Emergency Veterinary Clinic Abilene, TX

We provide after hour emergency veterinary care to Abilene and the surrounding areas.

We offer in house diagnostics, radiography, emergency surgery, and after hour patient care.


It’s these small tokens of appreciation that remind us that people are kind in a not so kind world. Thank you to the clients who have taken the time over the years to show our staff their appreciation. It means more than you will ever truly know. Our staff work long shift hours (12 hours or more) and it’s rare if something heavy doesn’t weigh on their hearts each shift. They come to work wanting to help in any way they can. The veterinary world is a brutal place and the staff carry immense loads. Be kind to your veterinary clinics they are truly doing their best. 🤍

“Sometimes it takes only one act of kindness and caring to change a person’s life.” Jackie Chan


We are looking to fill a full time position at the EVC. We need someone willing to work over nights with an experienced technician. Only some experience required.

Fridays 6p-8a
Saturdays 8p-8a
Sundays 8p-8a

Please email your resume to [email protected]


This sweet pup got super lucky the needle and thread she ate didn’t go down any further ! 😳

Photos from Emergency Veterinary Clinic Abilene, TX's post 02/08/2024

Everyone meet Camper ! This handsome corgi came to see us at the Emergency Veterinary Clinic right after Christmas. Mom had noticed poor Camper’s tummy was acting up and his pretty blue eye had turned very YELLOW!! 😲 Bloodwork showed that all his liver values were severely elevated… some so high our machines could never measure them!! Abdominal ultrasound showed his liver, gallbladder and pancreas to be very abnormal. There was very real concern that Camper was not going to respond to treatment. 😓 Mom took a chance and allowed us to hospitalize Camper. We administer very intensive care for almost a week before he was stable enough to go home with mom. Mom, being the best momma EVER, gave Camper all his meds and special feedings just as the doctor ordered… and boy were there so many medications to administer! Camper has come back for several rechecks over the course of the past 6 weeks and has showed nothing but steady improvement. He came back to see us tonight for one final recheck. Mom reports that he’s doing great! His bloodwork tonight showed his liver values to be ALMOST back to normal now!! And his recheck abdominal ultrasound showed a happy, healthy liver, gall bladder and pancreas!!! 🎊🥳🙏🏼🎉🤗🫶🏼🙌🏽 Camper’s recovery is nothing short of a miracle ❤️ It took close to a dozen amazing veterinary technicians and veterinarians along with his fantastic mom to help Camper pull through SEVERAL life threatening conditions. We are all so , so, SOOOOO happy to have been a part of Campers story and to have met him and his incredible mom ! WE LOVE YOU CAMPER ❤️

Pictured below is Camper when he was receiving care in hospital, Camper and his number one fan Dr. Christie Rollins Clinton, just a few of the many veterinary professionals who helped save Camper’s life, and finally Camper and his super happy momma ❤️❤️❤️


Hello there! We are looking for technicians and receptionists at the EVC. Shifts will be Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays! Experience preferred but not required. 🐾

Come join our team!

Email resume to: [email protected]


We feel so loved ! Thank you so much Lynda Saline for working so hard on all this delicious food ❤️❤️❤️

Everything You Need To Know About the Mysterious Respiratory Dog Illness 12/15/2023

Good Morning! We know there has been a little buzz about a mysterious respiratory illness affecting dogs across the country in the last few months. There is good information out there and there is some not so good information out there. We wanted to share this article and educate as many people as we can with the right information. If you have concerns please contact your regular veterinarian.

And remember, the Emergency Clinic is always here for an emergency when your vet is not available.

Everything You Need To Know About the Mysterious Respiratory Dog Illness A mysterious dog illness known as aCIRD has affected thousands of dogs in multiple states. We spoke with veterinarians about safeguarding your dog’s health.


Good Morning, today would be a great day to call your vet and see what their holiday hours will be for Thanksgiving. The Emergency Clinic will be open today at 5p and will remain open until Monday morning at 7:30a. We hope you all have a safe and fun Thanksgiving weekend.


With Thanksgiving approaching this week please remember despite our pet’s CUTE and convincing faces they can’t have everything off your plate. Pass this list to visiting family members to help keep your pets safe this holiday! 🦃 🐾


It’s Vet Tech Week! Help us shower Vet Techs in appreciation this week! Without them our clinics could not do what we do!

Photos from Emergency Veterinary Clinic Abilene, TX's post 10/06/2023

We are all very partial to the guy in this next story…. Hef is owned by our office manager and loved by us all. Hef has been blessed with his dashing good looks, his lovable personality and his impeccable sense of fashion! BUT this poor dude sure did not get blessed with a great respiratory system 😖 Hef has struggled with Brachycephalic syndrome since he was a puppy. This condition plagues many ‘smooshed faced’ dogs. The overall implications for the health of a dog with Brachycephalic Syndrome varies. Hef has been plagued with some of the more severe symptoms related to Brachycephalic syndrome. He’s even had extensive surgery of his upper airway to help alleviate some of these issues years ago. His mom is a skilled and knowledgeable Emergency Veterinary Technician/office manager and has kept him as healthy as possible. Earlier this summer,
he started to act painful and just did not feel good. Mom knew he needed to be examined and brought him to one of his biggest fans at the EVC, Dr. Christie Rollins Clinton. X-rays revealed poor Hef had a nasty infection IN and AROUND his lungs. This is called Pleuropneumonia. We suspect that this is due to a combination of things including his already compromised respiratory tract. Dr. Clinton placed a chest tube to help drain the infection away from his lungs and to allow us to ‘wash his lungs!’ He was also started on lots of medications to help him fight the infection and be comfortable. His awesome momma and most of the Veterinary Technicians at the EVC tended to his every need over the course of the next several days. His infection quickly responded to treatment and his chest tube was pulled after 4 days. He remained on antibiotics for 6 weeks to make sure his infection was completely cleared. He made a full recovery and has just been loving and living life like only Hef can! We love u sweet boy 😘

Pictures below are of Hef during his chest tube placement, Hef with his momma, Hef in his ICU bed at home, Hef with his favorite boy, and Hef striking a pose right before we pulled his chest tube ❤️

Photos from Emergency Veterinary Clinic Abilene, TX's post 09/26/2023

This handsome little dude’s name is Waylon!! He is most definitely the sweetest dachshund that ever existed 😍 A couple weeks ago, he had life saving surgery at the EVC ! We were lucky enough to get to see him back yesterday when we removed his sutures ☺️ Mom told us the first thing Waylon was going do when he got home was take a swim in the swimming pool now that he’s officially all healed up! 🤗❤️🤗❤️🤗

*Make sure to read his shirt his momma had made just for him!❤️*


It’s HOT, HOT, HOT outside 🥵! We have seen almost a dozen heat stroke patients in the past several days. Most of these animals were only left outside for a brief period of time. Animals who are not acclimated to the heat (dogs who stay inside an air conditioned home most of the day), brachycephalic breeds (smooshed faced breads), geriatric or debilitated animals are at significantly more risk of experiencing heat stroke. Signs of heat stroke are heavy panting, red mucus membranes, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea which often times turns bloody, disorientation and seizures. Severe heat stroke literally cooks all the organs causing multi organ failure, clotting disorders and death. Please rush your pet to your regular veterinarian or to us at the Emergency Veterinary Clinic at the first sign of overheating. ❤️‍🩹


Watch us pull a BIG, painful cactus thron from poor Josie’s elbow 🫣🙀❤️‍🩹 Poor girl was out for an evening stroll when all the sudden she yelped and stoped bearing weight on her right front leg. Lucky for Josie, her sweet momma brought her to us to figure out what the heck happened. Turns out she somehow managed to impale this painful thorn deep into her elbow while running through the brush 😵 We’re so happy we were there to help Josie and her momma ❤️

Photos from Emergency Veterinary Clinic Abilene, TX's post 05/04/2023

This ADORABLE and SWEEEET frenchie is named CoCo ☺️. This precious gem came to us with a tummy ache a couple weeks ago 🤒 . Turns out she had eaten not 1️⃣ …. But 2️⃣❗️foreign objects that had gotten stuck in their intestinal tract. She couldn’t keep any food or water down and became dehydrated quick. The decision was made to go to surgery that night to remove the ONE foreign body that was obvious on radiographs. She had somehow swallowed a plastic fish head that should never have fit down her little throat. Dr. Christie Clinton quickly located and removed the fish head from CoCo’s stomach. THEN she discovered another firm round foreign body lodged in the proximal jejunum (the very beginning of the intestinal tract). Unfortunately, this particular foreign body could not be manipulated and moved to a more accessible location that had less risks of complications. Dr. Christie Clinton was able to successfully remove the SECOND foreign body which turned out to be a piece of a dense red rubber toy. Coco was making a remarkable recovery until about 48 hours post op when she spiked a fever and started to regurgitate. She had everyone on her veterinary team very concerned that maybe she had an infection in her abdomen 😳. But it turns out her fever was due to inflammation associated with her IV catheter. We removed the troublesome IVC and her temperature quickly came down to normal and her regurgitating resolved. She was able to go home just 3 days post op. Mom and dad report she’s been doing great ever since discharge. Mom brought CoCo to see us tonight and to get her staples removed. She healed remarkably well 👏🏼 She was pouncing around the exam room showing off her ADORABLE frenchie personality 😍 It’s such a wonderful thing to get to see our super sick patients come back super happy and healthy! We love you CoCo 😘😘😘

Pictured below is CoCo post op, CoCo’s foreign bodies, Dr. Christie Clinton and her daughter (the future Dr. Clinton!) feeding CoCo her small frequent meals while in hospital, CoCo getting and giving love to Dr. Christie Clinton and CoCo and her Momma who loves her very, very much ❤️

Photos from Emergency Veterinary Clinic Abilene, TX's post 03/27/2023

This handsome fella’s name is Pepper 😍 And boy does he have a big story to tell! Poor Pepper’s stomach bloated and twisted on its self 2 weeks ago 😵😣😳!!! Lucky for him dad caught it early and immediately sought out Veterinary care. He was very critical when he arrived to us at the Emergency Veterinary Clinic. Dad allowed us to initiate immediate emergency stabilization procedures which stabilized Pepper a great deal but his condition was still considered VERY critical. Gastric Dilatation Volvulus (GDV) is a life threatening condition. It occurs when the stomach spontaneously bloats, become so gas filled that it starts to rotate and continues to do so until it is completely twisted. It takes the spleen with it cutting off blood flow to the spleen and the stomach. Surgery is the only way to effectively treat this condition. We were concerned that Pepper would not make it though surgery. Dr. Christie Rollins Clinton and Pepper’s amazing Veterinary Technician Maegan were ecstatic to find that Pepper’s stomach, although twisted and distended, was still in great shape ‼️No stomach tissue had died due to lack of blood flow 🙌🏽 Dr. Clinton untwisted his stomach, removed his spleen and surgically tacked his stomach to his body wall to prevent this from happening again in the future. He had a scary yet common arrhythmia post op but responded to treatment well. We took extra special care of our sweet boy for 2 days post op before he was well enough to go home with dad! Today, Dad brought Pepper by to see us !! Pepper came in pulling dad on his leash, wagging his tail and greeting everyone he saw 😍 We are so happy to have been able to help this sweet boy get back home to his dad ❤️

Pictures are of Pepper immediately post op, the x ray showing his bloated twisted stomach, Dr. Clinton, Pepper and dad!


Luna got herself into quite the predicament tonight! She some how managed to get her seat belt clamp clamped THROUGH the skin between her toes 😵 We were able to get it out of there with some sedation and a small skin incision. Luna is expected to make a full recovery ❤️‍🩹


The interns keep getting younger and younger it seems! I’d say the baby docs did a great job reviving their first cardiac arrest patient 🦃 😆❤️😆❤️🦃

Photos from Emergency Veterinary Clinic Abilene, TX's post 01/01/2023

We brought in the New Year hard at work saving lives and celebrating with these cuties!! We have AMAZING clients and one of our favorites brought us dinner, dessert and party favors to help us survive the crazy night ❤️ THANK YOU Kimi Bruno for spoiling us!! You are appreciated !!


Good Morning and Happy New Year’s Eve!

Please remember to keep your pets snuggled up and safe indoors, this evening, as people around the Big Country ring in the New Year with fireworks!

The Emergency Veterinary Clinic will be open, should you need us, this evening. Please be safe on the roads if you need to travel.

Happy New Year! 🥳


Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU Lynda Saline ❤️ Lynda has been a platinum level client for over a decade now… and trust me that’s not a title you want at the Emergency Vet! Every year she brings us all this yummy home made food for us to eat and we are always SOOOOO grateful she does ! It feels good to feel loved ❤️

Photos from Emergency Veterinary Clinic Abilene, TX's post 12/15/2022

We had our annual Christmas party tonight and it was a blast as always! Fantastic food, amazing company, the most ADORABLE Mr and Mrs Clause stopped by for a visit and we had an exam room door decorating contest ! Work is always fun when you get to work with this group of incredible folks ❤️



Photos from Emergency Veterinary Clinic Abilene, TX's post 11/21/2022

We started the day off with a sweet success story 🥰 Indica went into labor in the wee hours this morning but never delivered a pup after hours and hours of trying. We were able to help this poor girl deliver her 5 little healthy bundles of joy via c-section ❤️ 🐶 🐾 🫶🏼 Mom and the pups are already home recovering and getting acquainted with one another ❤️❤️❤️

Photos from Emergency Veterinary Clinic Abilene, TX's post 10/24/2022

Kasper has quite the story to tell and it’s well worth your time to take a few minutes to read his incredible story ❤️

Kasper came to see us at the Emergency Veterinary Clinic about a month ago in severe respiratory distress. Dr. Christie Clinton quickly discovered that BOTH his lungs were completely collapsed (this is called a Spontaneous Pneumothorax)! How on earth he was able to be up and walking is nothing short of a miracle 🙌🏽 We immediately started prepping him for surgical placement of a chest tube. First, we had to remove enough air from his chest cavity to allow his lungs to inflate through a procedure called a thoracocentesis. Then, he was anesthetized and a chest tube was surgically placed. This allowed us to successfully drain the remaining free air from his chest cavity. It was apparent that a large amount of air was quickly leaking from his lungs causing his lungs to collapse again. A procedure, called an Autologous Blood Patch Pleurodesis was performed to help seal the air leak. This procedure is simple, usually effective and always MIND BLOWING when it works! We collect a calculated amount of blood from the patient, immediately inject it through the chest tube into the chest cavity, rock and rotate the patient to ‘wash’ the lung surface with blood in an effort to let the platelets find the leak and seal it… then wait for the magic to happen! 🤞🏼🙏🏼🤞🏼🙏🏼 I wish we could say the results were immediate…. But they weren’t. We continued to treat Kasper over the next 4 days. He received a total of THREE Autologous Blood Patch Pleurodesis procedures and A LOT of intensive and amazing nursing care from his AWESOME veterinary technicians before the air leak was finally sealed for good 🙌🏽😍🐾 🫶🏼Kasper was the sweetest, kindest, and bravest pup during his whole scary ordeal. We called mom today to check on him and mom reports he has been doing great every since he came home! We couldn’t be happier that we helped get that sweet boy back home to his loving family ❤️

Spontaneous Pneumothorax is thought to primarily occur secondary to a defect on or in the lung that allows air to escape from the INSIDE of the lungs. The air accumulates OUTSIDE the lungs pressurizing the chest cavity. This prevents the lungs from being able to fill with air so they collapse and then the animal can not breath. Surgical removal of severe defects is often times warranted. Smaller defects typically respond to the treatment Kasper received.

Pictures of are Kasper while hospitalized, Kasper modeling his life saving chest tube, Kasper kissing his new best friend Dr. Clinton, Kasper with his momma on the day he was discharged from the ICU ❤️ The last two pictures are of of his collapsed lungs and then his inflated lungs with his chest tube.

She's Just A Vet Tech 10/23/2022

As Vet Tech Week is wrapping up. This is one of my favorite articles. We are truly blessed by our staff. 🐾


She's Just A Vet Tech JUST a Vet Tech greeted you at the door with a smiling face, even though we’ve been running around for 11 hours straight. Your pet was assessed by JUST a Vet Tech and, when we noticed he wasn’t stable, JUST a Vet Tech carried your 70 plus pound dog to the back and screamed for a doctor. Once the...


Guess what?! It is Vet Tech Week across the nation and the EVC staff is NO exception! We appreciate our staff all year but this week we pamper them a little more! I cannot say enough things about our staff. 🤍

We had a pet photo contest I’ll post in the stories! Y’all go vote!

🐾 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾

October 16-22, 2022

This vet tech appreciation week should mean a little extra this year. If you're in the field you know how hard it's been.

There's been days where you've lost-
🐾a little bit of your love for the field
🐾a little bit of your drive
🐾a little bit of your compassion
🐾a little bit of yourself

There's been days where you've-
🐾been bitten/scratched
🐾stayed hours past your shift
🐾sat in your car dreading going into work
🐾been too tired to get out of bed
🐾gotten yelled at all day by clients
🐾asked yourself if you were cut out for all of this
felt like you've done everything wrong
🐾wanted to give up

But I need you to remember that there's also been days where you-
🐾saved a life
🐾turned an owners day around
🐾made a clients hard decision a little easier
🐾were there for an animal when their owner couldn't be
🐾made an animal feel loved and protected
🐾gave your all when you felt you had nothing left to give
🐾did everything right
🐾made all the difference

We've been spoken down to and yelled at so much this year when we're giving 150% and running on fumes. Our days are full of blood, sweat and tears. It needs to be said again and again: you've made all the difference. In an owners life. In a pets life. In the lives of your coworkers.

You're a rockstar, and I appreciate each and every one of you. 💪🐾

Photos from Emergency Veterinary Clinic Abilene, TX's post 09/11/2022

We started this morning off with THREE rattlesnake envenomations 🫣! Baby rattlesnakes 🐍 are on the ground and VERY easy to miss 👀! All three of these patients are doing well and expected to make a full recovery.

Please remember that the only true treatment for rattlesnake envenomation is the administration of ANTIVENOM. Antivenom is NOT the vaccine and is expensive but it is the only truly effective treatment. We also administer IV fluids, pain meds and anti inflammatories while they are in the hospital. We closely monitor the patient’s over all condition along with their bloodwork to determine when all the venom is neutralized. Venom has many toxic properties. The most devastating things we see from the venom is the damage to the red blood cells, clotting factors and the tissue associated with the bite. Any time your pet receives a bite it is always an emergency and requires immediate veterinary care. We also recommend you consult with your vet about the pros and cons of the rattlesnake vaccine.


Good Morning Everyone! I wanted to share an organization that is important to the Veterinary community as well as offering a reminder to our community. Be kind to your vet staff.

Over the holiday weekend we averaged from 1-3 clients a day verbally abusing or border line verbally abusing the support staff at our Emergency Clinic. I understand that tensions can be high and emotions may be difficult to control in those situations, however that does not give someone the right to take it out on the support staff. The staff work long HARD hours (compare to the hours a nurse work but not nearly the same pay scale). Some days emotionally our job is more than most people can imagine. Be kind to them.

Please also remember that the staff is only a messenger for rules set forth when the Emergency Clinic was opened and some are regulations from the state of Texas. All of these matters are out of our control. Be kind to them.

If anyone is interested in reading about the Not One More Vet Movement please click the link below, there is also a Race Around the World hosted by the organization and a few partners. I encourage everyone who has a veterinarian for their pets to read a little about the statistics of su***de in veterinarians AND the support staff. Sometimes you cannot imagine the emotional load the staff carry from shift to shift from the weight of the job and how people treat them.

Be kind because at the other end of that phone or in that exam room is another human being just like you.



🇺🇸 Happy LABor Day 🇺🇸

⭐️ Please remember your regular veterinary clinic is likely closed today and should be open tomorrow morning. The Emergency Veterinary Clinic is open for any of your pet emergencies should you need to utilize our services.

⭐️ Also please remember our staff is giving up their holiday doing what they love, please be kind.

⭐️ Have a safe and wonderful holiday!

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Videos (show all)

Lucky dog 🍀
Watch us pull a BIG, painful cactus thron from poor Josie’s elbow 🫣🙀❤️‍🩹 Poor girl was out for an evening stroll when al...
The CRAZY things dogs get themselves into 🫣
The interns keep getting younger and younger it seems! I’d say the baby docs did a great job reviving their first cardia...
This is one for the record books! Poor little girl developed a nasty infection that formed a GINORMOUS abscess. 😱 She’s ...
This abcess comes with sound effects ‼️😮‼️



909 Industrial Boulevard
Abilene, TX

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