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Mr Huang's team at Cranfield University is working on an alternative offshore solar plant, which he says will be robust and cheap.

With academic and commercial partners in Indonesia, they hope to have a demonstration system in the Indian Ocean in 12 months time.

Called Solar2Wave, it will have a floating breakwater upstream of the solar panels which, Mr Huang says, has the effect of reducing wave height by about 90%.


But the reality was somewhat different. Notably America prevented China from becoming a partner in the ISS, so the Chinese went their own way.

More recently, within weeks of the invasion of Ukraine, nations stopped working with Russia. Two joint Moon missions between the European Space Agency (ESA) and Russia have been cancelled, as has a joint Mars Rover project to search for signs of life on the red planet.


In nuclear fusion, pairs of tiny particles called atoms are heated and forced together to make one heavier one.

It is the opposite of nuclear fission, in which heavy atoms are split apart. Nuclear power stations currently use nuclear fission to generate electricity.


The plans include solar panels fixed to steel and aluminium structures that will be up to three metres tall.

There will also be perimeter fencing installed along with CCTV monitoring and cables will need to run underground to a power station to the south of Crossing Lane.


Latchford died in 2020 while awaiting trial in the US. His family promised to return his stolen collection to Cambodia after he died, but the authorities did not know what exactly would be handed over or how it would happen.

Brad Gordon, the head of Cambodia's investigative team, became the first representative of the nation to see the jewellery when he visited London last summer. He told the BBC: "I was driven by a representative of the Latchford family to an undisclosed location. In the parking lot was a vehicle with four boxes inside.


It ruled that it could go ahead with a number of conditions attached.

Statkraft said the project could generate enough electricity to power the equivalent of 60,000 homes.

Senior project manager John Wallace said: "We worked hard to ensure that the wind farm was in keeping with the existing landscape and surrounding developments, and look forward to working with the community to deliver benefits and investment in the local area."


However, no Homo Sapien fossils were found at the excavation site in Nyayanga on the Homa Peninsula in western Kenya.

Instead, there were two teeth - stout molars - from the Paranthropus genus that had combined ape-like and human-like traits, along with 330 stone tools.


Professor Vik Dhillon from the university's Department of Physics and Astronomy, said the HiPERCAM "was key to this discovery as the event lasted less than one minute".

“It was unexpected to discover this new ring system in our solar system and it was doubly unexpected to find the rings so far out from Quaoar, challenging our previous notions of how such rings form.

“Everyone learns about Saturn's magnificent rings when they're a child, so hopefully this new finding will provide further insight into how they came to be.”


The meteorite is regarded as the most important recovered in the UK.

Scientists publishing their first detailed analysis say it has yielded fascinating insights.

More than 500g (1lb) of blackened debris was picked up from people's gardens and driveways and local fields, after a giant fireball lit up the night sky.

The crumbly remains were carefully catalogued at London's Natural History Museum (NHM) and then loaned to teams across Europe to investigate.


She said the severely-adverse conditions had prevented her from completing her coast-to-coast target, about 100 miles (160km) from where she was picked up, despite skiing for 13 to 15 hours a day.

On some days, she had as little as five hours' sleep.

But she said she had remained determined to see how far she could push herself.


Auriol Miller from the IWA said "there's nothing automatic" about hitting these targets, and the government must focus on "finding new and alternative sources of energy", as well as reducing consumption through retrofitting homes.

Speaking in the Senedd, the minister announced a consultation on the new targets, which "propose a pathway for us to meet the equivalent of 100% of our annual electricity consumption for renewable electricity by 2035, and to continue to keep pace with consumption thereafter".


The Azores, the Canaries and Madeira were all built as a consequence of such activity. The Hawaiian arc is another example.

Plumes have also been responsible through geological history for some of the greatest ever outpourings of lava. In Siberia and India, there are regions where hundreds of thousands of cubic kilometres of molten material spilled across the land surface.


"It is very likely that anyone who has not had formal instructions from their dentist or hygienist brushes incorrectly," says Josefine Hirschfeld, associate professor and specialist in restorative dentistry at the University of Birmingham in the UK. "From my experience, this will be the vast majority of the population in any country."

Perhaps that is not surprising, given the bamboozling variety of information available on how you should brush your teeth. One study found at least 66 differing, sometimes conflicting, pieces of expert advice.

"I think it's very confusing for the consumer," says Nigel Carter, chief executive of the Oral Health Foundation in the UK. This confusion is amplified by the array of dental products available to buy, from tongue-scrapers to interdental waterjets.


Hill and colleagues have studied the wider impact that garden ponds might have on biodiversity. In one paper, published last year, the researchers counted the different species in a total of 50 garden and non-urban ponds in Oxfordshire. The rural ponds had a noticeably larger diversity of species, 172 to the garden ponds' 99, but that doesn't rule out their significance. It's still a large enough selection of plants and animals to suggest that garden ponds could act as refuges or stepping stones for wildlife in urban landscapes, the authors wrote. Plus, the most diverse example of the garden ponds they studied punched above its weight and was comparable in terms of biodiversity to the non-urban ponds.

In separate research, published in 2016, Hill and colleagues assessed data from multiple earlier studies to quantify the number of invertebrate species – such as dragonfly nymphs – across 800 or so ponds in the UK, 230 of them in urban locations. They found that there was a similar variety of species and invertebrate families represented across different types of ponds, again highlighting garden ponds' potential as wildlife havens.


"We have almost no research on adoption post childhood," says JaeRan Kim, an associate professor in the School of Social Work and Criminal Justice at the University of Washington at Tacoma, whose research focuses on the wellbeing and experiences of adoptees. "But if you're adopted, you don't stop having to deal with issues related to your adoption once you grow up," she says. "How do adopted people parent? What kind of adoptive parents do they make? How do they deal with the loss of their biological parents? And their adoptive parents? We need to better understand these questions so that we can offer them the right kind of support."

Because adoption is often framed as the final stop in a neglected or parentless child's journey to safety and stability, even the most basic information about the issues that children face after their adoption is frequently missing. This can include further trauma and disruption, such as abuse or abandonment by adoptive parents. It may even involve a return to foster care if the adoptive family lacks support and cannot cope with the consequences of early trauma, such as violent behaviour. "We know that not all adoptive parents raise their adopted children to adulthood," says Kim. "We call this adoption breakdown. But, here in the States, the figure could be anywhere between 5 and 25%. We just don't know for sure because the stats aren't there."


That beauty is often showcased in the particular sub-genre of films, that includes Living, in which protagonists face death by really embracing life. From the tear-jerking romance of Love Story (1970) and Bright Star (2009) to the gallows humour of Last Holiday (1950) and its 2006 remake; from the sweeping drama of Melancholia (2011) and Death in Venice (1971) to the musical flights of fancy of Bob Fosse's All that Jazz and audacious action of Crank (2006) and Source Code (2011) – each of these movies considers a fundamental question: when death goes from abstract to imminent, what do we do with the time we have left? For many cinephiles, that question has never been better answered than in Akira Kurosawa's 1952 film Ikiru, of which Living is an English language remake: like Living, it concerns a bureaucrat Mr Watanabe, this time in Tokyo, who finds out he has cancer and resolves to get a children's playground built in a final effort to do something meaningful with his life.


I squinted into the midday sun and sipped a gin and tonic, balancing on one foot and leaning out of the side of our purpose-built, private railcar, hoping for a better view of a vibrant bird perched atop a wire. A fellow passenger had his camera zoomed in all the way. We caught glimpses of electric blue, a longish beak, a large head, but the light made certain identification difficult.

As the train picked up speed, leaving our target behind, we continued the debate. Was it a kingfisher? Some sort of woodpecker? Hearing our fruitless and futile pondering, one of the railroad engineers identified the bird as a lilac-breasted roller. Relieved to have an answer, I added the bird to my running list and settled into my seat.


All scientists agree that a truly universal vaccine, which could protect against every single coronavirus that might emerge in future, would be a genuinely game-changing moment for human health, especially in the wake of the devastation caused by the Sars, Mers and Sars-CoV-2 (the virus that causes Covid-19) outbreaks of the last 20 years.

"A universal coronavirus vaccine would be a tremendous advance," says Wayne Koff, president and CEO of the Human Vaccines Project. "My expectation is that progress likely will be incremental, though there needs to be a major coordinated effort to achieve this goal."


All scientists agree that a truly universal vaccine, which could protect against every single coronavirus that might emerge in future, would be a genuinely game-changing moment for human health, especially in the wake of the devastation caused by the Sars, Mers and Sars-CoV-2 (the virus that causes Covid-19) outbreaks of the last 20 years.

"A universal coronavirus vaccine would be a tremendous advance," says Wayne Koff, president and CEO of the Human Vaccines Project. "My expectation is that progress likely will be incremental, though there needs to be a major coordinated effort to achieve this goal."

scientists agree that a truly universal vaccine, which could protect against every single coronavirus that might emerge in future, would be a genuinely game-changing moment for human health, especially in the wake of the devastation caused by the Sars, Mers and Sars-CoV-2 (the virus that causes Covid-19) outbreaks of the last 20 years.

"A universal coronavirus vaccine would be a tremendous advance," says Wayne Koff, president and CEO of the Human Vaccines Project. "My expectation is that progress likely will be incremental, though there needs to be a major coordinated effort to achieve this goal."


From the author of the 2017 bestseller, Little Fires Everywhere, this dystopian novel is set in a post-crisis US of surveillance and book-banning, where children are forcibly separated from their parents, and people – particularly Asian-Americans – are condemned for "un-American" activities. Twelve-year-old Bird lives with his father, a talented linguistics professor forced to stack books in a library, while Bird's mother – a prominent Chinese-American poet – has disappeared three years' previously. Bird's quest to find her leads him to an underground network of librarian resistance-fighters, and towards the fate of the taken children. "Ng's own masterful telling of this tale of governmental cruelty and the shadow armies of ordinary citizens who both facilitate and resist is its own best testimony to the unpredictable possibilities of storytelling," writes NPR, while Vogue called Our Missing Hearts "an unwaveringly dark fairy tale for a world that has stopped making sense". (RL)


To explain how the Grail made its way from Jerusalem to Valencia, Verdeguer refers to the Christian belief that the Last Supper took place in the house of St Mark, a disciple of St Peter. He posits that when St Mark had to flee Jerusalem in 70 CE due to the Roman invasion, he took the valuable cup with him. From there, St Mark settled in Rome where the cup was passed on to various Popes and eventually to St Lawrence, who sent it to Spain for safekeeping from further wars. Eventually, it ended up in Valencia, the capital of the Kingdom of Aragon in the 1400s.


Artemis I will even test out the equivalent of Alexa and Siri voice assistants. Developed by Lockheed Martin with Cisco and Amazon, the Callisto system will demonstrate whether voice-activated commands and feedback will be useful for future missions. Just don't mention Hal, the infamous computer from Arthur C Clarke's 2001: A Space Odyssey.

It's clear that Artemis is far more than an Apollo rerun. Nasa, together with Jaxa, CSA, Esa and commercial partnerships, will also establish the Gateway, a small space station orbiting the Moon in deep space to facilitate further lunar excursions and an eventual base. Nasa is even hoping to install the first lunar communications network – called LunaNet – that will bring internet-like services to the Moon, along with navigational capabilities.


"We can say that with Symphony of Sirens, Avraamov pioneered the idea of using non-traditional instruments for both composition and performance," adds Khismatov. In later works, Avraamov would go on to incorporate tools such as saws, grinding wheels, axes and sledgehammers into his music.

Instead of a traditional score, he used written instructions and musical notation so simplified that anyone could understand it. "Symphony of Sirens exemplifies a mode of music making in which virtuosity, notation or traditional methods of musical arrangement are dispensed with in favour of a more conceptual approach," says Stubbs. "It's about how you sequence and juxtapose elements. That's as true for the most recent EP by [British electronic musician] Burial as it is for Avraamov."


One of the most high-profile of the movement's many champions must be Elon Musk, the multibillionaire Tesla chief. Musk upped the tiny-house ante when he rented one in Boca Chica, Texas, while working on his SpaceX venture. "Feels more homey to live in a small house," he tweeted.

In the same way that minimalism and decluttering captured the zeitgeist as a counterpoint to conspicuous consumerism, so too has the tiny house movement found its moment. The idea – that having less space and stuff can create room in our lives for more important things – is an appealing one.


"Built in 1952, this water tower in Norfolk, England, wasn't originally deemed worthy of saving by local authorities," according to Building for Change. "Previously housed on an airfield, it was subsequently auctioned as scrap." Luckily, it was rescued by new owners, who converted the tower into their home. By cutting a ribbon window, replacing one line of the panelled steel grid that forms the walls of the tank, the architects produced panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.


Even rattles have been contested. While they've been found around the world – Siberia, where the 4,000-year-old clay toy is shaped like a bear cub's head; Turkey, where the black and white decoration is similar to the high-contrast colour schemes we use for infants today; ancient Greece, where even bronze rattles have been found in tombs of particularly wealthy infants – some of them have been too big, and made of material too fragile, to have been convincingly used by small children.

"But look at all these broken rattle pieces that no one's paid attention to. They're in houses, they're in streets, they're in places you would find children," says Kristine Garroway, an associate professor who focuses on children in ancient Israel and Mesopotamia at Hebrew Union College in Los Angeles, California.


Good Energy argues that the stories on our screens should hold a mirror up to our real, climate-changed lives. This includes imagining what could go wrong, as many dystopian blockbusters already have, but also what could go right. It also emphasises the importance of thorough research and avoiding tired environmental tropes; of recognising intersectionality and including marginalised voices.

The playbook was created by Good Energy founder Anna Jane Joyner, whose background in climate communications led her to question why climate was barely appearing in fictional TV and film worlds. "It started very much as a personal campaign, where I just got on the phone with as many screenwriters as I could," she says.

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