九寧 Nine Big Co., Ltd.

May Dian Co., Ltd. was formerly established in 1989 and transformed to Nine Big Co., Ltd. in 1991.

Nine Big now is the most professional distributor for electronic components in Taiwan.

Photos from 九寧 Nine Big Co., Ltd.'s post 26/08/2024


🏭虛實整合 升級精密尖端智造

其中MooVair 無線充電系列: 可用於電動堆高機、AGV 上的無線充電系統,九寧專業代理,非接觸式無線充電,無火花無維修成本,打造智慧工廠必備設計之一。有興趣請洽九寧業務專業介紹。

⚙️精密產線 進化全攻略

🌱數位科技 打造綠色低碳工廠

錯過實體展的,不要再錯過數位展了喔:📱 https://www.deltaww.com/event/AutomationTPE/



盛夏7月,慕尼黑上海電子展 (electronica China)於上海圓滿落幕。九寧股份有限公司(以下簡稱「九寧」)驕傲地宣布,我們在2024年慕尼黑上海電子展上與全球領先的電子解決方案供應商TDK攜手合作,協助站展,接待來賓。該展會於E6展廳的6506展台舉行,展示TDK最新的元件和系統解決方案產品,包含:

🔋 無線電力傳輸:超薄印刷線圈技術,0.76毫米厚度,支持更大充電區域。
🌈 全彩激光模塊/智能眼鏡:直接投射到視網膜,用於AR/VR。
📡 Cu Mesh 天線 TMA系列:實現設備高功能化和小型化。
🔄 NFC天線MSC系列:耐高溫,通信距離更長。
🔍 新型雙芯片抗雜散場 3D 位置傳感器:精確定位,適用於汽車安全系統。
🎧 更智能的可聽設備:TWS設備顯示360空間音頻和主動降噪功能。
🎤 低功耗MEMS麥克風:支持物聯網和邊緣AI應用。
🔋 陶瓷固態SMD電池CeraCharge:無泄漏,無著火風險。
⚡ PowerHap積層壓電陶瓷執行器:提高駕駛員操作便利性。
♻️ 使用生物循環材料的ModCap電容器:實現產品可持續性。
🦠 MediPlas等離子體系統:高效消毒醫療設備。
💡 1kW/800W醫療AC-DC電源:高功率密度,低噪音。




Photos from 九寧 Nine Big Co., Ltd.'s post 04/06/2024

Hello everyone, today Nine Big would like to introduce following features of TDK's Aluminum Electrolytic capacitors to you:

✅Long lifespan up to 25 years, with an Online AlCap Useful Life Calculation Tool available for use.
✅In-house foil production.
✅In-house electrolyte production.
✅Axial-lead/soldering star types offer outstanding high ripple current capability
✅Especially noteworthy is the side-vented type pressure valve design, which significantly mitigates thermal issues.

📌Main applications: The robust new capacitors are suitable for use in industrial power supplies, frequency converters or UPS systems. In addition, they can be deployed in renewable energy applications such as the converters in photovoltaic and wind power plants.
1️⃣ Industrial electronics:
- Frequency converters
 - Solar inverters
 - Uninterruptible power supplies
- Professional power supplies
 - Medical appliances
- Wind power
- Photovoltaic systems
2️⃣ Automotive electronics
- Electric vehicles
- Charging stations
3️⃣ Consumer electronics

For more TDK's Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors, please drop us messages. We are here to serve you.

Photos from 九寧 Nine Big Co., Ltd.'s post 24/04/2024

🌟 TDK 新一代的TMR角度傳感器,正以其卓越的性能和廣泛的應用領域,成為汽車、工業設備和民用消費產品的首選!🌟


🚗 汽車行業:TDK作為全球首家推出車載TMR傳感器的公司,其產品廣泛應用於汽車製造業。從駕駛輔助系統到車輛穩定性控制,TMR角度傳感器幫助汽車實現更精準的運動控制和安全性能。

🚲高級電動交通:TDK TMR角度傳感器的高性能保駕護航,可為電動自行車、輪椅、滑板車和單輪車等E-MOBILITY應用提供廣泛的支持。比如在E-BIKE的使用上,可以更精準地進行位置測量,從而實現更平穩的電機控制,由於精度較高,減少了踩踏時在踏板上產生的轉矩波動,讓用戶更省力!

🏭 工業領域:TDK TMR角度傳感器為高度精確且可靠的磁性感應器,可用作機器人馬達的角度感應器。相較於傳統感應器,它能在更廣的溫度範圍內更準確地檢測旋轉體的角度和位置。因其具有出色的測量精度,並且能夠在惡劣的環境下穩定運行,為工業自動化提供了強大的支持。

📱 民用消費領域:現代消費電子產品越來越小型化和低功耗,需要高性能的傳感器來實現更精準的功能。TDK TMR傳感器的產品不僅具有更高的測量精度,而且能夠更節能,延長電池壽命,為用戶帶來更好的使用體驗。以手機為例,TMR角度傳感器可以準確地測量手機相機鏡頭與被攝物體之間的角度和位置,從而實現自動對焦功能。這對於用戶捕捉清晰、銳利的影像至關重要,尤其是在拍攝移動物體或拍攝距離較遠的景物時。TMR角度傳感器的高精度和穩定性使其成為智慧型手機相機的理想選擇之一。

💡 與其他傳感器相比,TDK TMR角度傳感器具有更高的測量精度、更穩定的性能和更長的使用壽命。選擇TDK TMR角度傳感器,為您的產品提供更高的性能和可靠性!歡迎洽詢 。



台達MOOV Air 1kW 無線充電系統, 無人搬運車(AGV)的好夥伴



🔌 麻煩的線纏繞
🔌 需要定期更換損壞的充電線
🔌 有線充電時可能會造成接觸面摩擦和氧化,需定期維護
🔌 接觸式銅片因潮濕產生銅綠要定期刷除,或因磨耗而需定期更換
🔌 不防水、不防塵、不耐化學物質(如鹽霧和酸鹼)



✨ 無接觸式充電,不需要手動插拔電源,徹底擺脫煩人的充電線
✨ 無充電接頭磨損,免去定期更換損壞充電線的煩惱
✨ 消除接觸面摩擦和氧化問題,提高充電效率達93%
✨ 防水、防塵、抗化學物質,適應各種嚴苛環境
✨ 體積小,重量輕,可靈活安裝
✨ 支援所有類型的電池充電 (24V/48V)
✨ 支援多機共享充電站
✨ 採用鋰電轉換技術,滿足高電流充電需求
✨ 支援 CAN 總線,可連接智能電池或車輛系統
✨ 可配置為電源供應器
✨ 安全,沒有觸電、漏電、短路的風險


🈶1kW 現貨供應中,
🈶3.3kW、10kW、30kW 陸續發表中。



Photos from 九寧 Nine Big Co., Ltd.'s post 09/04/2024

🔌✨ 來認識 TDK/EPCOS 薄膜電容器 ✨🔌






#薄膜電容器 #電子元件

Photos from 九寧 Nine Big Co., Ltd.'s post 01/04/2024

🛡️一起來認識TDK的Surge Arrester(氣體放電管) - 你的電子守護天使!




「為什麼電器會壞掉? 家裡不是已經有安裝避雷針了嗎?」


🔍 氣體放電管是什麼?

- 也被稱為過壓保護裝置(SPD)或電壓過壓抑制器(TVSS)。
- 它通過“阻止”或分散由外部力量(例如閃電)或操作條件突然變化(開關浪潮)引起的過電壓,保護電氣設備。
- 過壓保護裝置可以減少通過的電壓或將其引導到地面,保護您的設備。

💡 #過電壓保護


📌Introduce Nichicon's SLB series:

New Small Lithium Titanate Rechargeable Battery for

🔹IoT Devices
🔹Wearable Devices
🔹Electronic Ci******es
🔹Wireless Earbuds
🔹Backup Power Supply
🔹Stylus Pen

For more information, please visit Nichicon's website here:

安全 21/03/2024


DIGITIMES 最新發布《電動車產業報告》,2024年,全球電動車銷量將超越1,800萬台,預估全球市場年增率為29.6%,中國大陸、歐洲、美國仍將主宰全球電動車市場。

- 電池成本下降、石油價格上漲加速燃油車市場收縮,加速轉移需求
- 新技術如高階智能駕駛、800V快充、5C超充電池等驅動硬體升級
- 品牌競爭加劇,車型更新換代加快至12-18個月,創新步伐持續加快







#新能源汽車 #電動車 #無線充電



安全 分别就汽车安全相关各类功能介绍TDK集团的丰富产品群。












九寧代理TDK µPOL™、車用感測器,Nichicon電解,以及台達的車用充電模組等產品,可為電動車客戶提供完整的解決方案。







Email: [email protected]



🌟 踏入後疫情時代,物聯網產業正大步邁向全新境界!根據工研院的「後疫情物聯網產業趨勢分享」報告, 後疫情物聯網新型態應用將聚焦在下列領域:

1️⃣ AIoT應用:人工智能與車聯網&物聯網的巧妙結合,為人們帶來更智能、更便利的生活體驗。想像一下客人從飯店門口下車後,車子自動去充電、洗車、停車!

2️⃣ 零接觸應用:零接觸科技將重新塑造我們的生活模式,比如無人機/機器人將送貨到你家。

3️⃣ 淨零碳排應用:工廠管理人員可以通過智能監控系統實時查看工廠各項指標的情況,並生成定期的碳排放報告,用於監督和評估工廠的環保成效。

4️⃣ 元宇宙應用:在元宇宙中探索無限可能,可以互動學習、進行商務會議、遊戲、展演。

5️⃣ 5G應用:5G技術將為人們的食衣住行育樂各方面催生更多驚奇應用!

若有物聯網應用及電子元件需求,誠摯歡迎您聯繫九寧!✨ #物聯網 #零接觸 #淨零碳排 #元宇宙 #後疫情趨勢 #電子元件貿易

The Metaverse Will Engage All Five Senses 20/04/2023

TDK Product News - The Metaverse Will Engage All Five Senses 调动五感的元宇宙!

The technology that delivers the metaverse will build on the technology for virtual reality, using more sensors, and more different kinds of sensors. TDK has one of the richest sensor portfolios in the industry, extensive software expertise, and excels at sensor fusion.

。The concept of the metaverse, which engages all the senses, is expected to rise alongside the growth of VR and AR technologies.
。Wearables will be a defining aspect of the metaverse, with sensors being critical for motion and positioning tracking, object detection, and spatial positioning.
。Different types of sensors are used for detecting environment and fixing position, such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, TMR magnetometers, pressure sensors, ultrasonic sensors, lidar/radar, MEMS microphones, body/ambient temperature sensors, and visual sensors.
。The metaverse is expected to eventually engage all five senses, including sight, sound, touch, smell, and taste, with various sensors being used to convey different sensations.
。Displays are fundamental to both VR and AR, with TDK introducing a new projection option for AR that produces crisp, clear images even for people with imperfect vision.
。Sensor fusion and enabling software can integrate that data to produce progressively richer, more enjoyable, and safe experiences must be continuously refined.

The Metaverse Will Engage All Five Senses Tech Library Application Note [Apr. 2023 ] Application Note The Metaverse Will Engage All Five Senses Sensors and Sensor Systems Angle Sensors Motion / Inertial Sensors Pressure Sensors Temperature Sensors (NTC) Ultrasonic Sensors Barometric Pressure Sensors Chip NTC Thermistors (Sensor) Embedded Mo...

九寧股份有限公司 18/11/2021

Nine Big Co. Ltd. website new look has just launched!

Check it out here:


九寧股份有限公司 九寧股份有限公司 創於1991年,至今已成立逾30年,獲 TDK、Nichicon、EPCOS、InvenSense、Delta、Azurewave、AI-LINK、Analog Power、日通工(Nitsuko)、萬裕(Samxon)、松木、鈺太、昇佳…等多元專業代理,代理品牌多為上市櫃公司,品質有保證,為...

ACT1210D Common-mode Chokes for CAN FD 17/11/2021

[Tech Library] ACT1210D Common-mode Chokes for CAN FD

The ACT1210D type is optimized for CAN FD applications that are more susceptible to ringing by minimizing leakage inductance, stray capacitance, and mode conversion characteristics through unique structural design including the winding method.

TDK CAN FD用共模滤波器中的ACT1210D型产品是一种通过包含绕组工艺的独有结构设计,使泄漏电感、寄生电容、模式转换特性最小化,针对比以往更容易受到振铃影响的CAN-FD应用进行了优化的产品。


ACT1210D Common-mode Chokes for CAN FD The ACT1210D type is optimized for CAN FD applications that are more susceptible to ringing by minimizing leakage inductance, stray capacitance, and mode conversion characteristics through unique structural design including the winding method.

TDK中国代理商介绍:九宁股份有限公司 28/07/2021


Nine Big Co., Ltd, as a TDK's disty, is introduced by TDK China.
Welcome any enquiry via social networks, company website, phone calls. 💻📞


TDK中国代理商介绍:九宁股份有限公司 九宁股份有限公司创立于1991年,同年正式代理TDK产品,至今已成立逾30年。期间荣获 TDK、TDK-InvenSense、Nichicon、AI-Link、Azurewave、Analog Power、日通工(Nitsuko)、万裕、松木、钰太、升佳…等代理资格。销售产品从被动零件逐步拓展至...

New DC link capacitors with exceptionally low ESL 12/05/2021

Power capacitors: TDK introduces new DC link capacitors with exceptionally low ESL

TDK Corporation presents a new series of EPCOS power capacitors for DC link applications. The new capacitors are available for rated voltages of 700 V DC to 2000 V DC and cover a capacitance range of 20 µF to 270 µF. The current handling capacity can be up to 60 A at 65 °C with the ability to tolerate current peaks of up to 7.5 kA. The maximum permissible hot spot temperature is 85 °C.

The capacitors’ extremely low ESL values can be as low as 13 nH, depending on the type. Thanks to this and the low ESR values of min. 0.9 mΩ, the capacitors of the B2563xE* series are suitable for inverter solutions with fast-switching power modules. The low ESR value remains stable even at high switching frequencies of 100 kHz, while the low parasitic coefficients prevent significant voltage overshoots even when high currents are switched off.

The capacitors’ plastic cylindrical cases conform with UL 94 V0. Two connection types are available: M8 threaded bolts or M5 threaded holes. Typical applications include fast-switching converters and inverters for photovoltaic systems, traction in railway technology and inductive heating systems.

Main fields of application
。Fast-switching converters and inverters for photovoltaic systems, traction and inductive heating systems
Main features and benefits
。Rated voltage of 700 V DC to 2000 V DC
。Capacitance range from 20 µF to 270 µF
。Extremely low ESL of max. 13 nH, ESR of min. 0.9 mΩ


New DC link capacitors with exceptionally low ESL TDK presents a new series of EPCOS power capacitors for DC link applications. The new capacitors are available for rated voltages of 700 V DC to 2000 V DC.

PTC ICL Selection Tool 12/03/2021

Service: TDK selection tool for PTC inrush current limiters

TDK Corporation (TSE:6762) presents a new, user-friendly tool to help users select the right PTC inrush current limiters (ICL) for a range of different power supply and converter topologies. The intuitive tool is available online and does not need to be downloaded. The selection process is divided into four stages: After specifying the circuit structure and the capacitor bank's total capacitance, the developer must then enter the charging voltage and the maximum ambient temperature of the PTC inrush current limiter. After this has been done, the tool displays a list of suitable components for the user, and if a parallel connection is required, the number of components required is also shown. The most important key figures are also shown, as well as links to service distributors that sell the PTC ICLs.

One significant advantage of PTC inrush current limiters is the fact that they are intrinsically safe. In the event of an internal short circuit in the device when it is switched on, this component quickly limits the current to non-critical levels. Furthermore, this component ensures gentle charging of the DC link capacitors.

In addition to their use in converters and power supplies for industrial and household electronics, PTC inrush current limiters are also used in the field of e-mobility – such as in on-board charging circuits and for the charging and discharging of DC link capacitors in hybrid and electric drives.

Further information on the products can be found under http://www.tdk-electronics.tdk.com/en/ptc_icl_tool.

PTC ICL Selection Tool ► Calculation of application-related parameters ► All available EPCOS ferrite cores and/or materials ► Access to digitized material data

AlCap service life calculation program 12/03/2021

Service: TDK offers a comprehensive calculation tool for aluminum electrolytic capacitors

TDK Corporation (TSE:6762) presents the fully revised version 4.0 of the tried and tested Online AlCap Useful Life Calculation Tool for EPCOS aluminum electrolytic capacitors. The tool covers all new high-voltage capacitors (>150 V DC) with screw, snap-in and solder pin connections. These DC link capacitors are particularly suitable for new designs of converters for industrial applications, such as photovoltaics and wind power generation, as well as uninterruptible power supplies.

The AlCap tool enables up to 15 load profiles to be simultaneously entered, calculated and, if so desired, stored for later use. This powerful function allows applications to be developed both with single capacitors and capacitor banks. Furthermore, the tool can perform on a customer-specific basis calculation. This merely requires the CSC code specified in the respective data sheet to be entered.

Once all relevant values have been entered, in addition to the useful life of the capacitors under defined load conditions, the user also obtains data regarding the hot-spot temperature, power dissipation and much more. Coupled with its useful lifecycle under defined load conditions, the AlCap tool provides industrial designers a solution that meets the needs of their demanding applications.

Link to the tool: www.tdk-electronics.tdk.com/en/alcap_tool.

AlCap service life calculation program Design tools: AlCap service life calculation program - web-based application for different series. Try our products now!

Compact transformers for DC/DC converters 09/02/2021

Transformers: TDK offers compact transformers for DC/DC converters

- EPCOS E10 EM series / B78307A*A003

👏👏Main fields of application
DC/DC converters and gate driver circuits in e-mobility and industrial electronics
👍👍Main features and benefits
Compact dimensions of just 11.7 x 13.15 x 11.35 mm3
Compliance with the IEC 60664-1 standard with regard to clearance and creepage
Qualified in accordance with AEC-Q200 Rev. D


Compact transformers for DC/DC converters Press release: TDK presents the EPCOS E10 EM series, a new range of insulated SMT transformers that are suitable for various DC/DC converter topologies.

E-Drive | Motorcycle | Automotive | Application Guides | TDK Product Center 28/01/2021

Application Guide for E-Drive of motorcycle has been released.

Refer to optimal products for ECUs and motor inverters for E-Drive for motorcycles, selected from the TDK Group's product lines.


E-Drive | Motorcycle | Automotive | Application Guides | TDK Product Center Here are the optimal products for ECUs and motor inverters for E-Drive for motorcycles, selected from the TDK Group's product lines.

Instagram Photos 28/01/2021

TDK's MotionTracking™ solutions with dedicated bundled software

ICM-42688-V: The ICM 42688-V 6-axis IMU with Advanced Sensor Fusion Library is the highest performance and lowest noise consumer IMU available. Compared to traditional consumer-grade IMUs, the ICM-42688-V based solution provides a 10x enhancement in orientation accuracy for IoT applications that require high degrees of performance.

ICM-40627: The ICM-40627 6-axis IMU with Air Motion Library is a highly precise, ultra-low-power solution dedicated to motion-control applications such as smart TV remotes, air mouse, presentation pointers, and smart sketching.

Announced at CES 2021, our newest 6-axis MEMS IMU’s come with dedicated bundled software, addressing top-of-the-line and consumer level applications.



👏👏 [News] EMC Products: TDK launches noise suppression filters for in-vehicle PoC / EMC对策产品: TDK推出用于车载PoC的噪音抑制滤波器

TDK Corporation announces the launch of the MDF1005 series of noise suppression filters for in-vehicle PoC, used in applications such as ADAS circuits, BUS lines, telematics units, and more. Mass production will begin in December 2020.

Main applications
- ADAS circuit, BUS line, telematics unit (e.g. C-V2X, e-call)

Main features and benefits
- Contributes to high-frequency isolation and control of radiation noise (0.7 - 2.4 GHz)
- Achieves 1000 ohms (at 900 GHz) or greater with the rated current of 400 mA at 125℃ in the 1005 form
- DC superimposition characteristics with good impedance
- AEC-Q200 compliant


Feeling It Through the Tires—Driving the Comfort and Safety of Next-Generation Automobiles Forward | Featured Stories | TDK 27/11/2020

TDK - Featured Stories: Feeling It Through the Tires—Driving the Comfort and Safety of Next-Generation Automobiles Forward

👉Sensors Play a Vital Role in Improving Automotive Performance
👉Detecting Running Conditions in Real Time Through In-Wheel Sensing
👉Tires Coupled with Sensors Greatly Expand the Potential of Autonomous Vehicles and ADAS


Feeling It Through the Tires—Driving the Comfort and Safety of Next-Generation Automobiles Forward | Featured Stories | TDK TDK has developed a device that enables battery-less sensing in the tire wheel—a feat that was difficult in the past. This will contribute to improving the safety and comfort of next-generation autonomous cars.

Global Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor (MLCC) Market | Trends, Growth and Forecast (2019 - 2029) 20/11/2020

MLCC market info sharing

Тhе glоbаl Мultіlауеr Сеrаmіс Сарасіtоr (МLСС) mаrkеt іѕ рrојесtеd tо bе UЅ$ 8,179.7 Мn іn 2019 tо rеасh UЅ$ 13,889.0 Мn bу 2029 аt а САGR оf 5.5%.

end use application - multіlауеr сеrаmіс сарасіtоrѕ аrе аn іdеаl ѕоlutіоn fоr ІоТ dеvісеѕ ѕuсh аѕ соmрutеrѕ, tаblеtѕ, аnd оthеrѕ оwіng tо thеіr іntrіnѕіс rеlіаbіlіtу аnd lоng ѕеrvісе lіfе. Rаріdlу grоwіng Іntеrnеt оf Тhіngѕ (ІоТ) dеvісеѕ асrоѕѕ thе glоbе аrе сrеаtіng dіvеrѕе орроrtunіtіеѕ fоr thе рlауеrѕ ореrаtіng іn thе tаrgеt mаrkеt.

dielectric type - Тhе Х7R ѕеgmеnt ассоuntѕ fоr thе mајоrіtу ѕhаrе аnd іѕ ехресtеd tо rеgіѕtеr hіghеѕt grоwth оvеr fоrесаѕt реrіоd, fоllоwеd bу оthеr dіеlесtrіс tуреѕ ѕеgmеnt. Оn thе bаѕіѕ оf еnd-uѕе, thе mаrkеt іѕ ѕеgmеntеd іntо Соnѕumеr Еlесtrоnісѕ, Аutоmоtіvе, Іnduѕtrіаl Масhіnеrу, Теlесоmmunісаtіоn & Оthеr Еnd-Uѕеѕ. Тhе соnѕumеr еlесtrоnісѕ ѕеgmеnt ассоuntѕ fоr а mајоrіtу ѕhаrе іn thе glоbаl Мultіlауеr Сеrаmіс Сарасіtоr (МLСС) mаrkеt.

Region - Тhе АРАС ассоuntѕ fоr thе mајоrіtу ѕhаrе іn thе glоbаl Мultіlауеr Сеrаmіс Сарасіtоr (МLСС) mаrkеt, оwіng tо rоbuѕt grоwth оf thе аutоmоtіvе ѕесtоr. АРАС іѕ ехресtеd tо rеgіѕtеr hіghеѕt grоwth rаtе оvеr fоrесаѕt реrіоd. Rеgіоnѕ ѕuсh аѕ Еurоре, Ѕоuth Аmеrіса, аnd МЕА аrе ехресtеd tо rеgіѕtеr ѕtаblе grоwth оvеr thе fоrесаѕt реrіоd.

Source: https://market.us/report/multilayer-ceramic-capacitor-mlcc-market/

Global Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor (MLCC) Market | Trends, Growth and Forecast (2019 - 2029) Global Multilayer Ceramic Capacitor (MLCC) Market is projected to be US$ 8,179.7 Mn in 2019 to reach US$ 13,889.0 Mn by 2029 at a CAGR of 5.5%.


TDK Application Note: Haptic devices in the ICT sector



Haptic devices are starting to be used for applications such as industrial or automotive monitors, displays on white goods such as washing machines, etc. However, these devices are also suitable for smartphones, notebook computers, and other ICT products.
TDK offers haptic device products utilizing the piezoelectric effect.


Press Release: ThermoFuse® varistors 22/10/2020

ThermoFuse® varistors: TDK releases new series of varistors for overvoltage protection and enhanced monitoring
ThermoFuse® 压敏电阻:TDK 发布带过压保护和增强监测功能的新系列压敏电阻

TDK Corporation presents two new series of ThermoFuse® varistors, which are equipped with monitor outputs and integrated thermal protective components for overvoltage protection.


The MT25 series (B72225M*) & The MT30 series (B72230M*)
👏👏Main applications
- Photovoltaic inverters
- Powerful industrial power supplies
- Inverters
- Power supplies for lighting systems and telecommunications systems

👏👏Main features and benefits
- Wide voltage range from 150 VRMS to 750 VRMS
- High surge current capability of up to 25 kA (8/20 µs)
- Monitor outputs with or without electrical isolation
- Complete encapsulation
- Particularly compact design


Press Release: ThermoFuse® varistors TDK releases new series of varistors for overvoltage protection and enhanced monitoring.


Ultrasonic Solution -
presented by InvenSense


Happy Mid-Autumn Festival.

九寧公司 敬賀
Best Wishes from Nine Big

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Nine Big customers include well-known manufacturers such as domestic and foreign power supplies, various hand-held devices, IC packaging & testing, wireless network & communication, and so on. Its markets gradually expand to LTE, 5G, IoT, smart home appliance, smart bathroom, smart meter, RFID, smart driving, industrial control, medical related , to name but a few. Throughout the growing path, Nine Big forms a comprehensive integrated service and product systems with strong competitive advantages, and becomes an industry-leading integrated service provider of electronic components. Up to now Nine Big has served more than 1,600 electronic companies.

九寧客群涵蓋國內外電源供應器、各手持式移動產品、IC封裝測試、無線網通等知名製造廠商,逐步擴展到LTE 和5G相關市場、物聯網和智慧家電、智慧衛浴設備、智慧電錶、RFID射頻識別、汽車智能駕駛相關市場、工業控制及醫療相關市場,並最終形成一套完善的綜合服務及產品體系,力爭以全方位競爭優勢,成長為業界領先的電子元器件綜合服務提供者,服務至今之電子公司已逾一千六百多家。

Videos (show all)

TMR Angle Sensors Products Introduction by TDKAdvanced Sensor Solutions for Automotive, Industry Applications



No. 85, Dajeng Street

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 - 17:30
Tuesday 08:30 - 17:30
Wednesday 08:30 - 17:30
Thursday 08:30 - 17:30
Friday 09:00 - 17:30

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