Videos by RGM 地明能量藝術 in Xinbei. RGM (Ra Gaia Moon) 地明能量藝術以自律心出發,專注力訓練為主。創新、並以人
"Mindful eating helps us learn to hear what our body is telling us about hunger and satisfaction. It helps us become aware of who in the body/heart/mind complex is hungry, and how and what is best to nourish it.”
🥗 正念飲食七日挑戰 🥗
我們選擇在餐前冥想是幫助你會更注意到吃飯時自己的身心狀態。對覺察當下熟悉後,你就可以在任何情況下,不需要閉上眼睛,就能進入正念練習。把覺知帶入生活當中,做出對自己身體/心靈 最和諧的選擇。
👇🏽正念飲食line 群組👇🏽
► 影像製作 : Liang Grace / 本源共振_
► 能量裝置 : RGM 地明能量藝術_
"Mindful eating helps us learn to hear what our body is telling us about hunger and satisfaction. It helps us become aware of who in the body/heart/mind complex is hungry, and how and what is best to nourish it.” 🥗 正念飲食七日挑戰 🥗 第二天的任務是:餐前冥想 我們的大腦每分鐘要處理上千個資訊片段,並且已經習慣同時間做很多事情。並把專注力時常朝向外在的世界,而忘記自己真正的需要是什麼了。這也是很大的因素讓我們吃的太飽、吃得不夠,或是消化不良,導致脹氣、不舒服。 正念的練習幫助我們與內在連結,將專注力安於當下,不帶批判的看見正在發生的事情。 知道自己為什麼而吃、帶著什麼心情吃飯、吃飯時身體是怎麼回應。 請找一餐用餐前的時間,聽完簡單的正念餐前冥想後再吃飯。 我們選擇在餐前冥想是幫助你會更注意到吃飯時自己的身心狀態。對覺察當下熟悉後,你就可以在任何情況下,不需要閉上眼睛,就能進入正念練習。把覺知帶入生活當中,做出對自己身體/心靈 最和諧的選擇。 期待大家有個美好的練習,也歡迎你跟我們分享你的經驗。 每日將收到一個吃飯的練習 👇🏽正念飲食line 群組👇🏽 ► 影像製作 : Liang Grace / 本源共振_ ► 能量裝置 : RGM 地明能量藝術_ #正念飲食七日挑戰 #mindfuleating #活活聚落 #多一點善良 #本源共振
RGM Energy Art, The Totem of totems
If my music has touched your heart, it is enough.
I am not here to convert anybody; I am just here to help you learn a little dance of the soul. This is the most religious phenomenon: the dance of the soul -- no fear of punishment, no greed for any reward.
This moment is all in all.
The Totem of totems, Dodecahedron
能量 裝置 RGM 地明能量藝術
音樂 影像 設計 本源共振 Source Resonance
The Power of Resonance
Everyone is responsible for their own healing. Having the support and direction of others might feel and it is in fact wonderful, but no one can heal for us. Too often we put too much emphasis on what others can do while overlooking what we can do ourselves. Feeling is an act of self-love.
Thus method is simple as to feel every feeling and emotion that we face. Humanity as a group is unfeeling. Living in a society in which each individual has been led to believe and encouraged to compete with each other, giving priority to our individuality above all, feeling has become a human need widely ignored. And yet, everyone has feelings and suffers silently due to avoidance. Follow your intuition, trust the process and above all, trust yourself.
We inviting you to join us in this anti-space, House of Power, to reclaim the power of total freedom, let the source inside Resonance. Welcome Home.
RGM energy art
True Vibration, Source Resonance
If you were given the most beautiful, tender creature to care for, what elements would it need in order to thrive? You would provide it shelter (safety), sustenance, love, acceptance, encouragement, guidance, and develop trust through consistency. If you only provided those things some of the time, that being would have trouble relaxing enough to simply flow in its own unfoldment.
If you are having trouble with anxiety or embracing the unfoldment of your own evolution, we encourage you to focus on providing the elements we have mentioned above with a focus on consistency, for it is your consistency with your self care as your own loving guide and parent that allows you to settle into a greater state of peace and acceptance regardless of what is going on around you.
This creates a wonderful space for the discovery of your highest expression of self and everything that then becomes possible from that state of embodiment.
The House of Power awaits, Source Resonance.
RGM Energy Art
water consciousness matrix 1.11.22
“The supreme goodness is like water.
It benefits all things without contention.
In dwelling, it stays grounded.
In being, it flows to depths.
In expression, it is honest.
In confrontation, it stays gentle.
In governance, it does not control.
In action, it aligns to timing.
It is content with its nature and therefore cannot be faulted.” ~Lao-Tzo, The Tao Te Ching
“Empty your mind, be formless. Shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” ~Bruce Lee
文字來自 書本 水知道
#氛圍電氣音樂#RGM HOP #本源共振
能量 裝置 RGM 地明能量藝術
音樂 影像 設計 本源共振 Source Resonance
祝福 簡簡單單 實實在在
Supernova, Phoenix Rebirth
Supernova (peacock/Phoenix Rebirth)
#已售出 #可訂製 #能量氛圍
#氛圍電氣音樂#RGM HOP #本源共振
能量 裝置 RGM 地名能量藝術
音樂設計 本源共振
Supernova (peacock/Phoenix Rebirth)
Your belief or your disbelief is not going to make any difference to the truth. Truth is truth, whether you believe or you disbelieve.
But if you believe in something it starts appearing as true to you at least. That's what the meaning of belief is: belief means to believe in something as true -- you know that you don't know, you know that the truth is unknown to you, but in your ignorance you start believing, because belief is cheap.
To discover truth is arduous, it needs a long pilgrimage. It needs a great emptying of the mind, it needs a great cleansing of the heart. It needs a certain innocence, a rebirth: you have to become a child again.
Only very few people have ever dared to discover truth. And it is risky, because it may not console you; it has no obligation to console you. It is risky: it may shatter all that you have known before, and you will have to rearrange your whole life. It is dangerous: it may destroy all your illusions, it may shatter all your dreams. It is really going through fire; it is going to burn you as you are, it is going to kill you as you are. Then a Phoenix will Rebirth.
. . .. ... ..... ........ ............. .....................
祝福 平靜 安穩 🙏🎄
Wheel of Life "Quartz Ring" Series 生命之輪 石英環 系列
In all we are, love is how we are given our life and we all have the God given freedom to love, live, learn, grow and glow. Imagine that, creation gives you that much in every living breath. You, me, we Breathe in and out as our heart beats. happy Mid-Autumn Festival. 中秋節快樂 to all.
R.G.M. Energy Art
雲夢山丘 RGM Source Resonance
You will dance for no reason at all, you will sing for no reason at all, songs that you have not composed, dances that you have not learned. They are just bubbling spontaneously in your consciousness.
That is enlightenment, but don't make it a goal. Meditation is enough. Everything else follows on its own.
welcome to 雲夢山丘
welcome home
the House of Power awaits.
Holographic Universe Conciousenes
Here, you are to rejoice. This is not an academical institute; it is just a divinely mad communion of people who know how to love, how to laugh, how to sing, how to dance.
This is Ra Gaia Moon Energy Art
The House of Power awaits
Welcome Home
RGM 地明 / 本源共振
Forget all about control. This place is not for people who control; this place is for people who let their heart dance wherever it wants to dance!
Remember a famous proverb: Talent is what you possess, genius is what possesses you.
You cannot control genius; you can control talents. Here we are creating the possibility for your sleeping genius to be awake. Once your genius is awake, you are going to be possessed, you will not be in control -- and there is no need to be in control. The sky is vast, millions of stars are moving without crashing, and no traffic control! Here I see thousands of hearts dancing, running -- no traffic control! Nature manages itself so perfectly that if you don't disturb, everything goes alright -- and very smoothly.
be the changed you want to seek in this world.
Welcome Home
RGM House of Power Stillness 02072121 雲夢山丘
Stillness holds the gifts of alignment, of integration, and is a reset point before movement resumes. It is the pause between the in breath and the out breath, a place of wisdom from where you can consider your next highest choice, a point of balance and potential. It is a magical, rejuvenative space that is always there for you to access whenever you choose, that acts as a portal to so much more. It is not designed for you to stay there forever, but rather a tool that allows you to connect to the energies of Home in order to receive any assistance you may require for your journey forward. It is one of the most empowering supports you have as an enlightening human being.
Welcome to the House of Power
Welcome to 雲夢山丘
Welcome Home
RGM House of Power / Source Resonance
I want to say that all great people in the world, destructive or creative, are people of so much energy, life energy, life force, that they cannot contain it within themselves; they have to do something. I would like that they all turn inwards, so their life is not a split and an agony, and so it becomes an ecstasy.
Welcome to The House of Power
Welcome to 台開 築空間
Welcome Home