Toni J Young, Allen, TX Videos

Videos by Toni J Young in Allen. Drive predictable growth for B2B tech companies | Fractional CMO | $55 mil generated for my clients

You're Making A Big Mistake Focusing On Keyword Based SEO.mp4

Keyword-Based SEO is dead.

Here’s the biggest mistake B2B SaaS companies are making with SEO 👇

They don’t understand the difference between Entity-Based SEO versus Keyword SEO.

Keywords still play an important role in SEO content.

But they’re limiting when it comes to actually performing in the search engine results pages.

Pivoting to an entity-based strategy means…

👉 more context
👉 robust content
👉 greater Return on Investment.

SEO should be focused on understanding the intent and context of each search in order to drive more qualified leads.


Because it’s vital for Semantic Search.

Semantic Search is basically a search engine’s attempt to understand natural language the way a human would.

And it’s how Google attempts to generate the most accurate search engine results based on search intent and the semantics (or the true meaning) of the search query.

p.s. What other mistakes do you see B2B SaaS making with SEO?

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You're Making A Big Mistake Focusing On Keyword Based SEO.mp4
Keyword-Based SEO is dead. Here’s the biggest mistake B2B SaaS companies are making with SEO 👇 They don’t understand the difference between Entity-Based SEO versus Keyword SEO. Keywords still play an important role in SEO content. But they’re limiting when it comes to actually performing in the search engine results pages. Pivoting to an entity-based strategy means… 👉 more context 👉 robust content 👉 greater Return on Investment. SEO should be focused on understanding the intent and context of each search in order to drive more qualified leads. Why? Because it’s vital for Semantic Search. Semantic Search is basically a search engine’s attempt to understand natural language the way a human would. And it’s how Google attempts to generate the most accurate search engine results based on search intent and the semantics (or the true meaning) of the search query. p.s. What other mistakes do you see B2B SaaS making with SEO?

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The 3 Areas B2B SaaS Struggle With That Result In Wasted Money.mp4
There are 3 things my B2B SaaS clients tend to struggle with. Do these sound familiar? 👉 Hitting the bulls-eye regarding their target market. I’ve noticed that most have a hand on their Total Addressable Market (TAM). But they’ve rarely discovered their hidden goldmine—their Serviceable Addressable Market (SAM) and the elusive Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM). Which means their marketing campaigns aren’t laser-focused on the most profitable segments within their industry. 👉 Determining which short term and long term growth levers to launch based on the core emotions and pain points of their Ideal Customer Profile. Whenever I first engage with B2B SaaS companies I often find them throwing money at various marketing strategies, hoping for success without clear OKR’s and KPI’s established. 👉 Marketing Intelligence - gathering, analyzing, and utilizing data and insights to make informed marketing decisions and strategies. This involves collecting and analyzing various data points related to market trends, customer behavior, competitors, and marketing campaigns. p.s. What are you currently struggling with in your B2B SaaS?

🛑 What’s your Browsers vs. Buyers ratio? 10:1, 100:1 or 1,000:1? How do you turn your Browsers into Buyers? Why do I ask? Because… There’s only 1 type of lead or website visitor that’s worth anything and that’s a buyer! In your marketing data collection, it’s imperative that you differentiate your browsers versus your buyers. Grow your buyers through audience-based marketing. And learn how to convert your browsers into buyers by improving the front-end conversions of your convincer model. The 1st way to make improvements is to understand your buyer’s psychology: ✔ Understand their research process ✔ Decision factors ✔ Cost sensitivity ✔ Competitor considerations ✔ Opinions of others ✔ Timeline to purchase A quick way to improve your front-end conversions is to understand the Time Of Day someone is likely to browse vs. buy. We’ve all been there… It’s Tuesday morning at 9:23am. You’re scrolling through your Facebook feed, right before a meeting. You see an ad for a product you’ve been thinking about buying. You click on the link, and you’re taken to the website. But then you get distracted, and never come back to that website to buy the product. Should you show them your ad again tomorrow at 9:23am, or should you wait until the “Time of Day” when they are no longer browsing but are more than likely ready to buy. How would you do that? What if you used the data within your merchant account to help you determine the blocks of time most of your customers purchased your products? Or You used the data within your call tracking metrics account to help you determine the “Time of Day” when most of your sales qualified opportunities call in? Let’s say it’s between 10am to 4pm on Tuesdays & Wednesdays. During this time, you’re either ROI positive or at least break even. Outside of those times, you are ROI negative. Now… You can take this a step further by examining the data within your Google Ad