Contact information, map and directions, contact form, opening hours, services, ratings, photos, videos and announcements from Recommendation, Advertising agency, г. Киев, Улица Cагайдачного, 33, Kyiv.
Хвар, Хорватия🇵🇾
Острова соли в Мертвом море, Израиль. 🇮🇱 #израиль
Cambridge is famous for software engineering (making programs for computers) and bio-chemical and bio-genetic products. Cattle-farming is the speciality of the west of England, Northern Ireland and Scotland. Wheat and fruit are widely grown in the south-east of England.
The original base of British industry was coal-mining, iron and steel and textiles. Today the most productive sectors include high-tech industries, chemicals, finance and the service sectors, especially banking, insurance and tourism.
They are for some families, for example for families with only one parent. In most areas there are private nursery schools. Parents who want their children to go to nursery school pay for their children under 5 years old to go to these private nursery schools.
Primary school is divided into infant school (pupils from 5 to 7 years old) and junior school (from 8 to 11 years old). In some areas there are middle schools instead of junior schools, which take pupils from 9 to 12 years old.
Techniques which are used to win customers include coupons, samples, money back, competitions etc. Many of these techniques are over a hundred years old. New promotion techniques are not often developed and, even when they are, there is always a risk that they will not please customers. So why do companies still try to develop new promotion techniques? The answer is because companies which do develop a successful new promotion can win many customers because they are the first to use the technique.
Цвeтoк ceвepнoгo cияния и Mлeчный Путь
Moг ли cтeбeль нaшeгo Mлeчнoгo Пути pacцвecти кaк ceвepнoe cияниe? Heт, xoтя cмoтpя нa эту кapтинку, мoжнo пoдумaть имeннo oб этoм. Cлeвa цeнтpaльнaя плocкocть нaшeй Гaлaктики пpoтянулacь oт гopизoнтa дo cepeдины нeбa. Cпpaвa oвaл ceвepнoгo cияния тaкжe pacтянулcя oт цeнтpaльнoй чacти нeбa, в нeм дoминиpуeт яpкoe зeлeнoe cвeчeниe киcлopoдa. Эти двa явлeния нe cвязaны физичecки, пoтoму чтo ceвepнoe cияниe вoзникaeт дoвoльнo близкo, eгo caмыe выcoкиe кpacныe чacти cвeтятcя в зeмнoй aтмocфepe нa выcoтe oкoлo тыcячи килoмeтpoв. Cpeднee paccтoяниe дo звeзд и тумaннocтeй в Mлeчнoм Пути – oкoлo тыcячи cвeтoвыx лeт – тo ecть в 10 тpиллиoнoв paз дaльшe. Kaдpы, из кoтopыx cмoнтиpoвaнa этa кapтинкa, были cняты в нaчaлe oктябpя нaд мaлeньким oзepoм в Aбиcкo нa ceвepe Швeции. B нacтoящee вpeмя мaгнитнoe пoлe Coлнцa измeняeтcя, пpиближaяcь к caмoму aктивнoму пepиoду 11-лeтнeгo циклa, пoэтoму пoляpныe cияния oкoлo двуx пoлюcoв Зeмли нaвepнякa cтaнут бoлee чacтыми.
Орхидея в Природе... 🌳🌸🌳🌸🌳🌸
Britain is one of the most highly industrialised countries in the world: for every person employed in agriculture 12 are employed in industry. The original base of British industry was coal-mining, iron and steel and textiles. Today the most productive sectors include high-tech industries, chemicals, finance and the service sectors, especially banking, insurance and tourism.
Шри-Ланка 🇱🇰 #шриланка
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Улица Оболонский проспект, 1, корпус 1, оф. 194
Kyiv, 04211
TMGU digital agency – цифрове рекламно-маркетингове агентство
41 Vozdvyzhens'ka Street
Kyiv, 04071
Full-service creative marketing agency. Let’s make you huge 👉 [email protected]
15 Khreschatyk Street
Kyiv, 01001
Сreative agency Agency of the Year 2020/VRK The Most Creative agency 2020/VRK Bronze Cannes Lions 2
Velyka Vasilkivska, 72
Kyiv, 03150
Незалежне креативне агентство/ Independent creative agency
Щукина 33
Kyiv, 76543
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