

objective:spread positivity and love,give two cents about lifeđŸ«¶đŸ»



"I’m at that age now where I only want to associate myself with grown people and grown situations. People who play mind games, attention seek, guilt trip or other manipulative things need to stay clear away from me.

I don’t care about social or financial statuses, or other irrelevant attributes, I seriously couldn’t give a s**t, as long as your mentality is grown, we can vibe."

— Meggan Roxanne

— Illustration : Novoduce


happy hearts day💓wishing everyone a peaceful and well rested heart♄

I once imagined the world without me on it—and absolutely, the universe would not even recognize. The sun will still shine and the moon will still rise even without me. The world would not stop from revolving, and the stars would not care. To this vast galaxy, I am just a speck of dust; or worst, I would even be seen just a dirt that existed and was given the opportunity of life. My absence would not mean creating a void in this planet—I do not have any importance to most parts of it.

But to people close to me, I know my nonappearance would mean something. To some, it will be a heavy kind of vacancy; to few, it will mean a total end of their world. I have this worth to people that cherish me so dearly; I am a real gem to those who see my value as a person. They are grateful for my existence. I am the sun that set alight to their direction once unlit; the moon that offer them lumination; even the star that had granted their wishes and prayers.

I am not just a little particle in this world to them—I mean the world to them.

And that is where I am pouring this love I have in my heart these days: to those who deserve it, to those who can reciprocate it.

—Ren Ednalig, The Storytellers
Personal page: On Her Own Galaxy

Illustration: _plulalin


change is constant,and so feelings fade.

Memories are fading away every day. I can't even remember your face. I see your pictures to get your face back in my mind. But it's not because I don't want to move away from you. It's just that it feels nice to have someone's face in your mind whom you loved once. And it let me feel that I can love someone as much as everybody else does.

But every time I remember your face, I also remember what you did to me. I also remember what made me lose trust in love. And I don't see anyone with the same intention now. I try to see their hidden desire behind that trust or love. I don't see them or trust them because they are lovable or have a good heart. Because I have seen you, you also had a good heart but eventually couldn't keep his promises. So a good-hearted person is nothing to someone who lost everything in love; they are not good if they can't keep their promises.

And who keeps their promises nowadays? No one. Everyone thinks about what they can get from us, and eventually that makes us unsuitable for love.

So yeah, maybe I'm unsuitable for love these days. And the one thing that kept the love alive in me is fading every day—your memories.

- Sohrab Amaan


still on process of finding myself,what i want and my purpose😌

Here’s the thing. I’m just an ordinary person living an average life. I have one job and sometimes struggle with my finances. Most of the time I’m lost in overthinking and procrastinating. I still feel fear of the unknown and uncertainty of life. If you think I have it all figured out? I don’t. Though I know what I want and how to have it, I sometimes feel like I want more. From time to time, I still feel lost even though I know I am on the right track towards my dreams. Yes. You’ll hear me giving positive pieces of advice here and there. You’ll see me smiling and laughing and you’ll think I have it all in my hand all figured out. You might give a side note that I’m not struggling in life and your experience is far worse than mine so I wouldn’t understand any of your pain. If you look at me, I’m pretty sure you’ll wonder If I even experienced any hardship in life. And that’s why I don’t care for what most people think about me in any possible way. Because they didn’t know all those silent battles I fought, silent screams of help, silent cries of begging to make the pain stop, and a silent wish for someone to save me. Trust me, you wouldn’t want to experience those events. But hey, remember we all have different stories and different ways of survival. If you see someone, who is so positive about life and wants to share the light with everyone. She’s not bragging about having a positive life. Most of the time she’s reminding herself to be grounded even though the world is breaking her heart. So please be kind. And stop comparing yours to mine.


Artwork by: gemi333 (ig)


believe in Love but don’t let Love ruin your lifeđŸ‘ŒđŸ»




people change,feelings change because change is constant thingđŸ€”

feelings change if not nurtured but it grows deeper if you handle it the right way.maybe change is constant but emotions can be exceptional if u are in the right oneđŸ‘ŒđŸ»

3am thoughts


leaving doesn’t always mean u just want to hurt people or making selfish decision but perhaps it’s the right way,a painful way rather-to love someone.given the circmustances that chances are like black and white,leaving was the only answer,period.

Photos from Realtalk's post 24/10/2023

learn to walk away and let go if it’s toxic,unhealthy and make u feel drained..

but never ever regrets the things that made u smile and happy,whether if it’s decision,circumstances or people.just learn from it and take d lessonđŸ‘ŒđŸ»



I can't promise
to constantly offer you some warmth—
I have my coldest
and darkest of nights, too;
I have times
when I get to be embraced
by the arms of my own storm

yet trust me,
when you need some light,
I'm willing to exhaust mine
until the last ray—
but when both of us
are under the rain,
I won't leave
no matter how strong the wind is;
I won't lose
the hold onto your hand;
I will stay on your side

when you feel like
being hugged by your sadness,
I'll pull you even closer—
I'll hug you even tighter

I'll be here,
let's be sad
let's feel this pain

until both of us are fine again

—Ren Ednalig, The Storytellers

Illustration: _earbean



I see effort as it is, and don't label it as the bare minimum. You remember my favorites, 'though I just told you about it one time? That's already special to me. You remember me hearing that one, love song? That's sweet of you. You make time for me during your busy schedule? I'll be grateful. You insist to see me during my bad day just to give me a hug? I'll be more than thankful. You go to my office place and pick me up, let me sleep on your shoulder on the bus ride? I'll tell you it's an A+ effort for me. I know these things are the norms and typical, but for me, those are way more special.

Because I tend to appreciate every good thing that is offered to me; I take it grand, 'though people see it as a simple act of kindness. And I'll treasure these things and moments, really—there's this treasure chest inside my chest that says, "This is where all those gems should be placed; and no one can take it away from me."

—Ren Ednalig, The Storytellers

Illustration: ari.nunnunano


my life,my rules
be accountable on our decisionsđŸ‘ŒđŸ»

I am learning that it's okay for me to decide what is too much for me and what's not. I am allowed to be emotional, sensitive, and sad about things that trouble me. I am also allowed to break down and cry when it gets too tough. I am learning that other people may have it worse, but my heart doesn't ache any less because I haven't gone through the same things. I am tired of explaining how hard it is. I am tired of hearing the "ifs" and "buts." We each have our own unique limits, and these limits vary for everyone. After all, pain isn't something that can be compared anyway. I will stand up and rise again, but for now, it is okay to lie under the starry sky and take some rest. My feelings, my heartbreak, my mental health are valid. I don't need to keep holding myself back for others anymore.

— Rae Pathak, friday reminders.
Follow at

Illustration by Sam Yang


we feel like painful truth is no specific gudbye😌
just like left behind,ghosted and nver deserve an explanation
.but u have to justify and validate their emotions too,because maybe they just can’t stay for a very valid reason..”hnd lht ng umaalis ay hnd nasasaktan”like a movie saidđŸ‘ŒđŸ»

Photos from The Storytellers's post 16/07/2023

probably trueâ˜șnot all people have choice,so they need to do wht is needed not bcoz it’s wht they wanted.


it’s been a while

the moderator are going through hard times😌
but this too shall pass😇

can’t get over about d memories,but i think already over to d person😉


why fb keep asking what’s on your mind??đŸ€”


ignoring your emotion and putting it aside,won’t help just feel it,til u become numb and used to itđŸ‘ŒđŸ»


one of the most painful is when u wnt to justify them for their actions even you have no idea about what’s going on and it is really hard for you to understand but still u have no choice,just to understand and wait for them to come out..

reminder:uncleared yes is a cleared nođŸ‘ŒđŸ»if it’s confusing then it’s not healthy✅


my playlis for todayđŸ„ș

won’t work like wht we wanted but if it’s for u then it will,will make it happens effortlessly

reminder:don’t force things,let it flowsđŸ‘ŒđŸ»


sometimes the most powerful emotions are the left unsaid😌✅


do not afraid to walk away when no one appreciates your existence..maybe you are less than enough to others but you are more than enough to someone,it’s about where u are and who are with find your place that suits for your soul and give u peaceđŸ‘ŒđŸ»

stop fixing other’s life if they are not willing.
stop proving ur worth for those completely blind✅


maybe we haven’t been overthinking about what if’sđŸ€”
we selfishly choose what’s the desire of our hearts and live life to it’s fullest like no one is looking right?but life ain’t that easy!life comes with struggles,pains and hardships to be able to appreciate the joy,success and genuine happinessâ˜ș

what if we were brave enough to follow our hearts and not our minds? what if we were unapologetic enough to live by our rules and not society's? what if we’re not scared of rejections but we use it as motivation to be better than before?

maybe we’ll be living and loving more by now. maybe we’ll be at our best.

who knows, really?

as long as this stays as a ‘what if’, we’ll never know how things could’ve turned out for us.

but i do hope we one day be fearless enough to take a leap of faith—no matter what it is—and realize we all deserve the best in this world.

—Cho Amisola, The Storytellers

Art: endmion1


when you are not in a good state of mind,something bothers you,anxiety attacks cause of too much overthinking and everything feels like unwell.find your own strength,think of what makes you leave that dark hours.have the courage to move forward and be your own motivation.find your best sadness coping mechanism,whatever made u feel good don’t hesitate to do it with urself.never feel bad about the way you overcome your struggles and dillema in life,people can easily judge you,but it’s your life,you are the one suffering and at the end of the day you are the product of your own decisions and actions,u are accountable for it no one else not afraid for what people say.just make one step at a time and what matters most you are growing little by little.know that small progress will always be a progress!

making mistakes is not good but it’s inevitableđŸ‘ŒđŸ»


having a bad day doesn’t mean u have a bad life✅✅✅appreciate those who have been there in your ups and downs and in betweenđŸ‘ŒđŸ»đŸ‘ŒđŸ»đŸ‘ŒđŸ»


promoting peace means creating a healthy environmentđŸ‘ŒđŸ»đŸ‘âœ…


signs that u are Ă  narcissists???đŸ€”

narcissist over gaslighting..


blessed morning😇let’s all start this week with gratitudeđŸ„°đŸ˜‡đŸ™




being strong is not always an advantage.people do mis interpret and mis understood u in so many ways,they forgot u also have a heart and emotion because u are a human being too.that’s why sometimes we become good at pretending,it’s like if you are strong you have no right to be hurt,bcoz people expect so much from u.they can easily avoid and abandon you wherever they feel they need to,without thinking how you feel,because they used to think u can handle you have to pretend your good.u smile when u failed,u got ur head high when u lose,u have to show up and prove them your okay.but behind all d compliments we got from others,it won’t stop us from thinking that the world is unfair,you are strong but it doesn’t mean u are not capable to be hurt,to feel the pain,to be vulnerable,and it’s the sad reality.the world has no room for u to undertood that you also have weaknesses,u are a human being,u got tired,emptied and exhausted.

every strong person have also their battle to go through,and need the motivation to keep going.


“Of course I’ll hurt you. Of course you’ll hurt me. Of course we will hurt each other. But THIS is the very condition of existence.

To become spring, means accepting the risk of winter.

To become presence, means accepting the risk of absence.”
—Antoine de Saint-ExupĂ©ry


