葉爾珊 Shannon Yeh, Kaohsiung Videos

Videos by 葉爾珊 Shannon Yeh in Kaohsiung. 藝術家 (前國立中山大學企管系(外文系)兼任教授) (前聖塔外語補習班/西灣中大營隊創辦人) 終身美語能力教育專家

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學測作文: 題目:Things Are Not As Difficult As They Appear 在成長的過程中,有些事情在開始的時候你可能覺得很難,但經過一番努力後就不再認為因難了。請寫一篇至少一百二十個單字的英文作文,描述一個親身的經驗。 文章的頭兩句必須是: Things are not as difficult as they appear. I have a personal experience to prove this. (The outline of your personal experience: Who : I, what happened, with whom, where, when. ) (Quote: Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.) However, given the saying, “Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor,” I set off to the States for further study, offering me a chance to become a professional English educator as who I am today. The second paragraph: The detail-How did you overcome this difficulty? . HOW….Though I lost faith in myself/I hit rock bottom right after the failed entrance exam to graduate school, the saying that stressed failure could just add flavor to success inspired me and I plucked up my courage starting a journey for more advanced knowledge in teaching English in America. My personal experience perfectly interprets that things are not as difficult as they appear, and there is always a silver lining. failure difficulty/ adversity/ challenge/obstacle Quotes "Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly." "Fire is the test of gold; adversity is the test of strong men." "Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle."
 "Courage is one step ahead of fear." "There will be obstacles. There will be doubters. There will be mistakes. But with hard work, there are no limits." "Don’t be afraid to do something you’re not qualified to do." "Rock bottom became the solid foundation in which I built my life." I hit rock bottom. "Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals." "Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor

同樣從小學美語,為何到了高中差異這麼大?高中以上的英語測驗包含學測均無範圍,而且閱讀功力很重要!所以美語啟蒙學習,一定要以自然發音出發,不斷閱讀英文母語小孩讀的繪本才有用喔!影片中的Jessie學習9個月,閱讀流利!老師有一套很有效的 自然發音系統,可以有效引導孩子自然閱讀。閱讀能力強,聽説及寫自然水到渠成!想替孩子找到正確的美語啟蒙課程,請點選影片下按鈕私訊老師喔。

Shannon Yeh 葉爾珊 #advancedenglish 主題:the causes of and ways to deal with the rapidly changing world 很適合目前這個 pandemic-stricken era #IELTSwriting #TOEFLwriting #shannonyeh1233 Shannon老師的範文: 標準第一段(The standard one): The world of work is rapidly changing, and employees cannot depend on having the same job or the same working conditions for life. This essay attributes this phenomenon to the development of technology and suggests (that) employees (should) receive upskilling and reskilling to cope up with such fast-paced, tech-driven workplace. 或者較有技巧的第一段(A compelling one: Start with a story and then a question): My schoolteacher/ My college professor/ My parents once said that she/he/ they typed up her/his/their assignments on a typewriter when studying in college. Do you know there used to be a job called “the typist?” Technology continues to push at the boundaries of the way organizations operate, leading to the change of the job content and the working condition. Therefore, a once popular job “the typist” was gradually fading away due to the emergence of the computer. Employees should update their technical knowledge and skillsets accordingly to address the market’s immediate problems. 第二段(The second paragraph: Give examples for technology or the unexpected pandemic, such as COVID, that impacts the change): Though globalization and digitalization, occurring along with the rise of IT and accelerated by the global pandemic, seem to be viewed as a threat to the labor market, they also contribute to the fastest advances in technology, such as Big Data and space exploration. Worldwide Big Data market revenues are projected to increase by nearly threefold in the coming two decades backed by its application to optimizing and maximizing marketing and sales strategies as well as R&D. If one would like to join the marketing, sales, or R&D workforce, being able to analyze data is a must-have ski

葉爾珊Shannon Yeh:雅思寫作:#統計圖寫作:the percentage of car manufacturer’s total sales in North America, South America, Europe and Asia #雅思寫作 #圖表寫作 #專業寫作 老師一開始問了些問題引導學生構思寫作脈絡,請專心看喔! 範文: What we can see here is / There is a bar chart showing the percentage of a car manufacturer’s total sales in four different regions for the time period of 2006 to 2010. (.... for the period of time of 2006 to 2010 / from 2006 to 2010). Each bar comes in four colors, representing North America, South America, Europe, and Asia respectively. A quick glance at the diagram reveals that the Asian market took up the majority of the sales, growing from 30% in 2006 to 50% in 2010 while the market in Americas was slashed into half from 40% in 2006 to 20% in 2010. Among all the four regions covered on this bar chart, Asia secured a steadily/stably growing position, experiencing the greatest growth of 10 percent in 2010, making the sales in Asia claim half of the total sales at 50% in 2010 while starting at 30% in 2006. Sales in Europe remained at around 30 % for the first two years, then grew/rose to around 35%, then dropped slightly to a bit over 30 %, and declined to 30% in 2010. South America, once ranking second at 28% just right next to the Asian and European markets at 30 % of the sales respectively/ individually, suffered the greatest recession/depression/shrinkage from nearly 30 % in 2006 to less than 10% in 2010, ranking the least. In the end, a surprising rebound in the supposedly mature North American market was seen in 2010, where sales only made up a bit over 10% in 2006 and declined to its worst year at 5% in 2009. However, much to the opposite of the assumed downward trend, sales in North America reclaimed its 2006 sales record to over 10% in 2010. 學生作品(1): Here we have a bar chart depicting the percentage of a car manufacturer’s total sales in four