House of hope foundation
The only way to help someone is when you know they cannot return you back.
Help those less fortunate than you, for it is real human existence
”A little help with a little smile gives meaning to human life
Never throw away food
It's just a matter of BELIEFS
PRICE ——12 dollars
42,000 Uganda shillings
PRICE ——17 dollars
60,000/ Uganda shillings
PRICE ~~~bag 20 dollars
Shoes—— 19 dollars
Bag -70,000ug shillings
Shoes -60,000ug shillings
PRICE —— 34 dollars
120,000 Uganda shillings
Price ==~ $ 22
75000/ Uganda shillings
Price ==~~$17
60,000 Uganda shillings
Price ==~~$25
90,000/ Uganda shillings
Price ==~$23
80,000 Uganda shillings
Price ==~$37
130,000 Uganda shillings
Price =~$15
50,000 Uganda shillings
Price ~~$28
100k Uganda shillings
Price ==~ 29
100k / Uganda shillings
Price ==~$23
80,000 / Uganda shillings
Price ==~$28
105000/ Uganda shillings
Price ==~$28
105000 Uganda shillings
Price ==-$30
140k Uganda shillings
22000/ Ugx
It’s always in your hands 🙌
You either let or give it