Deborah Aherne Reiki

Reiki healing sessions; guidance for self healing; Reiki classes; Ra-Sheeba energy healing; Accupres

Photos from Deborah Aherne Reiki's post 08/18/2024

The 13 chakras as used in 13th Octave LaHoChi ~ channeled by Linda Dillon, Master 13th Octave LaHoChi Practitioner. 13th Octave LaHoChi was gifted to us by The Council of Love (God’s Council) “who is composed of angels, archangels, pure light beings, saints above and below, space beings who have evolved to sheer energy, and enlightened beings.” 13th Octave LaHoChi is an ascension tool—It is star healing made human and has been referred to as “etheric acupuncture.”

Visioning the New Earth by Karl Braveman 08/17/2024

Visioning the New Earth by Karl Braveman Visioning the New Earth short film by Uplifting, Inspiring, Motivational, Spiritual and Environmental film full of Wisdom, Philosophy and Mindf...


“Research has shown humming to be much more than a self-soothing sound: it affects us on a physical level, reducing stress, inducing calmness, and enhancing sleep, as well as lowering heart rate & blood pressure and producing powerful neurochemicals such as oxytocin, the “love” hormone.” ~ Humming Effect, Sound Healing for Health & Happiness

When we hum, we influence parasympathetic dominance, which means we move out of “fight or flight” stress mode and into a safe, calm and relaxed state.

Humming is also a form of vocal toning, where we use our voice to move energy through vibration and is used in some forms of meditation and yoga. In vocal toning, you can bring intention to sounds and balance & align your energy centers (chakras). Humming can also be used with balancing our throat chakra encouraging us to speak honestly and sharing our truth.

Humming can also induce the release of melatonin, aiding in sleep and offering antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects for a boosted immune system.

To assist your overall health, try humming for 5-10 minutes a day a couple times throughout the day—you don’t have to hum very loudly to reap the benefits. I hum a couple times throughout the day while driving, working, and always during food preparation. It keeps my vibration high, and I am always calm and relaxed. Hummm 🧘‍♀️☺️🌹💖🙏🏼


13th Octave LaHoChi sessions are now available—in person or long distance. Someone said it’s like receiving etheric acupuncture! Love it! 💖


Beloved Ones,

We are heading into the first eclipse of the year, a Penumbral Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Libra that brings balance, harmony, and heart healing. This a passage that will serve us to stabilize our light bodies, continue seeding more harmony on the earth's fabrics and grids, and on a more personal level, to continue mastering our divine reunions, creating balanced relationships.

We have transitioned into the Aries/Libra Axis, and this eclipse is the third one, being the first one was a total Solar eclipse in Aries. The Aries/Libra Axis is about freedom, leadership, integrity, balance, and relationships. It is I vs. We.

The Lunar Eclipse in Libra will transit the South Node of the Moon, our past, and what we need to release, both karmically and emotionally. Who we used to be, for we are constantly shifting on this evolutionary journey, becoming more empowered, sovereign, and conscious.

We are invited to balance our unconscious past acts and relationships, taking full responsibility for our past deeds, and choosing not to repeat what we once did from a different level of consciousness, for this is how we heal past actions, by not repeating them, as when we do so, integrate the lessons and forgive ourselves and others, we neutralize karma.

No action needs perpetual punishment, for All within Creation is Love. Only the illusion of it takes us back to our old concept of karma. This eclipse is to continue releasing attachments with our past selves, and relationships, understanding that we cannot become sovereign beings if we still carry old wounds and deeds that have not been neutralized.

My Guides invite us to heal and clear the heart chakra of any non-benevolent astral connections, past cords, wounds, and anything that is impeding Divine Love into our hearts, allowing the current harmonic energies to help us restore our Love center.

The Libra eclipse will help us set a balance between ourselves and others, for the Aries/Libra Axis is all about the self vs. others. At the time of the eclipse, we have already the Sun in Aries, which is about the self, while Libra reminds us that we too need to balance our needs, with other needs.

As Aries emphasizes, we are here on a journey to be more empowered and become sovereign beings, but being sovereign beings is not equal to individuality but to oneness, remembering that we are here on a path of service to All, not just to the self. This eclipse reminds us of moving our focus from the self to the We.

This is a time to balance heart-mind and start mastering the ego self, moving from what only benefits us to what brings more harmony and healing to All. To be able to disengage from the egoic self, first, we need to work on loving ourselves completely, as Divine Beings, for only when we achieve this step will we understand and love others as a part of who we are.

Working on self-esteem, self-acceptance, and self-responsibility is key to starting the process of loving and honoring ourselves, for we cannot create balanced relationships if we have not healed our hearts, and see ourselves as worth-it beings.

Remaining in the present moment is pivotal to healing ourselves. Every time we think of the past and try to go there, mentally, and remotely, for we reside in a simultaneous reality, we self-programmed ourselves to repeat the same old actions, attracting the same old people or similar ones and past situations in our present reality, and hence, duplicating a false reality that can no longer coexist with how we have become and desire to go next.

Yours is the will, for yours is the power to restore yourself, the past timelines you once created from another level of consciousness with the wisdom and healing light you possess within, for there is no one who can create for you, but yourself and your Divine Presence, through you.

Yours is the power to choose where to place your consciousness, in the present, where you and all you desire reside, or in the past, where nothing exists anymore.

I wish you all a loving passage. Remember to take care of your precious selves, Beloved Ones.

Within Infinite Love,

Natalia Alba

Art by: Cosmic Collage

Galactic Lineage clearing:
Essene/Cathar healing session:
DNA program:
Soul mission guidance:


A mistake is just an opportunity for correction—a channel for learning—guiding our steps down a different path that leads us to growth, expansion and the best version of ourselves. “Never be defined by your past; it was a lesson not a life sentence.” May your journey lead you to the best version of YOU. 🙏💖🌹

Photos from Deborah Aherne Reiki's post 12/24/2023

Happy Holidays! Wishing you Love, Joy & Peace
all year long 💖✨🌟✨💖


Merry Christmas! May Love, Peace and Joy of the Season live in your heart all year round. Wishing each of you a multitude of Blessings. Love & Hugs xoxo


Daily the events of recent years serve as a reminder to me of all of the things that we take for granted in our lives. It is my hope and my prayer that all of us take this time and opportunity today to slow down and focus on the true meaning of this holiday: GRATITUDE.

May we all pause and give thanks for all that we have, all that we do and all that we are. Let's pause and give thanks for all of those whom we love and for all those who are no longer with us in this life and in our world.

Our hearts open when we fill ourselves with gratitude and sincerely count our blessings. I am truly grateful for all of you, and the opportunity to be of sacred service. Thank you all for being in my life. While counting my blessings over this holiday, I will be counting you my beloved online community amongst them.

The traditional symbol of the cornucopia is not just a symbol of the harvest. It is also a symbol and reminder of the infinite spiritual portal of Divine Abundance that is always flowing and continuously giving to all of us. May it pour prosperous new blessings on you all.

Have a safe & very Happy Thanksgiving!

Blessings of Love & Peace
Rev. Ana Jones


Would you like to receive the benefits of reiki? If you’re in the Santa Fe area, contact me to book your session in my space or yours.

New location for Reiki sessions in Albuquerque: I am now located within MaddMethods Skin & Body located at 129 Jackson Street, NE, Albuquerque 87108.

To book your session in any location, please contact me directly (443-563-4898). I am looking forward to seeing you soon! Be well!
Namaste 🙏 💖

Send a message to learn more


The Reiki Healing Association asked its members to share some of the most common misconceptions they encounter in their practices. This helpful graphic is the result.


😊✌️❤️🙏☀️🌸🌼🌻🦋🐝🌎 Thomas


Finally, a clear definition!🤣🤣🤣


Have you ever had a reiki session? After a reiki session you will feel lighter and more balanced. If you feel it’s time for self care, schedule a session. For appointments in Santa Fe, contact me directly; Albuquerque schedule through Body & Mind Wellness (505)884-1373. Long distance sessions available. 🙏🪷🙏


The “Dark Night of the Soul” is a term that goes back a long time. Yes, I have also experienced it. It is a term used to describe what one could call a collapse of a perceived meaning in life…an eruption into your life of a deep sense of meaninglessness.
The inner state in some cases is very close to what is conventionally called depression. Nothing makes sense anymore, there’s no purpose to anything. Sometimes it’s triggered by some external event, some disaster perhaps, on an external level. The death of someone close to you could trigger it, especially premature death, for example, if your child dies.
Or you had built up your life, and given it meaning – and the meaning that you had given your life, your activities, your achievements, where you are going, what is considered important, and the meaning that you had given your life for some reason collapses.
It can happen if something happens that you can’t explain away anymore, some disaster which seems to invalidate the meaning that your life had before. Really what has collapsed then is the whole conceptual framework for your life, the meaning that your mind had given it. So that results in a dark place.
But people have gone into that, and then there is the possibility that you emerge out of that into a transformed state of consciousness. Life has meaning again, but it’s no longer a conceptual meaning that you can necessarily explain. Quite often it’s from there that people awaken out of their conceptual sense of reality, which has collapsed.
They awaken into something deeper, which is no longer based on concepts in your mind. A deeper sense of purpose or connectedness with a greater life that is not dependent on explanations or anything conceptual any longer. It’s a kind of re-birth. The dark night of the soul is a kind of death that you die.
What dies is the egoic sense of self. Of course, death is always painful, but nothing real has actually died there – only an illusory identity. Now it is probably the case that some people who’ve gone through this transformation realized that they had to go through that, in order to bring about a spiritual awakening. Often it is part of the awakening process, the death of the old self and the birth of the true self.
The first lesson in A Course in Miracles says “Nothing I see in this room means anything”, and you’re supposed to look around the room at whatever you happen to be looking at, and you say “this doesn’t mean anything”, “that doesn’t mean anything”.
What is the purpose of a lesson like that? It’s a little bit like re-creating what can happen during the dark night of the soul. It’s the collapse of a mind-made meaning, conceptual meaning, of life… believing that you understand “what it’s all about”.
With A Course in Miracles, it’s a voluntary relinquishment of the human mind-made meaning that is projected, and you go voluntary into saying “I don’t know what this means”, “this doesn’t mean anything”. You wipe the board clean. In the dark night of the soul, it collapses.
You are meant to arrive at a place of conceptual meaninglessness. Or one could say a state of ignorance – where things lose the meaning that you had given them, which was all conditioned and cultural, and so on. Then you can look upon the world without imposing a mind-made framework of meaning.
It looks of course as if you no longer understand anything. That’s why it’s so scary when it happens to you, instead of you actually consciously embracing it. It can bring about the dark night of the soul – to go around the Universe without any longer interpreting it compulsively, as an innocent presence.
You look upon events, people, and so on with a deep sense of aliveness. Your sense the aliveness through your own sense of aliveness, but you are not trying to fit your experience into a conceptual framework anymore.
~ Eckhart Tolle

💖 ✨ 💖 ✨ 💖 ✨ 💖 ✨ 💖 ✨ 💖 ✨💖

went through this 9 years ago and did not know what was happening to me. At times I found myself questioning my mental health and was so scared to talk to anyone about what I was experiencing as I was afraid they would think I was crazy. I was a wreck and, eventually, came out on the other side. I remember seeing posts about 4 weeks afterward about dark night of the soul which helped me realize the significance of what I experienced lol. I have gratitude for this process as it was pivotal in my transformation 🙏💖🌹

If anyone is navigating Dark Night of the Soul, I am here to support you—DM me at any time.

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129 Jackson Street, NE, Albuquerque, NM 87108 & In Santa Fe, NM 87501
Santa Fe, NM

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