Uifo Buuxe

Uifo Buuxe

It is easier to part with a person than with illusions about him.


Изобилие данных порождает недостаток внимания.


Мама часто читала нам перед сном разные сказки. Они так успокаивали. Там были хорошие герои, плохие. И строго определённые правила. Всё было понятно. Не так, как в жизни.


Everyone needs a hobby - supposedly to "get out of stress" - but you understand perfectly well that in fact people are just trying to survive and not go crazy.


How unpleasant it is to spend so much time on a person just to find out that he has remained for you only a stranger.

Photos from Uifo Buuxe's post 26/12/2021

Everyone needs a hobby - supposedly to "get out of stress" - but you understand perfectly well that in fact people are just trying to survive and not go crazy.


Don't make the classic mistake of all smart people: don't think that no people are smarter than you.


This is the paradox: we perform feats for those who have nothing to do with us, and we are loved by those who need us and without any feats ...
