Noscens is a socially oriented enterprise focused on liberal arts education and dedicated to the promotion of classics education from East to West.
Lecture Preview:
Ancient Law and Modern Thought
We will have a plethora of presentations on architectonic thinkers in Western history who, while differing significantly in their outlook, nonetheless are all concerned with one unifying theme, namely the function of religious norms as fundamental Law in a political regime. In the presentation on Moses Maimonides, Daniel Doneson will explore how Maimonides construes the Torah as a perfect law code guided by divine wisdom. In the presentation on Giambattista Vico, Jonathan Yudelman will discuss the origin of law and the political community in Vico’s account. On that basis, Vico disputes the prevailing notions on this subject held by the so-called theorists of modern Enlightenment. In the presentation on Benedictus de Spinoza, Rory Schacter will summarize the main features of Spinoza’s teaching concerning the nature of law as formulated in the Political Treatise and afterward explicate the key innovations Spinoza thereby created in the understanding of the place of religion in political life.
In the presentation on the intellectual history of 19th-century East Asia, we will provide an outline of the ways intellectuals appropriated and interpreted the theory of evolution, representative government, and political parties in the early modern period of China and Japan. We will focus specifically on certain figures, including Masao Maruyama ,Fukuzawa Yukichi, Zhang Binglin, who were the leading lights in the intelligentsia of Late Qing China and early modern Japan. After assessing their contributions on the above topics. We will discuss Japan’s pursuit of cultural autonomy, as a result of which its intellectuals disavowed connections with Chinese culture as a whole, and in turn devoted their energy to the construction of a unique national identity, which is encapsulated in the concept of Kokutai.
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