Mental health in our lives

Mental health in our lives

promoting a good mental health in our communities and supporting those living with mental illnesses.


Let's learn from these youths


Advocate for a good mental health among your peers,


Merry Christmas to you all.
Let's keep our mental health as a priority in this festive season.
God bless you all.


Happy mental health day
Let's fight stigma towards mental health and those with mental disorders.


Have a positive attitude in you it gives you a better mental health


Your a big factor in keeping another life on earth, in this week of prevention and detection of Su***de,
If you see someone with signs of Su***de, please give them your attention, help them to seek assistance .
Let's promote a good mental health in our communities because a good mental health makes a good life.


Good evening to you all,

Su***de is our topic of discussion today.
Su***de is an act of intentionally causing one's own death or taking one's own life.

We can prevent su***de attempts.
A suicidal attempt is an attempt where one tries to end life by su***de but survives.

Today let's discuss the people at risks of making suicidal attempts.
1;. Having a previous attempt
2;. Having mental illnesses such depression, schizophrenia,autism and others.
3;. History of use of drugs and use of alcohol.
4;. Having a family history of Su***de .
5;. Having materials that can be used to commit Su***de such as fire arms
6;. Medical illnesses more especially chronic illnesses.
7;. Stressful events, eg loss of loved ones , relationship breakups, financial problems,loss of a job among other stressing factors.
8;. People in ages between 15-24, and those above 60.
9;. Men are to a.more risk of committing su***de than women.
10;. The widows and divorced are also a risk .



This week let's learn about su***de it has very evident that it's highly increasing in our communities day by day let's learn together;
1; causes of Su***de
2; the people at risk of committing su***de and risk factors.
3; how to know whether someone has suicidal ideations
4; where to seek for help.
5; and how to prevent it in your community .

Please inform your friends this time we are going to have both written and video sessions about this particular topic, we can prevent it from happening in our communities,
Share the message from tomorrow.


Embrace mental health in your Communities to avoid all forms of violence.


On of the study interviews showing a typical manic patient.
Let's learn from it.


MANIA:. This is an abnormally elevated mood state.

This is characterized by ;
1;. Inappropriate socail behaviour.
2;. Being talkative.
3;. Jumping from one topic to another .
4;. Lack of sleep of sleep.
5;. Increased speech and volume.
6;. Increased goal directed activity.
7;. Increased sexual desire.
8;. Marked increased energy
9;. Poor judgement
10;. Exessive involvement in pleasurable activities.
11;. Being easily distracted
12;. Increased irritability.
And lastly the increased /inflated self esteem.
If you see atleast 3 of those mentioned above in your family members ,afriend , neighbours consult from a mental health worker.

Don't forget to share with friends, pages and also make others understand we can only be health when we have a good mental health. It all starts with a good mental health.
Fight stigma towards mental patients,
Encourage people to seek for assistance.
Have a blessed week.


Today we are going to learn more about mania


Make it usual and normal to see a psychiatrist as you see a doctor.
Let's fight the stigma towards mental patients together.


All these may come with depression in a patient


A depressive is a feeling of sadness of mood or loss of interest or pleasure in almost all activities throughout the day which is qualitatively and quantitatively different from the sadness in "normal" sadness or grief,
This is associated with social withdrawal ,decreased involvement in previously pleasurable activities,and also decreased ability to function in occupational and interpersonal areas .
A depressive episode is characterized by the following signs and symptoms for at least 2 weeks.
1; .Feelings of ;
Worthlessness - this is associated with feelings of guilty and feeling of inadequacy and inferiority.
2;. Having problems/difficulty in thinking, concentration,poor memory, and in making correct/ meaningful decisions.
3;. Thoughts of death and preoccupation with death,(suicidal thoughts) these are taken very serious as a result of an increased risk factor in depressed patients.
4;. Complaints of reduced energy,easy fatigability,heavy headache,vague body aches are some of the common complaints.
5;. Lack of sleep(insomnia) though sometimes they may have much sleep.

There are so many other symptoms and signs that can be considered by psychiatrists in making a diagnosis of a depressive disorder,
There are also various forms/types of depression, contact us for more details
[email protected]

For people in northern Uganda
is there for you we and they do give all services .

Share the message make mental health a priority in your life.


Talk about it, seek for help help a friend and spread the love.


Just in blue are the symptoms of depression, share them with a friend invite a dear one,to learn to seek for assistance because its not there choice to have it and we can still overcome it.
Share and like the page


Its not choice of someone, help them to overcome it spread the love


Today let's discuss about depression .(depression and depressive related disorders)
Its one of the most common mental disorders and many people even fail to recognise it and sometimes they say "your depressed" its has a lot of misconceptions even when the person is not actually depressed what shows someone is depressed, how dangerous is being depressed,how can you overcome depression.
We are going to discuss that today .

Don't forget that we can not discuss it all here but we give a hint on a basis of understanding these disorders, for more information contact us on


Today let's share some testimonies of recovery from butabika hospital, its will give the rest courage for others to come for help, its courtesy of NTV
Let's fight stigma together, recovery from mental illness is possible ,if treatment is adhered to it,you can achieve your dreams wen you have a mental disorder, you can be a doctor, accountant, anyone. Share your testimonies to inspire others .


Many people don't understand how a schizophrenic patient may present however I want you to note that these symptoms vary in each patient, each patient presents differently from the other, in fact they may all have schizophrenia but with different presentation and also note that schizophrenia is a psychotic disorder but there are other forms of psychotic disorders what differentiates them is the period the patient or cleint has spent with the symptoms,
Patients with schizophrenia may present in the following symptoms and they should be present for atleast 6 months,(6 months and above)
1;. Talking to him/her self
2;. Hearing voices (auditory hallucinations) talking to the patients but there's is no actual person talking to them. As any form of verbal communication they can commanding, discussing about the patient ,among others and this leads yo the first symptom talking to self in many cases patients are responding to these voices, some may become even aggressive in reaction to opposition or as a command from the voices,
3;. Patients become suspicious of there's environment,( paranoid ) including the people they live with.
4;. Patients start seeing objects, animals,people who may be alive or dead when others can't see them, they always tell people around them but them they can't see them either .
5;. Disorganised speech (okwogera ebitakwatagana)
6;. Disorganised behaviours ,many times these patients are restless, have abnormal body movements that are repeatitive (mannerisms) saluting, posing, among others .
7;. Poor personal care in terms of hygiene and even sanitation,
Cleints tend to loose self awareness that neglect there body hygiene, start eating from rubish pits, among others factors associated with personal hygiene.
8;. Patients may have false perception of different things in the environment ,(illusions) in this case the object or stimulus is there let's say a tree he may call it a cow, a person or anything as per his perception.
9;. Cleints with schizophrenia have problems sometimes with there memory. The ability to remember events in their sequences.
10;. These patients may have other forms of beliefs that it is hard to convince them that it's not right,(delusions) being in love with another person, believing some body parts are missing to there bodies such as the brain ,liver among others. And there's are many forms of false beliefs in schizophrenic patients
11;. Feeling things moving in or on their bodies however they can't see them neither the person they are talking to can't see them too,
There are many other symptoms in relation to s/z , such as sleep problems .

These are some of the symptoms that you can use to know that someone has a schizophrenia or any form of psychotic disorders such as brief psychotic disorder, schizophreniform, schizoaffective among others and also note as mentioned before the time the client has spent while having these symptoms plays a role in defferentiating which psychotic disorder a patient has, and also note that many other disorders may present with some psychotic features.

For more understanding this condition and e-learning materials contact us
[email protected]
+256771834916 WhatsApp

Thank you.

Photos from Mental health in our lives's post 10/06/2020

Let's discuss the myths that surrounding the disorder known as schizophrenia.

