Будь в форме., Dnipro Videos

Videos by Будь в форме. in Dnipro. Независимый дистрибьютор компании Herbalife - Катерина. Уже более 3х лет учу других любить себя. ПИШИ для веллнес теста,консультации!

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#Repost @healthy.skin.camp with @get_repost ・・・ Наша очищающая маска на основе глины и мяты способствует улучшению внешнего вида вашей кожи. А также отлично подготовит ее к усвоению питательных веществ из сыворотки и увлажняющих средств. Она подходит для любого типа кожи и не содержит парабенов 🌱 ⠀ Кстати, нашу маску можно активно использовать в мультимаскинге, слышали о таком? ⠀ #skincare #skin #healthy #healthyskin #face #organic #vitamins #spf #uva #uvb #herbalifeskin #здороваякожа #маска #красота #здоровье #уходзакожей #healthyskincamp

#Repost @drdavidheber with @get_repost ・・・ DIET MYHTS #4: ALKALINE DIETS? - The idea that the foods you eat change the acid-base balance of the body and affect your health or your weight is not based on science. The human body maintains the acid-base balance of the blood and all the cells of the body in a narrow range by breathing out carbon dioxide in the breath and by excreting acid or base in the urine.Shown on the slide is the range of acid and base concentrations found in chemicals measured as pH, the most acid being pH=1 and the most alkaline pH=12. pH = 7 is neutral and pure water in a glass is usually pH 5 due to dissolved carbon dioxide from the air. The blood maintains a narrow pH range of 7.35 to 7.45 using what is called a buffer in chemistry where bicarbonate takes on a hydrogen or releases a hydrogen. When acid goes up the bicarbonate forms CO2 gas which you breathe. This is what happens during exercise and the CO2 formed in your blood stimulates you to breathe more deeply getting the body back in balance. Alkaline water has no effect on sports performance -so don’t waste money on it!! Foods are wrongly classified as alkaline or acid based on the pH of the ashes left after they are burned. In the digestive system, the stomach is acid and the intestines are alkaline so that the digestive enzymes can do their job regardless of the acid or base classification in this unscientific system. The Alkaline Diet recommends most fruits and vegetables which are healthy and may help with weight management but for the wrong reason based on alkaline nonsense! Next time, I will discuss old school Calorie Counting!! - So stay tuned!! #drdavidheber #alkalinediet #alkalinewater #weightlossjourney #ph to learn more go to www.drdavidheber.com and www.herbalifenutritioninstitute.com


Just like a race car you need the proper fuel every day! #balancednutrition

#herbalifenutrition #perfectbody #global #nutrition #partner #cristianoronaldo#backstages 💎 80%nutrition 20%workout 100%inspiration