Asian Aerosol Conference 2022

Asian Aerosol Conference 2022

Taiwan is proud to host the 12th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC) 2022 under the Asian Aerosol Researc


Abstract Submission Deadline is approaching!
Only 5 days remaining! Hurry up, submit your Abstract now!
will be the centre of for this year, don't miss it!
👉 Submit Now |


🔆 Speaker
>>>>>Prof. Mansoo Choi
Seoul National University, Korea
🔆Plenary Speech Title
>>>>>Three Dimensional Nanoprinting via Charged Aerosols

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It is a great honor and pleasure to invite Prof. Mansoo Choi to be our plenary speaker in 2022 AAC.

Dr. Mansoo Choi is currently a Professor of Mechanical Engineering of Seoul National University. He received his B.S. (1980) and M.S. (1982) from Seoul National University and Ph.D. (1987) from University of California, Berkeley, all from mechanical engineering. After working as an assistant engineer at Argonne National Laboratory until 1991, he joined in Seoul National University as a faculty. His research interests include aerosol manufacture of nanoparticles and nanostructures, nano-manufacturing and their applications to sensors and multiscale energy systems including nanostructured solar and fuel cells. Since 2011, he has been leading the Global Frontier Center for Multiscale Energy Systems aiming to develop new conceptual solar and fuel cells utilizing nanotechnology. His early research in the field of aerosol science includes flame aerosol synthesis, control of nanoparticle size, morphology and crystalline phase, non-spherical aerosol dynamics modelling and measurements, aerosol charging, spark discharge aerosol generation technique. Recently, he has been focusing on the development of a new 3D nanoprinting technology based on charged aerosols and has applied aerosol technology for developing novel 3D gas sensors, 3D plasmonic devices, nanostructured solar cells and fuel cells. He had been a Co-Editor-in-Chief of Journal of Aerosol Science from 2004 to 2018.

Come and meet him in 2022 AAC!!!
We look forward to your participation!!!
For more information about Prof. Choi please visit


🔆 Speaker
>>>>>Prof. Pratim Biswas
University of Miami, USA
🔆Plenary Speech Title
>>>>>Aerosol Science and Technology: Enabling Applications in Energy, Environment and Medicine

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It is a great honor and pleasure to invite Prof. Pratim Biswas to be our plenary speaker in 2022 AAC.

Dr. Pratim Biswas received his B.Tech. degree from the Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay in 1980; his M.S. degree from the University of California, Los Angeles in 1981 and his doctoral degree from the California Institute of Technology in 1985. After a long stint at Washington University in St. Louis as the Lucy and Stanley Lopata Professor, Chair of the Department of Energy, Environmental and Chemical Engineering and Assistant Vice Chancellor, International Programs, he recently moved to the University of Miami as the Dean, College of Engineering.

Pratim Biswas has won several Teaching and Research Awards: a few recent ones include the Simon Frees Environmental Engineering Award in 2022, Fuchs Award for outstanding contributions by a senior scientist in the world in 2018, Lawrence K. Cecil Award in Environmental Chemical Engineering by AIChE in 2015; and the White Award in 2016 for pioneering work in electrostatic precipitation of aerosols. He is a Fellow of the American Association for Aerosol Research, the Saint Louis Science Academy, the American Association for Environmental Engineering and Science Professors and the International Aerosol Research Assembly. In 2019, he was elected to the National Academy of Engineering. His research and educational interests are in aerosol science and technology, nanoparticle technology, energy and environmental nanotechnology, air quality and pollution control and the thermal sciences. He has published more than 450 refereed journal papers with his 60 PhD graduates, and presented more than 200 invited talks all across the globe.

Come and meet him in 2022 AAC!!!
We look forward to your participation!!!
For more information about Prof. Biswas please visit


🔆 Speaker
>>>>>Dr. Yuan-Tseh Lee
Academia Sinica, Taiwan
🔆Plenary Speech Title
>>>>>We Do Not Have Much Time Left

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It is a great honor and pleasure to invite Dr. Yuan-Tseh Lee to be our plenary speaker in 2022 AAC.

Born in 1936, Dr. Yuan-Tseh Lee received his B.S. degree from Taiwan University in 1959, M.S. from Tsing Hua University in 1961, and Doctorate from UC-Berkeley in 1965. He joined Dudley Herschbach’s group at Harvard as a research fellow in 1967. After being appointed Assistant Professor at the University of Chicago in 1968, Dr. Lee rapidly made his laboratory a major center for molecular beam study in North America. He returned to Berkeley as Professor of Chemistry in 1974. He was University Professor and Principal Investigator at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, UC Berkeley, before he became President of Academia Sinica in 1994. In 2006 he became President Emeritus and Distinguished Research Fellow at the same institution. In 2008 he was elected president of the International Council for Science (ICSU) and took up the appointment in 2011 for a period of three years.

Dr. Lee has received numerous awards and honors, including the 1986 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, the U.S. National Medal of Science, Peter Debye Award from American Chemical Society, Faraday Medal and Prize from the Royal Chemical Society of Great Britain, and the Jawaharlal Nehru Birth Centenary Medal from the Indian National Science Academy. He is a fellow of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Science, and Academia Sinica; a foreign member of Göttingen Academy of Sciences, Indian National Academy of Sciences, Japan Academy, Korean Academy of Science and Technology, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, The World Academy of Sciences, etc. Dr. Lee has received Doctor Honoris Causa from 42 universities throughout the world.

Come and meet him in 2022 AAC!!!
We look forward to your participation!!!
For more information about Dr. Lee please visit


🔆 Speaker
>>>>>Prof. Takafumi Seto
Kanazawa University, Japan
🔆Plenary Speech Title
>>>>>Aerosol Technology for Controlling Airborne Nanoparticles

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It is a great honor and pleasure to invite Prof. Takafumi Seto to be our plenary speaker in 2022 AAC. Prof. Seto is currently working as a Professor in the Faculty of Frontier Engineering, Institute of Science and Engineering, Kanazawa University, Japan. His research interests include Chemical Engineering, Aerosol, Nanoparticle, Laser. He is serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals. He is also the member of Present member of the board of directors, Japanese Association of Aerosol Science and Technology (JAAST), and the Society of Powder Technology, Japan. He has authored of many research articles/books related to Chemical Engineering, Aerosol, Nanoparticle, Laser.

Come and meet him in 2022 AAC!!!
We look forward to your participation!!!
For more information about Prof. Seto please visit


🔆 Speaker
>>>>>Dr. Chiu-Sen Wang
National Taiwan University, Taiwan
🔆Plenary Speech Title
>>>>>Face Masks and Prevention of COVID-19 Spread: an Overview

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It is a great honor and pleasure to invite Dr. Chiu-Sen Wang to be our plenary speaker in 2022 AAC. Dr. Wang is an Emeritus Professor in the Department of Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taiwan. His research interests include Aerosol Technology, Inhaled Particles, Air Pollution Control, Safety Culture, and Process Optimization. He was serving as an editorial member and reviewer of several international reputed journals, including Aerosol and Air Quality Research, Journal of Aerosol Science, Aerosol Science and Technology, and Journal of Occupational Safety and Health. He is also the founding president of the Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research and the president of the International Aerosol Research Assembly in 2002-2006.

Come and meet him in 2022 AAC!!!
We look forward to your participation!!!
For more information about Dr. Wang, please visit


🔆 Speaker
>>>>>Prof. Yuguo Li
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Hong Kong
🔆Plenary Speech Title
>>>>>The Roles of Aerosol Inhalation in SARS-CoV-2 Transmission

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

It is a great honor and pleasure to invite Prof. Yuguo Li to be our plenary Speaker in 2022 AAC. Prof. Li is a Chair Professor of Building Environment at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Hong Kong. His current research topics include city climate, environment studies of infection, and indoor environment. In addition, he serves as Editor-in-Chief of Indoor Air.

Since early 2020, he has collaborated with WHO, Guangdong CDC, Hunan CDC, Jiangsu CDC, and Hong Kong various Government departments and studied the transmission routes of SARS-CoV-2 in buildings. The redefinition of the inhalation transmission route of SARS-CoV-2 has been accepted by major health authorities. He is a member of the WHO IPC Guidelines Development Group (GDG) and WHO Environment and Engineering Control Expert Advisory Panel (ECAP) for COVID-19. He received 2021 Louise and Bill Holladay Distinguished Fellow Award and also Medal of Honour (MH) in 2021 by Chief Executive of Hong Kong SAR Government “in recognition of his valuable contribution to leading his team to examine the potential airborne transmission pathways through tracer gas testing and assess the risk of virus infection during the COVID-19 epidemic.”

Come and meet him in 2022 AAC!!!
We look forward to your participation!!!
For more information about Prof. Li, please visit


Dear Colleagues and Friends,

We are honored to invite Prof. Ing. Heinz Fissan to the Prof. David Y. H. Pui Commemorative Session in the 12th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC 2022). Prof. Pui and Prof. Fissan have had a strong research collaboration creating particle size distribution measuring devices, such as nano-DMA and SMPS, since 1972. Their friendship and research cooperation deliver several aerosol research associations including aerosol associations, International Aerosol Research Assembly, International Aerosol Conference, and several major conferences and workshops that were followed by the formation of national associations all over the world. Their collaboration has built a strong basis that led to the reception of the Max Planck Research Award, Humboldt Award for Senior U.S. Scientist, and the Fissan-Pui-TSI Award for International Collaboration. The detailed introductions about Commemorative Session can be found on AAC 2022 website (

As part of the special issue of AAC 2022, Aerosol and Air Quality Research (AAQR) is delighted to call for a commemorative collection of papers to honor the diverse and deep expertise that Prof. Pui brings to the discipline. Original research articles, perspectives, editorials and reviews in the broad field of aerosol science and technology, nanoscience and nanotechnology, filtration and air quality, are cordially welcome. Announcement of other details will follow in the near future. For more information about AAQR, please visit

This is gentle reminder that the deadline of abstract submission is Jan. 31, 2022 and the online registration is now opened. We look forward to your participation in AAC 2022.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the conference secretariat (E-Mail: [email protected]).


Hello friend

The 2022 AAC abstract submission deadline has been extended to 31st January. Also, the online registration is now open on

Find out more information and submit your abstract:

May all your wishes come true in 2022 and beyond.


Hello friends

The 2022 AAC abstract submission deadline is January 1. We highly welcome you to submit an abstract for the 2022 AAC. We also encourage all students to join the Tai & Chyun oral and poster award.

Before starting the submission process, please check the submission guidelines. (

General Topic
Aerosol and air pollution in South Eastern Asia countries
Aerosol chemistry
Aerosol-climate meteorology
Aerosol exposure and health effects
Aerosol instrumentation
Aerosol modeling
Aerosol physics
Emission inventory
Filter and control technology
Indoor air
Low cost sensor and sensor network
Nanoparticles and nanotechnology
Remote sensing
Urban aerosol and air quality
VOC and secondary precursors

We wish you a very happy Christmas and a safe and healthy coming year.


Hello friends

Christmas is coming. Have you submitted your abstract? The abstract submission deadline is January 1.

We encourage you to join the Tai&Chyun oral and poster competition if you are a student. You can find more detailed information on the official 2022 AAC website (

Here is the award description

(1) 1st place: US$500 and an honored certificate
(2) 2nd place: US$300 and an honored certificate
(3) 3rd place: US$200 and an honored certificate

(1) 1st place: US$300 and an honored certificate
(2) 2nd place: US$200 and an honored certificate
(3) 3rd place: US$150 and an honored certificate


Hello friends

The abstract submission deadline for 2022 AAC is January 1. Below are some submission guidelines:

🔅The abstract should be ONE page in double column format.
Each author can submit more than one paper.
🔅The abstract should be submitted in PDF format through the AAC 2022 website. Any submission via email will not be accepted.
🔅Please use our template for abstract submission. (
🔅Acceptance Notification will be sent on March 1, 2022

We look forward to receiving an abstract from you! If you have questions, you can reach out to our secretariat (Email: [email protected]).


[Asian Young Aerosol Scientist Award]

The Asian Young Aerosol Scientist Award was established by the Asian Aerosol Research Assembly and TSI Incorporated to recognize young scientist in Asia, Australia and New Zealand who has make outstanding contribution in aerosol science.

[Selection Process]

The Asian Young Aerosol Scientist Award committee recommends a candidate for this award to the Board of Directors of the Asian Aerosol Research Assembly to grant the award.


The nominee must be a person under 41 in age by the date of the Asian Aerosol Conference of that year (12th June, 2022) and has conducted his or her scientific work in Asia, Australia and New Zealand for 3 years or longer and who has not already received this award.


Any person can nominate.

More information can be found on our website (


Hello friends

Do you remember the 11th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC) at the City University of Hong Kong? This time, the 12th AAC will be held both in-person and virtual on the campus of National Taiwan University on June 12-16, 2022. The deadline for abstract submission is January 1, 2022. So make sure you don't miss it.

Also, if you are a student, we encourage you to join the [Tai & Chyun student oral and poster award]. For more information, please visit the official 2022 AAC website (

We wish you all the best and hope to meet you soon!


[Tai & Chyun Student Oral and Poster Award]


Applicants MUST
🔅be full-time students enrolled in college or university programs (graduate or undergraduate)
🔅have an acceptance of oral/poster abstracts for presentation
🔅check for competition during registration
🔅pay for the registration fee of the conference
🔅not have more than two presentations (oral and poster) for the competition

[Award description]

🎉1st place: US$500 and an honored certificate
🎉2nd place: US$300 and an honored certificate
🎉3rd place: US$200 and an honored certificate

🎊1st place: US$300 and an honored certificate
🎊2nd place: US$200 and an honored certificate
🎊3rd place: US$150 and an honored certificate



AAC is considered the largest platform for exchanging research findings in aerosol science and technology among Asian countries and beyond. The Editorial Office of Aerosol and Air Quality Research (AAQR) is delighted to announce the call for papers for a special issue to AAC 2022 ( Papers presented at the conference are welcome to be submitted to this dedicated special issue in AAQR.

AAQR are currently abstracted and indexed in:
- SCIE (Science Citation Index Expanded)
- Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition (JIF=3.063)
- Scopus
- Directory of Open Access Journals
- Proquest
- …and many other databases

The theme and focused areas will be announced in the near future. For more information about AAQR, please visit us at

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at [email protected].

Prof. Daniel A. Jaffe ([email protected])
Prof. Neng-Huei (George) Lin ([email protected])

Photos from Asian Aerosol Conference 2022's post 01/11/2021

【2021 Asian Female Aerosol Scientists Forum】
Climate change and air pollution have common sources and similar impacts on human health and the global ecological system. Women are not only vulnerable to climate change and air pollution but also effective actors of change in relation to both mitigation and adaptation. This Forum would like to initiate international and inter-disciplinary exchange in the scientific research of actions or solutions on climate change and air quality. Our goal is to offer a unique perspective in order to build a consensus on climate solutions and recognize the wisdom and leadership of women to contribute to the Earth’s environment and public health.

Welcome to join us and share the forum information!

Date: November 27, 2021 (Sat.)
Time: 09:30 am – 12:00 pm (GMT+8)
Format: Online (YouTube LIVE)
Language: English

Registration link:


Hello friends

2022 Asian Aerosol Conference will be held both in-person and virtual.

Online registration will be open for both in-person and virtual attendance starting from January 1, 2022.
For further updates, please follow our website ( or social media accounts.






Hello friends

Long time no see!
We are excited to announce that the online submission of the 2022 Asian Aerosol Conference is officially open NOW!

Here are some important dates and information:

🔅[Abstract Submission Deadline]
January 1, 2022

🔅[Acceptance Notification]
March 1, 2022

🔅[General Topics]
Aerosol and air pollution in Southeast Asian countries
Aerosol chemistry
Aerosol-climate meteorology
Aerosol exposure and health effects
Aerosol instrumentation
Aerosol modeling
Aerosol physics
Emission inventories
Filter and control technology
Indoor air
Low-cost sensors and sensor networks
Nanoparticles and nanotechnology
Remote sensing
Urban aerosols and air quality
VOCs and secondary precursors

If you need more information, please check our website (, and you can also follow our Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin for the latest news.

Home | Asian Aerosol Conference 2022 | AAC 2022 29/08/2021

Taiwan is proud to host the 12th Asian Aerosol Conference (AAC) 2022 under the Asian Aerosol Research Assembly. The Conference will be held on the campus of National Taiwan University on June 12-16, 2022.

This four-day conference will feature plenary lectures, oral and poster sessions, special symposia and industrial exhibitions. It will provide an excellent stage for exchanging the latest research in aerosol science and technology.

More detailed information:

Home | Asian Aerosol Conference 2022 | AAC 2022 The 12th Asian Aerosol Conference, AAC2022, will be held in Taipei, Taiwan, at National Taiwan University in June 2022.

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