Make No Haste 順時工作

Make No Haste 順時工作

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Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Make No Haste 順時工作, Arts & Crafts Store, 新店區中央三街29號1樓, Xinbei.

複合式陶藝空間,提供Open Studio及手捏/拉胚等體驗課程|Pottery-focused creative space in Xindian, New Taipei.

課程採預約制|Classes by appointment.
每週六下午1-6點供應咖啡|Serving coffee and treats every Sat 1-6pm.



We’re CLOSED on Moon Festival (Sept 17). Go enjoy some delicious moon cakes and BBQ!
Also, our weekly hand building classes will move to the morning from 10:00-12:30 starting Sept 24. Please see our sign up form for dates and other details:


(English below)

- 週五不開放(10/4, 10/11, 10/18, 10/25)
- 週二及週四開放時間調整為10點至6點
- 10/10因國定假日不開放
- 十月將不燒窯,若有急件請跟我們討論!


Due to family travel plans, there will be changes to our hours in October:
- Closed on Fridays (Oct 4, 11, 18, and 25).
- Tuesday and Thursday hours will be 10am to 6pm.
- Closed on Oct 10 for National Day.
- There will be no firings in October. For urgent pieces please discuss with Emily!
Unless noted above, classes and other matters remain the same. We apologize if this causes any inconveniences. We’ll be back to normal hours in November! Thanks so much for understanding.

Please keep an eye out for available class dates here:

Photos from Make No Haste 順時工作's post 17/08/2024

(English below)
雖已立秋,陽光不再嚴酷,但夏天還沒要離開的意思。來喝杯冰咖啡抓住夏天的尾巴吧~ 豹郎咖啡的Carlos 將於下週六(8/24)下午1-4點之間在工作室販售自家莊園咖啡豆沖製的冰咖啡!現場也會有豹郎咖啡烘焙的豆子可買回家喔!

It may officially be autumn but it’s still hot outside. To help beat the heat, our good friend Carlos from will be selling ice coffee in the studio from 1-4pm on August 24th. Come by and cool down with a glass of his family grown coffee!

Photos from Make No Haste 順時工作's post 01/08/2024

Some recent work 夏日出窯的作品

Photos from Make No Haste 順時工作's post 11/07/2024



Did you know that besides our weekly classes, you could also reserve a private kids’ class (minimum 3 people). Please DM to inquire!

Sign up form for our weekly classes:

Photos from Make No Haste 順時工作's post 27/06/2024

The thick-walled room’s cave-darkness,
cool in summer, soothes
by saying, This is the truth, not the taut
cicada-strummed daylight.
Rest here, out of the flame- the thick air’s
stirred by the fan’s four
slow-moving spoons; under the house the stone
has its feet in deep water.
Outside, even the sun god, dressed in this life
as a lizard, abruptly rises
on stiff legs and descends blasé toward the shadows.

- At Noon (1981) by Reginald Gibbons

Photos from Make No Haste 順時工作's post 21/06/2024

(English below)

上個月去島作陶作集時,待辦事項其中特別期待的就是去 的展位再帶個大盤回家。上一屆在島作買的盤幾乎天天在我們家餐桌上出現,無論是承裝烤馬鈴薯或炒青菜,自在的藍綠色塊與線條都使食物顯得美味,使餐桌添增質感,使主婦我心情大好。結果一到展位之旋說:大盤都已完售!😱真是晴天霹靂....
所以我們就請之旋將作品帶來工作室了🎉目前只有限量的青花中型盤展售,期待未來之旋將更多樣的作品在Make No Haste分享!

關於作品,她說:「很難將自己的作品直接對應到其他陶藝作家,但是在藝術上,一直以來很喜歡James Turrell的光與色彩裝置作品 Mark Rothko的抽象表現油畫,或是構成主義的El Lissitzky的平面設計。跨越傳統藝術的具象,透過色彩與精簡構成表現人類情感的藝術形式,多少影響到自己的創作。 」


I had purchased a plate from the last time I went to Island Craft Fair and it appears almost daily on our dining table. Whether it’s roasted potatoes or stir fry, the easy greens and blues make the food seem more appetizing and our dining table more beautiful, and my time in the kitchen even more worthwhile 😆 So last month when I went again, getting a similar piece from her was high on my list. But when I got to her booth, she was sold out!😱
So… we brought her to Make No Haste (for not totally selfish reasons)! Currently there are only a few medium size plates, but we look forward to sharing much more of her work here in the future.

About her work, she says, “It’s hard to trace my influences directly from other potters, but artistically, I’ve always liked the light and colors in James Turrell’s work and the Rothko’s abstract paintings, or the Constructivist El Lissitzky’s graphic designs. Works that transcend realism and instead express human emotions through colors and simple composition appeal to me and influence my work.”

Feel free to inquire in person or by DM.

Photos from 覓土miituu 's post 29/04/2024




Please note that we’ll be closed on the following days: Jan 30 (Tues) and between Feb 8-Feb 14 for Lunar New Year. Looking forward to seeing you 🐲


Dorion 的作品又進貨了!上次很快完售的碗(三個尺寸)及馬克杯在店裡都買得到了。數量有限,趁著今天美好陽光來逛逛😍 也歡迎私訊詢問!

We have more of Dorion’s pieces back in stock - mugs, tumblers, bowls - come by and take a look before they’re gone.



A friendly reminder that we’re open from 13:00-18:00 tomorrow (1/13), morning classes are canceled this week. See you then!

Photos from Make No Haste 順時工作's post 07/01/2024

謝謝 的帶領,讓我們體驗刺激又令人驚艷的樂燒工作坊。作陶通常是獨自進行的事,但燒製卻常是特別需要夥伴的工作。捏好的土乾燥了只是第一步;信任夥伴、信任火、信任未知,在灰燼中都能獲得發光的回饋。

On one of the first days of 2024, a few of us from the studio shared a fun firing experience! Thanks to for leading us in an exciting and mesmerizing Raku workshop!
Making of pottery is usually done alone, but firings like these usually take a team. When pieces leave your hands to dry, it’s only the beginning. Learn to trust your teammates, trust the fire, trust the unpredictable, and you shall recover treasures in the ashes.


Photos from Make No Haste 順時工作's post 26/12/2023

聖誕節已過,團聚和分享的季節還沒過完 。一人兩人的零食,三人五人的點心...如果你還想為年節桌上增添溫暖巧思,歡迎將 的作品帶回家。工作室所剩的件數不多,請留意最近再次進貨的訊息!如果有意選購但無法親自前來,歡迎私訊詢問。

Christmas has passed, but the season of gathering and sharing is far from over. If you’re looking for pieces to add to your holiday table, please consider ‘s beautiful work. We still have a few pieces in the studio, and will make another announcement as soon as we restock! Please DM to inquire.

#農曆年節 #年節點心 #手作陶

Photos from Make No Haste 順時工作's post 23/12/2023

Moments from the workshop and some of the teapots made. Thanks again to for sharing your experience and insight 🫖

上個月茶壺工作坊的片段及部份學員的成品。再次感謝 的分享及指導🫖

Photos from Make No Haste 順時工作's post 22/11/2023


May we take care of each other and ourselves, may we protect the peace within ourselves so we may seek peace in the world and with each other.


Quote credit:

Photos from Make No Haste 順時工作's post 17/11/2023

感謝上週末每一位來到Open House 的朋友。在飄著細雨的陰天新舊朋友的相聚特別溫馨。我們很珍惜每一次將美好人事物互相連結的機會。忙著聊天忘了多拍照了啦🥲

Thank you all for coming to the Open House last weekend. We loved the opportunity to connect people and introduce friends to beautiful work and the interesting people behind them. We look forward to the next time we can host you ❤️


本週末天氣預報微涼陰雨,適合慢下、逗留。別忘了本週六有Open House!
誠摯邀請您來工作室欣賞 的作品👀

11/11 本週六13:00-17:00

The forecast for Saturday is cool with some rain, perfect for slowing down and lingering. We sincerely invite you to our Open House this Saturday and see a selection of ‘s work.

Nov 11, 13:00-17:00
29 Zhong Yang 3rd St, Ground floor

Photos from Make No Haste 順時工作's post 06/11/2023

(English below)

Make No Haste已成立近兩年(什麼?!)
所以我們非常興奮的跟您分享,Make No Haste已開始在工作室展售Dorion Berg的陶作以及Toj Balam豹郎咖啡的咖啡豆!

這週六(11/11)下午1-5點,歡迎您來認識Dorion的陶作。Dorion是位在台灣多年的加拿大籍陶藝家,有著多年嘗試所累積下來的大量經驗與作品,並在火、土與礦釉中,探索陶器不同的美感和無限的可能;作品的宗旨是在創作生活陶器的同時並賦予日常生活中各式器皿靈魂和趣味,讓使用者透過日常儀式,與隱藏於表面之下的真實展開,對話 。

另外,也想歡迎您來嚐嚐Toj Balam主理人「豹郎大叔」Carlos親自從瓜地馬拉帶來及親自烘製的微批次精品咖啡。共有日曬厭氧六個品種,風味濃郁驚艷,絕對打破您對瓜地馬拉咖啡的印象。


Dorion Berg Ceramics
Toj Balam 豹郎咖啡

We’re happy to announce some exciting news: we’ve started carrying the work of a couple of makers we admire - Dorion Berg Ceramics and Toj Balam.

We want more people to know about them and what they do, and we’re hosting an Open House this Saturday afternoon (Nov 11)! Please come try some of Carlos’ coffee and see Dorion’s ceramic work, this will be a rare opportunity to chat with the makers themselves!

Dorion Berg is a Canadian ceramic artist living in Taipei. He began his clay studies in high school as an apprentice potter before completing a BFA in Montreal. After moving Taiwan in 2002, he returned to making functional pottery, studying traditional wood-firing and Chinese teaware. At his studio beside Tiger Mountain, he produces wheel-thrown functional and decorative ceramics.

Toj Balam is a coffee brand by Carlos Gonzalez, a native from Antigua, Guatemala. After living in Switzerland for over 20 years as a photographer, Carlos returned to Guatemala in 2018 to craft his father’s coffee farm Finca El Guyabal into a specialty coffee practice, using natural processing as opposed to the traditional full-washed method to conserve water. “Toj Balam” comes from his mother’s Mayan symbol “toj” meaning light and his own “Balam” meaning leopard. Carlos and his team create their coffee with the utmost care and highest standards. He comes to Taiwan in 2023 with six delicious varietals to share with coffee lovers.

We look forward to seeing and chatting with you!

#精品咖啡 #手沖咖啡 #厭氧處理 #陶藝家 #陶藝課程

Photos from Make No Haste 順時工作's post 01/11/2023

忙碌的11月要在 小青新咖啡節開始。歡迎跟我們一樣喜歡喝咖啡的你來逛逛,嚐嚐好夥伴 層次豐富的瓜地馬拉咖啡,還有直接與生產者面對面的難得機會!我們呢,則將在現場提供手繪陶杯的體驗,送禮自用兩相宜。數量有限(真的😅),要先來11號攤位喔!

🎨 現場手繪的陶杯需帶回工作室上釉並燒窯才是成品,並非現場可帶回,請允許至少1-2週。

We’re going to be at the this weekend at Bitan! Come taste the delicious coffee by our good friends and talk to the producer himself! We’ll be offering a DIY experience for you to paint a cup of your own! Number of cups is very limited, so come find us at #11 booth quick!

🎨 Painted cups will be brought back to our studio to be glazed and fired. Please allow at least 1-2 weeks before picking up the finished piece.


Happy Halloween 🎃
Let your freak flag fly👻

Photos from Make No Haste 順時工作's post 23/10/2023

對於陶作稍有涉獵的學生常將茶壺當作終極目標。出水的流暢、壺蓋的密合、茶壺的線條比例皆是細膩學問。我們很開心邀請 的Emilio 教授第一次的茶壺工作坊。Emilio 因中醫背景來到台灣,卻因緣際會之下與製陶結下不解之緣。過去十年Emilio不只專精中國茶具,也深入研究並研發結合野外採集土和當地取材的木灰等原料的茶具。


時間:11/8及11/15 下午13:00-16:00
費用:$6000 (含燒窯費)

✴ 第一堂課程內容:

✴ 第二堂課程內容:


We’re honored to have Emilio of come teach a teapot workshop at the studio. Emilio came to Taiwan for his background in Chinese medicine and instead found a serendipitous but long lasting relationship in ceramics and teaware. In the past 10 years, Emilio has not only mastered the techniques of teapot making, but has also deeply delved into the exploration of raw materials, including wild harvested clays and locally sourced wood ash.

‼️There’s ONE SPOT LEFT in the workshop! Please DM to inquire‼️

WHEN: Nov 8 and Nov 15 / 13:00-16:00
FEE: 6000 NTD (including firing)

Emilio will cover —
✴ First class:
-Basic structure of teapots (body, spout, lid)
-Types of tea vessels/tools
-Throwing demo
-Individual practice/instruction

✴ Second class:
-Trimming demo
-Making the handle, putting it all together
-Individual practice/instruction
-Glazing demo

✏️This is a 2-part workshop, signing up for both dates is required.
✏️This is wheel throwing only workshop. Basic skills on the wheel is required.
✏️Workshop will be conducted mostly in English, translation is provided when necessary.


祝福您中秋佳節 平安愉快
* 這週末工作室沒開放喔

We wish you a wonderful Mid Autumn Festival
May all gatherings with your loved ones be filled with laughter and light 🌕
* We’re not open this weekend. Hours are back to normal next week.

Photos from Make No Haste 順時工作's post 19/09/2023

有陶藝基礎,需要時間空間自習者可考慮用通行證使用工作室,open studio開放時間異動如下:
週二週四 10:00-20:00
週五週六 10:00-18:00


📸 會員作品

Our October class schedule is online, sign up now!
For those who have experience and need time/space to practice and make, please consider getting a studio pass. Our Open Studio hours have slightly changed:
Tues/Thurs 10:00-20:00
Fri/Sat 10:00-18:00

Please see link for more details for DM to inquire!

📸 members’ work

Photos from Make No Haste 順時工作's post 12/09/2023


Our studio won’t be open for studio hours on 9/22, 9/23, 9/29, and 9/30. Classes on Saturday mornings aren’t affected. Thanks for understanding. Please DM for any questions regarding our hours, classes, and passes! We wish you a happy Moon Festival 🌕

Photos from Make No Haste 順時工作's post 28/08/2023

⋐ 老師介紹 PART III ⋑




Ling took ceramics at university as a requirement and she didn’t know it would become such an important part of her life, still now. She’ll probably continue making until she’s 80…

❝ Making pottery is time spent with oneself. Whether it’s hand building or wheel throwing, it’s like a silent conversation with myself, led by the tactile experience of clay and the path of its next steps in my imagination.❞

🤘 Ling teaches every Saturday morning, see more details on our sign up form:

Photos from Make No Haste 順時工作's post 26/07/2023

⋐ 老師介紹 PART II ⋑




Anko joined pottery club in college and have been working with clay ever since. She has made a habit of paying attention to the small details in daily life - the suitable sizes of bowls and plates, how many fingers she uses to hold a mug… each time she notices is an aspiration to make an even better pot the user would enjoy.

Anko believes that clay has memory. It also reflects the state and emotions of the maker, often showing a truest side of her in the work. ❝ When I realized that my life has become inseparable with clay, I knew this was one of the things I want to keep doing. ❞ she says. Continuing practice and cultivating patience - besides making pieces she likes, making pottery is also a practice to be with oneself.

🤘Anko teaches every Saturday morning! Come join her or to see additional details:

Photos from Make No Haste 順時工作's post 08/07/2023

⋐ 老師介紹 PART I ⋑



自從接觸到陶土後,透過觀察,練習掌控陶土的節奏,我放慢了自己的心 ,製作的每一個步驟都必須確實執行。




Yi Hsuan is one of the three brilliant teachers we work with and we’re excited to share more about her! Yi Hsuan comes from a background in special effects makeup in film. Like many people, her trajectory was shifted by the pandemic and she decided to use her mad skills to make incredible ceramic sculptures.

Yi Hsuan has this to say about working in ceramics,
❝ Clay is like a mirror, for it authentically reflects my emotions while making.
Ever since I’ve started my journey with clay, I’ve been forced to slow down internally, making sure every step has been done properly.
No cutting corners, no shortcuts— this is the most important lesson I’ve learned from clay. In a society where convenience and efficiency often trump everything, that principle is easier said than done. ❞

🤘Yi Hsuan teaches weekly classes Tuesday afternoons (hand building) and Thursday mornings (wheel throwing). Join her or to see more details on our sign up form:



Wishing all moms a restful and happy Mother’s Day, with a piece of my son’s creation (which I made under his supervision) 🌺

Photos from Make No Haste 順時工作's post 10/05/2023


🏕️ 5/20工作室休息一天

It’s interesting to observe how each person’s personality shows through their work and how they make. Come see how your qualities manifest in clay and glaze 🧚🏻‍♀️ Inquire about classes and passed or see link:

🏕️ We’re closed on May 20, classes continue the following week.

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我們的咖啡師在努力趕工完成客訂毛毯(謝謝很有耐心的客戶),所以今天沒有咖啡哦,別撲空了。歡迎來監工兼聊天😉 Just wanted to let everyone know we won’t be serving coffee today ...



Opening Hours

Thursday 10:00 - 21:00
Friday 10:00 - 18:00
Saturday 10:00 - 18:00

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