Homeland of Pivnikovs.
Pivniki abo іris - Rіd Roslin from the homeland of Pivnikovs.
Why love iris?
Iris bearded already love the sleepy light, before him, like planting them, you are appointed to the mission. Even if you put them in the shade, then, better than everything, the exuberant flowers will never be found.
Where to grow irises?
Pivniki - Wikipedia.
Iris) is a species of roslin from the homeland of pivnikovs (Iridaceae). There are close to 200-300 species, wider in Europe, Pivnichniy America, Asia, Pivnichniy Africa.
How do irises reproduce?
Looking after the irises: how to multiply and replant the roslin ...
Iris rhizomes multiply. Robiti tsyu procedure is also necessary not just to multiply the ticket, but also for її tsvіtіnnya and trivality of life. Rich in time, that over time the growth grows strongly, at one time in some part it is out, and in the other part it grows.
When planting cibulini irisiv?
Article from Dobrodar: Irisi - landing and sighting, vibrating ...
Cibulin varieties are better than hanging ones, and rhizomes are better than autumn ones. In the autumn, it is important to plant bushes. When planting irises, they hang for the winter near the open ground, or they are hung, frontally stratifying the planting material.
When can I collect irisi?
Vikopuєmo that zberіgaєmo іrisi after the blooming season ...
To shy away the autumn, at the spring, on the cob of corn. Before transplanting, it is necessary to trim the leaves. Irises vykopyut, clean in the ground and split the rhizomes. A dekilka of days of digging the iris is taken from the dry land, and then, until the middle of the day, they hang from the ground.
How and when to plant iris?
How and if you plant irises near the soil
Iris can be planted at the hour of the autumn flowering period, from early spring to autumn. Ale varto vrakhovuvati, that beardless iris is bad to endure overdrying of the roots. This kind of flowers is better to plant in wet soil and cover it with mulch, which helps to protect the water.
Pivniki abo іris - Rіd Roslin from the homeland of Pivnikovs.
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