Cowboys and Cowgirls of Faith Ministry

This Ministry is for All Cowboys and Cowgirls to reach out to everyone and tell about Jesus


I see people want to blame someone for what they thought he has done. A Person like President Donald J Trump. Blamed him for Jan 6 at the Capitol. Well everyone that hasn't been Saved by The Lord is a Sinner. Everyone in this Country is a Sinner that doesn't know God. For this is True. Read the picture. Even Politicians are Sinners too.


The Lord God Almighty has given me a vision and that one is A Cowboy Ministry Called Cowboys Of Faith Ministries to reach out to people and tell them about Jesus died for their Sins and Spread the Word of God and his Love and for All Sinners come to Turn Away from their Sins and Repent. To be like Jesus and do what he did here on Earth. To bring Peach Joy and Love and Justice and The Truth from God's Word. And the Other Vision to Have a Speech Rally to invite Every Church Leader Pastors and Preacher's every where and Government Leaders to hear The Truth from God's Word and to Be Brave and Strong and Bold. To be A Strong Leader to lead People to the Truth. I would like to invite All Church Leaders from Cowboy Churches and other Churches to come to the Speech Rally when The Lord tells me.


I know and can see what The Lord has shown me in my heart too that there alot of Anger and Hate and Evil and Wickedness in this Country and Around the World too. There is Murder and people killing people and The Terrorists and the War's going on and A Civil War with Government Leaders too. If you have Anger it becomes Hate and Hate turns to the Dark Side and Live in The Darkness. The Darkness is Evil and Wickedness and is of The Enemy Satan. The Devil. Peace be With Thee Everyone. This World needs The Peace and Love. Not hate and anger. Hate and anger is what the Devil does. Even Politicians have Hate and Anger in them. Do anyone really know what Love is. I don't think the Politicians and the American People know. It is GOD. God is Love. God Loves his Children he created in our Mother's Womb. The first Purpose in life is God's Love for us and for us to Love God. People with Anger and Hate and Wickedness needs to Repent of their Sins and ask God Forgiveness everyone that doesn't know Jesus. For They will be Judged by God and if they are not saved well they will be cast into the lake of Fire and the soul will be burned. I know that Most Democrats and some Republicans have Hate and Anger in them. REPENT and turn away from your Sins. Everyone that doesn't know The Lord and hasn't been saved is a Sinner here on Earth. Nobody is perfect. Everyone sin's. This is the Truth from GOD Almighty. Every Christian and Church Leader should Know.


I know that A King is Coming Soon. That is Jesus who is The King of All Kings and of Heaven and Earth. I am Child of God and King. God is King too of Heaven and Earth. His Kingdom Rules over Everything. Jesus was on Earth to Bring Peace and Love and Served People. The Lord has made me to Bring Peace, Joy Love, Hope and Justice and The Truth from God's Word. And To Love and Serve God and People here on Earth. To help those in Need. The Lord has given me a Vision to Bring the Truth to This Country and Around the World. To Speak his Word. To be a Great Leader who is Brave and Strong and Bold and Fierce. Who King David was Brave and Strong and Bold. And King Richard the 1st the Lionheart was Brave and Strong and Bold. Maybe this Country needs a King Like Jesus who was Brave and Strong and Bold and King David and Richard. To be that Leader. To Help Everyone that is My Brother and Sister in Christ. Every Race and Color and Religion and from different Countries. I Love People and God and Jesus Loves People no matter what they done. God created every Race and Color too. White and Black, Asian and Mexican. God is Love. Who Agrees Say Amen. This needs to go out around Facebook and to every Church Leader and Government Leaders. World Leaders too.


Judgment Day, also known as the Last Judgment or Final Judgment, is a concept in many religions that refers to a day when God will judge all people, living and dead. In Christianity, Judgment Day is believed to occur during the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, when the truth of each person's actions will be revealed and they will be judged with justice. According to the Catholic Church, believers who are judged worthy will go to everlasting bliss, while those who are judged unworthy will go to everlasting condemnation.


Judgement Day is coming. Are You Ready. It's coming for all of Us in this World. Even those who are not saved and living in the Darkness and who are Evil and Wicked. Even Politicians.


Certain politicians may have won. But GOD Almighty is still in Control of Everything in this Country. People needs to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and believe in Jesus Christ and God and that he is in Control. He loves All his Children that are not Evil and Wicked. He will forgive you for your sins if you confess and turn away from your sins. Everyone is a Sinner here on Earth. REPENT of your Sins. Nobody is Perfect either. Don't live in the Darkness anymore be on the Dark Side where there is Evil and Wickedness and Pain and Sorrow and Death and Destruction and Conviction and Judgement and The Second Death and the Lake of đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„đŸ”„. Let The Lord Jesus Guide you into the Light where their is Paradise in Heaven and Riches and Love and Happiness and Hope and Joy and no pain and no sorrow and no misery and Eternal Life.


God, we pray that you would bless All of my friends and family. We pray that you would strengthen them. We pray that you would continually strengthen all with your word just like we see all over Psalm 119 that your word would be their strength, their rock, their foundation, your promises, your purposes. They would know your presence with them. They would know your power with them, your wisdom, your love. In Jesus Precious Name AMEN.

Photos from Cowboys and Cowgirls of Faith Ministry's post 10/19/2023

Jesus is our only Hope for this Country and World. Let his light shine down upon us and guide us out of the Darkness that surrounds us. This is the Dark Days too. Let Him take Control of Everything.

Photos from Cowboys and Cowgirls of Faith Ministry's post 10/18/2023

This Country has been living in Dark Days for the past Two years. People living in the Darkness and on The Dark Side. Movies can be real. I can see it on the News what's going on with this Country. I'm not Blind. I can See. It's like the song from Amazing Grace. There is too much Hate and Anger and Violence in this Country and World. The Enemy Satan is using People to live in the Darkness. Even Politicians and in the Government. A lot of Corruption too. Most Politicians broke God's Commandments and Laws. People that don't know God breaks them too and not Saved. Everyone one on Earth is a Sinner. They must REPENT of their sins. Nobody is Perfect. GOD Will Judge those are Evil and Wicked.

Melanie Campbell 10/18/2023

The Conflict in Israel: How Can I Help?



7 Reasons David Is Called a Man “after God’s Own Heart”
Melanie Campbell
May 19, 2023
7 Reasons David Is Called a Man “after God’s Own Heart”
A man after God’s own heart. What could be better than being after the heart of our creator? But why was David described this way? And what, exactly, does it mean?

We first find this description for King David in 1 Samuel 13:14:

“But now your kingdom shall not endure. The Lord has sought for Himself a man after His own heart, and the Lord has appointed him ruler over His people, because you have not kept what the Lord commanded you.”

To understand why David is described this way, we must first look at the circumstances that preceded this declaration from the Lord.

Photo credit: Unsplash/Japheth Mast

The First King of Israel
Wooden figure with a crown
Saul was the first God-appointed King of Israel. He looked and acted the part. He was known for his courage and generosity. He was tall and striking in appearance. At first, Saul did well. But it did not take long for his pride to grow and his reliance on God to fade.

When Saul and his army were under attack and afraid, instead of waiting for Samuel to arrive and make a burnt offering to God, Saul took matters into his own hands and made the offering himself. There were several problems with him taking this action:

1. He had received an express command to wait seven days, and this had been confirmed by appointed signs.

2. He knew the stake of his kingdom depended on him waiting.

3. He chose impatience and distrust in God. He probably didn’t mean to purposely go against God’s command, but did so because of the pressure he was under. To continue waiting was tedious and uncertain. At any moment, his retreat to the mountains could be cut off. He chose what looked like the prudent thing to do: take matters into his own hands and make the burnt offering himself.

4. When called out for this disobedience, he made excuses rather than taking responsibility for his actions.

This disobedience by Saul was the beginning of his downfall. His pride, arrogance and disobedience continued to grow. Saul would try to make up for his lack of obedience and trust in God by making burnt offerings, but God knew his heart. In 1 Samuel 15:22, the prophet says:

“Does the Lord have as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than a sacrifice, and to pay attention is better than the fat of rams. For rebellion is as reprehensible as the sin of divination, and insubordination is as reprehensible as false religion and idolatry. Since you have rejected the word of the Lord, He has also rejected you from being king.”

Because of his disobedience, arrogance, lack of faith, and refusal to trust in the Lord, Saul was rejected by God as king, and David was chosen.

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/FTiare

What Made David Different than Saul?
two arrows indicating choosing right from wrong
Interestingly, David was only a child who had not accomplished anything king-worthy at the time Samuel prophesized about a man after God’s own heart becoming King. But God knew David’s heart and what he could do long before David had any idea what his future held.

It is said that actions speak louder than words (see 1 John 3:18). Though David was a musician and wrote 73 of the 150 Psalms in the bible, it is by looking at the way he lived his life that we see his heart.

1. David’s Faith
David’s first (and one of his most well-known) accomplishment was his defeat of the Philistine giant, Goliath. It took courage to face a sword-wielding giant with nothing but a sling and some rocks. Before throwing the stone that would take the giant down, David declared, “this entire assembly may know that the Lord does not save by sword or by spear; for the battle is the Lord’s, and He will hand you over to us!” (1 Sam. 17:47). David gave God credit for defeating Goliath before the giant was hit by the stone. It was through his faith that God empowered him to be successful. This giant-killing faith remained with David his entire life.

2. David’s Trust
Even though Saul was a constant threat to his life, David had respect for him as king and spared his life on more than one occasion. When David had an opportunity to kill Saul in a cave, he chose not to. He said, “May the Lord judge between you and me, and may the Lord take vengeance on you for me; but my hand shall not be against you. As the proverb of the ancients says, ‘Out of the wicked comes wickedness’; but my hand shall not be against you” (1 Sam. 24:12-13).

David showed complete trust in God, which meant it was not in his hands to strike down the king God had put in command. David knew that God had proclaimed him to be the next king, but unlike Saul with the burnt offering, he would wait until God removed Saul, rather than taking the matter into this own hands. He also was relying on God to save him from the wickedness of Saul, who sought to destroy him.

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/natasaadzic

3. David’s Love
man sitting against wall with Bible praying
In all his dealings with Saul, David showed agape type of love toward the man who was determined to be his enemy. It is interesting that this man, chosen by God and described as being after his own heart, did this centuries before Jesus’s sermon on the mount and his command to “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44).

4. David’s Humility
Even after experiencing remarkable success in battle, David remained humble. When Saul offered his daughter, Michal, to David as a wife, he responded, “Is it trivial in your sight to become the king’s son-in-law, since I am only a poor man and insignificant?” (1 Sam. 18:23).

Later in his life, after David was crowned king and had conquered his enemies, the prophet Nathan told him of God’s promise to extend his dynasty forever, David prayed, “Who am I, Lord God, and who are the members of my household, that You have brought me this far?” (2 Sam. 7:18). At this point, David had known immense success at everything he put his hand to, yet he never took the credit or considered himself worthy of greatness. He gave all the glory to God.

5. David’s Integrity
David admitted when he was wrong and took responsibility for his mistakes, which was a sign of his deep integrity. We see this when Saul is pursuing him, and David lies to Ahimelech the priest to get food for his men, as well as the sword of Goliath. David’s lie eventually led to the death of 85 priests, as well as the entire town of Nob (1 Sam. 22:9-19) by the command of Saul.

When David learns of this, he admits it is his fault, and takes in the sole survivor of the priesthood settlement. This was one of many times where David took responsibility for his mistakes and did what was in his power to make it right.

Photo credit: Unsplash/Ben White

6. David Forgives
Two men shaking hands
Later in his life, David’s integrity took a drastic downfall and he slept with Bathsheba and then had her husband murdered. David was distressed when the prophet Nathan revealed the terrible thing David had done. Instead of making excuses for his behavior, David said, “I have sinned against the Lord” (2 Sam. 12:2).

Though David made a horrible decision, he took responsibility and had remorse for his actions. He earnestly sought God's forgiveness. David penned Psalm 51, “A Contrite Sinners Prayer for Pardon,” after his sin of adultery with Bathsheba and the murder of Uriah. In this Psalm, David brokenheartedly confesses his sin and asked for God's forgiveness and restoration.

7. David Worships God
Even though his poor choice with Bathsheba led to much heartache for many years to come, David never stopped worshiping God. It is believed that Psalm 32 was also written by David at about the same time as Psalm 51. In it, David wrote, “Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, you righteous ones; And shout for joy, all you who are upright in heart.”

He realized his righteousness did not come from his actions, but from his love for and submission to God. At a time when others may have run from or hidden from God, David chose to praise the Lord. Many of David’s psalms were full of his heartaches and even questioning of God, but he never stopped serving and worshiping Him.

Reading about David's life not only shows show us why he was called a man after God's own heart, but also helps us see the characteristics that we should look for in ourselves, as followers of Christ who are also after God's own heart.

Do we have faith? Do we trust the Lord in all circumstances? Do we have sacrificial love for others, even our enemies? Are we humble? Do we operate with integrity? Do we seek forgiveness from God for our sins? Do we worship the Lord no matter what our circumstances?

We may not face the same kind of giant that David did, or be called by God to rule a nation, but we can choose each day to seek God's heart.

Related articles
Undignified: How We Can Worship God like David Did
Why You Really Should Read 1 Samuel
Why Did David Ask God for a Clean Heart and Renewed Spirit?

Photo credit: ©Getty Images/fizkes

Melanie Campbell is a member of Oregon Christian Writers and ACFW. Her debut novel, One Woman Falling, won the Oregon Christian Writers Cascade Award and is a finalist for the Selah Award. She lives in Oregon’s beautiful Willamette Valley with her husband, their three children, and several spoiled pets. You can learn more about her writing and sign up for her newsletter by visiting her website at You can also follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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Good Afternoon Brothers and Sisters and Cowboys and Cowgirls

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For those who left God and who act wicked and Evil and has Hate and Violence in them and even certain Politicians too. There will be The Day of Reckoning and Day of Judgement too. For all have Sinned against the Lord. Turn away from your Sins and wicked ways and be Saved and believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.

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In countries all over the world, new people have traveled from their points of origin the inhabit land that previously belonged to others. While we call the Americas the “New World”, the culture and history of that country were anything but new when it was first discovered by Europeans.
The relations between their new neighbors (who quickly made themselves unwelcome) were tenuous and then tumultuous until the culture of the country’s first inhabitants were nearly forgotten. Native American Heritage Month honors those who remain and serves as a reminder that the culture is far from dead, it’s still alive and breathing in the descendants of the First Americans.
The history of Native American Heritage Month goes back a surprisingly long time, even without considering the hundreds of years that Europeans have imposed themselves on the New World. The first inklings that such a day may come to pass occurred back in 1915 when Red Fox James, a Native American of the Blackfoot nation, took it upon himself to ride a horse from state to state seeking approval from 24 separate state governments for a day to honor the “American Indian”. In December of that year, he presented it to the White House, apparently to no positive effect.
It was George H. W. Bush who officially took the steps to push forward a joint resolution that made November of 1990 the first official Native American Heritage Month. Multiple proclamations have been made since each year following 1994. Since then cultural sites, museums, and native tribal councils have organized events showcasing their rich and diverse culture and history so that it might be spread to the young and continue to thrive.
Celebrating Native American Heritage Month involves taking the time to recognize the rich diversities of the cultures that existed in America before it became the world power it is today. There are hundreds of tribes across the nation, but most people are only capable of naming a few, and even fewer are represented in the media of the day. If you live in the Americas, Native American Heritage Month is a great opportunity to research your local history and discover which tribes called the land you now live on home.
Then go on to find out what local tribal communities they are near you, and what sort of activities they present as part of their history during Native American Heritage Month. Visit, learn, and take it all in to honor this still living culture.

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