Katumba Experito

Katumba Experito

just easy


IvF embryologist



📌Maybe you’re trying to get pregnant, or are experiencing side effects that aren’t worth the rewards. Whatever the reason, the decision to stop taking hormonal contraceptives is a really personal one, and there are lots of things to keep in mind before taking the plunge.

📌For one thing, it’s important to remember that birth control does have its perks (aside from the whole pregnancy prevention thing). “Non-contraceptive benefits of birth control pills include decreased risk of ovarian and endometrial cancers, while women who are prone to forming ovarian cysts may have a decreased risk of cyst formation while they are on the pill,

📌Notes that if you started taking the pill to address a specific medical concern—like acne, painful periods, or mood swings—you should be prepared for those issues to return in full force once you stop taking it. But if you’ve considered all of these factors and still feel like it’s time to dump your hormonal birth control, read on for expert advice on how to make quitting the pill as pain-free as possible.

⁉️The Pill (combined oral contraceptive)

📍When you are coming off the Pill finish the packet you are on.

📍Many doctors advise that you should delay trying to get pregnant until you have had one normal period, not the withdrawal bleed (this is the bleed that looks like a period but that isn’t caused by ovulation. This means that they can tell better how many weeks you are when you become pregnant.

📍Use other types of contraception such as condoms until after your first normal period.

📍Don’t worry if you do become pregnant sooner as it is very unlikely that this will have harmed your baby.

⁉️Progestogen-only pill (also known as the mini-pill)

📍You can stop taking this at any time.

📍You do not need to finish the packet you are on.

📍Many doctors advise that you should wait for one period before trying to get pregnant.

📍Don’t worry if you do become pregnant sooner as it is unlikely that this will have harmed your baby.

⁉️Contraceptive injections (such as Depo-provera)

📍Do not renew your injections.

📍Your periods and normal fertility will often take longer to return than it does with other contraception, but it is possible to become pregnant before your first period.

📍Many doctors advise that you should wait for one period before trying to conceive.

📍Don’t worry if you do become pregnant sooner as it is unlikely that this will have harmed your baby.

⁉️Progesterone implants (such as Implanon)

📍Make an appointment with your doctor to have the implant removed. This is a quick procedure done with a local anaesthetic. Fertility levels usually return quite quickly.

📍Many doctors advise that you should wait for one period before trying to conceive.

📍Don’t worry if you do become pregnant sooner as it is unlikely that this will have harmed your baby.

⁉️Intrauterine device

An Intrauterine contraceptive device, or IUD, is sometimes known as the coil, or Intrauterine system (IUS), which contains the hormone progestogen).

📍Make an appointment with your doctor or family planning clinic to have it removed.

📍You might be advised to wait until your next period before starting to conceive.

📍Fertility levels should not be affected with the copper-containing IUD.

⁉️Barrier methods

⁉️Condoms (male and female)

Stop using condoms when you are ready to try for a baby. They don’t affect your fertility levels.

⁉️Diaphragms and caps

📍Stop using diaphragms or caps when you are ready to try for a baby. They don’t affect your fertility levels.

⁉️Natural family planning (also known as the rhythm method)

📍Natural family planning does not affect your chance of getting pregnant.

📍Your fertility knowledge should help you get pregnant.

📍Aim now to have s*x during the times when you were avoiding it (or using a condom) when you didn’t want to become pregnant.

📍Consider in future that this method alone may not prevent an unwanted pregnancy.


📍The withdrawal method does not affect your chance of getting pregnant.

📍Stop withdrawing so that the s***m can enter the va**na.

📍Consider in future that this method alone may not prevent an unwanted pregnancy.


📍Having used s***micide in the past will not affect your fertility.

📍Stop using s***micide if you’re trying to get pregnant.

📍Consider in future that this method alone may not prevent an unwanted pregnancy.

⁉️Apps and tools for conception

There are many apps, tools and kits on the market to help women predict when they ovulate. Here is an overview of the most popular methods used by these tools to predict ovulation.

⁉️Understanding your menstrual cycle

Getting to know your menstrual cycle can help you understand when you’re most likely to get pregnant during every month.

⁉️Timing of s*x for pregnancy

Having regular, unprotected s*x will give you the best chance of getting pregnant but knowing when you are most fertile also helps.

⁉️How long does it take to get pregnant?

Find out how long on average it takes couples to conceive.

⁉️When is the best time of the month to try for a baby?

Advice on when is the best time of the month to conceive.

⁉️Taking a pregnancy test

Pregnancy tests work by looking for a hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). This hormone is only made in your body when you are pregnant.

⁉️Have very irregular periods. Will it take longer to conceive?

Many women have irregular periods and still conceive. Getting pregnant may take a little longer though as you may not ovulate as much as women with regular periods.

⁉️How to get pregnant

For the best chance of getting pregnant, you need to get your fertile eggs and your partner's s***m together as often as possible.

⁉️Ovulation calculator

Each woman's menstrual cycle is different, so getting to know your body better can improve your chances of conception.

⁉️Before you quit

✅Get your diet in check
The experts we consulted all agree that putting the right fuel into your body will help it adapt to the changes it’s bound to face when going off the pill.

✅Routine is key, starting from the first thing you drink in the morning to how you go to sleep at night. After starting your day with a healthy drink like apple cider vinegardiluted with water or some oxygenating chlorophyll water, to always eat an easy-to-digest breakfast, like a coconut milk smoothie. “Lunch should be your biggest meal, incorporating healthy fats like avocado, vegetables like Brussels sprouts or sweet potato, and protein. “Dinner should be your lightest meal—think soups, brown rice or quinoa, light protein, vegetables, and water.”

✅Decide on a new method of birth control
Although it can take several months for your fertility to return to its normal levels after quitting the pill, it’s also possible to get pregnant right away. If that’s not in your plan, it’s crucial to have another birth control option lined up and ready to go.

✅Along with barrier methods like condoms and diaphragms, Dr. Hashim says that copper IUDs are a good option for non-hormonal birth control. There’s also growing support among women for the all-natural fertility awareness method of family planning, although most experts recommend using it in tandem with another form of birth control.

⁉️Prep your skin

✅The bad news: Hormonal fluctuations (like what can happen after quitting hormonal birth control) often cause breakouts. The good news: You can minimize your risk by doing a few things in advance. , a naturopathic physician who specializes in skincare, recommends supplementing with evening primrose oil and chaste tree berry in advance, while using “mildly acidic” to balance the skin’s pH.

✅Mentally prepare for what’s to come
We’ll be real with you: For a lot of women, quitting the pill isn’t a bump-free ride. But, says psychiatrist , just knowing—and accepting—that you will most likely get some acne, you may feel low, and you may have unpredictable periods for a while can help lessen the blow if those blips do occur. “And once the hormones level out, those things tend to dissipate.

⁉️Months 1-3

✅Quit cold-turkey
Unlike other long-term medications, Dr. Nelken says there’s generally no need to taper off of hormonal birth control. “The ideal time to discontinue birth control is following a hormone-free interval,” she says. “So after having your period, you can simply stop taking the pills.” (She notes that quitting mid-cycle increases the risk of irregular bleeding.) Again, be sure to let your doctor know that this is your plan so that they’re up to speed and can help with the process.

⁉️Get moving
This is a good time to amp up your workout schedule; Dr. Hashim says exercise can help make any post-pill mood swings more manageable. “Regular, intense aerobic activity for 30 minutes, several times a week, is good for mood, anxiety, and irritability. “Combining that with methods of relaxation—whether that’s practicing mindfulness or doing muscle relaxation or visualization techniques—can be very useful.

⁉️No way, rosé
This would be a really good time to do that no-alcohol challenge you’ve been meaning to take on. “Skipping alcohol throughout the first few months of getting off the pill is essential,[may have] the ability to knock our hormones off balance and create inflammation in the body.” This means that it can intensify many of the symptoms you might already be experiencing in that first month, including acne and bloating. Instead, try making virgin versions of these avocado cocktails—trust us, you won’t miss the booze.

✅Consider some new supplements
While everyone’s body reacts totally differently in the weeks following a halt in hormonal birth control, there are some supplements she widely recommends. In addition to continuing to take chaste tree berry for the skin, she says, you may also want to consider liver-supporting supplements like milk thistle, vitamin C, and n-acetyl cysteine. (Your liver, after all, has been working hard to process all those artificial hormones.) Cates also recommends adding a B-complex to your regimen for a few months, since birth control pills are known to deplete some B vitamins. Just remember to check with your doctor before taking any new supplements or herbs to ensure that they don’t have a bad reaction with any other meds you’re taking or health conditions you have.

✅Iron and magnesium are also important to consider while transitioning off the pill. “I often find that my clients are deficient in these two essential minerals,” says Granato. “When you start upping your intake, you will notice a big improvement when menstruating, from timely periods to less cramping and even more energy.” Here are some magnesium-rich foods that are perfect for this purpose.



📌Maybe you’re trying to get pregnant, or are experiencing side effects that aren’t worth the rewards. Whatever the reason, the decision to stop taking hormonal contraceptives is a really personal one, and there are lots of things to keep in mind before taking the plunge.

📌For one thing, it’s important to remember that birth control does have its perks (aside from the whole pregnancy prevention thing). “Non-contraceptive benefits of birth control pills include decreased risk of ovarian and endometrial cancers, while women who are prone to forming ovarian cysts may have a decreased risk of cyst formation while they are on the pill,

📌Notes that if you started taking the pill to address a specific medical concern—like acne, painful periods, or mood swings—you should be prepared for those issues to return in full force once you stop taking it. But if you’ve considered all of these factors and still feel like it’s time to dump your hormonal birth control, read on for expert advice on how to make quitting the pill as pain-free as possible.

⁉️The Pill (combined oral contraceptive)

📍When you are coming off the Pill finish the packet you are on.

📍Many doctors advise that you should delay trying to get pregnant until you have had one normal period, not the withdrawal bleed (this is the bleed that looks like a period but that isn’t caused by ovulation. This means that they can tell better how many weeks you are when you become pregnant.

📍Use other types of contraception such as condoms until after your first normal period.

📍Don’t worry if you do become pregnant sooner as it is very unlikely that this will have harmed your baby.

⁉️Progestogen-only pill (also known as the mini-pill)

📍You can stop taking this at any time.

📍You do not need to finish the packet you are on.

📍Many doctors advise that you should wait for one period before trying to get pregnant.

📍Don’t worry if you do become pregnant sooner as it is unlikely that this will have harmed your baby.

⁉️Contraceptive injections (such as Depo-provera)

📍Do not renew your injections.

📍Your periods and normal fertility will often take longer to return than it does with other contraception, but it is possible to become pregnant before your first period.

📍Many doctors advise that you should wait for one period before trying to conceive.

📍Don’t worry if you do become pregnant sooner as it is unlikely that this will have harmed your baby.

⁉️Progesterone implants (such as Implanon)

📍Make an appointment with your doctor to have the implant removed. This is a quick procedure done with a local anaesthetic. Fertility levels usually return quite quickly.

📍Many doctors advise that you should wait for one period before trying to conceive.

📍Don’t worry if you do become pregnant sooner as it is unlikely that this will have harmed your baby.

⁉️Intrauterine device

An Intrauterine contraceptive device, or IUD, is sometimes known as the coil, or Intrauterine system (IUS), which contains the hormone progestogen).

📍Make an appointment with your doctor or family planning clinic to have it removed.

📍You might be advised to wait until your next period before starting to conceive.

📍Fertility levels should not be affected with the copper-containing IUD.

⁉️Barrier methods

⁉️Condoms (male and female)

Stop using condoms when you are ready to try for a baby. They don’t affect your fertility levels.

⁉️Diaphragms and caps

📍Stop using diaphragms or caps when you are ready to try for a baby. They don’t affect your fertility levels.

⁉️Natural family planning (also known as the rhythm method)

📍Natural family planning does not affect your chance of getting pregnant.

📍Your fertility knowledge should help you get pregnant.

📍Aim now to have s*x during the times when you were avoiding it (or using a condom) when you didn’t want to become pregnant.

📍Consider in future that this method alone may not prevent an unwanted pregnancy.


📍The withdrawal method does not affect your chance of getting pregnant.

📍Stop withdrawing so that the s***m can enter the va**na.

📍Consider in future that this method alone may not prevent an unwanted pregnancy.


📍Having used s***micide in the past will not affect your fertility.

📍Stop using s***micide if you’re trying to get pregnant.

📍Consider in future that this method alone may not prevent an unwanted pregnancy.

⁉️Apps and tools for conception

There are many apps, tools and kits on the market to help women predict when they ovulate. Here is an overview of the most popular methods used by these tools to predict ovulation.

⁉️Understanding your menstrual cycle

Getting to know your menstrual cycle can help you understand when you’re most likely to get pregnant during every month.

⁉️Timing of s*x for pregnancy

Having regular, unprotected s*x will give you the best chance of getting pregnant but knowing when you are most fertile also helps.

⁉️How long does it take to get pregnant?

Find out how long on average it takes couples to conceive.

⁉️When is the best time of the month to try for a baby?

Advice on when is the best time of the month to conceive.

⁉️Taking a pregnancy test

Pregnancy tests work by looking for a hormone called human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG). This hormone is only made in your body when you are pregnant.

⁉️Have very irregular periods. Will it take longer to conceive?

Many women have irregular periods and still conceive. Getting pregnant may take a little longer though as you may not ovulate as much as women with regular periods.

⁉️How to get pregnant

For the best chance of getting pregnant, you need to get your fertile eggs and your partner's s***m together as often as possible.

⁉️Ovulation calculator

Each woman's menstrual cycle is different, so getting to know your body better can improve your chances of conception.

⁉️Before you quit

✅Get your diet in check
The experts we consulted all agree that putting the right fuel into your body will help it adapt to the changes it’s bound to face when going off the pill.

✅Routine is key, starting from the first thing you drink in the morning to how you go to sleep at night. After starting your day with a healthy drink like apple cider vinegardiluted with water or some oxygenating chlorophyll water, to always eat an easy-to-digest breakfast, like a coconut milk smoothie. “Lunch should be your biggest meal, incorporating healthy fats like avocado, vegetables like Brussels sprouts or sweet potato, and protein. “Dinner should be your lightest meal—think soups, brown rice or quinoa, light protein, vegetables, and water.”

✅Decide on a new method of birth control
Although it can take several months for your fertility to return to its normal levels after quitting the pill, it’s also possible to get pregnant right away. If that’s not in your plan, it’s crucial to have another birth control option lined up and ready to go.

✅Along with barrier methods like condoms and diaphragms, Dr. Hashim says that copper IUDs are a good option for non-hormonal birth control. There’s also growing support among women for the all-natural fertility awareness method of family planning, although most experts recommend using it in tandem with another form of birth control.

⁉️Prep your skin

✅The bad news: Hormonal fluctuations (like what can happen after quitting hormonal birth control) often cause breakouts. The good news: You can minimize your risk by doing a few things in advance. , a naturopathic physician who specializes in skincare, recommends supplementing with evening primrose oil and chaste tree berry in advance, while using “mildly acidic” to balance the skin’s pH.

✅Mentally prepare for what’s to come
We’ll be real with you: For a lot of women, quitting the pill isn’t a bump-free ride. But, says psychiatrist , just knowing—and accepting—that you will most likely get some acne, you may feel low, and you may have unpredictable periods for a while can help lessen the blow if those blips do occur. “And once the hormones level out, those things tend to dissipate.

⁉️Months 1-3

✅Quit cold-turkey
Unlike other long-term medications, Dr. Nelken says there’s generally no need to taper off of hormonal birth control. “The ideal time to discontinue birth control is following a hormone-free interval,” she says. “So after having your period, you can simply stop taking the pills.” (She notes that quitting mid-cycle increases the risk of irregular bleeding.) Again, be sure to let your doctor know that this is your plan so that they’re up to speed and can help with the process.

⁉️Get moving
This is a good time to amp up your workout schedule; Dr. Hashim says exercise can help make any post-pill mood swings more manageable. “Regular, intense aerobic activity for 30 minutes, several times a week, is good for mood, anxiety, and irritability. “Combining that with methods of relaxation—whether that’s practicing mindfulness or doing muscle relaxation or visualization techniques—can be very useful.

⁉️No way, rosé
This would be a really good time to do that no-alcohol challenge you’ve been meaning to take on. “Skipping alcohol throughout the first few months of getting off the pill is essential,[may have] the ability to knock our hormones off balance and create inflammation in the body.” This means that it can intensify many of the symptoms you might already be experiencing in that first month, including acne and bloating. Instead, try making virgin versions of these avocado cocktails—trust us, you won’t miss the booze.

✅Consider some new supplements
While everyone’s body reacts totally differently in the weeks following a halt in hormonal birth control, there are some supplements she widely recommends. In addition to continuing to take chaste tree berry for the skin, she says, you may also want to consider liver-supporting supplements like milk thistle, vitamin C, and n-acetyl cysteine. (Your liver, after all, has been working hard to process all those artificial hormones.) Cates also recommends adding a B-complex to your regimen for a few months, since birth control pills are known to deplete some B vitamins. Just remember to check with your doctor before taking any new supplements or herbs to ensure that they don’t have a bad reaction with any other meds you’re taking or health conditions you have.

✅Iron and magnesium are also important to consider while transitioning off the pill. “I often find that my clients are deficient in these two essential minerals,” says Granato. “When you start upping your intake, you will notice a big improvement when menstruating, from timely periods to less cramping and even more energy.” Here are some magnesium-rich foods that are perfect for this purpose.

Dr xp



BELOW ⬇️⬇️


After they’ve made the decision to have a baby, many women try to do everything they can to conceive during their next cycle. But it’s important to remember that getting pregnant can take time.
A healthy, 30-year-old woman has only a 20 percent chance of getting pregnant each month. It’s normal for it to take a few months or longer.
If you’re anxious to get pregnant, there are a few steps you can take to make “trying” more effective.
Here’s how to safely increase your chances.

To optimize women's fertility, taking better care of their bodies is a good first step. But what else can women do to improve their odds of having a baby?

The most important advice for a woman who wants to get pregnant is to get to know her body, specifically her menstrual cycle

"It's important to know how far apart her cycles are so she can more accurately time in*******se to try to get pregnant

Here are 10 tips that may help increase a healthy woman's chances of becoming pregnant.

1️⃣. Record menstrual cycle frequency
A woman who wants to have a baby should monitor whether the first days of her periods tend to come the same number of days apart every month, which is considered regular. Conversely, her periods may be irregular, meaning her cycle lengths vary from month to month. By tracking this information on a calendar, a woman can better predict when she might be ovulating, which is the time when her ovaries will release an egg every month.

A woman's egg is fertile for only 12 to 24 hours after its release, However, a man's s***m can survive in a woman's body for up to five days.

2️⃣. Monitor ovulation
Women with regular cycles ovulate about two weeks before the arrival of their periods. It's harder to predict ovulation in women with irregular cycles, but it usually occurs 12 to 16 days before the start of her next period.

There are several methods women can use to help determine their most fertile days each month.

Home ovulation-prediction kits can take some of the guesswork out of figuring out when a woman is ovulating. Sold at drug stores, the kits test urine for luteinizing hormone, a substance whose levels increase each month during ovulation and cause the ovaries to release an egg. The three days right after a positive test result are the best time for couples to have s*x to increase their odds of becoming pregnant.

Another method to predict ovulation is to track cervical mucus, which involves a woman regularly checking both the amount and appearance of mucus in her va**na. Just before ovulation when a woman is most fertile, the amount of mucus increases and it also becomes thinner, clearer and more slippery.

When cervical mucus becomes more slippery, it can help s***m make its way to the egg. A Fertility and Sterility found that women who checked their cervical mucus consistently were 2.3 times more likely to get pregnant over a six-month period.

3️⃣. Have s*x every other day during the fertile window
The "fertile window" spans a six-day interval, the five days prior to ovulation and the day of it. These are the days each month when a woman is most fertile.

⛔Some women are turning to new technology tools, such as fertility tracking apps and websites, to help them keep tabs on when they may be more likely to conceive, suggests the apps may not be that accurate.

There hasn't been a big difference in pregnancy rates between couples who had s*x every day during the "fertile window" (37 percent) compared with couples who did it every other day (33 percent). "And having s*x every other day might be easier for a couple to pull off.

There are plenty of common misconceptions and old wives' tales about conception. For example, there's no evidence that s*x position will influence a couple's chances of having a baby, nor does a woman lying on her back for a certain amount of time after in*******se increase the odds of conceiving.

But she said there are some water-based va**nal lubricants that can decrease the movement of s***m, so I recommended using Pre-Seed rather than Astroglide or K-Y Brand Jelly when lubrication is needed.

4️⃣. Strive for a healthy body weight
Being too heavy can reduce a woman's odds of conceiving, but being too thin can make it even harder to have a baby.

Woman who is overweight can take twice as long to become pregnant than a woman whose BMI is considered normal. And a woman who is underweight might take four times as long to conceive.

Having too much body fat produces excess estrogen, which can interfere with ovulation. Losing 5 to 10 percent of body weight before a woman starts trying to get pregnant could improve her fertility.

Found that couples in which both partners are obese may take from 55 to 59 percent longer to become pregnant, compared with couples who are not obese.

Women who are too thin might not be getting regular periods or could stop ovulating.

5️⃣. Take a prenatal vitamin
Pavone recommends that women who are attempting to conceive start taking a prenatal vitamin even before becoming pregnant. This way a woman can find one that's more agreeable to her system and stay on it during pregnancy.

Another possibility is to take a daily multivitamin, as long as it contains at least 400 micrograms (mcg) per day of folic acid, a B vitamin that's important for preventing birth defects in a baby's brain and spine, Pavone said.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention urges women to take 400 mcg of folic acid every day for at least one month before getting pregnant to help prevent birth defects.

Getting a head start on folic acid supplementation is a good idea because the neural tube develops into the brain and spine 3 to 4 weeks after conception occurs, before many women may realize they're expecting.

6️⃣. Eat healthy foods
Although there may not be a specific fertility-promoting diet, eating a variety of healthy foods can help prepare a woman's body for pregnancy by giving her adequate stores of critical nutrients such as calcium, protein and iron. This means eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, lean protein, whole grains, dairy and healthy sources of fat.

Besides taking a supplement containing folic acid, a woman can also obtain this B vitamin from foods such as dark green leafy vegetables, broccoli, fortified breads and cereals, beans, citrus fruits and orange juice. High Cholesterol Levels May Make It Harder to Get Pregnant

When trying to get pregnant, eat lower amounts of high-mercury fish, such as swordfish, shark, king mackerel, and tilefish. And limit albacore (white) tuna to 6-ounces per week to reduce exposure to this toxic metal.

Also, go easy on caffeine: Consuming more than 500 milligrams of caffeine a day has been linked with a decrease in fertility in women. Having 1 to 2 cups of coffee, or less than 250 mg of caffeine, per day before becoming pregnant appears to have no impact on the likelihood of conception.

7️⃣. Cut back on strenuous workouts
Being physically active most days of the week can help a woman's body prepare for the demands of pregnancy and labor. But getting too much exercise or doing frequent strenuous workouts could interfere with ovulation.

I have see a lot of menstrual disturbances in women who exercise heavily, and a lot of times these women need to cut back on their workouts if they want to become pregnant.

8️⃣. Be aware of age-related fertility declines
As women get older their fertility decreases because of age-related changes in the ovaries that cause a decline in the quantity and quality of her eggs. With advancing age, there's also an increased risk for some health problems, such as uterine fibroids, endometriosis and blockage of the fallopian tubes, which can contribute to a loss of fertility.

There's a gradual fertility decline in women beginning in their 30s, a sharper decline after age 37 and a steep decline after age 40. These declines mean it may take longer to become pregnant.

9️⃣. Kick the smoking and drinking habits
Smoking can lead to fertility problems in both women and men. Chemicals found in cigarette smoke, such as ni****ne and carbon monoxide, speed up the loss rate of a woman's eggs.

Smoking ages a woman's ovaries and depletes her supply of eggs prematurely.
It's also a good idea for women to stay away from secondhand smoke, which may affect their chances of becoming pregnant. Ma*****na and other recreational drug use should also be avoided while trying to conceive.

It's safest for a woman to avoid alcohol when she is hoping to become pregnant. A woman should also stop consuming alcohol if she stops using birth control because she wants to get pregnant.

Drinking alcohol at moderate (one to two drinks per day) or heavy levels (more than two drinks per day) can make it difficult for a woman to get pregnant.

Once a woman becomes pregnant, there's no safe amount of alcohol.

🔟. Know when to seek help
Both the woman and the man should consider having an infertility evaluation if the woman is 35 or older and has not become pregnant after six months of having s*x regularly without using birth control.

Doctors also recommended that a woman who is under 35 and her partner should consult a fertility specialist if she has failed to become pregnant after one year of having unprotected in*******se on a regular basis.

Dr xp

