Marlie Keishamaza

Marlie Keishamaza


Photos from Marlie Keishamaza's post 27/12/2023

Part 2.
Food and family time ☺️

It was an awesome day. Spent it with part of my family at my grandma’s house. I’m grateful for the gift of family ❤️❤️.

Now that is over…looking forward to seeing you at at on the 31st. Check out for all the event details 🤗.

How was your Christmas? Where you gon’ be on the night of the 31st?

Photos from Marlie Keishamaza's post 26/12/2023

part 1 🤣- Church 😊
Because first we celebrate the REAL reason for the season, then we eat food on His behalf 🤣🙈.

Some after church randoms 📸 before we continue with the day.

1. Smile sponsored by Jesus ☺️. Dress from sponsored by my husband 😎
2. Such a dope photo 🥰. My beloved disciplers and pastors. Blessed to be under such a great spiritual covering and inheritance 😊
3. My good sis 😊. We are really doing life together. In many ways 😂 eh.
4. Lovers’ Paradise 😊. Couples on mission together 💕. Get you a like-minded tribe to do life with 😅


It’s December and I was looking at some of my goals I set for the year and I realised I started off on fire, and dropped the ball on many of them as the year progressed, so some of my targets for the year haven’t been hit 🙁.

But you know what? The year’s not over yet. There is still time (not much, but there’s something there). If you’ve been feeling discouraged because you haven’t hit your goals yet, I’m here to encourage you to give it one last push.

God can still do so much in these remaining 3 weeks. He’s not limited. The question is, what will you do to get the ball rolling? What’s in your hands now? What’s in your control? Play your part and let God do the rest.

I’m going to pick just 2 of the things I’m behind on and put in effort until the end of the year. God can still do something. He’s just waiting on you and me ☺️.

What one or 2 things are you going to push for so that you can still achieve something great before the year ends? 😊😊

Photos from Marlie Keishamaza's post 19/11/2023

Screaming and leaping for joy 😅😅😃

My sister is engaaaageddd 💍. Aaahhhh 😅😅

So excited for you . Thank you, for BANGING itttt 💥 .



Celebrating the location pastors in the house this morning as we start our series- .


My friend 🥰☺️

3 Things about marriage that I learnt at a wedding recently. (3Gs)

💘 Grace- If you don’t understand the love of God for you, you’ll never have anything to give your spouse. Have a good expectation of them. Elevate them in your eyes. People always rise and fall to your level of expectation of them.

💘 Gang- You’re the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Who are you giving your time to
(Prov 27:17, 1 Cor 15:33)

💘 Goal- There’s a purpose to this thing. Marriage is about walking hand-in-hand towards a common goal.

📌 Share this with someone and save the post if you found it helpful 😊🤗

What have you learnt about marriage lately?


Pr. made this statement once when she was preaching, many years ago.

It came back to my mind yesterday after a conversation with someone who said they’d come to church because “I’m not so busy today”.

Many times we treat God as second option or a by the way thing, when in fact He should be getting first priority because it’s because of Him that we are living and breathing today.

What habits and activities around God and ministry do you need to start prioritising today in recognition of the fact that God gives you time, you can’t fail to make time for Him 🙂.

Share some below. Let’s learn from each other ☺️.

Photos from Marlie Keishamaza's post 03/10/2023

I have several captions for this post 😂, but let me do what I was sent here to do. I have wisdom for you 🤗.

I’ve just finished reading the book- His Needs, Her Needs by Willard Harley Jr. and I must say I’ve thoroughly enjoyed the book and learnt so much from it.

The general gist of the book is that in a marriage a man and a woman each have specific sets of needs (that usually don’t intersect 😂) and so each spouse must work towards serving the other and meeting the spouse’s basic emotional needs. I’ll list the most common three for each.

His Needs:
🔹 Sexual Fulfilment
🔹 Recreational Companionship
🔹 Physical Attraction

Her Needs:
🔸Intimate Conversation
🔸Honesty & Openness

As a spouse, it’s important and critical that your partner gets their core emotional needs from you. If someone else is feeding those needs more (whether intentionally or unintentionally), it’s dangerous territory for your marriage.

What do you think are your spouses core emotional needs? Would you say you’re fulfilling those well? 😊

I highly recommend this book. You should read it ☺️. Also, thinking about doing a mini-series on the book on my YouTube coz I’ve learnt so much and have so much to share. What say you? Should I do it? 😅😅

Photos from Marlie Keishamaza's post 01/10/2023

🎵 Grace and peace are mine
And Abundantly
My inheritance
Can never fade away 🎵

Garage is ON 🔥. Join us this morning as we celebrate our King 👑

Photos from Marlie Keishamaza's post 25/09/2023

A lot of our life experiences are formed by the things that we speak.
Speak the things that you want to see. And if you don’t want to see it, don’t speak it.

A quick one: in 2018, I started saying “I don’t fall sick”, all the time. Even when I’d fall sick I’d still say it 😂. This year, I haven’t fallen sick at all. I’m finally walking in the fruit of my words, that I started planting in 2018.

It might take time but it will happen.

What words are you speaking into your week? What worlds are you CHOOSING to form with your words? Swipe to see some ideas. SPEAK life. Have a great week 😊.

Photos from Marlie Keishamaza's post 21/08/2023

May your week be as awesome as these photos ☺️😎

“I have set the Lord always before me; Because He is at my right hand I shall not be moved. Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoices; My flesh also will rest in hope.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭16‬:‭8‬-‭9‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Put the Lord before you and your heart will be glad ☺️.
A .ug 👗, 💄 and 📸 combo on dis one 😎


I learnt something very powerful from my husband’s () teaching yesterday.

“And it came to pass, as they journeyed from the east, that they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there. Then they said to one another, “Come, let us make bricks and bake them thoroughly.” They had brick for stone, and they had asphalt for mortar. And they said, “Come, let us build ourselves a city, and a tower whose top is in the heavens; let us make a name for ourselves, lest we be scattered abroad over the face of the whole earth.” 📌 But the Lord came down to see the city and the tower which the sons of men had built.” 📌
‭‭Genesis‬ ‭11‬:‭2‬-‭5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

If you know the story of the Tower of Babel, you know that it was never built because God scattered them before they had a chance to build. But yet, right there in verse 5 it says that the Lord came down to see what they had built 😱.

Everything you speak creates a reality in the spirit realm. You are creating worlds and cities around you in the spirit by the things that you speak. YOUR MOUTH IS A TOOL! Use it well. In the spirit, a thing is created the moment you speak.

Speak well of yourself. Speak the word of God. Speak the things you want to see. You create in the spirit before it manifests to the physical. Watch your words!

Photos from Marlie Keishamaza's post 31/07/2023

Sunday is my favourite day! I enjoyed myself yesterday at .

This is your early invitation to join us next Sunday or to go to a church near you.

The rest of the caption is in the last slide 😉🤗. Quote from


📌 Marriage Lesson 4:

(I had a different, more recent picture in mind, but I haven’t yet received it so I’ll hold my horses and use that for another day).

Anyhoo…marriage thrives in community!

“A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭18‬:‭1‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Isolation is the devil’s work. It’s not cute or wise 🤭🏃🏾‍♀️.

Have a community of people that you can share your wins with and work through issues with.

As you do marriage in community and share your life with others, you quickly discover that the things you’re whining about and that bother you are actually universal and you can get through them 🤣. What a shock!

So anyway, find a tribe to do life with. It makes it all the more worth the while! 😊

Photos from Marlie Keishamaza's post 24/07/2023

Just like you need to acknowledge and receive a gift to be able to use it, you need to receive and accept God as a father, to be able to call Him one. He’s given us free choice. He won’t force his fatherhood on you 🤗

DM me if you’d like to understand this a bit more or to make that confession today and officially become a child of His.

Otherwise, I wish you a great week ahead 🤗 😊


🖊️ This July (on the 29th) we hit 1 year in marriage! 🥳 🎉

🖊️ I’ll be sharing one lesson each week until our anniversary on what I’ve learnt so far in marriage.

📝 Lesson 1: Out of everyone in the world, you’re the closest to your person. You see all their weaknesses and all their flaws that the world might not get to see. Your role as a spouse is to pray for them and keep encouraging and uplifting them. NOT to point them out. Focusing on a weakness doesn’t make it go away. Give it to God and love on your spouse. That’s what you were called to do. Don’t make yourself a judge in the marriage. They want to be loved and accepted just like you do 😊

I like this picture coz I feel like it fits the lesson 😂. Looks like he was doing something silly and I was judging him for it. I don’t actually remember what was happening when this was taken but let’s just go with that story to backup the caption 😂.

Photos from Marlie Keishamaza's post 26/06/2023

Sunday in pictures 😅 📸

1st half- The YXP service at . It’s the place to be if you are young and fly (which you are 😉). Come join us every Sunday at 11.30 🤗

2nd half- the outside photos are from a special service at in Jinja yesterday afternoon. An ‘impromptu’ road trip, a new experience and a good word and testimonies were just what I needed for my Sunday afternoon.

I’m part of a GOOD church! I love it here 😊. I’m so glad God chose me to be planted here ☺️

What was the highlight of your Sunday?
If it wasn’t church- you should check out YXP next Sunday- it’ll be your highlight for sure 😅🤣.

So anha? How was your Sunday?

Photos from Marlie Keishamaza's post 24/06/2023

I think I like how I look in gomesis 😊- which is great coz it’s my new traditional wear 😅🤣.

We celebrated love and a beautiful union this week. Herein lie some kwanjula photos.

& , congratulations 🥳. I’m excited about your union 🤍🤍.


A lot can happen in 3 days!.... The story is NOT over yetttt!🤍

Join us this Sunday at any location know how the story ends🤍💃🏿

Bring alllll your loved ones along!🎉🤍✝️

Photos from Marlie Keishamaza's post 29/03/2023

One of my greatest teachers of the word is Apostle because he will labour to whatever end to make sure that a point is understood. Swipe to see what I mean.

On this day he taught something I’ll never forget.

“And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church,”
‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭1‬:‭22‬ ‭NKJV‬‬
God placed ALL things under Jesus’ feet and if we are in Jesus then all things are under our feet. We walk in authority and the devil is beneath us. What a revelation!

He is a great teacher, such a father, a man of humility, incredible husband and one of the greatest things about him is he teaches everything he learns so that he’s not wise, rich and reigning alone. What a man!

Happy Birthday 🥳. May you live long to see the fruit of your ministry and of all those for whom you’ve laboured.

Photos from Marlie Keishamaza's post 17/02/2023

When believers gather 😅. See God’s bu chudren ☺️❤️. We are beautiful, wabula 😅.

Anyhoo, I came to tell you about a thing coz I’m here to plug you into good things. Swipe to see this weekend’s proggie.

A brunch for believers. Come meet, mingle, dance, eat, play, and whatever your definition of a good time is. There’s loads of parking and there’s a play area for the kids too. Don’t say I didn’t plug you.

Let’s go enjoy together. See you there 😉. Entrance is free even, so you have no excuse 😜.

Tag the person/people you’re going with for the brunch 🍱

Photos from Marlie Keishamaza's post 08/02/2023

If Psalm 122:1 was a person 🤣😅.

This is what it says- “I was glad when they said to me, “Let us go into the house of the Lord.””
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭122‬:‭1‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Anyway, let’s build stronger spiritual habits together this year 💪🏾.

Swipe ➡️ to see what I mean 😊

Share this post with someone you’re ready to do this with and be accountable to 😉.


1. The just are those who believe in Jesus. God sees Jesus when He looks at you, and because Jesus is just, so are you.
2. The path shines ever brighter; meaning the brightness of today, is superseded tomorrow. In other words, every day should be better than the last.

If you haven’t yet believed and received Jesus, we can change that today. Just come to my inbox 🤗.
If you do believe Him, I want you to hold onto this word, tight. Believe and expect that your life only gets better with each passing hour and day, and expect nothing less. God is true to His word. Don’t let the devil scare scare you and try to steal from you.

Happy new week, folks 🤗. May you experience the brighter-ness (I know 😂 but it makes sense,no?) of each passing day 😊.

**I have a dream, that one day I’ll write a short caption on here 😂. One day like this.

Photos from Marlie Keishamaza's post 05/02/2023

I was glad when they said, let us go into the House of the Lord 😅🥳


Had such a busy weekend that it almost completely slipped me by. Actually, it totally did. I remembered yesterday 🤣🤣🫢.

On 29th January, we hit a good milestone. We’ve been 6 months in this marriage thing, already. How time flies. A whole half year. Wow!!

Happy half-year anniversary to us! Many many many more to go!

Photos from Marlie Keishamaza's post 30/01/2023

A few highlights from the this Saturday. It was a super show 😅.
Thank you for a great vision.

Dress: .ug

Hoping you all have a fabulous week ✨

May it be productive and fruitful 🤗


Is it too late in the week for a throwback? 🤣

Looking at my younger self and where I am now, I can see that God has weaved my story together well; all the little@bits and pieces. And he’s using me now to impact people.

I am grateful 😇

What would you tell your younger self?

Photos from Marlie Keishamaza's post 18/01/2023

I’VE ALWAYS LOVED TO DANCE. I belonged to several dance crews in the different high schools that I went to. *****
There was a time when going out, as we used to call it, was all I knew. When I finished high school, I didn’t join university for almost a whole year, so I had a lot of free time on my hands. All I did was go to parties. It started slow and simple, and went on gradually increasing until I was doing it almost every day. I did it for months religiously, consistently, every single week.

Here’s the most interesting thing about my late night escapades. I used to call my grandmother to open the door for me when I got back home. However much I drank, and whatever time it was, I would call my grandmother to let me into the house. Yes, I’d wake her up from her sleep. I never got home before 1 a.m. So she was always asleep by the time I got home.
Did I ever feel any remorse? Not really.

[excerpt from the book The Perfect Exchange- Marlie Keishamaza]

Swipe to see an old message from my grandmother that I found in a cloud somewhere 🫢🤭.

To catch the rest of the story, get a copy of my book. Call or text 0780132228 or DM me here to have a copy delivered to you ☺️.


I may look like I have many mishanana in my wardrobe but I don’t 😂. I just know how to re-purpose the same thing over and over to make it look different.

Fun fact: it’s actually a kinyankore myenda- the one I wore for my kuhingira. Talk about REMIX 🤣🤣.

Anyway, how you see things matters. I had no time to hire a traditional outfit and ‘stuck’ was not an option so I opened my mind and figured sth out.

I was thinking about the previous year, and all the ones before. It’s possible to say you didn’t have a good year because of all the things that went wrong, but hey, it’s part of life; there will always be bad days and bad stuff happening. It’s what you focus on that matters. If you focus on a solution rather than the problem, you will surely find one. If you choose to focus on the good days and have a heart of gratitude you’ll see that 2022 was in fact a good year. You’re alive, you can read, you have clothes on your back. Life is good!

So allow me ask- how was your 2022, really? The good parts. Think and share. I’m sure there was something good 🤗.


🪷 On Retreating 🪷

Spent last week away on a retreat for a few days. It was so refreshing and very very necessary, I’d say. Got direction and guidance for the whole year and came out feeling confident about the year ahead.

January isn’t over, it’s not yet too late to plan for the year ahead (well, it is a little bit, but you can redeem the time). Thought I’d share some of the key things I did while I was on retreat, in case anyone is looking for guidance on how to plan. There are probably several ideas and methods out there. I’m just sharing mine that I did 😂.

🔹 Prayer & the Word. What is the retreat for if you’re not going to take time off to speak to and hear from the One who gave you another year of life?

🔹 Thanksgiving. Giving thanks for clear, specific things that God has done in your life in the past year/season.

🔹 Assessment of the past year/season (retreats are not necessarily only at the beginning of the year). How did you against all the goals you set? What went well and what can you do better?

🔹Goals and targets for the next year. What I did was set like 2 clear specific goals for each of the 5 capitals and then break them down further into daily, weekly and monthly (some quarterly) habits that will help me achieve the bigger goal.

How do you usually prepare for a new year/season? Share in the comments so we learn from each other 🤗

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Tub-morrow. See you there! 😅😊
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🔹 2022 🔹What a year it’s been!I’m grateful for it all 😊 Ready and excited for what God has in store for 2023.
I don’t have a caption today 😂. Just watch and share with someone who needs to hear this message 🤗🤗.
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Today’s #WednesdayWisdom. The topic is still social media. Today we’re talking hashtags. Don’t forget to save the post a...
I’m starting a new weekly (hopefully) segment called #WednesdayWisdom where I’ll share nuggets of wisdom on general ever...
