Paintings by Kseniya Noryk
There are Paintings in stock and to order by artist Noryk Kseniya @KseniyaFineART
Merry Christmas to everyone!!!
This photo was taken 2 years ago, then we didn’t even think that we would have to leave, we live our lives so little Solomiika, who is 2 and a half years old. We live well here, and in the new year I came to my parents in Dnipro and agreed to take a photo with Yuli. We didn’t know yet that in a couple of months we would have to leave. A year ago at this time, we were already in Croatia. I still remember last Christmas, Solomiika got very sick and she met him with a temperature of almost 40. And this Christmas, we were invited to dinner with a Croatian family, and I’m already looking forward to it.
Write about your Christmas traditions that you will keep in the comments.
Вітаю всіх з Різдвом!!!
ця фотка була зроблена 2 роки назад тоді ми навіть і не думали що нам доведеться виїхати ми живемо своє життя так маленька Соломіїка який 2 з половиною рочки. Живемо все у нас добре та й новий рік я приїхала до своїх Батьків у Дніпро і домовилася з Юля зробити фото. Ми ще не знали що через пару місяців нам доведеться виїжджати. Рік назад в цей час ми вже були в Хорватії. Я ще досі пам’ятаю минули Різдво Соломіїка дуже сильно захворіла і вона зустрічала його з температурою майже 40. А цього Різдва нам запросили на вечерю до хорватської родини і я вже чекаю з нетерпінням.
Пишіть про ваші традиції на Різдво які ви протримаєтеся в коментарях.
About inspiration and how I work on my paintings 🖼️
I saw this plot while walking around Vodice. And it was “Wow!!! I have to draw it!!!» And it’s not just about the market that I drew. And in the way the light falls. It breaks into the market and is reflected against the wall and this wall becomes golden. And I also like it when people see something different in my paintings, because everyone has their own perception.
I started painting this picture back in 2022, and finished it before my personal exhibition in May. So sometimes it happens that I start works and they stand for a while while I gradually finish them. I can have several unfinished works at the same time.
Про натхнення і як я працюю над роботами.
Я побачила цей сюжет гуляючи по Водіце. І це було «Вау!!! Я маю це намалювати!!!» І справа не у просто ринку, який я намалювала. А в тому як падає світло. Воно потрапляє поломкою на ринок і відбивається рефлексом об стіну і ця стіна стає золотистою. А ще мені подобається коли люди бачать щось своє у моїх картинах, бо у кожного своє сприйняття.
Цю картину я почала малювати ще в 2022 році, а закінчила перед своєю персональною виставкою в травні. Так іноді буває що я роботи починаю і вони стоять деякий час поки я їх поступово закінчую. Я можy паралельно мати декілько незакінчених робіт.
Two wonderful artists and organized a painting marathon before Christmas, January 1-24, and I am now showing my two works that I managed to paint). Day 9-10
Today I want to talk about inspiration. I told that the world around me inspires me, the life that is boiling. I am very glad that I have now moved to Croatia because there is a lot of inspiration for me here. What inspires me most is nature, the sun, sunny days. I live by the sea in the Dalmatia region and there are many sunny days a year. Inspiration gives me a lot of ideas that come to me every day. I will be happy to create new canvases. They say that inspiration does not come to the lazy. I probably agree with this because I draw almost every day.
And all the same, I don't have time to implement all the ideas that come to my mind. I have a whole pile of small sketches and sketches that I have not yet implemented in life, but I want to.
And what inspires you?
Я сьогодні хочу поговорити про натхнення. Я розповідала що в мене надихає світ навколо, життя яке кипить. Я дуже рада що я зараз переїхала в Хорватію тому що тут для мене дуже багато натхнення. Надихає мене більше всього природа сонце сонячні дні я живу біля моря в регіоні Далмація і тут дуже багато сонячних днів на рік. Натхнення мені дає дуже багато ідей які приходять до мене щодня. Я із задоволенням створю нові полотна. Кажуть що натхнення не приходять лінивим. Напевно я з цим згодна тому що я малюю майже кожен день.
І все одно я не встигаю виконати всі ідеї які приходять мені в голову. У мене є ціла стопочка маленьких замальовок і ескізів які я поки не виконала в життя але хочу.
А що вас надихає?
Most often, the artist's work looks like he just sits alone in the workshop and creates paintings. Of course, periodically there are exhibitions where you get to know other artists or art fans. Nowadays, in the age of the Internet, it is a little easier for artists to promote themselves, and because of this, you communicate with people more often. But you can prepare for each exhibition from a month to a year. Or maybe several years, depending on how many paintings there are and what the theme is.
With this post, I want to say thank you to my subscribers for following me and liking me. Every like is a plus for me and for you, and I know that with each of your likes you can show that what I do is important. thank you.
Найчастіше робота художника виглядає так що він просто сидить сам у майстерні і створюю картини. Звичайно періодично бувають виставки де ти знайомишся з іншими художниками чи прихильниками мистецтва. Зараз в епоху інтернета художникам трохи легше себе просувати і ти частіше через це спілкуєшся з людьми. Але до кожної виставки ти можеш готуватися від Від місяця до року. А може і декілька років залежності від того скільки там картин яка тема.
Цим постом я хочу сказати дякую моїм підписникам те що вони слідкують за мною ставить лайки. Кожен лайк це плюсик для мене і до вас і я знаю кожним своїм лайками можете показати що те що я роблю важливо. Дякую 🙏
Історія про переїзд в Хорватію✨
Я знайшла собі квартиру в якій я буду 1-й час жити і в мене є знайомі які живуть саме у Водіце. Я завжди хотіла спробувати пожити в якомусь маленькому містечку Ще у 18-му році я була перший раз і мене дуже сподобалася ця країна. Я закохалася в красу природи будинків в красу старовини і як її зберігають тут і мене це дуже дуже вразило.
Я ніколи не думала що для мене так важливо будете де я живу тобто в якому місті і для мене тут натхнення на кожному кроці я в дуже багатьох своїх прогулянках я у всьому знаходжу собі сюжети для моїх картин 🖼️
Звичайно є і складнощі по живши місяць, я зловила якусь невеличку депресію чи це був адаптивний період . Але в мене почало дратувати все, мене не радувало: ні вулиці, дні, сонце нічого…, я навіть думала повертатися назад. Але в цьому не було-б вирішення.
Чому мені було складно, тому що я вже 7-й місяць була сама з дитиною. Переїхавши в Хорватію це було дуже складно знайти садочок для дитини хтось не дасть збрехати.
Далі я почала, я всетаки знайшла садочок для Соломії, але треба було возити 20 кілометрів до нього. Я купила собі машину. Ми знайшли додаткові заняття для дитини і почали знайомитися з місцевими, я вступила в місцевий союз Художників і аматорів.
Продовження буде…
Чи переїзжали ви колись? І як ви це пережили?
#переїзд #хорватія
«It is through art, and through art only, that we can realise our perfection.»
Oscar Wilde
❤️Follow me
12 facts about me 😇🤩
1. Over the past year, I have been constantly participating in exhibitions and exhibiting my works.
2. I like to paint from nature, go outdoors.
3. The first photo session was done with my girlfriends by ourselves, somewhere we were 16-17 years old, somewhere I still have these photos printed out.
4. Living in Croatia for 14 months, I communicate in Croatian language.
Ako me želite kontaktirati na hrvatskom, rado ću vam odgovoriti🙂
5. I am interested in yoga, I started doing the first exercises after finding an old little book and doing it according to it, then I entered the university and moved to Kyiv, it was around 2008.
6. I entered college when I was 14 years old, and around that time I became interested in psychology and self-knowledge.
7. I come from a not rich family and my mother raised me by herself until the age of 10, it was not easy for her (all this had a great impact on me).
8. I had almost no friends at school and I was laughed at.
9. I lived and traveled in India for almost a month in 2014.
10. Taught painting and drawing to children in a children's art school for two years.
11. Studied painting restoration
and conservation at the academy.
12. I have two shops on Etsy that I run myself.
What fact would you like me to tell in more detail?👇🏻
Читай українською, гортай фото🇺🇦
Available 🛥
🖇This is a small work of art. It was made from nature, drawn from the roof of an old house, a view of the bell tower and blue clouds are gathering and moving towards the old city.
🖇Size: 30x20 cm
Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures. 🌻
Henry Ward Beecher
65х100 см
Oil canvas
“Smell the sea and feel the sky. Let your soul and spirit fly.” – Van Morrison
💫This is an original oil painting on canvas.
💫This quality commission oil painting can decorate your home or can serve as a nice and good gift.
🌊This will be a wonderful and unforgettable housewarming gift, a gift to your parents or friends.
🌊Handmade oil painting
🌊Standard delivery worldwide 7-24 days.
The marine theme will always be relevant. I had this picture at an exhibition and it will perfectly decorate your interior.
💙Standard Shipping Worldwide 7-24 days
💙Handmade oil painting
🐕 Buying you will receive a high-quality custom oil painting depicting your pet or pet of your friends.🤩 It will be a wonderful and unforgettable gift, gift for your mother or friend.
🐕 Standard Shipping Worldwide 7-24 days
🐕 This quality commission oil painting can decorate your dog or cat serve as a nice and good gift.
🌃The regatta in Vodice, Croatia inspired me to paint this painting. I really like this work, it is bright and positive, like a warm summer evening.
🌃Such a picture will become a bright accent of any interior and will add saturation of colors.
🌃This is an original oil painting on canvas.
🌃Size 24*20 inches (60*50 cm)
Every artist dips his brush in his own soul, and paints his own nature into his pictures.🩷
― Henry Ward Beecher
Buying you will receive a high-quality custom oil painting depicting your house or the house of your parental home portrait, childhood home, or your family's first home portrait.
💫Handmade oil painting
💫Standard Shipping Worldwide 7-24 days
💫This quality commission oil painting can decorate your home or can serve as a nice and good gift.
🕊 Blue bird small artwork Original oil painting
🕊 I will be glad to answer any questions! As well as decorate your house with a beautiful picture made with love.
🕊 size 15 * 20 cm or 6 *7.9 inch
5 Sources of Creative Inspiration for Artists🎨
There are times when every artist needs a little inspiration, whether it’s because of the circumstances or maybe because we just need a grab. There are moments when we just don’t feel like doing anything, and we don’t know where to begin. Even if our to-do list is long, it hasn’t done much to jolt us out of our slumber. That is why, we are listing 5 sources of inspiration for you so that when next time when you feel a little uninspired you will know where to get new inspiration from.
1. Nature
2. Acquire ideas from other artists’ work
3. Life Experiences
4. Learn Something New
5. Interact with other Artist 👩🎨
Learning to draw is really a matter of learning to see - to see correctly - and that means a good deal more than merely looking with the eye✨
― Kimon Nicolaides
Sold 🩵
🌊 A wonderful sea view
🌊If the size you need is not in the offer, just write to me. I will be happy to paint a picture especially for you.
🌊It can serve as a wonderful decoration of your home or to be a very good gift . It can be inserted anywhere in the frame that will give it a finished look.
💐This is a unique and individual gift that you can make yourself or your friend by ordering an oil painting of a wedding bouquet from me.
💐Handmade oil painting
💐Standard Shipping Worldwide 7-24 days
Learning to draw is really a matter of learning to see - to see correctly - and that means a good deal more than merely looking with the eye 👁️
― Kimon Nicolaides
Do you struggle with emotions when focusing on art?✨
If you’re an artist, you’ve likely struggled with overcoming negative emotions at some point in your career. After all, art is often about channeling your innermost thoughts and feelings into a physical form – a painting, a sculpture, or a performance.
And while it can be incredibly cathartic and therapeutic to express yourself through art, it can also be challenging to maintain a positive mindset when constantly exposing yourself to emotionally- charged material🩷
PH .ph 🥰 thx
💎Blue seascape oil painting
💎You can order this landscape in any of the specified sizes.
💎Size 16*12 inch (40*30 sm)
💎If the size you need is not in the offer, just write to me. I will be happy to paint a picture especially for you.
✨Available ✨
💛the Prayer pray to Ukraine
💛This picture painted by me. 100% hand painting.
💛It can serve as a wonderful decoration of your home or to be a very good gift . It can be inserted anywhere in the frame that will give it a finished look.
For me drawing is an attempt to understand what I feel about the world I live in.🤍
― Brian Froud
A great day to...
What makes your day full and easy?
My daughter and I like to goof around and draw together. And of course we explore new places💕
💙This cityscape painted on the impression of my journey to Croatia.
💙These beautiful old Mediterranean streets are very inspiring to me.
💙This picture painted by me. 100% hand painting.
💙It can serve as a wonderful decoration of your home or to be a very good gift . It can be inserted anywhere in the frame that will give it a finished look.
Passion fuels the artist's soul, igniting a flame that illuminates their world. In a universe brimming with possibilities, it is vital to embrace what you love and let your creative spirit soar. Let your artistry be a symphony of self-expression, a canvas that radiates your innermost dreams and desires💫
For when you pursue your passion wholeheartedly, you unlock the boundless potential within, leaving an indelible mark on the tapestry of existence. So, dear artists, fearlessly follow your heart's brushstrokes and paint a masterpiece that inspires others to do the same 💕
You can look at a picture for a week and never think of it again. You can also look at the picture for a second and think of it all your life.
― Joan Miro
🐬Round oil painting, Happy Dolphin
🐬original oil painting in round
🐬canvas on hardboard, with white frame size 16 inch diameter (40 cm)
Let’s take a moment to embrace the beauty of imperfection.
As artists, we know that failure is not the end, but a vital stepping stone on our creative journey. It’s through these moments of stumbling that we gain the wisdom and courage to grow and evolve as artists. So, let’s celebrate our failures as valuable lessons and reminders that true mastery is built upon perseverance and a willingness to experiment fearlessly.
Keep pushing the boundaries of your creativity, dear friends, and remember that every stroke brings us closer to capturing the essence of our artistic visions. Thank you for being a part of this incredible community that inspires and supports each other. Together, let’s continue to create, learn, and inspire! 🎨