Catholic Engaged Encounter TT

Catholic Engaged Encounter TT

We are a community of volunteers that organise and share experiences during marriage preparation weekends to serve the Archdiocese of Port of Spain.


We are Anthony Mitchell and Angela Campbell-Mitchell and have been married for 23 years. We have one daughter. We are from Trinidad and Tobago, in the English Speaking Caribbean. We have been involved in Catholic Engaged Encounter for 24 years. We are now the International Executive Team, together with Father Charles, from the Caribbean island of Dominica. We ask your prayers for Fr. Charles (39 years ordained) , who is undergoing treatment for cancer. We are involved in Engaged Encounter because we feel God called us to this service. We derive joy and satisfaction, being given the privilege and honour, to be a part of, and assist in the journey of these couples, as they prepare for marriage, probably the most important decision that they will make in their lives.

Somos Anthony Mitchell y Angela Campbell-Mitchell y llevamos casados ​​23 años. Tenemos una hija. Somos de Trinidad y Tobago, en el Caribe de habla inglesa. Llevamos 24 años participando en el Encuentro Católico de Novios. Ahora somos el Equipo Ejecutivo Internacional, junto con el padre Charles Martin, de la isla caribeña de Dominica. Pedimos sus oraciones por el padre Charles (39 años ordenado), que está recibiendo tratamiento contra el cáncer. Participamos en el Encuentro Católico de Novios porque sentimos que Dios nos ha llamado a este servicio. Nos da alegría y satisfacción que se nos conceda el privilegio y el honor de ser parte y ayudar en el camino de estas parejas, mientras se preparan para el matrimonio, probablemente la decisión más importante que tomarán en sus vidas.

Photos from Catholic Engaged Encounter TT's post 30/06/2024

Our thoughts and prayers are with the two teams representing us at the Catholic Engaged Encounter Inc. - United States National Convention held on 28-30 June 2024.

Kendell & Latoya Celestine - Caribbean Coordinators
Anthony & Angela Mitchell - Representatives on the International Board

We are so proud of them! 🙏🏽


As we proceed on our scheduled 2-month hiatus (to rest & reset)…we take a moment to sincerely thank the family for their tireless sacrifices in ensuring the success of our ministry as we continue to embrace the stewardship way of life!

To God, all praise and glory! 🙏🏽

Special mention to The Dwarka family (not pictured)! Allyson Dwarka is that voice that calls previous couples encouraging you to come and participate; we welcome anyone who wants to give back!


Thank you to all those who answered the call and gave of their time to ensure the success of this weekend! 🤗


Congratulations to the Catholic Engaged Encounter of T&T June 2024 graduation class!


Congratulations to the graduating class of Catholic Engaged Encounter weekend (May 24 - 26 2024). Special thanks to Deacon Sheldon Narine


Our 2024 Weekend Dates are here!

Photos from Catholic Engaged Encounter TT's post 28/05/2023

Yet another weekend completed and another wonderful group of couples. Blessings on all your upcoming nuptials. It was a pleasure spending this weekend with you. Welcome to the CEETT family! Keep in touch!


Another weekend another wonderful group of couples. Happy graduation 😉 Welcome to the CEETT family.


Welcome to the CEETT family
1st weekend of #2023


you might be able to keep


What are your expectations for the season? Are there places you can compromise in the name of mental health and peace? Perhaps your gift list can be pared down. Maybe you don’t need to make all those pastelles, fruit cake and ponche de creme. Maybe all the curtains don’t need to be changed and the house turned upside down. This week, think of ways you can expect less of yourself during the Christmas period. Give that time instead to appreciating all that is joyous and ever-new – the beauty of Christ’s coming to share intimately in our humanity.


Our 2023 weekend dates are now available.


As we continue to prepare for the coming of our Lord Jesus the week we are reminded that we are called to


One of the many beautiful couples we had the pleasure of helping to prepare for marriage. God’s continued blessings on your union.





Congratulations to our most recent graduates. 22-24 April 2022 weekend just completed. Welcome to the CEETT family.


He showed us the true meaning of sacrificial love

Thank you for the cross Lord! Thank you for the price You paid. Today, remember there is no Easter without



You're invited to celebrate Holy Mass with us
30th March 2022
Emmaus Centre

Please RSVP: 4657760; [email protected]


Videos (show all)

The Catholic Engaged Encounter volunteers you work tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure this weekend ran flawlessly! W...
#penticost #happybirthdaychurch
#40thanniversary #ceett1982 #celebration #aweddingisadayamarriageisalifetime
#40thanniversary #ceett1982 #celebration #aweddingisadayamarriageisalifetime
#40thanniversary #celebration #ceett1982 #aweddingisadayamarriageisalifetime
#40thanniversary #ceett1982 #aweddingisadayamarriageisalifetime
#40thanniversary #celebration #ceett1982 #aweddingisadaymarriageisalifetime
#40thanniversary #celebration #ceett1982 #aweddingisadaymarriageisalifetime
#40thanniversary #ceett #aweddingisadaymarriageisalifetime
#40thanniversary #ceett1982 #aweddingisadaymarriageisalifetime
