Benjamin Qwendo
Founder & CEO | No 1 Entrepreneurship based on farming and livestock.
What does this statement mean?
“Make sure your worst enemy doesn’t live between your own two ears.”
9 Lessons From The Psychology Of Money
1. Building wealth takes time. More time than we may be willing to acknowledge. Think about Warren Buffet, who only became incredibly rich in his later years.
2. Sometimes it’s not your talent, your skills, your qualifications, your connections, or even how wealthy you are, sometimes it’s just luck. You gotta respect that. Think of Tony Elumelu. Be humble.
3. Some book chapters should be really short. Short chapters are easy to read. Not everything should be said in plenty of words. A word is enough for the wise, a short chapter is enough for the wise.
4. It is not so much about physical money, it is so much about what you think about money itself. The mindset is more powerful than the cash itself. Your mindset determines how much you can make, how much you can save, how much you can multiply, and ultimately, how happy you will be.
5. Stop buying things to please people who don’t care. And in many cases, people really don’t care. Society is always looking for the next gist, and you don’t want to always be the gist, except if you are contesting for a political position. Make your decisions based on inner convictions, not because you want to impress a neighbor who probably doesn’t care.
6. Be very careful about your attitudes towards money. It will determine how much of it you will make, control or use.
7. Always be optimistic. Pessimism never achieves anything. In the long run, only an optimist will still be around when the game is over. In spite of your present circumstances, whatever that may be, you need to believe that the future will be better. That’s what can keep you going.
8. Objects in the mirror are closer than they appear. But that’s not relevant for you, except you are the one driving the car. Be careful with the information you consume, not all of it is applicable to you.
9. Good things take time. Your investments, in knowledge, in skills, in money, and in relationships will take time before they bear fruit. Be patient. There is a time to plant and a time to harvest. Be patient. by
Psalm 32:8
I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go;
I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.
About nature.....lovely.
Tuesday Motivation.
You know what they say common sense is not common. What may be common sense to you, might not be to the other person. As you are in this new week, use wisdom, knowledge, and common sense to tackle some of your challenges.
The Bible says in Proverbs 4:6-7, "Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you; love her, and she will watch over you. Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding." All of us can use a guardian angel to watch over us.
Looking at you makes me realize that I’m growing old, but it also reminds me that the best things in life are timeless. I love you, Happy two months my baby. by
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Jamii ya Wairaqw waishio Dar Es Salaam (UMBLUCHA) wamefanya tamasha kubwa Kijiji cha Makumbusho Dar Es Salaam kwa lengo la kuhakikisha jamii ya kabila hilo wanaoishi mijini hawaachi mila na desturi zao, kuwarithisha watoto hasa wanaozaliwa na kuishi mijini, pamoja na kuibua mawazo ya Utalii wa mazao ya Utamaduni.
Akizungumza na wanaJumuiya ya kabila hilo Mgeni rasmi katika tamasha hilo Mhe Balozi Dkt Willibrod Slaa amewaasa watanzania hasa wazazi kuhakikisha wanaurithisha urithi wa utamaduni kwa kizazi kipya kwani kwa kupitia urithi huo muhimu watoto wataendela kukua katika maadali mema.
Dkt Slaa amempongeza Mhe Rais wa Jamuhuri ya Muungano Mama Samia Suluhu Hassan kwa kutoa kipaumbele kwenye uhifadhi wa utamaduni wa matanzania hasa kwa serikali anayoingoza kuhakikisha imetenga hela kwa ajili ya kuboresha Kijiji cha Makumbusho kilichopo chini ya Makumbusho ya Taifa nchini.
Akizungumza kwa niaba ya Mkurugenzi Mkuu wa Makumbusho ya Taifa nchini Dkt Noel Lwoga, Kaimu Mkurugenzi wa Kijiji cha Makumbusho Bw Mawazo Ramadhani Jamvi amesema Taasisi hiyo imejiwekea utaratibu wa kushirikiana na Makabila mbalimbali katika kufanya matamasha ya kiutamaduni yenye lengo la uhifadhi na urithishaji wa urithi wa utamaduni.
Licha ya kuwapongeza Jumuia ya Wairaq waishio Dar es Salaam kwa kuamua kuratibu tamasha hilo, Bw Jamvi amewahakikishia kuwa Makumbusho ya Taifa itaendela kuwa karibu nao na hata kuhakikisha ujenzi wa nyumba ya kabila hilo unafanyika kwenye Kijiji hicho ili kuutangaza na kuhifadhi urithi wa kabila hilo.
Dkt Leonia Hambati ambaye ni Mhadhiri wa Chuo Kikuu cha Dar Es Salaam, amesema yeye amejisikia fahari kuendelea kudumisha utamaduni wake awapo mjini na anafanya hivyo kwa watoto wake bila kuangalia elimu yake wala mabadiliko ya sayansi na teknolojia yanayo chochoa kasi ya Utandawazi ambao unaharibu mitazamo ya vijana kuhusu utamaduni wao.
Akizungumza kwa niaba ya Jamii ya Wairaqw (UMBLUCHA) waishio Dar es Salaam, Dkt Baltazary Awe amefafanua kuwa, Jumuiya yao imeona umuhimu wa kufanya tamasha hilo ili kujikumbushia mambo yanayohusu Utamaduni wao, kuhakikisha watoto wao wanajifunza kutoka kwa wazee waishio vijijini,
Imagine living a life where every day are your Saturdays and Sundays. Make every day your weekend. Make every day a play-day.
It might seem impossible but we can actually transform our days into an endless weekend, once we start to live the life we want. When we are excited about what we do and we work with joy, we discover that every day is as amazing as Saturday.
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