Health Pilgrims

Health Pilgrims

We offer a unique service that is more than just health tourism.

We are a full cycle concierge service company, specializing in dental, reproductive and beauty treatments in Ukraine.


🍒Nowadays, breast augmentation surgery is a very common plastic surgery procedure. Despite its popularity, there are situations when you may need or want your implants to be removed.

When you decided to have breast augmentation surgery you probably didn’t think about whether the breast implants would need to be removed. However, it is important to have breast implants to be replaced or removed approximately every 10-15 years.

Often, the scar tissue that forms after the placement of an implant is soft and does not need to be removed, but it may harden, causing pain and discomfort. It can cause pain and discomfort, and also change the implants’ appearance. This is known as capsular contracture.

In some cases, the outside shell of the implant breaks down causing silicone to leak and the scar tissue around the implant to harden.
Breast implant removal may also be needed due to:
• buildup of calcium deposits around the implant
• autoimmune response to the implant
• necrosis or tissue death around the implant
• pain related to the implants
• shifting or movement of one or both implants

✅What are the advantages of breast implant removal?
Breast implant removal has a few benefits. Getting the surgery may affect:
• Mammograms: Silicone or saline implants may interfere with seeing breast tissue clearly on an X-ray. Without implants, your mammogram results may be clearer.
• Pain: If you have capsular contracture, removing implants can provide nearly instant pain relief. Removing large implants may decrease neck or back pain.
• Replacements and rupture risks: If scar tissue hardens enough, it can lead to an implant rupture. Removing implants takes away the risk of an implant rupture.

Our highly trained and experienced Plastic Surgeons perform breast implant removal surgery in a way that the complications and risks are minimal.
📩Contact for more details via private messages.


Unfortunately, our skin loses its elasticity and firmness over time. Under the influence of gravity, stretching and sagging of the skin and subcutaneous structures occurs, which is most noticeable in the face, neck and décolleté area.

Until recently, the only solution to this problem was a surgical facelift. However, with the development of innovative technologies in medicine, it became possible to carry out non-surgical correction of age-related changes using a technology called SMAS-lifting.

The procedure affects the superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS), which places renewed tension on the muscle and tissue under the surface of your skin rather than the skin itself. After the procedure, regeneration mechanisms are launched in the deep layers of the dermis, the active production of collagen, elastin and connective tissues begins.

Main advantages are:
☝️ One single procedure. SMAS lifting does not require a course of treatment, the effect appears after a single session.
🤏 Non-invasiveness. The skin is not damaged, which means that there is no rehabilitation period.
🤞 Compatibility with other techniques. 3-4 weeks after the procedure, you can have injections of Botox or other fillers done, have various hardware manipulations aimed at increasing and maintaining the effect of rejuvenation applied.
👍 Excellent result. The technique surpasses all non-invasive manipulations, its result is comparable only to a surgical facelift.
👌 Comfort. The procedure is completely painless, only a slight tingling sensation is felt.
✋ No restrictions on skin type and gender.

📩Contact us for more details and an individual consultation with our Leading Dermatologist!


According to the World Health Organization, most COVID-19 patients are back to their usual health.
However, the exact number of people suffering from the long-term effects of coronavirus disease remains unknown. Some of the sources indicate that approximately 10-20% (according to some data even up to 50%) of patients experience malaise within weeks (months) after an acute period of SARS-CoV-2 infection.

📍Who Needs Rehabilitation?
After severe cases of covid, the following consequences may occur:
• lung dysfunction;
• muscle weakness;
• swallowing difficulties and voice problems;
• mental health disorders, etc.
Doctors distinguish four groups of patients to be treated through telerehabilitation:
• the first group includes patients who have been in the intensive care unit for a long time;
• the second group includes patients whose physical and mental condition during the disease deteriorated rapidly or gradually, i.e. they developed disorders of consciousness, heart failure or disorientation;
• the third group includes patients with chronic diseases, such as diabetes, immunodeficiency or hypertension;
• the fourth group includes people who, due to social isolation, are at risk of reduced physical or social activity, substance abuse or eating disorders.

📍What Does Post-COVID Rehabilitation Include?
Rehabilitation after a long covid involves:
• electrotherapy;
• Exercise therapy in swimming pools;
• aromatherapy
• herbal and oil inhalations;
• physiotherapy;
• speleotherapy;
• breathing exercises;
• scandinavian walking
If necessary, medical rehabilitation is added.

📩In case you, your friends or family members are in need of post-COVID rehabilitation course please don’t hesitate to contact us.


♻️ Today we want to share with you one of our good habits. All Health Pilgrims team members are eco-aware and recently we found super convenient service, which makes our lives a way easier.

Ecola is a free waste recycling service. Their objective is to make the process of waste sorting convenient and accessible for everyone. Cleaned, dried and sorted recyclables can be collected in one bag and picked-up from home for free. Moreover, the service gives an opportunity to earn money on waste recycling – “ecolers” (collectors) are able to sort the waste properly and sell it to large recycling companies.

📍How does it work?
You should register through Telegram bot: indicate your name, phone number and the address of a place from where recyclables should be picked up. You can collect all types of waste for recycling in one 120-liter plastic bag. The only requirement is – it has to be transparent and at least 20 Micron thick.

❗️ Before that, everything needs to be washed, dried and compressed. Glass, paper, plastic and metal are accepted for sorting. Detailed rules of sorting can be found on the project’s website.

Once your bag is full, you can order a pick-up via Telegram bot. You’ll get detailed instructions as well as date and time of pick-up. Now the only thing you have to do is just to place the bag outside your entrance door for it to be collected.

Going green is easy! Join us today!🌱


😁 Looking for a way to straighten your teeth fast and in the most convenient way?

Then most likely, you have already heard about Invisalign aligners. In recent years Invisalign has slowly but surely becoming synonymous with cosmetic dentistry.

📍However, along with Invisalign dozens of other brands are offering similar products at significantly lower price. Attractive offer? Probably yes, but we would recommend avoiding clear aligner products offered by other companies that claim to be “just like” Invisalign. Invisalign was developed in 1999 and the technology has been continuously improved. As each year passes, some of Invisalign’s old technology patents expire and become available for other companies. These expired patents are old technology that Invisalign does not use anymore. Thus, other companies utilize out-of-date technologies and therefore are able to offer lower price but at the same time they have limited effectiveness.

On top of this some may not have the same quality, so you may experience the discoloration or staining of the plates.
Also the inexpensive options may not fit your teeth properly and this increases the risk of gum irritation and sensitivity.

But the biggest issue is the effectiveness. While you can straighten a mild to moderate case with alternative producers’ products, they do not claim to correct more severe cases. Invisalign can be a great solution for both adults and teens to fix nearly all common teeth-straightening and bite issues, from simple to complex.

Fortunately, it will be easy for you to know whether or not you’ve got the actual aligners. There should be a stamp on it indicating it is Invisalign with their trademark. There will also be some numbers and letters. They represent your patient ID number. It should also tell you whether it is for your top or bottom teeth.

📍Another trick dental clinics often use are low-cost Invisalign advertisements. Invisalign offers providers several product options to use, all with different price points. The low-cost options are Invisalign Express 5 and Invisalign Express 10, which are designed only for the most simple teeth alignment issues and are limited to 5 sets of aligners and 10 sets of aligners, respectively. Most people will not qualify for these two options but they will be advertised at very low prices to get you into the office. Once in the office, the patient will not qualify for the low-cost limited treatment and, more than likely, require the Invisalign Full treatment option (unlimited number of aligners) which will have a higher price point or some other treatment.

Of course, only you can make the decision on your treatment, but don’t make it alone. By consulting with our orthodontist, you will know exactly what you need and which treatment will be best for your long-term oral health.


⚡️New quarantine-related rules for crossing the Ukrainian border⚡️

Ukraine is tightening control over its external borders, administrative borders with Crimea and demarcation line.
As of August 5, foreigners and Ukrainian national entering Ukraine must undergo self-isolation. The period of self-isolation is 10 days and begins 72 hours after crossing the border. Self-isolation can be ended upon obtaining of a negative PCR test after crossing the border.

🚫As for the citizens arriving from Russia or India - 14 days of mandatory self-isolation from the moment of border crossing, with no early termination, is applied.

✅ There are few exceptions to the rule on self-isolation. In particular, this rule won’t apply to students and entrants, fully vaccinated foreigners and the citizens of Ukraine, who were vaccinated with at least one dose (Sputnik V as well as other Russian vaccines are not recognized by Ukraine).

Full list of exceptions can be seen at the website of the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine. (


As we all know common clinical symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, fatigue, and sore throat, but in severe cases may progress to acute respiratory distress syndrome. Lung damage is the most serious complication of COVID-19, but the disease also affects other organs and systems, including the visual system. Which of the ocular manifestations of COVID-19 are the most common?

Conjunctivitis is the most commonly reported ocular manifestation of COVID-19. Symptoms of conjunctivitis include eye pain, discharge, conjunctival hyperemia, chemosis, epiphora, and follicular conjunctivitis. Some studies report that follicular conjunctivitis is the first and only manifestation of the disease. Others conclude that patients with ocular symptoms are more likely to have a severe COVID-19 infection.

Acute vascular lesions of the internal retina, including cotton-wool spots and superficial flame-shaped hemorrhages, have been reported in patients with severe COVID-19 infection.
Cases of central retinal vein occlusion (CSVD) in young healthy people in the early period after COVID-19 infection have also been described.

Optic neuritis has been reported in patients with COVID-19 infection, including a case of bilateral optic neuritis. Guillain–Barré syndrome (GBS), Miller-Fisher syndrome, a variation of GBS have been reported in patients with COVID-19 infection, as well as cranial nerve palsies, including third nerve pupillary paralysis in young patients. In this case, laboratory tests and imaging do not reveal the structural cause of damage to the oculomotor nerve.
To date, many clinical cases of COVID-19 damage to the visual system have been described. However, it is still unclear whether the SARS CoV-2 virus is to blame for these ocular manifestations. Further research is needed to study the main pathological processes in COVID-19.

In case you noticed some changes in your eyesight no matter if you had Covid-19 or not, it is very important to visit ophthalmologist in time. Simply write us a private message and we’ll be happy to arrange an appointment for you!


💉🦠Great news for the foreigners holding Permanent Residence Permit (Posvidka), as now they can easily get Pfizer-BioNTech's Comirnaty COVID-19 vaccine shot - as of today vaccine will be used at mass vaccination centers.

To get Pfizer-BioNTech shot, you need:
1. Sign up for COVID-19 Vaccination Wait List through the application "Diia" (Дія) or through the contact center of the Ministry of Health;
2. Register at and choose desired vaccination date and time;
3. Receive confirmation SMS;
4. Show this SMS along with your Posvidka and registration at "Diia";

🗣Please share your experience if you already got vaccinated! Such info would be super helpful for the community!

👋And if you have any other health related questions or looking for qualified specialists, we are happy to support with a recommendation or setting up an appointment!

Stay safe!

The Last Mercenary | Official Trailer | Netflix 08/06/2021

🎬Netflix has released the trailer for the first Ukrainian Netflix Original film!

What we know so far:
🕍The major part of filming took place in Kyiv, while according to the plot, the events are unfolding in France.
🕺Leading actors include Jean-Claude Van Damme and Alban Ivanov.
📅The movie will become available at Netflix on July 30.

Meanwhile enjoy the trailer:

The Last Mercenary | Official Trailer | Netflix A mysterious secret agent who has been denounced by his government must return to France when his son becomes framed by an international terrorist organizati...

В США медицина дорогая, врачи невнимательные. Есть выход: заняться здоровьем и красотой за границей | 15/05/2021

Health Pilgrims is on US media!🥳

В США медицина дорогая, врачи невнимательные. Есть выход: заняться здоровьем и красотой за границей | $ 2 782 за порезанный палец. Полмиллиона долларов за поездку в машине скорой помощи. $ 5 000 за биопсию щитовидной железы (out-of pocket после страховой).


As lockdown being extended and COVID-19 restrictions are getting tighter, we prepared some tips to help you cope with it.

✅ Limit social media and COVID-19 conversation.
Information can be overwhelming. Find a few trusted sources that you can check and set a time limit for yourself, on how much you consume.

✅ Plan your time
It can be very easy to lose all the structure from your days, which can often leave us feeling unmotivated to do anything. By planning your time, you can recreate a routine into your daily life so that you feel more active and your body can release those positive hormones.

✅Identify that things that you can control.
In moments of big uncertainty, control your little corner of the world. Organize your bookshelf or put together that furniture. When the bigger things are chaotic, this sort of activity can help to ground us.

✅ Don’t ignore how you’re feeling - talk to people you trust
It’s important to talk about how you feel. Don’t dismiss your concerns or judge yourself too harshly. You may also be able to find your tribe online, try to reach out to someone to talk about how you feel, or to take your mind off it completely. You can also use activities that you enjoy in the house so that you feel in control and enjoy your time.

✅ Remind yourself that this is temporary.
It can be daunting to think of lockdown stretching ahead of us. Take time to remind yourself that although this is very difficult and we’re not sure when it’s going to end, it will pass.


⚡⚡Due to the increase in the incidence of COVID-19, the Kyiv city authorities have decided to tighten quarantine restrictions, including restricting travel on public transport and the metro (only with special permits).⚡⚡

The new epidemiological restrictions will be introduced on 5 April and will run at least until 16 April 2021.

Additional restrictions provided by the new enhanced lockdown are:
- All schools and kindergartens are to be closed;
- All public transport will operate based on special passenger passes (for employees of critical infrastructure enterprises).
- Catering establishments will be able to work only for takeaway or delivery.

From 1 April 2021 all food markets will be completely closed.
The restrictions, which were introduced on 20 March 2021, will also continue to apply.


⚡Ukraine introduces mandatory PCR tests for arriving foreigners⚡

On March 22, the Cabinet of Ministers introduced the requirement to present a negative COVID-19 test result, made no earlier than 72 hours before, for foreigners entering Ukraine regardless of which country the person comes from and the situation with COVID-19 in this country.
Apart from that foreigners are also required to present COVID-19 insurance.



Due to the growing incidence of COVID-19, the Kyiv city authorities have decided to impose strict quarantine restrictions - the new lockdown will take effect in the capital from 00:00 on March 20, i.e. on the night from Friday to Saturday. The restrictions of the "red" quarantine zone, will apply in the capital until April 9 inclusive.

According to the restrictions provided by the new lockdown (March 20 to April 9, 2021) the following operations are prohibited:
• Work of cultural institutions (cinemas, theaters, museums, concert halls will be closed).
• Operation of shopping and entertainment centers (except grocery stores, pharmacies, pet stores, shops selling hygiene products and household chemicals).
• Carrying out of religious services (if the area of the room not less than 10 m 2 on 1 person is not provided).
• Holding mass events (entertainment, sports, cultural, advertising and others).
• The presence of spectators at sports competitions (the latter also applies to today's big football match, which will take place in Kiev).
• Catering establishments will work exclusively for takeaway.
• Gas stations will work - in compliance with strict standards and without the work of the cafés.
• Hairdressers and beauty salons will work by appointment. As well as fitness and gyms - but without group classes
• Kindergartens will work. Schools will return to school after the holidays - but remotely
• All enterprises and organizations of the budget sphere are moving to remote work
• Private business should also switch to teleworking as much as possible. In addition to critical infrastructure enterprises
• Public transport in the capital will work as usual. With observance of strict norms of transportation of passengers and a mask mode. With 50% occupancy.


With the spring approaching we all start thinking of the way we’ll look in a new season. Spring is the best time to dedicate some time to your precious skin and get a new radiant look! 🌸

Today we’ll talk about one of the latest discoveries of cosmetology – ELOS Photofacial.

What is ELOS and how it is used in acne treatment?
ELOS technology is a safe, non-invasive and effective. Based on the combination of two different types of energy – optical (light) and radio frequency (RF), ELOS provides excellent results with the highest level of comfort and safety.

👌After the procedure you’ll get:
▪️Reduction of inflammation in active acne and faster healing;
▪️Clean and beautiful skin.

👆How does technology work?
Acne occurs when oil secreted by sebaceous glands clogs the hair follicle with fat and dead skin cells. The growth of bacteria in the clogged area causes infection and acne.
ELOS technology combines bipolar radiofrequency energy that penetrates deeply into the skin to remove the bacteria causing the acne and reduce sebaceous gland secretions.
ELOS not only helps reduce active acne, but also accelerates the healing of existing acnes.

👆Is ELOS acne treatment painful?
Treatment of acne with ELOS is very convenient and does not require any kind of anesthesia. The patient can return to normal daily activities right after the procedure.

👆When can I expect to see the results of ELOS treatment?
It takes time to see results from laser acne treatment, and it may take a series of treatments to achieve optimal changes. The number of treatments depends on the severity of the acne, thus an individual treatment plan is developed for each patient. However, generally, you should see a reduction in acne and the appearance of acne scarring in four to 12 weeks.

If you require any further information, feel free to contact us at any time!


As of March 1, 2021 the citizens of Ukraine as well as the foreigners holding Temporary/Permanent Residence Permit (Posvidka) can schedule an appointment for free COVID-19 vaccine shot.
There are several ways to book an appointment:
- visit the website
- use the Diia (Дія) mobile application
- call MOH hotline 0 800 60 20 19

You should have valid Ukrainian bank account (card) and registration number of the taxpayer record card in order to be able to use Diia website or mobile app.

To sign up for COVID-19 Vaccination Wait List, you need:
1. Log in by specifying your Residence Permit Number in the field “Passport No”.
2. Select "COVID-19 Vaccination Wait List Registration";
3. Specify the city where you’d like to be vaccinated;
4. Follow the updates. You will be notified when the vaccination campaign in your city will kick off.


Nowadays modern technologies allow minimal access spine techniques that aim primarily at minimizing the trauma associated with surgical exposure of the spine. Minimally Invasive Techniques allows low rate of complications, minimal soft tissue trauma, reduced blood loss, less severe pain after surgery, faster recovery (rehabilitation period) and reduced length of stay of patients in the hospital.

Indications for minimally invasive surgeries (transpedicular fixation) are as follows:
1️⃣ Spinal fractures.
2️⃣ Developmental derangement of normal bone growth, primarily involving the centers of ossification in the epiphysis (osteochondrosis).
3️⃣ Vertebral displacement (spondylolisthesis).
4️⃣ Stenosis (narrowing) of the spinal canal at the lumbar level.
5️⃣ Chronic back pain (Degenerative-Dystrophic Changes in the Vertebral Motor Segment).

In case you’re looking for such treatment, we have great news – our partner Clinic of General is a leading provider of minimally invasive surgeries in Ukraine. Should you have any questions or would like to make an appointment with our specialists, do not hesitate to DM us!


‼️‼️ The first batch of Oxford/AstraZeneca (Covishield) coronavirus vaccine produced at the Serum Institute of India has arrived in Ukraine.‼️‼️

This vaccine was developed in joint effort of the University of Oxford and British-Swedish company AstraZeneca. In fact, it is the same "Oxford" vaccine that the Serum Institute of India produces for the local Indian market. In the summer of 2020, AstraZeneca and the Serum Institute of India signed an agreement to produce the vaccine to "help low- and middle-income countries to roll out vaccine."

Covishield vaccine is administered intramuscularly in two doses of 0.5 milligrams within an interval of 28 days.
At the first stage of vaccination campaign hospital employees working with COVID-19 patients, residents and staff of institutions for elderly people will be vaccinated; at the second stage - medical workers, elderly people 80+ and social workers; at the third stage - people over the age of 65, employees of critical structures, state security and education workers; at the fourth stage - people over 60, people with chronic diseases, employees of the penitentiary system and people serving their sentences.

📌Registration for the COVID-19 vaccination for all interested parties will be open from March 1, 2021. Appointment online booking will be available through "Diya" application, the "Diya" portal and COVID-19 call-center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine.


Another weekend is coming! So we decided to share our top-5 favorite breakfast places in Kyiv! Start your weekend with relaxed atmosphere watching the city slowly waking up.☕️🥞

1. Хлебный
English muffin with salmon and a cup of coffee made using hot sand or cheesecakes and cappuccino – sounds like a perfect beginning of new day! This place has a variety of options for your perfect breakfast.
Breakfast time: all-day breakfast
Cuisine: French, Ukrainian
Address: 67/7 Velyka Vasylkivska str.
32 Khreschatyk str.
22 S***a Rustaveli str.
Price range: $

2. DOM N10
If you want to start your day in a cozy almost homely atmosphere, accompanied by aroma of fresh brewed coffee and the taste of your favorite breakfast dish– check out Dom #10, which is located in a house with a 200-year history in Podil district.
Breakfast time: Mon – Fri 10:00 - 13:00; Sat – Sun 10:00– 15:00
Cuisine: European
Address: 10, Spaska str.
Price range: $$

3. Milk Bar
Milk Bar’s concept is common food in a simple, comfy atmosphere. The café serves American desserts, which are rarely found in Kyiv. The special oatmeal, cooked according to a secret recipe is a must try!
Breakfast time: 08:00-11:30
Cuisine: American, European
Address: 16 S***a Rustaveli str.,
Price range: $$

4. Любимый Дядя
Here you can find a modern interpretation of classical dishes from Morocco, Israel, Iraq, Egypt, Turkey and Greece. A perfect place to try Lebanese tabbouleh, Israeli hummus, Moroccan shakshuka, bourekas and Palestinian baba ganoush which have already become iconic. Moreover, the interior of the place won’t leave you indifferent!
Breakfast time: Mon – Fri 08:00 – 12:00; Sat – Sun 9:00-14:00
Cuisine: Middle East
Address: 20, Pan’kovskaya str.
Price range: $$-$$$

5. Італійська Редакція
In case you’re an early bird, this is a perfect match for you – “Italian Edition” serves breakfast starting from 9a.m. Fried eggs and roast beef, oatmeal porridge, scrambled eggs, cheese pancakes with home-made jam for breakfast – these are only few of the options.
Breakfast time: Mon – Fri 09:00 – 12:00; Sat – Sun 9:00-13:00
Cuisine: Italian, Fusion,
Address: 43 Velyka Vasylkivska str.,
Price range: $$-$$$


5 facts in favor of Laser Hair Removal:

1️⃣ Pain free
The undoubted advantage of laser hair removal is that it is far less painful than waxing. Nowadays this is an extremely comfortable procedure.

2️⃣ Safe
Laser hair removal is not a traumatic procedure. The laser affects the hair follicle directly without damaging surrounding tissues.

3️⃣ Long lasting effect
Laser hair removal is a long-lasting form of hair removal that damages or destroys the hair follicle unlike sugaring, waxing or shaving where hair regrowth is inevitable.

4️⃣ Convenient
A specific feature of laser hair removal is that the hair must be shaved before the procedure. There is no need to grow it, as prior to waxing, which is very inconvenient and definitely not looking good.

5️⃣ It works well on dark, thick hair
Do you think your hair is too dark or too thick for this treatment? Don’t worry! The light from the lasers targets the melanin in your hair. Hair that is darker has more melanin, meaning it is actually easily treated.

There are many benefits of choosing this procedure. It is safe, convenient, and thorough. You can expect your skin become smooth and totally hair-free. To schedule an appointment for a consultation, contact us by sending us a message or simply give us a call.


See how well you know Kyiv 🇺🇦! How many of these facts did you know? Share your score with us in the comments!

1️⃣ If not for the Mongol-Tatar invasion in 1240, the city could have been the largest in Europe - at that time (XI-XII centuries) Kyiv was 50 times bigger than London and over 10 times larger than Paris.
2️⃣ In 2019, Kyiv was ranked 7th among European cities by population.
3️⃣ Kyiv Metro is one of the oldest in Europe. The deepest station is Arsenalna (105 meters deep). And "Golden Gate" metro station was listed among top-10 most beautiful stations in the world!
4️⃣ The tallest monument in the capital is the famous "Mother Motherland". This monumental sculpture is located on the territory of the memorial complex "Museum of the Great Patriotic War". Its 102m high, and it is listed among the top-5 tallest sculptures in the world! In comparison, the Statue of Liberty is only 93 m high.
5️⃣ Khreshchatyk is the widest (75 m) among the main streets of European cities. While the narrowest street in Kyiv is Heorhiivskyi Lane - about 5 meters between buildings.
6️⃣ You must be thinking Chicken Kiev got its start in the Ukrainian capital. However it’s French. During the late 1840s, Russian royalty sent chefs to Paris to learn from the best. And they returned with a recipe of this dish. Back in Kyiv, though, Chicken Kiev was not common until visiting tourists began requesting it in the city's restaurants in the 1960s.
7️⃣ Pedestrian bridge across the Dnipro in Kyiv is the longest pedestrian bridge in Europe.


Most likely you have already heard about AHA acids and you may be wondering why they became so popular all of a sudden. Here's what you need to know about them:
Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) include: glycolic acid, lactic acid, malic acid, citric acid, tartaric acid, mandelic acid.
AHAs are water-soluble acids made from sugary fruits. They help peel away the surface of your skin so that new, more evenly pigmented skin cells may generate and take their place.
For what purposes AHA acids are used?
✅improve the surface of the skin, smooth the skin, stimulate collagen synthesis, increase skin elasticity,
✅counteract the pigmentation, post-acne spots lightening,
✅clogged pores prevention,
✅reduction of clinical signs of photoaging,
✅exfoliation of skin dead cells.

AHAs may also help treat and prevent recurring acne. Acne pimples occur when your pores are clogged with a combination of dead skin cells, oil (sebum), and bacteria. Exfoliating with AHAs can help loosen and remove the clog. Continued use may also prevent future clogs from forming. So, this is a must have for problem skin:
❗️Glycolic acid is one of the most popular and effective among AHA acids. However, as you know, where there is activity, there is a risk of skin irritation.
❗️Lactic acid is softer than glycolic due to the larger size of the molecule, but it works no worse. As a bonus, lactic acid also helps moisturize the skin.
❗️Mandelic acid is considered one of the softest acids, it is best suited for sensitive and reactive skin.

It is important that you select and add acids to your daily care only under the supervision of the cosmetologist. AHAs are among the most-researched beauty products because of their strong effects, but they aren’t for everyone. If you have preexisting skin conditions, better talk to your dermatologist or skin care specialist first before trying these types of products. And if for some reason you don’t have one yet, we invite you for a consultation with our dermatologist, who will conduct an examination and will help you determine the best AHA for your skin type and skin care goals.

More than just health tourism

Health tourism is no longer something unusual, it is pretty much a global trend and we have decided to join in because we have a lot to offer!

Health Pilgrims is more than a medical travel agency. For us in Health Pilgrims it is more than health and more than tourism – it’s happiness!

We have assembled a team of top dental and cosmetology experts to ensure our clients receive world class standard of care and travel support in Ukraine. We will take care of your teeth, your skin and your body topping it all up with an outstanding travel experience.

Videos (show all)

What can people do to protect themselves and others from getting the new coronavirus?
