
Digital course books | E-Magazines | Infographics | Illustration
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Graphic Illustration: Adding a Touch of Authenticity to Your Designs - 12/08/2023

In a world saturated with generic design, handcrafted graphic illustration offers a refreshing dose of authenticity. It's not just about aesthetics; it's about injecting your designs with the warmth and uniqueness that comes from human touch. By integrating these crafted elements, you can create a brand voice that resonates with your soul and customers, tells your story, and leaves a lasting impression.

This blog post explores the benefits of using illustration to create an authentic and engaging brand experience.

Read it now and discover the power of illustration! ➡️

Graphic Illustration: Adding a Touch of Authenticity to Your Designs - Unleash the magic of handcrafted graphic illustration! Discover how it adds authenticity & emotional connection to your soulful designs.

Book Design for Self-Published Authors - 12/07/2023

Attention, self-published authors!

Tired of your book getting lost in the crowd?

Unlock the magic of book design with Bloom Studio's latest blog post! 🪄

Learn how captivating book covers and interior layouts can magnetize readers and make your book shine! ✨

Read the full post now:

Book Design for Self-Published Authors - Self-published authors: captivate readers with your book design! Learn what makes book covers & interior layouts sell.

Soulful Design: Crafting Connections That Speak to the Heart - 12/05/2023

Unlock the Power of Soulful Design: Connect with Your Audience on a Deeper Level

In a world saturated with generic designs, soulful design stands out by tapping into the emotions and values of your target audience. This blog post explores the power of soulful design, delving into its key principles, benefits, and practical implementation strategies.

Learn how to craft designs that resonate with your audience on a deeper level, fostering meaningful connections and enhancing brand loyalty. Discover how soulful design can help you:

✨ Establish a strong brand identity that reflects your unique values
✨ Build emotional connections with your audience and foster trust
✨ Enhance your brand perception and position your business as authentic and values-driven
✨ Improve your marketing effectiveness by creating captivating and engaging designs
✨ Differentiate yourself from the competition and create a unique brand experience

Ready to embrace the power of soulful design? Read the full blog post here:

Soulful Design: Crafting Connections That Speak to the Heart - Embrace soulful design to forge meaningful connections with your audience, elevate your brand perception, & achieve your marketing goals.


From the heart of Bloom in Akron, I give you a delicate dance of flora and fauna-a serpent drawn in pencil, her textured scales digitally enhanced with color to embrace a richly red apple, a symbol steeped in lore. Soft pink apple blossoms bloom atop, a delicate and sweet contrast. Against the deep blue quietude, this piece, poised between tradition and innovation, could soon grace your walls- I am considering a limited edition print release.

This piece is an example of a style that could enliven your book or Brand's marketing-I love bridging the gap between the digital world with traditional techniques. At .io my goal is to breathe life into your products and marketing to grow strong connections between you and your customers.

Let's weave this artistry into your narrative.

Books & Brands with Soul: 5 Ways Illustration Builds Authentic Emotional Connections 10/26/2023

Step into a world where art meets emotion! Dive deep with Bloom Studio's latest blog post: "Books & Brands with Soul: 5 Ways Illustration Builds Authentic Emotional Connections."

✨ Why go generic when you can capture hearts with the handmade touch of vibrant, meaningful illustrations?
✨ Want your brand to tell a unique story? Let illustrations weave the tale for you.
✨ Curate designs that resonate with your brand's soul, be it playful doodles for kiddos or serene watercolors for a calming vibe.

In the crowded digital landscape, stand tall and bloom with designs that not only look stunning but also feel genuine. Ready to embrace a world of authenticity? Dive in now and let your story unfold. 🎨🖌️

Books & Brands with Soul: 5 Ways Illustration Builds Authentic Emotional Connections Dive into the magic of illustration in books, marketing and branding: a journey from authentic design to genuine emotional connections.


🐝 very proud of this book! Grateful to writer Hilary Filipowicz, who hired me to illustrate for this lovely book.

“So when I am done and need time for me, it’s okay to just be a bee.”

Gracestone is proud of graphic designer and illustrator Mahala Bloom of Bloom for illustrating her first children’s book (written by Hilary Filipowicz), “Busy Buzzing Worker Bees.”

Wonderful and whimsical, this book follows a happy-go-lucky bee who buzzes her own path while discover what’s most important—beeing herself.


Today, I found myself lost in the mesmerizing narrative of "Life of Pi." What a journey! It served as a gentle reminder of the profound bond between storytelling, fables, and our spiritual essence. In every tale spun, there exists a mirror to our own existence, a subtle moral offering guidance. It inspired this new piece- a leopard gazing into the starlit night.

Illustration brings these tales depth and dimension. I seek to help creators and mentors captivate their audiences, be they small children or adult students. Let's illuminate the world of storytelling together.

Interested in working together? Illustration requests link in bio.

Busy Buzzing Worker Bees 06/27/2023

Now available for pre-order! Second link in Bio. So proud to have been a part of this project. Thank you .filipowicz for choosing .io for your illustrations! This book is well-written with a great moral, and I worked hard to realize Hilary's whimsical illustration vision. The result is a beautiful, engaging book for children about the value of work and life balance.

Busy Buzzing Worker Bees Busy Buzzing Worker Bees is a charming tale for all ages. Children will fall in love with our happy-go-lucky bee who defies norms and buzzes her own path in a whimsical world. Adult readers will appreciate the subtle challenge to the expectation of being a cog in the corporate wheel. This simple, sw...


Creators, be it in a tale or a brand's narrative, illustrations breathe life into our words. They simplify the maze of complexity for eager learners, stitch a soulful bond between brands and hearts, and sprinkle a dash of wonder into our curious little ones. Look at this whimsical Lion Tamarin illustration I just wrapped up - a joyous jest of the wild brought to life. Whether your tale takes root in the bustling streets or amidst exotic flora and fauna, let's allow art to weave its enchantment.✨🖌️

Just a reminder, if you need an illustration (or many!) I have a brand new tool linked in my bio to help you get a meet and greet with me and a quote for your project!



Beloved storytellers: a well-spun children's book molds hearts, lights up minds, and weaves memorable moments. Why not magnify this power with unique, custom illustrations? Just take a peek at this piece, delicately woven in vivid color for a whimsical story. Every story deserves to sing, to soar, and I'm here to help breathe life into your vision.

As I continue my journey as founder of Bloom Studio, I'm discovering the projects that my soul alight, and Illustration has become one of my greatest joys to date. That's why I've created a brand new tool for writers and others to simplify the process of getting started with their Illustrations with Bloom Studio! You can find the link in my bio, or below!

Ready to create together? 🌟📚

Communicating with your Graphic Designer 05/08/2023

Looking to improve your communication with your graphic designer or illustrator? Discover 5 easy tips for fostering a strong, collaborative relationship that results in eye-catching designs that truly reflect your brand and resonate with your audience. 🌟

Communicating with your Graphic Designer Discover how to effectively communicate your vision to your graphic designer or illustrator! In this blog post, learn 5 easy tips for fostering a strong, collaborative relationship that results in stunning designs that truly reflect your brand and resonate with your audience. Get ready to break down...

Why Online Course Illustrations for Coaches Are the Secret Sauce to Success 05/01/2023

Are you a course creator looking to elevate your students' learning experience? Discover how custom illustrations can transform your online course, helping students understand complex concepts, retain information, and stay engaged throughout their journey. 🎨✨ Read our latest blog post to learn more:

Why Online Course Illustrations for Coaches Are the Secret Sauce to Success Unleash the power of illustrations in your online course for better understanding, retention, and engagement. 🌟

Overcoming Limited Design Skills: How Outsourcing Your Graphic Design Needs Can Save Time and Stress 04/27/2023

Unlock the potential of outsourcing your graphic design needs in this enlightening blog post! If you're a small business owner, coach, course creator, or writer, you may face the challenges of limited design skills. Learn how outsourcing can save you time, reduce stress, and elevate your brand presence by collaborating with creative professionals. Dive in and discover how to overcome limited design skills and make your brand shine today! ✨

Overcoming Limited Design Skills: How Outsourcing Your Graphic Design Needs Can Save Time and Stress Unlock the potential of outsourcing your graphic design needs in this enlightening blog post! If you're a small business owner, coach, course creator, or writer, you may face the challenges of limited design skills. Learn how outsourcing can save you time, reduce stress, and elevate your brand prese...


It is 100% possible for presentation slides to be engaging and beautiful (and double as frameable artwork.) Just saying.

This is one illustration I created taken from a huge project I worked on with a fabulous client. Financial institutions and advisors don't have to have boring corporate graphics. Keep your clients awake while you're showing them important information. 😘🦌📊📈


What do you think: Wall art or coloring book page? 😁 I was working on this piece this morning. Wait til the end to see the finished product! 🤍🎨👩🏼‍🎨

Timeline photos 01/19/2022

What's your email open rate? I'm working with a client that has a highly engaged client base, who I just wrapped up some email templates for, and WOW. Talk about some impact.

Email marketing can:
🎁 give more value to your customers and...
🌱 nurture those relationships.

A well-designed email and campaign provides:
🏆 legitimacy to your business's reputation and...
🍾 inspires customer engagement with your brand.

Not sure where to start? Shoot me a DM! I'm here to help. 🥰

Timeline photos 01/11/2022

Did you ever get to meet one of your idols in your industry? I did. Well, sort of. Let me explain. . .

When I was in college, we were given something called a "Kinetic type" project. Essentially, we were to take an audio clip (usually a music clip), and add moving type to it as motion graphics practice.

I had this idea to talk to one of the design greats and use the interview for my project. (much of graphic design history is recent enough to still have many living "design greats" in our history books.) My question? How do they find inspiration? What do they find inspiring?

I wouldn't blame you if you don't know the great names of my industry, but I can tell you that the moment I heard someone on the other side actually pick up the phone and say "Hello," my little college student heart nearly leapt out of my chest, fingers instantly began trembling, in complete disbelief that I got anyone to pick up, let alone at the agency of the Milton Glaser.

Long story short, I was able to talk to him. He was a kind man who took time out for college students and the little people he could have very easily passed over.

His answer to my question took me off guard, but was something I needed to hear as a student. My poor memory can't give you a transcript, but I can paraphrase:

Inspiration can come in many forms, and be something as simple as the way light hits off a piece of cellophane. But the inspiration isn't the part that matters. What matters is what you do with that inspiration.

Photos from Bloom's post 01/10/2022

Are you looking for a high return on investment for your marketing? Tell me your BIGGEST PAIN POINT with email marketing in the comments!⁠

I've got an awesome blog post for you on the NEW Bloom blog today. This post is full of tips and details on how to improve your email open rates. ⁠

Here's the post:

If done right, email marketing has a ROI of 42:1. This means for every $1 spent, companies can expect as much as $42 in revenue.⁠

One of the greatest barriers to getting these results is getting people to open emails. Check out my new blog post for 5 easy ways to improve your email open rates.⁠

Need some help making your emails stand out, or establishing a welcome or product launch campaign? Shoot me a DM!


Tell me in the comments: what does your highest self look like? How do you want to feel in your business and in your life? Do you have goals for yourself or your business for 2022?

For 2022, I want to embody quiet strength and inner peace. Not only stating my boundaries, but enforcing them kindly but firmly. To put less emphasis on people pleasing and more emphasis on creating a business that creates phenomenal client work while also giving myself space to breathe as well as find what exact mixture of ingredients create my visual special sauce.

Timeline photos 11/29/2021

If you want more love, give more love. If you want more excitement, give more excitement. What do you think?

When I was still learning the ins and outs of working in the corporate world, I found that projecting energy of any kind often resulted in me receiving that same energy back.

I have challenges with anxiety, and sometimes it can create this vicious circle: you go into a presentation feeling anxious and perhaps under confident, and it results in the people watching feeling uncomfortable and not confident in you either.

I learned it was up to me to find a way to channel this anxious energy and create a re-frame for myself. I began telling myself, "You're not anxious, you're excited." I would amp myself up and do a little stretching and jumping around a few minutes before my presentation, and make sure to use hand gestures and not lock my legs while presenting.

This reframe resulted in a more dynamic presentation, a more comfortable me, and more interested audience. This isn't just for presentations, either. I've applied this to resumes, client calls, and more to help create better outcomes for myself and others.

How do you want someone else to feel when they're talking to you? Project that feeling forward.

Timeline photos 11/15/2021

Comment below👇🏻⁠
Business can be complicated and scary. But it can also be incredibly rewarding. I am a solopreneur, but there are plenty of days I wish I had a business partner to celebrate wins with, or talk through problems with.⁠

Then again, there are some advantages to being a solopreneur. You can do exactly what you want, exactly the way you like it. What do you think? Which would you prefer for your business, if you had the choice?⁠

Timeline photos 11/12/2021

I want to know what you're proud of this week! Comment below 👇🏻 What did you start, work on, accomplish, finish, or do this week that is good for you or your business? (I've said this before, but surviving is a TOTALLY valid response.)

Here's mine: taking more time to engage with you guys. Social media can be hard for me, as an introvert. Starting conversations hasn't ever really been my strong point. But I adore this community of business women, and I love seeing what you're all working on. 🥰

ALSO... I started working on adding a blog to my site. I will start posting some tips about Course Book Design, Canva, Email Marketing and also the occasional fun freebie! I've already started to work on a pretty iPad/mobile background with lots of fun colorways to share.

Timeline photos 11/11/2021

❤️ if you love the 80's! Comment below how this mood board makes you feel, or if it reminds you of anything. Lately I've been in a very tropical mood- and this mood board is the "Night life" part two of my last mood board's concept of Retro Tropical.

Timeline photos 11/05/2021

♥️ if you love the vibe of this little Friday mood board! Something to get the creative juices flowing for the weekend. What do you think? ⁠


Do you have anything planned for the weekend? Comment below 👇🏻


What are your intentions for your business this week? What do you need HELP with this week? Share below!

I'll just be over here making lux designs for extraordinary clients. 🤍

If you are a course creator, coach or small business owner in need of help with design, email, social or educational products, post a question in the comments 👇🏻


Tell me what you are proud of this week in the comments! Did you get anything accomplished or finished? Surviving the week is a totally valid accomplishment too. 😉

Personally, I am super excited about wrapping up some first drafts this week. I can't wait to share some of the great new projects I've been working on. 📨🎨🖌️🎆


I am immensely grateful for my fantastic clients and the amazing projects I've been working on lately. You can really tell when a client is passionate and rooted in their purpose. The excitement is contagious, and I love working with these women of vision!

Let's support each other in our passions and businesses. It's up to us to create a world with more conscientiousness, compassion and integrity.


Why did you start your business? Comment below!
I started Bloom because of all the incredible colleagues I've had who are changing lives by mentoring and teaching younger professionals. They have impacted my life in a big way, and I want to make sure they hav the tools they need to spread that impact far and wide.

I love working with people who are passionate and have vision, and want to create positive change through teaching their zone of genius.

I help these coaches, course creators, and business owners create a positive reputation and build legitimacy with premium, polished and professionally designed course materials.

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Videos (show all)

What do you think: Wall art or coloring book page? 😁 I was working on this piece this morning. Wait til the end to see t...
I am so grateful to be doing the work I have been called to do, with clients who are passionate and full of purpose. ❤️B...
When every part of your course identity fits like pieces of a puzzle, students will be able to see for themselves what a...
Are you a visual learner or an auditory learner? 🤔 Whichever you are, you can always rely on illustrations to help simpl...
There will never be a shortage of people looking to learn and grow—but there can be a lack of businesses who speak to sp...
Need help keeping your students and customers engaged? Try out drip emails. Setting up a stream of email newsletters can...
Come hang out while I work on an art commission!
I used to have a hard time connecting with other women. I'm glad to say, I've grown out of that. My 30's have brought a ...
What's your "favorite failure"? What did you learn from it?⁠⁠Mine is leaving a company whose fit was not good for me. Th...
Psst...You're existing kind of loud.Can I coffee first?
Hope your Saturday is going fantastic!
(To the weekend! Woo!)⁠But really, hang in there. We often fail to remember how far we've come, and you're probably much...


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