Share The Truths. Updates from Ukraine

Updates, facts, figures and articles. Share the truth about what is happening in Ukraine now.


Approximately 30% of Ukrainian land, spanning 173,530 km², demands demining. This area, tainted with mines, unexploded ordnance, and battle remnants, rivals the size of Florida or Uruguay, marking Ukraine as the world's most heavily mined country.

Demining measures in Ukraine are calculated to take approximately 757 years to complete, under the condition that 500 demining teams will continue operating simultaneously. The World Bank estimates it will cost $37.4 billion over the next ten years.

Since the war's onset, over 1,574 Ukrainian children have been injured or killed by Russian armed forces. Military actions claimed 497 young lives, while 1,077 more were injured, mainly due to shelling and airstrikes. The actual figures are considerably higher, as the receipt of information from some locations with intense hostilities has been delayed, and many reports are still pending corroboration.

The destruction of the Kakhovka dam by Russians triggered agricultural losses of $25 million. Crop fields, livestock, and fisheries also took hits. Indirect crop production losses may soar by $182 million annually due to water supply disruption. Other sectors anticipate annual losses of up to $49 million.

For further insights, explore our factsheet detailing Ukraine's 17-month resistance ➡


Day 523 📌 Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, more than 170 civilians have been killed, and more than 400 residential buildings have been damaged or destroyed in Russian attacks on Kyiv.

Russian occupiers persist in abducting children from Ukraine's temporarily occupied territories. Utilizing Telegram channels aimed at Kherson Oblast's audience, the occupying administrations disseminated deceptive messages to mislead locals regarding the safety of children within Ukraine's territory.

The destruction of Kakhovka HPP resulted in significant damages totalling $624 million. At the same time, Ukrhydroenergo, the state-owned company, faces annual economic losses exceeding $100 million. To reconstruct a new hydroelectric power plant with a similar capacity, nearly $1 billion will be required.

As of 24 July, since the beginning of the counteroffensive, the Ukrainian army has liberated 230 square kilometres of Ukrainian territory.

For more information, please refer to our monthly update №5 by clicking on the link ➡


Since the beginning of the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine, 3,328 educational institutions have suffered bombing and shelling, and 265 of them have been completely destroyed.

The consequences of emissions resulting from the hostilities are catastrophic, with total losses already reaching almost $4.2 billion. In particular, $1.8 billion was caused by forest fires, $1.6 billion by grass fires, and $752 million by burning oil and oil products.

Moreover, 186,000 sq. km of Ukrainian land, or almost 31% of its territory, are at risk of damage and pollution. Of this, more than 20,000 sq. km are more than 75% damaged. Donetsk, Kharkiv and Zaporizhzhia oblasts have suffered the most damage.

Read more about the price of Ukrainian independence in our brand new factsheet on 16 months of Ukraine’s resistance in numbers ➡


In contrast to the decolonization efforts in Western countries, the decolonization of education in Ukraine focuses on embracing modern European values. This process entails eliminating post-colonial phenomena, such as pro-Soviet teaching, scientific dilettantism, limited engagement in international cooperation, and tolerance for academic dishonesty, including plagiarism and corruption.

Russia's full-scale war against Ukraine has further prompted these decolonization efforts. Despite Ukraine's status as a mature political nation that demonstrates unwavering determination in its fight for freedom, the lingering effects of Russian colonial influences impede its progress towards European modernization.

To delve deeper into Russia's impact on higher education in Ukraine, we invite you to read our latest article in the decolonization series by following the link ➡


Language plays a crucial role in our lives as the primary means of communication and information exchange. It's a universal tool that allows us to share experiences and thoughts, fostering understanding between individuals. However, this universal nature of language also makes it susceptible to manipulation.

It can be distorted to shape reality, particularly for those who rely on reported events without personal experience. Russia has skillfully employed language as a weapon in its war against Ukraine, demonstrating the power of linguistic manipulation.

The concept of "fraternal peoples" is a prime example of how language can be used to justify aggression. While the intuitive understanding of "fraternity" implies close kinship, its usage in the context of war and genocide reveals its true intentions. However, even when individuals condemn Russia's aggression, they often fall into the trap of legitimizing this term by focusing on distorted usage rather than questioning the notion itself.

Russian imperialism operates through an illusion of inclusiveness, presenting itself as open to the world. It promotes the idea that anyone can become "Russian," blurring the lines of actual identity and dismissing political realities. Russia's strategic use of language not only denies agency to its targets but also seeks to discredit democracies.

Read more in our new article from the decolonization series by the link ➡


Day 479 📌 Following the destruction of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant by Russian troops, numerous towns and villages in the Kherson and Mykolaiv oblasts have been left flooded, affecting a total of 77 communities.

The estimated environmental damage caused by this terrorist act exceeds 1.4 billion euros. According to initial information from Ukrhydroenergo, the restoration of the hydroelectric power plant alone is expected to cost approximately 1 billion euros.

The decline in water levels in the Kakhovka reservoir poses a threat to the safety of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, as it relied on water from the reservoir for cooling its reactors. Additionally, the destruction of the Kakhovka HPP will likely result in the conversion of southern Ukrainian fields into deserts in the following year.

According to the latest press release from the UN monitors, six children were killed, and 34 others were injured in May alone. Since 24 February 2022, a total of 525 children have been reported as killed, and 1,047 children have been injured across 289 cities, towns, and villages throughout Ukraine.

In the occupied parts of Zaporizhzhia Oblast, individuals with diabetes are unable to access insulin unless they possess a Russian "passport." Even Ukrainian citizens who require insulin for their children are being denied its provision.

For more information, please refer to our monthly update by clicking on the link ➡


In the framework of our decolonization article series, we invite you to explore the complex dynamics between the Moscow Patriarchate and Ukraine 📢

For over three decades following the dissolution of the USSR, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate (UOC-MP) held a privileged position in Ukraine. With the largest number of followers and control over significant Orthodox shrines such as the Kyiv-Pechersk and Pochaiv Lavras, the UOC-MP had the means to exert influence over believers, authorities, and even social and political processes within the country.

However, the moral authority of the UOC-MP gradually waned due to its overtly pro-Russian activities. It ceased to be seen solely as a religious institution and came under suspicion of serving as a network of Russian agents. The Russian-Ukrainian war played a pivotal role in shaping the destiny of this church as Ukraine, an independent state, grappled with the challenge of survival.

While the leadership of the UOC-MP publicly condemned Russia's actions following the full-scale invasion, numerous representatives of the church justified the aggression and even collaborated with the Russian forces. Consequently, it is not surprising that the Security Service of Ukraine took an interest in their activities.

To understand the reasoning behind the actions of the Ukrainian authorities and the legitimacy of their measures in the realm of religion, we invite you to read the full article in English and Ukrainian through the following link ➡


Day 457 📌 The direct and documented material losses resulting from the full-scale Russian invasion of Ukraine have reached a staggering $143.8 billion. The sectors most severely affected include residential buildings (37.3%) and infrastructure (25.2%).

The humanitarian crisis is escalating in the temporarily occupied areas of Luhansk Oblast, as the majority of available medicines are being diverted to cater to the needs of Russian combatants. The transfer of most hospitals in the oblast to military operation format has left civilians without access to essential medical services.

An action plan has been formulated to survey and demine a total of 470,000 hectares of agricultural land in Ukraine. The largest concentration of contaminated land is found in the southern and eastern regions, with over 208,000 hectares requiring surveying in Kherson, nearly 160,000 hectares in Kharkiv, and more than 85,000 hectares in Mykolaiv.

Ukraine has made progress in press freedom, as indicated by the improved ranking in the Press Freedom Index from 106th to 79th place compared to last year. This positive shift is primarily attributed to the economic stabilization of most media outlets and a reduction in the influence of oligarchs on journalism.

Stay informed about the current situation in Ukraine with our monthly update. Read more by following the link ➡

14 months of Ukraine’s resistance: Russia-Ukraine war in numbers | Heinrich Böll Stiftung | Kyiv - Ukraine 14/05/2023

— English below —

🔥 Публікуємо новий огляд наслідків війни від Share The Truths. Updates from Ukraine!

📍 Станом на 18 квітня в результаті повномасшбаного вторгнення Росії в Україну було зафіксовано 22904 жертви серед цивільного населення, зокрема 8534 загиблих і 14370 поранених, за даними Управління Верховного комісара ООН з прав людини. Там вважають, що реальні цифри значно вищі, оскільки інформація з деяких місць, де тривають інтенсивні бойові дії, ще надходить, і багато повідомлень досі не підтверджені. Це стосується, наприклад, Маріуполя (Донецька область), Лисичанська, Попасної та Сєвєродонецька (Луганська область), де є повідомлення про численні жертви серед цивільного населення.

📍 За даними українського уряду, 19 393 дитини було вивезено до Росії. Тим часом російські окупанти проводять так звані медичні огляди дітей на тимчасово окупованих територіях, щоб мати підстави для депортації українців до Росії на лікування.

📍 Російська війна в Україні завдала шкоди 20% природно-заповідних територій України, мільйони тварин вже загинули, а 80 видів опинилися під загрозою зникнення.

📍 Приблизно 25% загальної площі українських сільськогосподарських земель окуповано, і ще більша частка була зруйнована або забруднена, йдеться у звіті PAX. За їхніми оцінками, використання сільськогосподарських земель скоротилося на 40% через знищення родючих ґрунтів і забруднення мінами та боєприпасами, що не розірвалися.

У цифрах розповідаємо, що відбувається внаслідок війни Росії проти України у сферах освіти, продовольчої та екологічної безпеки, культури та медіа.

👉 Читайте більше:


🔥 We are publishing a new overview of the consequences of the war from Share The Truths. Updates from Ukraine!

📍 As of April 18, 22904 civilian casualties were recorded as a result of Russia’s all-out invasion of Ukraine, including 8534 killed and 14370 injured according to UN OHCHR. OHCHR believes that the actual figures are considerably higher, as the receipt of information from some locations with intense hostilities has been delayed and many reports are still pending corroboration. This concerns, for example, Mariupol (Donetsk region), Lysychansk, Popasna, and Severodonetsk (Luhansk region), where there are allegations of numerous civilian casualties.

📍 19 393 children have been reportedly taken to Russia according to Ukrainian government figures. Meanwhile, Russian forces are conducting so-called medical examinations of children in the temporarily occupied territories in order to have grounds for the deportation of Ukrainians to Russia for treatment.

📍 Russian war in Ukraine has caused damage to 20% of Ukraine's protected natural areas, with millions of animals already killed and 80 species facing the threat of extinction.

📍 Approximately, 25% of total Ukrainian agricultural land area is occupied and an even larger share has been destroyed or polluted, says PAX report. It has been recorded an estimated 40% reduction in the use of agricultural land due to fertile soil destruction and pollution by mines and unexploded ordnance.

In numbers, we explain what is happening as a result of Russia's war against Ukraine in the fields of education, food and environmental security, culture and media.

👉 Read more:

14 months of Ukraine’s resistance: Russia-Ukraine war in numbers | Heinrich Böll Stiftung | Kyiv - Ukraine In numbers, we explain what is happening as a result of Russia's war against Ukraine in the fields of education, food and environmental security, culture and media.


Previously, when publishing books by Western authors in Ukraine, the easiest and most profitable way for the rights holder was to negotiate with a large literary agency that could work with several countries simultaneously. The required scale was usually provided by Russian literary agencies because they had covered the biggest countries of the former Soviet Union.

After Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine and the illegal annexation of Crimea in 2014, Ukraine passed a law partially restricting the import of Russian books into the country. However, literary agencies with Russian roots were unlikely to be affected. The struggle for a complete ban on book imports from the Russian Federation and Belarus has intensified in Ukraine since mid-2022.

Read more about the decolonizing Ukrainian publishing in our new article by the link ➡


Day 436 📌 As of April 18, more than 22,900 civilian casualties were recorded due to Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. At least 1,419 children have been injured or killed by Russian armed activities.

The actual figures are considerably higher, as the receipt of information from some locations with intense hostilities has been delayed, and many reports are still pending corroboration.

47.4 bln EUR is an approximate amount of the environmental damage caused by the Russian war in Ukraine. While demining efforts are ongoing, 174,000 sq. km of potentially dangerous areas remain, which is 30% of Ukraine’s total area.

Moreover, 25% of Ukrainian agricultural land is occupied, and an even larger share has been destroyed or polluted.

Read more in our monthly update by the link below ➡


🔥 А ми продовжуємо розповідати про те, чим займається Фонд у межах різних програм. Сьогодні пояснимо логіку та суть нашої програми “Безпека людини” і те, чому ми посилили її роботу саме під час повномасштабної війни Росії проти України.

“Війна несе колосальну фізичну небезпеку для життя, але водночас впливає і на інші сфери повсякденного життя. Зокрема, на політичну, економічну, соціальну, енергетичну, продовольчу безпеку, а також на здоров’я та довкілля. Тож коли чи говоримо про безпеку людину в контексті України, для нас важливо підсвічувати й ці впливи на різні сфери життя, і говорити про колоніальну політику Росії впродовж десятиліть, які це спричинили”, — пояснює Sofia Oliynyk, координаторка програми.

У зв’язку з повномасштабною війною в Україні і ми, і партнери Фонду змістили фокус своєї діяльності у відповідь на війну. Зараз для нас пріоритетним є міжнародна адвокація та поширення актуальної інформації щодо ситуації в Україні. Зокрема, важливо постійно нагадувати, що війна порушує відчуття безпеки в цілому.

❓ З чим працює програма?

Ми підтримуємо та працюємо з такими напрямками як дослідження, експертні обговорення, міжнародна адвокація. Зокрема, разом з партнерами ми реалізували соціологічне дослідження щодо безпосереднього розуміння поняття «безпеки» мешканцями південних та східних регіонів. Згодом були розроблені рекомендації політик за окремими компонентами безпеки людини.

🖌 “Спільно з Democratic Initiatives Foundation-Фонд "Демократичні Ініціативи" ми впродовж останніх двох років фокусувалися на практичному дослідженні теми в контексті України, а також активному практичному обговоренні серед експертного середовища. З початку повномасштабної війни ми активно комунікуємо ситуацію в Україні серед міжнародної аудиторії та презентуємо свіжу аналітику та рекомендації, аби зміцнювати підтримку України”, — розповідає координаторка програми.

🖌 Один із наших ключових проєктів — Share The Truths. Updates from Ukraine. Ми готуємо пояснювальні матеріали про війну через компоненти безпеки людини. Зокрема, надаємо регулярні стислі огляди ситуації в Україні, а також досліджуємо російську колоніальну політику в різних сферах впродовж останніх десятиліть. Для нас важливо, аби про російський колоніалізм говорили не лише в Україні, а й на Заході.

Ми плануємо продовжувати роботу в цьому напрямку, розвивати концепт “безпеки людини”, а також долучатися до поширення інформації базованої на даних щодо впливу війни на різні сфери життя. Наш фокус — це співпраця з аналітичними центрами та незалежними дослідни_цями.

👉 Якщо у вас є ідеї чи бажання про співпрацю, пишіть координаторці програми. Контакти тут:


Sports out of politics? Or not? 🤐 Does the country that starts unjust wars, rapes and tortures civilians and soldiers have a place in international competitions?

Whatever it is, sport in Russia is unthinkable without politics, often becoming a propaganda tool to achieve various goals. Read more in our new article ➡


Day 412 📌 Since 10 October 2022, Russia has launched more than 1,500 missiles and drones, as well as shelling and grenades, targeting the energy infrastructure of Ukraine, out of which more than 100 missiles are estimated to have hit large energy facilities.

As a result of the war, the total estimated reconstruction and recovery needs of Ukraine exceed US$411 billion, which is 2.6 times more than the Ukrainian GDP in 2022.

Ukraine is among the Top-5 countries where human rights defenders are specifically endangered. The incidents happened in the context of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, as Russian forces specifically targeted them.

Meanwhile, the Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, Vadym Huttsayt, said that the Russian war had taken the lives of 262 athletes. In addition, the Russian invaders have also destroyed 363 sports facilities in Ukraine.

According to preliminary estimates, 470,854 hectares of agricultural land in nine oblasts of Ukraine need to be surveyed and, if necessary, demined.

More information about the Russian aggression read in our monthly update at the link below ➡


For more than a year, Ukraine has been fighting to defend not only its democracy but its very survival as an independent country, while the Russian war of aggression has been spreading death and destruction.

As of March 20, 22,209 civilian casualties were recorded due to Russia’s all-out invasion of Ukraine. The actual figures are considerably higher.

Since the start of the full-scale war, more than 1,400 children have been injured or killed by Russian armed activities. 16,221 Ukrainian children have been illegally taken to Russia.

Besides, more than 8 million individual Ukrainian refugees were recorded across Europe as of March 14.

Read more about the price of Ukrainian independence in our brand new factsheet on 13 months of Ukraine’s resistance in numbers:


Day 388 📌 After the forced break, we published our first monthly update in 2023 on the current status of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. From it, you will learn about the following:

✔ Discussions on the accountability for the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine
✔ Violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law by the Russian Federation in Ukraine
✔ Resistance movements in the occupied territories
✔ Ukrainian cities under the Russian attack
✔ Energy and food security
✔ Introduced sanctions against Russia
✔ Recent war-related polls and studies
✔ Watchlist from our authors

Read more at the link 👉

Thank you for supporting Ukraine and being with us 💙 💛


Back in March 2022, on the front page of major newspapers worldwide, you could see the photo of the Drama Theatre, destroyed by a Russian bomb, having the word 'Children' written in front of it. What was once the object of culture became the object of tragedy.

Oksana Dovgopolova, curator of culture memory platform Past / Future / Art, Doctor Habilis in Philosophy of History, professor of the Philosophy Department, Odesa I. I. Mechnikov National University, explores in her article from our decolonization series how Russian culture hides underneath its works suffocating embraces and tragedy.

Read more by the link 👉


February 24, 2023, marks one year since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine. This attack was the culmination of a war of aggression that had been going on for nine years.

Since the beginning of the full-scale war, over 21,000 civilian casualties have been reported, including more than 8,000 deaths. The United Nations confirm these figures, but the actual toll is much higher.

At least 488 Ukrainian children have been killed due to the Russian war, and another 962 have been wounded since February 24, 2022. Over 350 are missing, and approximately 16,220 have been deported from Ukrainian cities to Russia.

According to the survey conducted by ‘Rating group,’ 60% of Ukrainian children have witnessed or participated in certain war-related events 💔

Since February 24, 2022, about 50% of the Ukrainian energy infrastructure has been damaged by shelling. In 2022, 98 energy workers died while performing their duties, and twice as many were injured.

Between February 24 and December 31, 2022, there were 707 Russian attacks on Ukraine’s healthcare system, including 292 documented attacks that damaged or destroyed 218 hospitals and clinics. Many health facilities were attacked more than once.

Read more about the key facts and figures on the Russian war of aggression by the link ➡


We stand in solidarity with the people of !

Since yesterday, we observe how the people of Georgia went once again to the streets to show their determined desire for a free democratic state and its further European integration.

Yesterday the Parliament of Georgia passed a so-called “foreign agents” bill in the first hearing while tens of thousands gathered outside the Parliament building to protest. Riot police were immediately deployed on the streets using water cannons and pepper spray to clear the sides of the parliament 💔

The “foreign agents” bill aims to replicate a similar law operating in Russia, which significantly limits civil society and undermines the democratic process in Georgia. The law is another example of how Russia’s imperial ambitions aim to influence political processes in the neighbourhood to strengthen its tight embrace.

From the very first days of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, we felt immense support from the people of Georgia supporting Ukrainians. We are grateful for all the help in the information dissemination in the frame of our project, as well as to our Georgian translators 💙 💛

Photo: Associated Press


Today marks one year since Russia’s unprovoked full-scale invasion of Ukraine. 365 days of fear and losses. 365 days of resistance and solidarity. In these dark days, it helps to know that we are not alone 🙏 We are very grateful to our volunteers, who contributed to our work during 2022.

Together with our networks, alliances and partnerships, we can amplify the voices of those fighting to build and secure justice, uphold human rights, and preserve democracy.

After a two-month break, we are resuming our work. This year we will focus on four key products to keep our communities updated about Ukraine:

1️⃣ Monthly factsheets with key facts and figures about Russia’s war in Ukraine
2️⃣ Thematic factsheets on key aspects of human security regarding Russia’s war in Ukraine
3️⃣ Monthly updates on key developments in Ukraine
4️⃣ Essays on Ukrainian colonial experiences

Today and every day, we thank the Armed Forces of Ukraine for defending our Freedom and Independence and protecting the democratic values of the whole world. Today and every day, we remember all fallen defenders and civilians who became victims of this brutal war.

Glory to Ukraine! Slava Ukraini! 💙💛


Days 302-303 📌 The U.S. Senate passes a $40 billion bill to aid Ukraine as the country fights back against Russian brutal and unprovoked attacks.

The Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine has already opened 5,079 criminal proceedings on the facts of torture and other inhuman treatment as a result of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation into Ukraine. At the decoccupied territories, Ukrainian authorities recorded 54 torture chambers. Also, 855 cases of war crimes against children are being investigated, 10 of which are based on facts of sexual violence.

60% of transformers in Kyiv are damaged or destroyed due to the Russian attacks. Therefore, the situation in the city remains rather critical, as some of the neighborhoods have electricity only 5 hours per day.

More information about the ongoing war is in our daily update ➡️


Days 300-301 📌 Zelenskiy headed to the United States to meet with President Biden and to address Congress. It is his first foreign trip since 24 February 2022. Also, the United States has confirmed it would supply Ukraine with Patriot missile systems to increase its air defence capability.

The UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he saw no prospect of talks to end the war in Ukraine in the immediate future and expected the already escalating military conflict to continue. However, he called for everything possible to be done to halt the most devastating conflict in Europe since World War II by the end of 2023 – which he strongly hopes will happen.

The World Bank will provide additional financing of $500 million through an IBRD loan that is supported by a guarantee from the United Kingdom for the same amount. These funds will help the Government of Ukraine with expenditures related to child and family benefits, salaries of public employees, and utility payments.

To know more, please check our update ➡


Days 297-299 📌 On December 19, Russian drone attacks on Ukrainian infrastructure facilities hit several targets, putting Ukraine's energy system in a critical situation. Emergency power outages have been introduced in several oblasts. Twenty drones attacked Kyiv and Kyiv Oblast; air defense systems shot 15 of them.

Prime Minister Shmyhal recently underlined that small and medium-sized Ukrainian entrepreneurs had already imported 500,000 low-power generators. However, to get through the winter, there is an urgent need for about 17,000 more big industrial generating units.

According to the results of the 19th national survey in the conditions of war released by Sociological Group Rating, as of the end of 2022, over 82% of respondents believe that things in Ukraine are going in the right direction. Moreover, 97% of the Ukrainians are sure that Ukraine will be able to beat off the Russian attack.

Read more in our update by the link 👉

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