Surge Corporation

Surge Corporation

Surge Corporation


Bodybuilding studio
Every person dreams of having a good figure. And now the popularity of a healthy and sports lifestyle is also actively growing. Therefore, the bodybuilding studio has every chance to become successful.
The key point in this business is to have professional trainers who could approach each client individually and help achieve results in working on their own body. Someone needs to lose weight, someone needs to gain weight. There are special clients who need rehabilitation after illness or injury.
If you are interested in sports, then a bodybuilding studio will become an organic and natural business for you.
Approximate investment amount for the start:
from 8,000 u.o. ~ UAH 270,400


Solar power plant
Do you want to receive money literally from the sky? :) Install solar panels and earn. No special permits or licenses are required. Your electricity will be guaranteed to be purchased by the state enterprise "Energorynok" at the "green tariff" fixed in euros. Basically, there is no competition.
Everything will depend only on the region where the equipment is installed and, accordingly, on the amount of solar activity. But Ukraine, in general, is an attractive territory because it has a high level of insolation.
Just imagine - you will not only earn from the sun, but also save the environment. After all, it will use a renewable source of energy.
The green tariff is a state-guaranteed subsidy for electricity obtained from renewable energy sources (RES). It began to operate in 2009. According to the existing law, it is valid until 2030. Until now, the state is fully obliged to purchase RES electricity at tariffs that are tied to the euro exchange rate and which are many times higher than the tariffs for traditional electricity — thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, and large hydropower plants. investment amount for the start: from 10,000 u.o. ~ UAH 338,000


Bicycle rental
Many people simply do not have bicycles. Either there is no place to store the bike, or they rarely use it and see no point in buying it. Therefore, there is a demand for bicycle rental.
This business does not require large financial investments. The essence is very simple - you give the bike for use for an hour, several hours or the whole day, take a deposit from the client and a fee for the service. The key is to offer customers a wide range of bikes in good condition. Location is also of great importance - for example, is there a park nearby.
And do not forget about the seasonality of business.
We wish you success in opening your business!
Approximate investment amount for the start:
from 3,000 u.o. ~ UAH 101,400


Growing turkeys
Growing turkeys is a popular branch of farming. Turkey meat always has its buyer. This type of activity is characterized by a fairly low budget, simple bird care and a high demand for healthy eggs and dietary meat.
If you have a farm in a rural area, it will be easy to start raising turkeys for sale. If not, you will have to slightly increase the initial capital investment, which will go to rent the territory for the poultry house and install communications.
The price of a chick, depending on the breed, varies between 75-150 hryvnias. You can start with a small trial batch of 10-20 birds and buy feed. You will spend no more than 5,000 hryvnias on this, provided that you already have a place for keeping birds. For the purchase of livestock and the launch of a full-fledged business, a larger amount will be needed - from 50,000 hryvnias and more.
Breeding turkeys can bring good profits. The average weight of an adult bird is 10-15 kg, and if you buy a breed specially bred for meat, you can get up to 30 kg from the carcass.
Approximate investment amount for the start:
from 2,000 u.o. ~ UAH 67,600


Board game store
The store can also complement any creative space: a wide shelf with international and Ukrainian game hits. The task of your administrator is to understand the games well enough to select the most appropriate options for the gift upon request.
How to scale your business? Offer away games accompanied by a specialist, create tabletop fan clubs and coordinate them…
Starting this business is easier with an online store. You can start with 30-40 popular games, but keep an eye on the ratings of new products - be the first to offer them. Ideally, have 2-3 games of each type in stock. And further, by orders, you will be able to analyze which items should be kept in stock in larger quantities. On the website, make a detailed description of each game: how many players, what age is desired, how long the game will last, what the rules are... what the contents of the box are. And most importantly, briefly explain the rules.
And don't stop at the first difficulties: business is also a game.
Approximate investment amount for the start:
from 1,000 to 3,000 u.o. ~ UAH 101,400


Foreign language courses
If you are ready to fight in the red ocean and constantly generate creative ideas, this is your type of business. English, French, German, Chinese or... The choice is yours! In this business, the main thing is to find teachers with whom learning a language will be a joyful adventure for your customers. And this, as the owners of foreign language schools admit, is the most difficult! Do not forget about the motivation system for teachers and the exchange of experience with other Ukrainian and foreign courses and creative businesses.
You can enter the market with a franchise or with an author's training method. If you plan to develop a business from an idea, it is worth considering the concept and development strategy; order naming and brand book; create a site and brand social networks; to form an educational program and select educational textbooks and materials.
You need to think carefully about who your target audience is. These can be school students, managers of well-known companies, freelancers... This will affect the price policy and time, training format.
As for motivation, knowledge of languages is necessary for studying at a foreign university, for traveling, for new career opportunities... Feel free to use all these messages in advertising materials.
The location of the school is very important, as well as quiet and tidy classrooms with beautiful and comfortable furniture. Therefore, be prepared to take a long time and carefully choose a space for studying near the metro.
Approximate investment amount for the start: from 3,000 u.o. ~ UAH 101,400


Quest room
At the core of the quest room business is creativity. Agree, paying for the time of being in a rather cramped space is possible only when the tasks and puzzles are interesting enough, and the company is pleasant. You, as the founder of a business, can choose a realistic concept and take care of dizzying decorations, so that memorable photos spread across social networks.
Topics that have inexhaustible potential: piracy, magic, treasures. But you can also choose something that will be the business card of your city - add a bit of history and local legends. Invite journalists from local newspapers and online portals, bloggers to the opening of your quest room. The matter is done: rumors, news, publications in social networks will begin to spread. It's time to think about and open a new quest room!
Approximate investment amount for the start:
from 20,000 u.o. ~ UAH 676,000


Psychologist's office
You have specialized education as a psychologist and experience in psychological practice — help others overcome life's problems and stressful situations. Open your own psychology office, because this is a very popular business.
First, decide on the direction of work and services that you will provide:
Services of a child psychologist for parents, resolution of controversial issues, conflict situations.
Services in resolving family conflicts.
Services in solving social relations.
Services of a general nature at the request of clients to find a way out of conflict situations.
It is better for the psychologist's office to choose a room on the first floor of the building, which will allow visitors to avoid unnecessary contacts and, if necessary, ensure the confidentiality of the meeting.
Decorate the office in calm colors and provide it with a minimal set of furniture: an armchair, a sofa and a table. The main thing is that the client is comfortable.
The profitability of the business depends on the professional competence of the psychologist himself and the quality of work with clients.
Approximate investment amount for the start:
from 0 to 3,000. ~ 101,400 UAH
