

Sharing the Gosple with everyone. God was very intentional when He sent His own son
for you and me. Your value is much more than you'll ever believe.



Photos from Richie's post 04/11/2023

Photos from Richie's post 08/10/2023

Celebrate Uganda Sunday

Accountability 04 31/10/2022

Accountability eases transformation Accountability eases transformation. As we all clearly know, transformation involves changing from a previous state to a new state whatever that means for each one of us. Transformation comes with change and growth. It’s only in an accountability space that we get to really move things around. You might want to quit certain addictions or behaviors; you might really want to break certain chains in your life and you've tried many times and still failed....

Accountability 04 Accountability eases transformation Accountability eases transformation. As we all clearly know, transformation involves changing from a previous state to a new state whatever that means for each o…

Accountability 03 31/10/2022

Accountability gives an added advantage. Mark 2:5 When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.” A few months ago I shared on this subject of accountability and today am Sharing more on the corns of being accountable. God designed us in a way that we are not self-contained, we need other people to do life with....

Accountability 03 Accountability gives an added advantage. Mark 2:5 When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.” A few months ago I shared on this subject of accountabilit…

The New me 02 30/09/2022

Walking the salvation Journey is God's work As I unveil the journey to understanding my new nature let me tell you how it all started. So we had scripture union at school and whenever we went for scripture union, I could sit next to my friend Isaac and just have fun and copy what he did. He was very passionate about worship, I could look at him when we were worshiping and saw as though at times he could be deep into something I didn't understand....

The New me 02 Walking the salvation Journey is God’s work As I unveil the journey to understanding my new nature let me tell you how it all started. So we had scripture union at school and whenever we went…

The New me. 01 30/09/2022

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corithians 5:17 In 2009 when I got saved a lot changed in my life though little did I know about this transition from one nature to another. Life was just normal and there was nothing special about me that's what I thought....

The New me. 01 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corithians 5:17 In 2009 when I got sav…


Learn how to handle the heat and cold at the same time.
Seasons come and go.

Seasons; part 2: Don’t rush the seasons 31/08/2022

There’s a false assumption that life will get better at our next stage of life, life is in session and when you fail to yield to your identity at the current phase of life and expect that you’ll get it at the next stop, then you are only deceiving yourself because it's who you're that defines what you attract. There's so much that you need to acquire for you to effectively move to another stage....

Seasons; part 2: Don’t rush the seasons There’s a false assumption that life will get better at our next stage of life, life is in session and when you fail to yield to your identity at the current phase of life and expect that you’ll ge…

Seasons; part 1 31/08/2022

Your Space for Personal Development. Talking about life seems obvious to many people and the assumption is that "what's there to talk about life?" as in we all know about life hmm right? But friends, there is more to comprehend about our stay here on earth. Life is segmented into what is called seasons and whether you know it or not that's true and it's a fact we live with....

Seasons; part 1 Your Space for Personal Development. Talking about life seems obvious to many people and the assumption is that “what’s there to talk about life?” as in we all know about life hmm…


If you're not responsible for anything, then you're not committed to anything either.


Obedience;Your space for promotion. Epd 2 28/07/2022

The cost of obedience is small compared with the cost of disobedience -Saint Augustine- In the Bible we have a variety of scriptures commanding us to obey in different contexts, at various levels and platforms all for the sole purpose of promotion. Obedience is rooted in humility which is literally serving and lowering yourself and allowing yourself to be subjected to instructions from another person who might be older than you or not....

Obedience;Your space for promotion. Epd 2 The cost of obedience is small compared with the cost of disobedience-Saint Augustine- In the Bible we have a variety of scriptures commanding us to obey in different contexts, at various levels an…

Obedience;Your space for promotion. 28/07/2022

I define obedience as a discipline of adhering instructions. There is no obedience without instructions and you cannot claim to be obedient without following instructions. Obedience is a lifter and life accelerator if you posses it, life turns in the direction of your desire. In the beginning God gave man just one instruction to not eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil yet he permitted him to enjoy all the privileges in the garden....

Obedience;Your space for promotion. I define obedience as a discipline of adhering instructions. There is no obedience without instructions and you cannot claim to be obedient without following instructions. Obedience is a lifter and…


It's untill you're stuck when you realize that something stopped working in your life.

Accountability Is your growth space epd 2 28/06/2022

So many people want to be associated with some people or in a close range with certain individuals, hang out with them, take selfies or desire to be like them and so much more yet they don’t want to be accountable to them. Accountability is uncomfortable, uneasy, and challenging yet it gives more reward in the long run. For you to leave a life that counts, you should get into an accountability space with people above you or those ahead of you....

Accountability Is your growth space epd 2 So many people want to be associated with some people or in a close range with certain individuals, hang out with them, take selfies or desire to be like them and so much more yet they don’t want t…

Accountability; Is your Growth Space 28/06/2022

accountability noun the fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility. When I was a young boy I remember back then that we had many children at home of course we lived with our aunties, house helps and other people who were a bit older than us and as children by default our preference was commonly playing and just liking our freedom to do whatever pleased us at the moment....

Accountability; Is your Growth Space accountability noun the fact or condition of being accountable; responsibility. When I was a young boy I remember back then that we had many children at home of course we lived with our aunties, ho…

The trap of Selfishness 24/05/2022

Before diving deep into the matter of discipleship let's look at some of the hinderances of discipleship so that healing happens to your heart earlier. Human beings tend to be selfish in a way by default and I'm here to open up your eyes and draw your attention to the fact that someone laid down their life, laid down their desires or even interests for your well-being....

The trap of Selfishness Before diving deep into the matter of discipleship let’s look at some of the hinderances of discipleship so that healing happens to your heart earlier. Human beings tend to be selfish in a wa…

Reproduce yourself 24/05/2022

Life only makes sense when you impact another life. In the beginning when God was creating every animal he created them male and female blessed them and said to them be fruitful, multiply, subdue the earth. This clearly shows that God intended that everything he created He desires them to multiply. Everything you're, everything you have; God expects you to reproduce it in other people....

Reproduce yourself Life only makes sense when you impact another life. In the beginning when God was creating every animal he created them male and female blessed them and said to them be fruitful, multiply, subdue t…

#Revival and Grace 26/04/2022

Grace in one's life is when you do things effortlessly. Have you ever wondered why some people somehow do certain things which may in some way seems to be easy, fun, and normal to them yet are heavy to do or require lots of determination and commitment yet to your shock they continue to execute those activities season in season out?...

#Revival and Grace Grace in one’s life is when you do things effortlessly. Have you ever wondered why some people somehow do certain things which may in some way seems to be easy, fun, and normal to them yet ar…

Purpose defined 13/04/2022

I started to understand very well of course when I am part of a family of many siblings and my parents. By that time I didn’t know our numbers but I was this happy guy who didn’t mind that for sure, though when my brain started to fully understand I realized that all of a sudden, we were staying with our Mom and we had shifted to a new place at the same time....

Purpose defined I started to understand very well of course when I am part of a family of many siblings and my parents. By that time I didn’t know our numbers but I was this happy guy who didn’t mind that for sure…

Revival and Salvation 02 29/03/2022

Salvation is about Eternal life John 17:3And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. Eternal life is a Godly kind of life that is only found in a relationship with God. Mark 8:36-37 For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul?...

Revival and Salvation 02 Salvation is about Eternal life John 17:3And this is eternal life, that they may know You, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. Eternal life is a Godly kind of lif…

Revival and Salvation 01 29/03/2022

Salvation is a free gift. You bring your sin and God gives you his righteousness. It all started early in my life and for some reason, I wasn't intentional about it but the grace of God always made it easy for me to be involved. You might think that I was the Born again church type of a person hmmm not at all, I remember in my primary school, together with my friends we used to joke about saved people with their drama, tongues and making noise, etc....

Revival and Salvation 01 Salvation is a free gift. You bring your sin and God gives you his righteousness. It all started early in my life and for some reason, I wasn’t intentional about it but the grace of God alway…

Revival and Salvation prt 1. 29/03/2022

Salvation is a free gift. You bring your sin and God gives you his righteousness. It all started early in my life and for some reason, I wasn't intentional about it but the grace of God always made it easy for me to be involved. You might think that I was the Born again church type of a person hmmm not at all, I remember in my primary school, together with my friends we used to joke about saved people with their drama, tongues and making noise, etc....

Revival and Salvation prt 1. Salvation is a free gift. You bring your sin and God gives you his righteousness. It all started early in my life and for some reason, I wasn’t intentional about it but the grace of God alway…

