, the one who gives boon and grants wishes
As I go about my pursuits, shower me with the knowledge and intellect I need to attain wisdom.

Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 22/10/2020

NAU RATRI - October 22, 2020

Today we prostrated and offered our Pranams to the Divine Mother as Maha Mata Sri Parvati Devi.

To that Divine Shakti of Sada Samba Shivaya, the personification of pure, transcendental energy that is so forceful, that she has the capacity to annihilate anything that comes in Her pathway yet so gentle, tender and caring.

We offer our love and devotion to you. Do bless us all. Destroy all our negative tendencies and traits and keep us always in your tender care.

Devi Maa's blessings to Naresh Sookdeo, an ardent devotee of our Temple for taking up the sacred responsibility to sponsor and perform Mother worship today. May the Divine Shakti permeate his entire being and accept his humble offering.

Om Sri Maha Mata Parvati Mata Divyaye Namaha!

Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 21/10/2020

NAU RATRI – October 21, 2020

This evening we paid homage, honor, reverence and respect to the Divine Mother in the form of Maha Mata Sri Kateri Devi.

Sri Kateri Maa, have manifested especially so for our women folk. Though She is revered by all in general, the women folk primarily offer salutations to Her for appease against any ill health issues, diseases and problems being experienced. However, the compassionate Mother do not restrict her blessings of healing to the women folk only but showers the benedictions of Her healing capabilities to all who seek Her Divine assistance.

It was our heartfelt prayer that She takes care of her tender and loving devotees who may be afflicted by the Covid 19 pandemic and bring relief, cure and protection from this dreaded disease.

We take this opportunity to express our heartfelt appreciation to Mrs. Sumintra Shah for her dedication, love and contributions to Sri Kateri Maa’s Puja and offerings today. We acknowledge you as a long standing devotee of our Temple. May Aadi Shakti Nau Durga Maha Kali Maa continue to shower Her never ending showers of blessings to you.

Om Sri Kateri Mata Aaye Namoh Namaha!

Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 20/10/2020

NAU RATRI – October 20, 2020

Today we pay obeisance to the Divine Mother in the form of Maha Mata Sri Kanni Devi Maa.

Sri Kanni Maa, you are the Village Mother. You watch over the community bringing goodwill and prosperity in all forms. You open the doorways to goodness and all that is positive. We pray to you have a good married life and for progeny.

O’ Maa! Do keep our community, country and world safe from harm’s way. Shut those doors that bring negativity and open the doors of positivity.

We take this opportunity to confer our appreciation to Aunty Darbassie from St. Augustine for her sacrifice, love and devotion as she sponsored lead in today’s Puja and devotion. Let Kanni Devi Maa shower upon her, Her richest and choicest of blessings

Om Sri Maha Mata Kanni Devi Divye Namaha

Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 19/10/2020

NAU RATRI 2020 – October 19, 2020

Tonight, we pay our obeisance to the Divine Mother in Her Divine form as Maha Mata Sri Dharti Devi.

In our fervent prayer we ask Mother, do continue to be our support.
Continue to be the source of our sustenance and nourishment.
Continue to be caring, loving and giving.

• To the Ramnawad family of Montrose Village for sponsoring and leading in devotion to Sri Maha Mata Kali Devi yesterday, October 18, 2020. Your contribution and outpouring of love was greatly appreciated.
• To Rocky Dhani and his Dharam Patni for sponsoring and leading in Puja this evening dedicated to Sri Dharti Mata Devi.

May the Divine Mother in her varied manifestations continue to permeate our mind, body and intellect drawing us ever so close to realizing our true being and potential.

Om Sri Dharti Mata Aaaye Namaha

Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 18/10/2020

NAU RATRI - October 18, 2020

Today, we dedicated our worship to the Divine Mother as Maha Mata Sri Kali Devi.

Many are afraid of you Maa. They fear to know of you. Remove their fears. Grant them wisdom. Let them see that you are a most caring and loving Mother. Easy to please and generous in giving your blessings.

Om Maha Kalyai Cha Vidmahe Smasana Vasinyai Cha Dhimahi
Tanno Kali Prachodayat

Om Sri Kalikayai Namaha
Om Shanti....



All devotees, do be guided for the Nau Ratri period which commences this Saturday, October 17, 2020 the Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple will be accommodating devotees who would like to attend and perform individual and or family devotion.

Those so desirous to do so must call Head Pujari, Sherryann Sookdeo at 358-1069 or Ryan Sookdeo at 493-0892 to schedule your devotion period as devotees will be limited to single or family access at a time (because of the current Health Regulations in treating with the Covid 19 pandemic).

Devotion will be booked for a maximum time period of one (1) hour between 10:00am and 6:00pm daily.

All health protocols MUST be followed.

Devotees can make a contribution of $100.00 to the Temple in which you will receive:
• 1pk Sindhur
• 1pk Haldi (saffron)
• 1pk Camphor
• 1pk Incense Sticks
• 1 Khus Khus Essence 1oz
• 1 Shaved Coconut

All other items required for your devotion are to be brought by the Devotee.

Should you require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact the persons at the numbers provided.

Let Aadi Shakti Nau Durga Devi Maa remove and cleanse her children and the world of all impurities & negativities.

Jai Ambe! Jai Jagadambe!

NOTE: General Puja Items will be on sale at the Temple compound.

Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 09/08/2020

August 9, 2020

Let these images bring forth prosperity of all kinds. Let the doors of prosperity open. Let us be grateful for the opportunities gifted to us.

Om Aim Hreem kleem Chamundaye Vichhe.

Morning Devotion

Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 26/07/2020


Just as food is necessary for the body, prayer is necessary for the soul.

Let your prayer, that solemn personal conversation that you have with Mother and Master, come from the deep recesses of your heart. Do not let that prayer be ‘skin deep’, rather let the depth of your prayer shakes and rejuvenate your spirit, your soul, your Atman to divinity.

May the following images awaken the Divinity within each and every one of you.

Jai Jai Jai Jagadamba Devi!
Jai Bhairo Baba, Jai Bhairo Baba. Naam Tumhara Bhairo Baba!
Om Shakti Om!



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Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 19/07/2020


Ananda is defined in the English language as perfect bliss.

This medium of perfection can be experienced and felt when in the depth of thought or consciousness of the Supreme Being.

Today to some extent, we were able to be enveloped in and experience to some measure that perfect bliss, that Ananda that we all consciously or subconsciously aspire to achieve.

Heartfelt appreciation to all, who made the effort to contribute to the Ananda of this morning’s devotion by being present.

Now as we share the images of our devotion this morning, may you also experience and be filled with perfect bliss.

Mother and Master continued blessings to all.

Om Shakti Om!
Jai Kali Maa!
Jai Bhairo Baba!

Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 12/07/2020


The saying 'the more the merrier' is so profound. Indeed, greater joy is felt when when we share love, positive energies and vibrations with more and more persons.

Our devotion this morning was no exception to that rule. Special thank you to all who came and was part of this morning's devotion.

Special invite is extended to all who wish to visit, experience, share and enjoy in our Devotional Session. Devotion commences at 8:00am every Sunday however, devotees are asked to assemble by 7:30am.

It would be our pleasure to accommodate and extend our hospitality to you.

Let the images here encourage your body, mind and soul to visit and join in our weekly devotion.

Jai Kali Ma! Om Shakti Om!

Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 05/07/2020


Appreciation can be defined as the recognition and enjoyment of the noble, good and soulful qualities of a person or persons.

I take this opportunity to offer our sincere appreciation and gratitude to the visiting devotees this morning at our Sunday Devotion. Your presence, love and comradely relations was highly valued and we look forward to many more visits from you at our devotion sessions.

In recognition of Guru Purnima, most humble appreciation at the lotus feet of our Divine Mother and Master. Thank you from depth of our hearts for your guidance, wisdom, direction, profound love and all the multitude of blessings and opportunities being given to us. Our love to you again and again.

Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 28/06/2020

Super Sunday Morning devotion this morning.

Om Shakti Om.

Sharing with you images of our devotion.
Let it bring you solace, love, peace, contentment, healing and a positive disposition.


Sita Ram everyone.

The Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple of No 9 Savannah Drive Ext, Savannah Drive, Korea Village, invites each and everyone to their Sunday Morning Devotion. Our Devotion starts at 8:00am but, devotees are asked to assemble for 7:30 am.

Do come and join with us. This Sunday, June 28, 2020 will be specially dedicated to devotees who would like to get a reading, Jharay, spiritual bath or any other spiritual assistance. Devotees are kindly asked to walk with your fruits, flowers, coconut, lime, camphor and any other offerings you wish to bring.

Sita Ram!
Jai Mata Di!
Om Shakti Adi Para Shakti!

Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 21/06/2020

Sunday Morning Devotion – June 21, 2020

Our Spiritual Master is the one who reveals to us the secret that is hidden within the cave of your own heart.

Through His teachings and guidance He opens our eyes to the reality concerning your existence and unites us with our real Self.

He frees us from the three chains of egoism, delusion and binding actions, thus giving to us true knowledge that is liberating in itself.

On this sacred day dedicated to honoring the Father, we pay homage to our Divine Father. Do accept the gift of our love, adoration and prayer. Let your bountiful blessings and mercies forever are felt and experienced.

Jai Shiva Baba!
Jai Sangini Baba!
Jai Munesh Prem Baba!
Jai Bhairo Baba!


Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 14/06/2020


Today Sunday, June 14, 2015 by the grace of our beloved Mother and Master, we recommenced our congregational worship.

It was heartwarming indeed, for the Pujaris and devotees to converge once again, combining the vibrations and energies of comradely relations, joy, affection and devotion to Mother and Master.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity once again. Do accept our humble offerings. We pledge our continued love and adoration.

Jai Durge Ma!
Jai Kali Ma!
Om Shakti Om!
Jai Munesh Prem Baba!
Jai Sangini Baba!
Jai Kaal Bhairo Baba!

Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 07/06/2020

Really really had a great time in temple and most important thing is seeing devi maa look so beautiful to everyone who take the time to come and dress. Mother can't wait for next week

Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 05/06/2020


Photos from Shree Durga Maha Kali Shakti Temple's post 03/06/2020

Om Dum Durgaye Namaha.

Celebrating the one year anniversary of our 6ft Shree Durga Mata Murti installation.

Today, in honor of this auspicious day for our Temple, we humbly ask that you continue to kindle the light of unconditional love and devotion. Continue to give peace and prosperity. Free us from dangers and Grahas. Keep us always on the Dharmic path.

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❤May the Divine Light of Deepavali adds Spark and Energy to Ur Life.....Spread into Lifepeace, Prosperity, Happiness, Go...



Opening Hours

08:00 - 10:00