
community social activism for better health,accountability,service delivery,open-minded about stereotypes,eg homosexuality,abortion, divorce

life is a challenge we have to experience our way and by our expectations and values not wanting to please others because it would make us live pseudo lives


Ideally Uganda is a limping democracy...and we all agree that Rome was never built in one day...
All that said and done...
Consolidating the achievements already made is paramount...
Now I keep asking myself... can't we atleast get one MP who decides to go out of the bucket they are tied in and raise an issue of order and ask...why one good son of us trained on our resources..rised on our funds choses to tarnish the good acts of a man he calls Daddy before the old man even goes six feet under?
We all know it's safer to go to army barracks than police cells ...
We all know corruption even during carfew benefited the guys in kharki than our boys in bitanga...
Now imwe abakutura Kampala tell us the muhoozi really telling you that he wants to stand oba mumuwayiliza Bez for us we are far we see images that suggest the same and we see you dummies in parliament not minding putinng the army in distipute...
I heard that General is at the extreme top of the ranks and usually the last few go on to be Field marshals kayaherize all ranks iwe kagu tomuhimuza's really funny that parliament picks interest in khart...bisiaga..homos*xallity but ignores such a serious issue


Public funds and resource missuse affects us all squarely


Accountability is a national issue when you see a thief shout


In the spirit of patriotism...good governance... it we shall be sharing issues around management of public resources.. development... accountability...the bad and good that has happened and where possible inquire from the powers that be how things on issues that in public domain are not clear on how they ended....our point of interest is 2021/ to-date and beyond ...
The first document is the IGG report to parliament as by Dec 2021 130 pg doc...and specifically we shall pick here and there where the word Rubirizi surfaces not in good faith..where our beloved district is put in disrepute from 2021 to date ...any official document in reports by IGG and anyone with alternative info as long as it's certified not heresay is welcome around the same...sharing to other groups or ones contacts is ok since this is not Lugambo but actual reports accessible by public domain....Pg 81/130... Rubirizi...issues were around the then
1- CAO Mr luyimbazi and and the then
2- Principal human resource officer madam Doreen...
Theses were on issues of of missuse public funds ,uttering false documents with intent do defraud ,abuse of office...
Some of those issues we shall see how they ended... usually with aquital , appeals or conviction depending on individual cases....


Its coming to June the ideally new start for new national id cards to be given to us banakyalo...
I g hope the man with the magic wand to head the transition like he usually tells us from his dreams Norbert Mao will this Tyme reheater otherwise he could once again fail to stand like he did last time he wanted to be a leader in Gulu...
Kati the hollabo is about IDs...truth be told of they said to move on Ugandan roads you need endangamuntu honestly taxes and buses would lack passengers...
With Laguna companies...banange people have no ids and unless the MPs and other politicians steal enough from parliament and come to the rescue of the people many will not renew their cards and thus not vote ...and if you consider the debts some hold its better to leave the ndangamuntu there then pay for loss and get anew even sure the number of reported lost cards will be high...these same dummy MPs have been aware of these things and some have even the same businesses but now that it affects their source of income the voters they are brazing like guns ...kyoka ki Uganda kyange I love you


Its 14 yrs ago o don't see arsenal going to quarters tonight despite what seems to be undrdogs of Porto it's 16min gone and let's watch it's a draw or Porto takes the win either way I see Porto through..they don't concead matter the club they play

Photos from Asiimwemukamafred2016's post 09/03/2024

Mbwenu this muganga who logged Uganda banange has energy ...Evan when you are about to get hope things happen to make you get worried...
Last time we had a barren speaker and a deputy whose family stories were not clear and we thought it was the reason they never cared about the common man now we have a full Nalongo with a big bean and yet she too does not care about the welfare of the nationals ..and with zombie ministers like ...we are in for worth things ..
This speaker thing uses more than 5bn on foreign trips ..the same or even more of the amount needed to sustain our only and probably last satellite before kagu leaves office ...but the idiotic parliament chose to ignore it and concentrate on same s*x which is not even a problem to the common man unlike the setlite that would help improve agriculture Kati you tell us ngu you are also useful..Uganda is better without a parlament


This was my prediction 2020 in may if it had been written by some white it would now be making headlines but am certain that it came to pass and am satisfied


Whenever you watch TV you get to believe that Donald J. Trump is to some level true there is some face newsroom ,the point of dissagreement is that only those that are on his side will be considered as unfake
Now he says him& his team are doing a great job including allowing covid to get to the state house.
All said and done when you see "analysts" all claiming Africa will lose up to 300000-millions to covid ,far ahead of the "developed" world
My projections using estimates and guesswork not expertise ,plus insticts is that America will lose not less than 250000 people not the just above 100000
Africa will lose than Europe and America even if considered independently and that does not need scientific calculations
For once the projections are visibly clear intended to indicate grim future and want to make it look like because America is not doing well then the whole world will fail as well ,even the way they are magnifying re_occurances in South Korea,China is all to indicate that nothing is going to work unless it comes from a specific or country this time some people will eat their humlbe pie Africa won't be affected like they want us to believe no matter the situation mainly for two reasons.
_ The sunshine
_The endemic occurrence of viral infections
Including diseases like malaria,lupus feverwhich at times go untreated makes Africa sronger than ever on this game the virus is playing on our tuff and we shall hit it handcap

Timeline photos 23/02/2020

A lot has been taking place but the continued restricted movement of goods and persons across the usually porous border of UG&RWND is a game that has dragged on more than normal
Like I have ever suspected, it still is my stand that this game of ping-pong is not an issue of policy, of nations disagreement over trade,or other policies,its a crash of egos between the old vs new wine all wanting to colonise a bottle
The old wine is being told to give way and it says it tastes better,these are colleagues( former maybe) that set out to conquer territories, had pacts to protect and when one tries to step on the toe of the other,its the nationals that suffer.
Let's use an example the Israel vs parlastain conflict is well documented the issuess of contest are known to even allies and foes in equal volumes
Look at America and the south Americans capitalism vs socialism
Its all clear communism vs capitalism divides the west vs the east of Asia
Back to our own ,the over 10 times the boys of the luwero triangle have met,half have been behind closed bars at times looking like Buddy cstchup to smoke Mexican cigar and at times in the farms!
Such is the cloud cover over the conflict that it seems if one stepped down the conflict would end eternally!
Now when we thought our own Mzee kagus was incharge of the intracostline,it emerges that the new kingpin is the one giving ultimatum to the freil leopard,how the tides turn is no surprise the going master has bben learning from the legend of the drunken style for long and it was a matter of time before he could master the style to far perfection
Its an open secret that the policies across boarder are all got from here and refined and perfected ,made in Ug,perfected in RWND
The scceptence of 30 days by my mother country to "verify" puts us at the world lenses as a country partly in control and partly not,how does your neighbouring friend tell you to check in the corners of your house for his lost panga like you don't stay within and you request for time to do so? Is that not acceptance that actually you could be with his pang?
As things stand it seems the closing of the borders is partly to be blamed on us and seems to affect us more,we seem the most desperate and maybe the most guilty
The young master is squeezing our b**s
Is it a matter of poor tram of teams to discuss the behind curtain issues or we are indeed to blame for the foes?


Uganda ranked 149/175 makes a total failure under the watchmanship the longest serving guellilla of our times
We know its now too late to fight corruption for without it his setup would collapse like a set of cards!
From courts ,to churches,to police& other security agencies then other institutions like URA,NEMA,The corruption on bridges, dams ( read kadaga says 24 bin was embezzled), the Bigirimanas,the Muhangas,the fraudulent sale of Banks,etc are all up there in the public domain and the president is on record for conspicuously being invisible in such times pretending to be leaving the law to act,When you see what was unearthed in the land commission which is being buried as we speak,when you see the MPigs and handouts they receive to facilitate the passing of bills .The man from can't claim to be the Angel that fights evil spirits while walking& dinning with the devils disciples .The cabinet is rotten with corrupt people, the permanent secretaries where did the story of in sacks from the bank of ug die from.
Its ironical that the architects of the vice will magistically walk as if to celebrate their steps in achieving corruption high index levels!
You will walk claiming to walk vs corruption, but the truth is you are one of the reasons it still is with us here in Uganda
You will be like the naked emperor standing infront of his subjects claiming to be clad in the best of wool
They might not tell you not because they are starving xnd are fighting for a meal on the table they will laugh because they have stolen in broad day light and you have kept them near you and you still want us to believe you hate corruption


Every one is in the yellow kingdom wants us to believe the kiwani that mzee loves the common man,wants a free society, mingling and chating,an hour ago,he himself posted on his Facebook claiming that the law that has stood for years is a colonial tool that was set up to harass Africans,the same olman goes on to say,if someone is unemployed, what's wrong with kwebuzabuza?
This oldman is on record for telling Ugandans that he does not work for them but his tsusi family!
Now is it that he loves us solo much that he wants the u employed to relax and smile on?No my belief is that he is counting the days to the end of the tether he knows the youth are the most affected when kutembeya,from football, from clubs namr it
He knows the actual threat is from the Ghetto this time,so he desperately wants that block,
On releasing defaulters of the 1M fine for Kampala capital authority, its part of mission for NRM 2021
If he so loves the Ugandans in general why not order the release of thousands of poor people in prison over less than a million defaults from Sacco's, banks,kafunas,et ???
The same group scoffed at JPM when he said he would pay all defaults in Sacco's for Ugandans once elected
Finaly for now,why not allow actual freedom of assembly by repealing the shi** like law tha requires one to inform the IGP when they intend to do a community diagnosis deep in my villege of ?
You can be an old monkey with many tricks but you reach a point and the tricks are guessed before you even apply them,that's you my dear museveni, even when you smile some of us can guess why you did so


I must admit it was not easy seeing the updates from hoima,at times you get audios or videos and think its some Nigerian movie. It was the trial of the emperor, the members still can't tell him that he is dropping his clothes fast and is getting nakadier !
Let's look at the rules of the game,some group is free to hold meetings another is monitored& regulated
Some group has a the cash in the world to spend another is surviving on the spirit of the volunteers
Some group is on bare tummies, faced by sunshine & rain
Another is on full berries bulging
The security is visibly decided between serving the emperor & national service
The Civil servants like the idiot RDC holding a tree branch fighting a halpless woman ,how does a real man use an extra object to fight a woman?
Then came the real vote stuffing, it was beyond the recent standards of what was known before,no wonder some cartel members want cameras off the polling areas
Power corrupts,museveni is a changed man for ever
But he knows it,its time to get worried, when you corrupt the system or umpire,you have limited options in the next match,to train harder ,to postpone the game,to use foul play or risk losing ,museveni knows western is nolonger a bed of roses& despite the Lumumba putting up faces they must be scolded behind the scenes
You use two dollars to produce a one kg bread another uses cents to get 2/3 of bread then you know things are tightening
There is no value for money,its all about winning but its not sustainable, what trapired in hoima will haunt some of the same come next year since more vote thieves graduated from there and will have to seek employment after school.
To win does not come easily it does not mean to be the one in front but it also means to close in on your opposition, to make him pant,sweat ,it means hoping, it means getting satisfied that you did your best,7% diff is far from difference in investment and thus NRM got a bad deal,they were many dogs against few tigers,the dummies were exposed, it was further convicting evidence brought to the public court,the world knows the truth,the paper and declaration does not fool all it makes others guilty
Am thus proud of the united forces of change and like my friend already put it M7 was right to go to the bush for election multiplactice and I think he now believes # Mayinja when he sings " ebintu byazemu"

Photos from Asiimwemukamafred2016's post 21/09/2019

THe GHosts Of The Kyambura Inferno are restlessly Flying around in the smoke that burn them,the never coming pledges by the government are not making things better!
18/08/19 will for years to come be remembered as the" black smoke Sunday ",such was the thickness of the smoke that it was seen and smelt kms away.
The days that followed were a beehive of activities with every arm of govt wanting to be seen to be giving a helping hand,the updf was not far from a great work,the ug police with its snail like response esp if its not about political demonstrations took literally months to get to us from the nearest fire station of mbarara a whooping 4 hrs after the kasese police said they had NP fuel,yet if it was KB thry would readily find it.
Then the roadblocks claiming bobi was planing to come send thus could not be allowed to visit before the oldest man in our land ( atleast from the way guys call him mzee like a small god) you think he is older than Gen moze Ali
He came pledged and flew off like an eagle on a mission
Ingrid and poa could not allow to be left out,with other guys they set off from kanungu or rukungiri and a walkable distance to the seen with all kinds of help were denied access the victim's locality to pay their respects with all the merchandise that would have saved their day all in the devilish plans of the NRM leadership in the district plus other agencies simply because they could not stand the swiftness of the opposition.
A month has gone by and the 5 M,the 1M is yet to come for the families that lost relatives and the injured respectively.
To climax it all,today the dead that had been taken to mulago for DNA analysis were brought back to be buried esp those that were identified.
But am certain the ghosts are restless wondering how a man thry have voted for years could take more than a month to atleast bring the little he promised to their families!
The other question is how African it is to stop people with mdbugo to reach the places of demise in the name of political protectionism???
These ghosts are flying around restless rest somebody fulfils their promise especially that we have a presidential assistant less than a km from the seen sleeping and snoring peacefully un bothered!


WHAT IF BOBI WAS THE RENCARNATION OF MUSEVENI IN 5G? We all agree that when u plant an old seed but with some viability you get out new,fresh plants,flowers then seeds. What if God has seen our tears&heard our cries&curses demanding change?M7 was a gd fella(atleast in pretence) when he came around as he told our parents"the problem of Africa...),power corrupts&it has corrupted nt him alone bt his entrouge of freil,old generals including the rabid dog! If m7 was to rejuvinate all NRM guys wld be happy except those waiting to replace him at the helm,in the 80's he was promising in his 30' you blve Bobie has come allitle early?who didnt? , , , ? So you arent aware that M7 to the bush of luwero in his 30's(atleast frm what i read) at around 36yrs(a yr younger than Bobi!!) there is neuer bad tyming its all about right positioning &waiting for luck. Actually Bobi cld be M7 IN RENCARNATION SO LETS EMBRACE HIM AS WE SEND OFF UR OLDMAN WITH DIGINITY NOT WIT STONS

Photos from Kyambura Gorge Nature conservation Organisation's post 04/04/2019

Our hearts go out to the relatives and friends of kidnapped visitor


Ugandans are really Bantu barungi nowonder foreigners enjoy rights almost more than Nationals,it's here where refugees own lands, foreigners get better tratment at govt offices than us,it's Uganda the DELAPIDATED land of freedom.
Now as it is always many of my country men want to be seen as Godly people,law abiding,a true good example of a morally upright country. Simanyi when it's times of sickness or death you don't give honest opinions,but pretend to have loved the dead or the sick.
So in the prevailing events we are all expected to feel sorry to cry to really be empathetic as the lady speaker goes from one location to another as she delays her meeting with the creator where NRM will be explaining how they kept ple in captivity
Now this aging woman but still young by political age,is suffering from fatigue...tsyaaa our mothers are suffering from fatigue out of digging, walking miles to the next health center, eating one meal,name it But this princess of isebantu is tired of boarding& disembording or hopping out of planes or taking much cholesterol!
If first class was supposed to cater for everything why not do massage for this our princess...nebamuleka nabela exhausted?? these ple are unrealistic.
Someone will say simanyi the meetings were feminine and Oulanya vld not represent well what of other dummies called female MPigs for affirmative action? Could she not send ?? KADAGA instead like all the other greedy caders of the yellow calavan chose to want to be everywhere and anywhere partly to enjoy the ride and to get the perdiem.
New York to Rabbat in days and not completing any of the meeting...the "chewing more than you can swallow"
Back home we have the national referral sh****le but non of the fat dogs knows the road to that "filthy "place by their standards they read it in the news,Nakasero is their choice as Cadic clinic is for the private individuals...from there they fly in the same plane that caused "jetlag" and that's the irony of life to Aghakhan in Nairobi not .
KADAGA knows the yellow govt puts only 7% of the supposed 15% that would be abit appropriate and she has watched on
So the moralists wishing her a quick recovery bse her sh****le illiness can't get a poor man unless they are flying for medical tourism...have u asked your self how many creatures similar to her,with vaginas even bigger than hers,longer clitoris,more gynacoid,more juicy & wetter have died at the deathtraps scattered around the country that the yellow guys prefer to call health centers or hospitals?
Do you know that the biggest percentage of Ugandans don't know where it's located save ple like me that were displaced as such facilities were being set up?
Do you know how it hurts when you have nothing to take you to the hospital as transport and your country man is complaining of "Jet sh****le??"
Mutulekeko me I think this is ghosts haunting these yellow coloured blood suckers taking the last drops left in many of us as a country amending rules like goalposts for elimentaly school kids who don't want to be hell with all the thieves and those siding the game by pretending to head illigitmate institutions... KADAGA is such one with the ,,,"I s have it"
People that need real sympathy are at the end of the ladder not top and KADAGA knows where she resides actually our worries differ hers is that she stays longer to enjoy her loot ours is wonder how this year will end
Ours is how to afford necessities
Hers is where she can spend her loot or the lack of an expensive enough facility to work on their " rich sickness"
KADAGA doesn't deserve or need my prayers
Her fellow political prostitutes can do that for her we have better things to worry about ,if the facilities her were priotised she would not need to go to Nairobi for treatment,she would deligates,she would not want to be the only heifer in the kral when you lay our bed be willing to lie in there


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Women Making a difference

Timeline photos 12/03/2019

Rwandese make more than 10% of the top jobs in UG in private they hit around 20+ % and this excludes those with connections that HV lived here and speak local language the ones we call balalo, some one will be speaking Runyankore fluently then the next minute will tell u how he loves Rwanda like no other place yet he hs lived around for decades
We are lead by the same ple in different geographic locations..two princes each wanting to be the bull in the kral one old and freil but with memories, history, influence to cling on and the other young and hopeful with dreams of taking over .
If there is anyone unhappy with the unending rule of kaguta it's kagame,bse the old man overshadows him
Kagame learnt from museeveni and he feels ready like a kungfu student ready to carry on with the legacy of his master esp when he feels he has perfected it
The challenge how ever is that the master still feels he needs time to leave and even when he does might not handover to this stubborn trainee for there are other humble students esp in this geographic location,the truth is if the master was to be away the stubborn kid has the advantage but u can never say never some kids raise their heads when the elders are gone
And what's the underlying factor? Kagame was never a direct entrant of the kaguta academy of guellilas of luwero actually he doesn't know luwero like the yet he took the trophy home that's where trouble sprang from
He sees himself as a student of modern warfare yet the master is of the guellilas of the past century now the tactics that surpase have never been clear,intergrating this stubborn boy into luwero ideology like the kabiras has never been easy making him a stubborn neighbor like kimjung of North Korea
So what's this story of Rwandese being harrassed in Uganda? That's alabai bse if check in any part of our country Rwanda is represented and I can with certainty say that that's not possible in Rwanda for Ugandans
In fact most Ugandans in Rwanda are those with unofficial dual citizenship
The truth is kagame mistrusts the old master that could in his thoughts replace him with his home grown trainees and the master believes the stubborn boy has not accepted to be oriented in luwero warfare and can anytime change the principles of the fight
In conclusion the game is not about to end bse each of the two seems determined to be here till the 2050's and as before there will be dialogue just like Trump and Kim to avert direct confrontation but the real interests of each party won't be reliquished
And in the end the stubborn kid seems to be making most out of it by playing the victim role of " the master is bullying me"

Timeline photos 21/02/2019

EastAfricas queen of Ivory smuggling senteced to 15 yrs in prison

Chinese national Yang Fenlan aged 69 was convicted in Dar es salaam on Feb 19 2019 of trafficking over 806 tusks btn 2000-2014 (credit photo by citizen NMG) The tusks are estimated at 2.5M$ .
She was sentenced along with two TZ Nationals & .
"The prosecution proved the case beyond reasonable doubt " judge Haruna shaidi told the court
Wild life campaigners (including us here at KGNCO) have called it the most important case for years.
Ms Yang has lived in the east African country since the 70's and is believed to have organised a smuggling ring between Tz& Asia at the time of her arrest she was the vice chair China_Africa business council of TZ.
We can't rule out the fact that she could have crossed boarders to our own Uganda or have accomplices with in we wish her an interesting stay & hope that when she gets out 2034,will be a reformed woman campaigning vs poaching and illegal trade in wildlife products

Photos from Kyambura Gorge Nature conservation Organisation's post 15/02/2019

That's great news but it should not be that as the numbers of elephants increase those of the male species of human reduced disproportionately bse that would affect biodiversity in the long run we need both,a better method of deterring the would be poachers must be implemented death has never been a fair punishment bse there is no chance for remorsefulness such people should be captured and given alternative punishment like community services...

Photos from Asiimwe Mukama Fred2019's post 13/02/2019

Women are attractions globally & they love doing it stop acting like u don't know it's it's one of the reasons beaches in Brazil and Jamaica are hot cakes..

Timeline photos 01/02/2019

A COUNTRY OUR OWN NO MORE HIJACKED BY MAFIAS that want us to clap along like we are on the same page,we might be in the same boat but Some but others are wearing lifejacket and telling us to

As we receive results from it's worth noting that the increased gap between the halves &the halvnots is recipe for disaster it's a true sign of a country out of the hands of the leadership of our generation,as celebrates the so called improvement, nobody in govt is bothered that the schools performing better are Pvt and expensive afreall it's where the poliitians take theres
Let's take an example of my neighbouring school called which pays around 300000= for feess and for the school above where that's not enough money to buy uniform....
So this country will continue to have voters& rulers and it's likely to be inherited for years to come unless ple are given back their power by creating structures that are favouring all. We are no better from the times of Colonialism or apethied in SA it's a system in shambles and it's autopilot with capitalists most of whom are policy makers minting from a failed state.
These grades are cries of poor people selling land to take children to such schools it's not worth celebrations it's a true cry my beloved country.
Museeveni and his henchmen know it but can't dare say anything bse they partners in one way or another

Timeline photos 27/01/2019

When you can't find where to hide temptations

Sometimes you wonder where to hide from temptations,when you think church is the safest you see someone's back telling how in heaven there is no ladies this Sunday I chose to take this photo for evidence bse hv been seeing things nga I quite nimwe mundebese after you say men are dogs ....what do u expect if you can come this way to church then u tell me ngu my body is secred obwe narebire half

Timeline photos 26/01/2019

The luckiest man in the world will be felt for long all his playing time was always positioned at the right time & place & is not about to stop he is known as ole..So...(OS)

MANU8/8 just like in olevel games
When we hit 6/6 they said we were playing kacheri(literally small teams) then we tore Spurs's ribs into pieces then the usual suspects came Arsenal (the real kacheri) was humbled oba hati batuhe oha???

Timeline photos 24/01/2019

To all you guys that qualify that's my midweek gift as shared to me

Hey people try your luck

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