AATA.pro - Academy of Ancient Temple Arts

AATA.pro - Academy of Ancient Temple Arts

- Studying Scandinavian Runes Heritage
- Natural Holistic Healing
- Ancient Egypt & Greek Temple Mag


I spent 10 years studying what makes us happy in life—here’s the No. 1 thing I overlooked the entire time

Ten years ago, I set out to find the framework for a happier life. Testing the wisdom of the ages with scientific research, I learned how to strengthen my relationships, increase energy and more.

But a few years ago, I started to notice that I felt stuck in my head — disconnected from other people and from myself.

Suddenly, I realized that I’d been treating my body like a car that my brain was driving around town. But it was actually my body — through my five senses — that was my essential con­nection to the world.

I didn’t want to come to the end of my life and think, “So many things happened to me. I wish I’d been paying attention.”

While writing my book, “Life in Five Senses,” I discovered some surprising ways that our senses can help us to focus more deeply, live longer and spark happiness.

1. Need a burst of energy and cheer? Use your sense of smell.
When you need a quick lift, you can indulge in beautiful smells by taking a deep whiff of clean towels at home or fine wood at a hardware store.

With a scent, you can’t bookmark it, rewind it, stockpile it or save it for later. It ties you the present moment and, at the same time, can transport you to your past.

The smell of eucalyptus, for example, always reminds me of the 10 lovely months I lived in San Francisco.

Marloes De Vries for CNBC Make It
Marloes De Vries for CNBC Make It
Smells can also boost awareness, too. When I left my building one bright morning, I received several neighborhood updates: It was trash day; the food cart on the corner was frying bacon; and a passerby was enjoying some early ma*****na.

2. Stressed out? Use your sense of touch.
Items such as pop toys, fidget spinners and therapy dough can help us to feel calmer.

A friend told me, “My aunt works in palliative care, and they just recently put in a big order of light, cuddly throws. It’s really comforting for people to touch something soft and warm.”

I have my own idiosyncratic way to use my sense of touch. When I’m in a situation that makes me anxious, like being backstage before giving a big talk, I hold a pen.

3. Feeling distracted and unproductive? Use your sense of sound.
I’ve found that the more I can control my surroundings, the less bothered I am by errant noises.

When I took my laptop to a small neighborhood library to write in its quiet workroom, for example, I got distracted by someone’s cough. But when I worked in a bustling coffee shop, the conversations around me helped me concentrate. The whirring blender didn’t bother me either.

Just as you do periodic sweeps of your home to clear clutter, you can clear clatter, too.

Ask your partner to use earbuds on video calls if you both work at home. Or, to cut down on spam calls, register your phone number with the National Do Not Call Registry.

4. Need a creative spark? Use your sense of sight.
When I need some inspiration, I try to spot the small details. During my daily walks, instead of getting lost in my thoughts, I give myself assignments: Look for the color purple, or at the trees, or at hats.

I’d study the materials of the different apartment buildings. One was made of dark red-brown bricks, the next of white brick, the next of yellowish smooth stone slabs. I had walked these blocks hundreds of times, and I’d never noticed the mismatch before.

The more I looked, the stronger the habit grew. I found more beauty — in the surprising orange tweed of a woman’s coat, in a flock of birds wheeling overhead — and I also found more whimsy.

5. Want to feel closer to other people? Use your sense of taste.
Enjoying unique foods and flavors with other people is one of the most ancient and universal human customs.

To further connect with people, I threw a “Taste Party.” Together, my friends and I rated varieties of apples, chocolate and chips. We tasted ketchup to detect the five basic tastes of sweet, sour, salty, bitter, and umami. We reminisced about the candy we ate as kids.

It was tremendously fun. We weren’t just socializing; we were sharing a sensory experience, and it got us all laughing. Our conversations felt unusually warm and intimate.

My exploration of the five senses has transformed my life. Every day, I tap into their power to connect me to ordinary moments that I want to experience and remember — and I’ll never take ketchup for granted again.

- Gretchen Rubin is a happiness researcher and bestselling author of “The Happiness Project.” Her most recent book is “Life in Five Senses: How Exploring the Senses Got Me Out of My Head and Into the World.” She’s also host of the popular podcast, Happier with Gretchen Rubin, and founder of the award-winning Happier app.


Details and registration: www.aata.pro

Photos from AATA.pro - Academy of Ancient Temple Arts's post 12/04/2023

I finally found a more or less peaceful place in my travels in Nicaragua: San Juan. So I decided to sign up for supportive coaching course.

Mentor Izchak gives me some ideas and recommendations. I will share with you too.

Task 1. Find a professional BOOK to study and share.

I decided to study the book by Leiner, the founder of imagerial therapy - Guided Affective Imagery” (G*I).
And I got a program that reads texts: Seechify.

Many people have been telling me lately: we want to study ta**ra therapy. Make a program!

Fine. I will!
The ta**ra therapy program can partly rely on experiencing the emotional images in this therapy. Later I will talk about it.

It all starts with a view of the landscape. Cove your eyes. What kind of landscape can you imagine?

This does not oblige you to anything, but it says a lot.
We will study this more in the ta**ra therapy program.




Thats pic from one my hotel in Nicaragua I am travelling now.
To be here and now :)


Special Promo. SHAMANIC ENERGY HEALING PROGRAM (Limited Time Only)

Free Classes & Initiations
- Ta**ra Reiki
- Kundalini Reiki
- Runic Reiki Yggdrasil.
- Shamanic Sun Flight
- Egyptian Temple Ritual

You can get this all FREE.

Details: www.aata.pro

Send a message to whatsapp for details.


Ta**ra Reiki Testimonial (Ritu)

Wonderful. I felt the energy come I strongly through my lower chakras. It was warm and swirling and made me want to move with it and it surrounded me. I was able to direct it first inside my body to where I feel stuck, and then also to a life situation. I can feel my overall energy rise with the flow.


Ta**ra Reiki Testimonial (Breanna)

When I received the Ta**ra Reiki flow from Andy, I felt light like a feather free to float away. My body felt invincible and all my worries went away. I then practice with Monica and I felt the energy spiraling at my root and slow making its way up. It stopped around the solar plexus. I still felt like I was floating and my body began to flow into a dance movement. Since then I have practiced on myself attempting to heal my shoulder pain. I focused in and the pain slowly subsided. It will require more work to fully heal but it definitely feel a lot better.


Testimonial Will

Practice with Yara + how I felt the flow

I feel the Ta**ra Reiki flow as expansive, filled with light, slightly jelly and thick, active. It feels like the souls that compose the world rejoice in this flow. Bodily sensations vary, sometimes I feel expansion of astral wings, sometimes I feel flow around my crown, always like my aura around me is lighting up and expanding.

When working in this flow and sending it to Yara today, I was shown how much I truly love to do energy healing - as a soul's desire. I found several areas that needed healing on Yara and they cleaned up very nicely, softly, likewise the areas she said she felt drawn to send energy to were the parts of my body I felt it in. I feel calmed and encouraged after receiving this flow.


Testimonial Yara

Practiced with mentor and partner Will

First connected with myself , then felt the flow, I think my own and that he was sending, it felt very nice, like the core of my being was in flow with a stream of connection core , sun , moon , stars/sky/crown, like a river, perhaps a specific one. When being scanned was able to feel Will's beautiful calm energies, which helped a great deal with flow and connection, I could feel the areas of attention, and the healing was magnificent, expansive, and very gentle. Tried my turn in scanning, was a little unsure what was mine and what was his , tried again , was easier and felt less like expelling or manipulating energy, tried to determine where to send energies and sent flow. The healing continued for a while after. Feel a lot clearer and better. Thank you 🙏🏼 on to the next steps while refining practice 💫🍀🌻


Ta**ra Reiki Testimonial (Monica)

How I feel Ta**ra Reiki flow. It first comes in at the crown of my head as a warm tingly bright sensation. It then flows down into my spine, fills up my spine, I begin to twitch - and then it spreads out into my torso and into my arms. I don't feel much of anything below my hips. When I received from my partner I didn't feel as much as when I do it on my own.


Ta**ra Reiki Testimonial (Yara)

I love that these meditations help me get some visuals and or inklings through any blockages, I got the world between two palms at the beginning, the flow was very pleasant and comforting as far as I could hold and expand it, the connection to the stars and galaxies wonderful expansive and spacious , thank you


Ta**ra Reiki Testimonial (Olha)

Thank you, Andy! I felt energy flowing through my arms and legs. It was a fantastic feeling


Ta**ra Reiki Testimonial (Will)

Bliss from working with my partner over the course of the week. I'm becoming more relaxed, some tension that was really bothering me is letting up. Have been going into meditation easily.


Ta**ra Reiki Testimonial (Yara)

I have also reached interesting heights, states of flow , calm , quiet, yet connected and in my power , that are very interesting, and got to experiment with full creativity , and receive more than I thought possible.


Ta**ra Reiki Testimonial (Angie).

The energy flow feels like liquid ta***ic energy which for me feels a mix between light energy, sexual energy which is xtatic and or****ic. But the Ta**ra Reiki is different than my own kundalini energy for exemple.

Feels like a perfect balance between feminine and masculine + It’s actually quite grounding

I felt the Ta**ra Reiki Flow line a swirl of energy, like a positive tornado of healing energy into my body and mind that support my chakras and nourishes them from the root to the crown.
And it activates specially my 3rd eye.

Feels very healing, clearing and energizing at the same time.

I feel my Koshas, Chakras and energetic body vibrate with light, life force. It’s very resourcing for my nervous system. I feel empowered and activated after the practice.


Free online series of workshops for ta**ra teachers.

Ta**ra is not much about techniques, but more about experience and state of mind (consciosness).

That can be developed & that can be shared.

We are inviting Ta**ra Teachers to share together!

There are different aspects of ta***ic states, from mutual enjoyment to inner freedom and transformation.

You can enjoy the states of love and transformation flown from the Love mysteries of the Greece the Indian Mysteries, Buddhism etc.

We will practice the inner states from the deep inner silence to the ecstasy of love involves the partner and group around.

If you are interested, send me a pm to whatsapp: https://wa.me/%2B380934788827

Ta**ra Teachers Course is a project for the personal and professional growth and support among colleges, ta**ra teachers.


Ta**ra and hedonism.
Is it still possible to carry the ideas of hedonism in our time?)

- On the one hand, when it's scary, it's not up to pleasure ...
- But on the other hand, if you allow yourself to receive pleasure, then fear disappears - and Life begins.

Awakening in ourselves a wave of pleasure, a wave of eros, we heal both mentally and physically.

It happened, that Ta***ic public that I am leading, it is just about the ideas of hedonism, pleasure.

Check it:
Join. Add interesting photos and comments.

As it says, the Love overcomes Death! :)


FREE Ta***ic Healing & Initiation (Online)
- Ta**ra Reiki
- Kundalini Reiki
- Runic Reiki
- Egypt temple healing flow.

Limitted time offer.
Get 100% free access to our outstanding program Online Shamanic Flow of Love
& get free ta***ic attunements as the GIFT.

Details: www.psitrends.com.

Send me a pm to whatsapp for details:


Welcome to our program.
Free Shamanic Reiki Healing Education.
Please send a pm to get detailed information.


Class & Initiation Online

You can feel the ta***ic energy flow, heal yourself and share it to your clients for empowering.
Ta**ra Reiki is the Osho's flow to activate sexual energy and transmit it to the Level of the Vedic Gods.

At the class you can get

Date: 01/02. Time: 1:00 pm
Join & send a message to our whatsapp group:

TA**RA REIKI Details:

Detailed info about the
ACADEMY OF TEMPLE ARTS: https://t.me/temple_art/764


Photos from AATA.pro - Academy of Ancient Temple Arts's post 28/01/2023

- to activate your energy
- to relax, release stress
- to evoke and feel the pleasure inside
- to heal your body with love flow
- to heal your relationships.

At the class you can get
FREE trial attunament in
- TA**RA REIKI Level 1:

To participate in the class comment +



Photos from AATA.pro - Academy of Ancient Temple Arts's post 28/01/2023

It will help you:
- to activate your energy
- to relax, release stress
- to evoke and feel the pleasure inside
- to heal your body with love flow
- to heal your relationships
- to activate your life desires and opportunities through the ta***ic reiki energies.

At the class you can get
FREE trial attunament in
TA**RA REIKI Level 1: More details: https://t.me/temple_art/904

To participate in the class
1. Repost this post on your page
2. Send a message to our whatsapp group:


Disaster recovery phases

Turner references Zunin & Myers’ Stages of Disaster Recovery Model. According to the model, when faced with a disaster, people undergo six stages from beginning to recovery. These phases include:

Phase 1: Pre-disaster phase. This phase includes fear and uncertainty.
Phase 2: Impact phase. This phase includes a range of emotions from shock to panic and disbelief.
Phase 3: Heroic phase. This involves a high amount of activity but low level of productivity. Many people engage in altruistic behaviours.
Phase 4: Honeymoon phase. Disaster help is available. Communities come together and there is a sense of bonding during this phase. There’s also optimism that things will return to normal soon.
Phase 5: Disillusionment phase. Optimism turns into discouragement and stress takes its toll. People may realize that despite initial optimism, recovery is still far off.
Phase 6: Reconstruction phase: Individuals begin to rebuild their lives in the new normal. While losses are still being grieved, recovery also takes place.

Join group chat on Telegram 24/04/2022

Program description.

(It is possible to get a private session online and join group classes in Zipolite).

Lets explore the labirinth of your soul. We could find there your own Minotaur. We will feed him and make him your friend.

The topics for the first module of Ta***ic constellations.

Session 1. Eros in your life.

Are you connected with Eros? Is there any part of you that are afraid and neglacting it? Are there hidden desires? What has happened in the past? Lets discover and heal the past traumas.

Session 2. Love and S*x.

Are there any fobias, fears and limitations to live freely your sexual life. To enjoy it. To feel the power of Life inside you. And being able to share it with the people around.
Let your sexual energy calmly increase to maximize your own potentials.

Session 3. Yin & Yan.

Are you ready to receive? Is your heart open to be loved? Are you ready to accept love and sympathy? You are not running away from adventures of the new day? Can you allow all the beauties of the life happens to you?

Are you ready to fulfill, realize your masculine power? Are you in contact with the energies of creation? Are these energies flowing freely through you to realize what do you want.

Session 4. Feminine and Masculine.

Do you feel the powers of your feminine and masculine side.
Can you feel your beaty and enjoy yourself? Could you enjoy being sensitive and receiptive?

Can you feel abilities to get anything you need in life? Do you feel the power to create the life you are dreaming about? Are there any blocks and limitations to be yourself? Lets check it and heal it.

Session 5. Life and Death.

Are you ready to change? You are ready to give birth to your new life?
Is there still something you need to say bye to open up your true potential? To open up the True You.

Its the deep program of personal development.

It is possible to do it in Zipolite

Interested to participate?
Send a message to the group:

Join group chat on Telegram


Ta***ic Constellations. Article.
Some ideas from ta***ic session.

Looking in the eyes of your partner might be desirable and scary. Why?

Looking in his/ her eyes reveals the stories, past traumas.

Its like a time-machine!
You jump into the stresses and traumas of your inner kid. 1) Traumas of birth - of being accepted.
2) Traumas of 1st year - being able to receive, trust.
3) Traumas of 2d year - being able to be yourself, to have your desires etc.

With these traumas I am working through body psychotherapy sessions, hypnotherapy and family constellations.

If you wanna check, how spiritually mature are you - just look in the eyes of the person in front of you for 5 minutes and check what emotions you have.

There is the healing is starting.

Btw, what is your Inner Kid?
Usually, it's the part of your soul that was neglected. His voice are showing vast desires and traumas need to be noticed, acknowledged and healed.

To get back the lost parts of you, of your soul - thats what the healing is about:
- shamanic healing
- hypnotherapy, psychotherapy
- family constellations.

I am doing all of it. You can register for the personal donation session or join our family constellations group in Zipolite on wednesday 4pm.

Family constellations allows you to see through other people the hidden parts of your soul. Your hidden desires and traumas that wanna be seen.

Being ta***ic - it is being opened to yourself and to others.

Through ta***ic constellations we help your soul be seen, be welcomed and be cared.
Thank you for your trust and being ready to shows up in our Ta***ic Constellations program.

Videos (show all)

Visual Hypnotherapy session "Dreams Alive". PROMO: Free Personal Session for testimonial.
