NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team

NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team

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2024 iGEM NYCU-Taipei team團隊招募來囉!👀✨

那你絕對不能錯過今天的iGEM NYCU-Taipei team招生說明會🔥

地點:陽明校區 守仁樓 104教室

張菁芬 老師
janechang. [email protected]



Photos from NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team's post 28/10/2023


我們使用了一個在DH5α大腸桿菌株中基因上的pSB1C3中的phla-mCerluean(BBa_K4822007)來研究Sae系統的動態變化,以便在不同濃度的鋅離子情況下找出最佳表現量。為此,我們採用了(Gayer 2014)模型中的常微分方程式,並模擬鋅離子濃度的變化如何影響螢光蛋白。


The use of mathematical models to study biological systems is a crucial step in gaining insight into how these systems function over time.Bacteria have developed specialized signal transduction systems that allow them to respond adaptively to environmental changes. One of the simplest types of these systems involves two protein components, known as two-component systems (TCS), which are SaeS and SaeR in our case.

We studied the dynamics of the Sae system using a phla-mCerluean generator (BBa_K4822007) in the pSB1C3 backbone in a DH5α E. coli strain. We wanted to find out the dynamic range of our promoter that gives optimal expression with respect to different concentrations of zinc ions. For this purpose we’ve used ordinary differential equations adopted from (Gayer 2014) model and demonstrate how change in zinc ions concentration affects the FP.

According to our empirical findings, it is only when the concentration of zinc ions exceeds 1 mM that we can observe the inhibition of fluorescent protein gene expression. In the future, we plan to continue increasing the dataset to enhance the reliability of the trend line and reduce errors.

Photos from NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team's post 26/10/2023

Part two


In light of these challenges, we proposed the second version, with a major improvement being the 3D-printed casing. This version considered the placement of the cuvette and measurement circuit, offering more convenient device operation and protection. Furthermore, the layout of the LED light source and photosensitive components changed from 180 degrees to 90 degrees to effectively block excitation light. Through analysis, we identified the optimal excitation light wavelength as 445nm, which was adopted.

To enhance the user experience, we added a button and an OLED screen on the device's surface, allowing users to operate the device without a computer. The final device, characterized by low cost, small size, portability, high accuracy, and customizable design, offers an excellent user experience and vast business opportunities.

Photos from NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team's post 26/10/2023

Part one

Our fluorescent protein measurement hardware was inspired by COVID-19 rapid test kits, which have gained acclaim for their portability, user-friendliness, real-time results, accuracy, ease of use, and affordability. Addressing the challenges of detecting early inflammatory responses in the human body, we envisioned an inflammation rapid test kit. Guided by expert insights and feedback, we formulated the following design principles: portability, instant and precise results, user-friendliness, accessibility, affordability, and embedded sensing and recording.
In the first version, our device featured a 10cm square design to accommodate a cuvette. The external design included a hinged cover to create complete darkness during measurements, eliminating the need for additional components like screws. To measure light flux (lumens), we used a light-dependent resistor (LDR) and a variable resistor, simplifying the device.
Regarding data analysis, the primary goal of the first version was to examine the ratio of total light flux (comprising both excitation and scattered light) to pure excitation light flux, with higher ratios expected to yield better results. However, the experimental data from the first version was not reliable enough, as it was challenging to differentiate changes in excitation light intensity from the influence of scattered light. This complexity in data processing rendered the design impractical.

Photos from NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team's post 24/10/2023


L-Tyrosine在人體內屬於必要胺基酸,同時它與路易氏體失憶症 (Lewy Body Dementia, LBD) 所導致的發炎症狀有關聯。路易氏體失智症是繼阿茲海默症之後,第二常見的神經退化性失智症。在我們設計的檢測裝置內,L-Tyrosine會與TyrR蛋白質結合,透過抑制啟動子去調節下游基因的表現。

Calprotectin是由兩個蛋白質次單元體構成,分別是S100A8跟S100A9。它與類風濕性關節炎、發炎性腸道疾病、系統性紅斑狼瘡等病症具備相關性。我們透過Two-Component System SaeS/R與鋅離子,間接測量Calprotectin的濃度,並調節下游基因。

Our team presents a rapid-reaction bio-device that can detect inflammatory biomarkers with engineered bacteria. We selected two biomarkers based on their relevancy to inflammation reactions. The reason of why we choose the inflammatory response as our target is because that in the early stage of inflammatory response, the outside symptoms might not be apparent and be hard for us to distinguish the severity of inflammation. Beside, another goal of our project is we hope to design a detection device that can be non-invasive. Therefore, the criterion of biomarker selection is that it could be found in saliva or urine, which are samples that are convinient for us to aquire. Based on these two main considerations we narrowed down to two biomarkers which are L-Tyrosine and Calprotectin.

L-tyrosine is an essential amino acid in our bodies and it is associated with inflammation in patients with Lewy Body Dementia (LBD). Lewy Body Dementia is the second most common form of neurodegenerative dementia after Alzheimer's disease.
In the detection system, when tyrosine binds to the TyrR protein, it can regulate downstream genes by inhibiting its downstream promoter.

The other biomarker, Calprotectin, consists of proteins S100A8 and S100A9 that can bind to zinc ions. It's related to diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and inflammatory bowel disease. For detection, we indirectly measure calprotectin using zinc ions and the Two-Component System (TCS), SaeS/R, to regulate downstream genes.

Photos from NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team's post 23/10/2023

我們於9月19日與台灣的CCU團隊進行了會面,這也是我們首次合作的團隊。在討論中,他們提出了一些我們認為具有建設性的問題,其中一些也是我們尚未解決的問題。例如,他們問及MIT Inventor是否可以供iOS用戶使用,以及我們的檢測的特異性和敏感性。這些問題我們知道在我們的實驗中還有一些缺失,並為我們提供了進展的方向。

我們於9月27日與印尼的UGM團隊進行了線上合作,這與台灣的CCU團隊不同,這次的討論主要集中在Human Practice。當我們完成了關於我們實驗的介紹後,他們首先問了我們如何在偏遠地區的19到81歲的廣泛範圍內找到受訪者。因為長輩也是我們的目標用戶,他們在使用我們的產品時是否從旁協助是一個很重要的問題。醫院的醫生是否將負責監控測試結果?

我們於9月28日與北卡羅來納大學教堂山分校的團隊進行了線上合作。在整個會議中,我們討論了Dry Lab所選擇的材料,以及我們選擇的生物標記的特異性和敏感性。由於這兩個團隊的項目都涉及快速檢測,我們在討論中找到了許多共同點,因此交流了許多想法,並從中學到很多東西。

We met up with CCU-Taiwan on September 19, they are also the first team we have collaborated with. During the discussion, they bring up some questions that we think are constructive and some of them are also problems that we haven’t solved yet. For example, they asked a question about whether MIT Inventor can be used by ios users, and also about the specificity and the sensitivity of our detection, these questions we know that we still have parts missing in our experiment, and give us the direction of progress.

We have an online collaboration with the UGM-Indonesia team on September 27, which is different from team CCU-Taiwan, our discussion this time focuses mainly on Human Practice. When we finished our presentation about our experiment, they first asked us how we could find people in the wide range( range of 19 to 81) in our survey in rural areas. Because elders are also our target users, whether we take any action to support them while they use our product will be a crucial question. And is the doctor at the hospital the one who is going to monitor the test result?

Meeting up with team UNC-ChapelHill, we did a virtual collaboration with them on September 28. Throughout the meeting, we discussed material chosen for the dry lab, and also the sensitivity and specificity of the biomarker we have chosen. Since both of the team’s projects are about fast detection, we found many common points throughout the discussion, so we exchanged lots of ideas, and learned from each presentation.


張菁芬 博士 (Jane老師)
Dr. Ching-Fen Chang (Dr. Jane)

張菁芬老師擁有分子醫學博士學位,自2013年開始擔任 NYCU-Taipei iGEM 團隊的指導老師。在準備 iGEM 的過程中,她總是利用在基因與合成生物學方面的專長提供我們許多見解與方向,另外也協助我們設計實驗並學習解決問題。在教學、研究之餘,Jane老師也一直是支持著我們的後盾,時時給予大家能量並照顧每位隊員。我們都很感謝老師對我們的關心💓


Dr. Ching-Fen Chang holds a Ph.D. in Molecular Medicine and has been primary investigator of the NYCU-Taipei iGEM team since 2013. Ever since the start of our iGEM journey, Dr. Jane has been providing us valuable advice by using her experience and expertise in the field of genomics and synthetic biology. Thanks for Dr. Jane for helping us with our research project design and giving us kind suggestions on how to troubleshoot our experiments. Besides the “scientific” work, Dr. Jane is also a heart-warming teacher who never forgets to take care for our safety and well-being💓

Next week, we will introduce the founding elder of our team: Prof. Chuan-Hsiung Chang

Photos from NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team's post 20/08/2023



Our project this time encompasses both detection and treatment aspects, closely related to hesperetin. According to the latest research, hesperetin is associated with the treatment of diseases such as inflammation, oxidation, and cancer. Regarding detection, our goal is to sense biomarkers related to diseases associated with hesperetin from saliva. Once we detect the approximate content of these biomarkers, we will export the detection results to computers and electronic devices. Subsequently, we plan to transfer the electron transfer system found in certain bacteria to E. coli. When a disease is detected, electrons will be released from the engineered bacteria. By capturing these electronic signals, we can achieve non-invasive and rapid detection! In terms of treatment, as the efficiency of hesperetin synthesis varies among individuals, we are designing a probiotic to enhance the body's efficiency in producing hesperetin.
Next week, we will introduce our PI, Ms. Jane. Please stay tuned for more updates from us!

Photos from NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team's post 17/08/2023

大家好~我們是NYCU-Taipei 2023 iGEM team。
NYCU-Taipei iGEM團隊由陽明交大生物醫學資訊研究所張傳雄教授白手起家創立,是台灣第一個參加iGEM的隊伍。從2007年參賽至今,總共於國際合成生物學競賽拿下一次環境類組世界冠軍、全球前六名、亞洲第三名以及12金2銀2銅、無數的特別獎項的佳績,屢次在iGEM大賽的舞台發光發熱。
Hello everyone! We are the NYCU-Taipei 2023 iGEM team.
The NYCU-Taipei iGEM team was founded from scratch by Professor Chuan-Hsiung Chang from the Institute of Biomedical Informatics at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. We are the first team from Taiwan to participate in iGEM. Since our participation in 2007, we have achieved exceptional results in the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition. Our accomplishments include winning the world championship in the environmental category, ranking among the top six globally, achieving third place in Asia, and earning an impressive total of 12 gold, 2 silver, and 2 bronze medals, along with numerous special awards. We have consistently shone on the iGEM stage.
This year, our team is composed of students from the Department of Life Science, the School of Medicine, and the Department of Biomedical Engineering. With 19 members from these three departments, we have engaged in continuous brainstorming and leveraged each other's expertise to decide on this year's theme: VigilaGuard. Our next post will introduce our project, so please continue to follow and support us!

Photos from NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team's post 04/12/2022

Breaking News: The NYCU-Taipei iGEM team won GOLD in the 2022 Grand Jamboree!

Thanks to everyone who instructed us and gave us kind support among the journey!

After 300 days of hard work, our project- E. COLOR has gone through leaps and bounds, and finally, we are able to demonstrate our accomplishments with everyone. Throughout the process, we have been working on the development of fluorescent microbial growth status indicators as well as "BaGroBot", a remote monitoring device, and NYCU-Taipei made it by applying basic concepts of synthetic biology. mean it's the end? Of course not!
The development of synthetic biology, as well as the spirit of iGEM is still on the rise, and every year, iGEMers worldwide are continuously putting effort in making broader applications in this field!

We are NYCU-Taipei, and see you again in iGEM 2023!

【台語科普】合成生物學是什麼? | iGEM | #台語 #陽明交大 10/10/2022

【台語科普】合成生物學是什麼? | iGEM | #台語 #陽明交大

很榮幸能和 語您童行 Tai-Gi 合作進行台語科普的分享!

【台語科普】合成生物學是什麼? | iGEM | #台語 #陽明交大 // 製作// :國立陽明交通大學 生命科學系暨基因體科學研究所 章祐瑭【 團隊介紹】我們是 博雅書苑 -語您童行 Tai-Gi 團隊也是 教育部青年發展署 Young飛全球行動計畫團隊致力於傳承本土語言及保護文化資產-【 社群連結 】FB : h...

Photos from NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team's post 22/09/2022

✏️Fluotato teaches: Special event 🗒

📍NYCU-Taipei IGEM x On Campus Synthetic Biology Seminar

In order to promote education on synthetic biology-related topics, we held an on-campus seminar and invited students from National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University to attend our activity.

Within the 2-hour event, we introduced , , and our project , and had live discussions. Most importantly, we successfully promoted audience's interest and really outreached and communicated with the audience!

If you like our post, please give a like and share it on Instagram or Facebook😊

Follow .igem to learn more about microbiology and synthetic biology!



📍NYCU-Taipei IGEM x 合成生物學講座


在2小時的活動中,我們介紹了合成生物學、iGEM競賽與我們的團隊主題-E. COLOR。透過QA環節與互動式的Kahoot!遊戲,我們成功地增進學生對合成生物學領域的興趣,並與他們進行深度交流!

如果您喜歡我們的貼文,按讚並在 Instagram或Facebook上分享😊


Photos from NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team's post 09/09/2022

✏️Fluotato teaches: Episode II 🗒

📍Methods for monitoring bacterial growth status

In this episode, Fluotato will introduce the importance of monitoring bacterial growth status, as well as common methods used for detection.

After finishing browsing this episode, ask yourself these questions:
1. How is monitoring bacterial growth status applied in the research and industrial field?
2. What are the common methods of monitoring bacterial growth status?
3. What are the pros and cons of each detection method?

If you like our post, please give a like and share it on Instagram or Facebook😊

Follow our FB and Instagram account .igem to learn more about microbiology and synthetic biology!


✏️弗塔豆小學堂 第二集🗒



1. 細菌生長狀態監測如何應用於基礎研究和工業領域?
2. 監測細菌生長狀況的常用方法有哪些?
3. 每種檢測方法的優缺點是什麼?


Photos from NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team's post 08/09/2022

✏️Fluotato teaches: Episode I 🗒

📍Growth characteristics of E. coli

Welcome Fluotato- the E. coli expert, to share with us the mystery hidden behind the bacterial growth curve!

After finishing browsing this episode, ask yourself these questions:
1. What are the four main phases within the bacterial growth curve?
2. How does cell morphology and gene expression differ between growth phases?
3. Why can E. coli replicate at such an astonishing rate?

If you like our post, please give a like and share it on Instagram or Facebook😊

Follow our FB and Instagram account .igem to learn more about microbiology and synthetic biology!


✏️弗塔豆小學堂 第一集🗒

📍大腸桿菌(E. coli)的生長曲線

歡迎弗塔豆-我們的E. coli專家,來和我們分享隱藏在細菌生長曲線背後的奧秘吧!

1. 細菌的生長曲線主要可以劃分成哪四個階段?
2. 在不同的生長階段中,細菌的型態及基因表現有何差異?
3. 為何大腸桿菌可以用如此驚人的速度孕育他們的下一代?



Our promotion video is out now!!🤩

Watch this video for a quick glimpse of what the 2022 NYCU-Taipei iGEM team is working on, and don’t forget to leave a like and stay tuned💓

Photos from NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team's post 07/09/2022


Cheers! The NYCU-Taipei iGEM team has received the 2022 Team Impact Grant! 🎉🎉

Building on the work of the synthetic biology, our team seeks to bring impact to the whole scientific community and take our project to the next level. We anticipate that our product could truly solve current challenges that microbiological researchers face, and provide a solution that could be easily applicable for users.

Follow our Facebook and Instagram page .igem, and don't forget to dive into our WIKI page for more news and info!


💡iGEM Q&A💡



✨FB粉專:NYCU-Taipei iGEM Team
📌2021 NYCU-Taipei wiki page:

Q: Loading重不重?
A: 一個字:「重」,基本上來參加的同學們都要抱持一顆強大的心臟XD
因為這畢竟是一個涵蓋範圍很廣的科學性比賽(wet lab, dry lab, human practice, wiki),需要大家同心協力一起幹大事,Loading自然不輕。

Q: 需要具備什麼條件/能力嗎?假如幾乎沒有甚麼太深厚的基礎也可以加入團隊嗎?
A: 只要願意學習、一起討論查資料,完成這個比賽,我們都張開大手臂歡迎你!2022的團隊也會有學長姊擔任advisor,預計開設一些iGEM、科學文獻探討等相關的lecture,還有自身經驗分享來幫助下一屆!

Q: 是誰都可以被招募進團隊嗎?
A: 只要是大學部學生或碩博士學生,都來都來!而且我們的招募也是不分校區或學校的喔,例如我們2021 NYCU-Taipei iGEM團隊,就有交大資工跟北醫的朋朋們!

Q: 在交大修課的醫學系C組可以參加嗎?
A: 當然可以嘍!我們很需要跨領域的人才,而且我們今年的團隊就有交大的同學參加,沒問題的!

Q: 團隊需要甚麼人才呢?交大校區招收 基因工程、計算模擬、硬體設計、美術設計、網頁設計、影片創作的人 看起來好厲害!
A: 老實說...我們也很需要這些人才喔,如果你會個一兩樣,對團隊幫助會很大;但如果不會的話,只要你願意花時間學,你也可以變這麼厲害啦!交大校區團隊今年也金牌喔,超強!

Q: 說明會當天無法到現場怎麼辦?
A: 線上會議連結已經以email寄給有報名的同學,歡迎線上參與!

Q: 如何找project的題目?
A: 之後會有brainstorming的環節,大家會提出自己認為目前可以用合成生物學解決的問題。可以從醫療類、環境類等等方向著手,也可以搜尋igem歷年來各團隊解決的甚麼問題,去做延伸。

Q: 參加比賽需要有程式設計的背景嗎?
A: 不一定喔,iGEM包含四個部分:Wet Lab, Dry Lab, Wiki, Human Practice,每個部分有不同的工作內容,通常是Wiki跟Dry Lab才會需要大量使用程式語言,可以看我們粉專的介紹!

Q: iGEM有固定活動的時間嗎?大概頻率多高呢?
A: 有的!招生說明會會請大家填表單,調查大家方便的時間。一週聚會1-2次,通常在晚上7-9點。這學期的話目前暫定禮拜四晚上7-9點開會。

NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team University

Photos from NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team's post 14/11/2021

就在剛剛,從 iGEM 總部傳來了捷報!
恭喜 2021 陽明校區 iGEM NYCU-Taipei 拿到隊史第 11 面金牌!🏅🏅🏅🎉🎉🎉
同時獲得 Therapeutic Project 類組🏆世界冠軍提名🏆、以及 Best Presentation 提名。

也可以看看 2021 的介紹影片,開啟中文cc字幕🀄

誠摯歡迎有興趣和我們一樣熱血,勇於跳脫舒適圈的學、碩、博生,加入2022 NYCU-Taipei 的行列喔!

時間:2021/11/18 19:00-21:00
iGEM NYCU-Taipei has just received our 11 th Gold Medal🏅🏅from ! 🎉🎉🎉 and we were honorably nominated to be a candidate for 🏆 Best Therapeutic Project and 🏆 Best Presentation.

Visit our wiki page for more information,
and check out our YouTube channel 👇👇

We sincerely welcome international students to join 2022 NYCU-Taipei team.

Fill up the sheet below for the explanation session :
Time: 2021/11/18 19:00-21:00

Photos from NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team's post 19/10/2021

🤎 Nattokinase 🤎

◾️What is and what does it have to do with ? Read and find out!

◽️什麼是 #納豆激酶?它和 #心血管健康 又有什麼關係呢?一起來看看!


Photos from NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team's post 13/10/2021

🩸10/13 World Thrombosis Day🩸

◾️What should I do if I suspect that I have DVT? Here are a few suggestions✨



Photos from NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team's post 13/10/2021

🩸10/13 World Thrombosis Day🩸

◾️What are the of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)? Read and find out✨

◽️深部靜脈栓塞的 #形成原因 是什麼呢?一起來了解吧!


Photos from NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team's post 13/10/2021

🩸10/13 World Thrombosis Day🩸

◾️Do you know that - one of the major symptoms of deep vein thrombosis - can cause severe complications? Read and find out the of !

◻️ #肺栓塞 作為深部靜脈栓塞的一種常見症狀,嚴重時會導致休克死亡,也是新冠肺炎疫苗較嚴重的副作用之一。


Photos from NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team's post 13/10/2021

🩸10/13 World Thrombosis Day🩸

◾️Prevention of Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)! Read and find out✨

◽️如何 #預防深部靜脈栓塞?點擊閱讀 #3分鐘科普時間!

Photos from NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team's post 13/10/2021

🩸10/13 World Thrombosis Day🩸

◾️October 13th is World Thrombosis Day! According to World Health Organization (WHO), a person suffers from cardiovascular disease every 16 seconds, and a person dies from thrombus every 37 seconds.

◽️10月13號是 #世界血栓日!根據 ,每16秒有人正飽受心血管疾病的折磨, #每37秒就有人死於血栓。點擊閱讀更多!


Photos from NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team's post 28/09/2021

📍Virtual Meetup📍

🔸2021 iGEM Optogenetics Conference
🔹Hosted by Team NYCU-Taipei

◾️Focusing on optogenetic designs, our team hosted an online meetup for thorough discussion between iGEMers. It was such a pleasure meeting with Team KUAS_Korea!

◽️我們團隊主辦了一場主題為 #光調控系統 的 ,和來自 #韓國高麗大學 的 Team KUAS_Korea進行了非常愉快的討論,期待下次合作!

Photos from NYCU-Taipei IGEM Team's post 24/09/2021

🌟Expert Visiting🌟

◾️We are so grateful to interview Prof. Devarajan from India! She advised us on our oral delivery system, and recommended us another way to encapsulate our probiotic!

◽️非常高興能採訪到印度教授Prof. Devarajan!她不只給予我們許多關於益生菌 #小腸投藥系統 的建議,更推薦了我們另一種 #益生菌包埋的方案~

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Videos (show all)

NYCU-Taipei 2022 iGEM team promotion video
🎥Our Project🎥Welcome to the 2021 Team NYCU-Taipei iGEM project, Natto It Out!This year, we are going to fight against #t...



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