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Natural Wood Vinegar

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Bio Wood Vinegar

California Wood Vinegar

North American Wood Vinegar


About Wood Vinegar

● Wood vinegar is often referred to as pyroligneous acid or wood acid. It is a liquid substance produced in precisely controlled pyrolysis of biomass. While a variety of biomass types can be used to produce wood vinegar, such as wood, crops, agricultural residues or different materials of biological origin, the most common types of biomass used are hardwood chips and sawdust.

The pyrolysis process is used to make wood vinegar, which is a sort of treatment that may be used on any organic (carbon-based) product. When biomass is subjected to high temperatures in the absence of oxygen, it splits into distinct molecules chemically and physically. Breakdown occurs due to the poor heat stability of chemical bonds in materials, which allows for decomposition. The composition of gases generated in biomass pyrolysis is influenced by the temperature and residence time employed in the pyrolysis process, thus attaining quality and consistency in wood vinegar production is directly linked to the controllability and accuracy of the thermal conversion unit. Wood vinegars of the highest quality and standardisation are made under precisely specified circumstances according to the producer's formula.

The global wood vinegar market was valued at $3.2 million in 2015, and it is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.1% during 2016-2023. The factors driving the growth of the global market include improved crop yield, increasing base of end-use industries, increased government initiatives for bio-based products, and stringent environmental regulations. The key trend witnessed in the global market is poverty alleviation. Wood vinegar can be produced at either small scale or large scale in villages, utilizing local resources and feedstock. Wood vinegar production is helping to reduce poverty in several developing or underdeveloped countries. The global wood vinegar market is in its nascent form. Currently, very few players across the globe are involved in large scale production of wood vinegar. However, the distinct governments and organizations in several countries across the globe are framing regulations for bio-based economy and promoting bio-based products, which are supporting the growth of biochar production and biorefineries. As wood vinegar is a byproduct of char or biochar production, the government initiatives indirectly creates abundant opportunities for the growth of the wood vinegar market globally.

Based on application, the agriculture segment dominated the global wood vinegar market during 2013-2015 in terms of value and volume, and it is expected to retain its dominance throughout the forecast period. The growth of the agriculture application segment in the market is primarily driven by several advantages offered by wood vinegar in agricultural practices, such as root growth stimulation, improved seed germination, increased disease resistance in plants, and soil enrichment.


Wood Vinegar as Herbicide and Plant Growth Enhancer

Essential oils are known to be effective herbicides. Similarly birch tar oil has shown a herbicidal effect on numerous species of weeds. A preliminary field experiment indicated that pyrolysis liquids made of birch wood can be used for the control of broad leaved weeds. Wood vinegar at low concentrations stimulates plant growth. Field experiments conducted in China have shown that wood vinegar, made from biomass residues, can be used as a foliar fertilizer improving the yield and quality of celery. A mixture of charcoal (biochar) and pyroligneous acid has also shown to enhance soil fertility and the growth of bedding plants. Bamboo vinegar is known to simulate plant growth depending on the pyrolysis temperature. Treatments with bamboo vinegar have also demonstrated an increase in vegetable growth. Other studies have concluded that wood vinegar in organic farming can have a variety of applications, including pest control, improving soil fertility, and plant growth promoter or inhibitor. A substantial number of claims have been presented in the form of commercial advertisements, which indicates that more research is urgently needed to improve the scientific basis of the use of wood vinegar in agriculture.

Wood Vinegar Used to Repel Insects
Wood Vinegar has been widely used to repel insects from plants and households in Thailand and it is easy to find pyroligenous products marketed on the Internet as an insect repellent. Efficacy of wood vinegar as an insect repellent has not been widely studied or published and thus the scientific evidence is minimal. However, Strong in 1973 reported good results when wheat seed were treated with hardwood tar oil to repel birds, rodents, and insects. Hardwood oil was also found to be toxic to all the tested insects. Very similar effects were found when pyroligenous acid was used for controlling insects from sweet corn plots. Wood tars pyrolysed from alder, larch and birch were effective repellents for control of the vole(Clethrionomys rufocanus bedfordiae) in an experiment in Japan. In addition, scientific evidence reported in Finland demonstrated that birch tar oil effectively repelled slugs (Arion lusitanicus) and snails (Aranta arbustorum).

The potential of botanical oils for insect control is well known and botanical insecticides have become increasingly utilized especially in developing countries. Wood vinegar exhibited high termiticidal activities against the Japanese Termite Reticulitermes speratus and the authors concluded that an ortho substituent of phenol played an important role in termiticidal activities against the Japanese termite Reticulitermes speratus and the authors concluded that an ortho substituent of phenol played and important role in termiticidal activity. Preliminary investigation in Greece showed that one spray application with birch tar oil (1% v/v aq solution) killed 95% of aphids (Myzus persicae) on egg plant in a greenhouse experiment. The results of a project in Finland revealed that the birch tar oil may repel egg laying psyllids (Trioza apicalis) but not flies (Delia floralis). Beetles and mites could not be controlled with the oil and it was also non-toxic vinegar application with husbandries suggests repellence of flies, tick and fleas and killing of external parasites.

Wood Vinegar as Feed for Animals
It has been suggested that wood vinegar can improve the performance of weanling pigs by improving the nutrient digestibility and reducing harmful intestinal coliforms. Moreover, the performance of pigs fed with wood vinegar was found to be better than those fed with organic acid. Feeding of calves can be activated with charcoal containing wood vinegar. The vinegar liquid called Nekka-Rich showed antiprotozoan activity against Cryptospiridosis parvum oocysts. Calves that were fed milk enriched with Nekka-Rich showed recovery from diarrhea 1 day after the start of treatment. Mixture of charcoal and wood vinegar was proved to be useful as an aqua feed as well as a useful component in chicken feed.


Wood Vinegar Market

Pyrolysis liquid from fast pyrolysis is a feasible alternative in replacing fossil fuels in European pulp and paper industry. The European pulp and paper industry has a potential to build up to 50 pryolyzers integrated to fluidised bed boilers. In the short-term, pyrolysis oil market is in fuel oil and natural gas replacement in lime kilns and boilers, while long-term RTD is focused ontransportation fuels.

The only commercial application for fast pyrolysis is still, however, the Red Arrow Products Company plants producing food flavourings, the capacity being around the 1 to the negative one power. Integrated energy and chemicalproduction plants are now recognized as having considerable potential for maximizing economic viability of the fast pyrolysis plants.

In Japan, the biochar market is developing very fast and may boost the production and use of wood vinegar in agriculture. Respectively, plans to develop an eco town concept will act as a driving force stimulating the use of carbonization as an element of environmental technologies.
The global market cvalue for pesticides was estimated in the year 2000 at 32 billion US Dollars, with the share of developing countries around 3 billion US dollars. Biological control proucts have 2-3% of the world-wide annual turnover of plant protection products. The market of biopesticides and biorationals began rapidly increase in the USA by the end of 1999, when EcoSMART Technologies registered over a dozen products. The biorationals data base does not include wood vinegar which may indicate that in many countries the commercialization of botanicals has been focused on essential oils more than on pyrolysis liquids.

In Asia, the wood vinegar market is developing differently. Currently, 189 wood vinegar products have been listed on a commercial home page of which 128 come from China. The wood vinegar based pesticied market is very progressive in Japan and in numerous other Asian Countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, and China.

The Registration procedure for pesticides differes between countries and as a consequence, pyrolysis liquids have been listed differently. In the USA, vinegar has been listed as a minimum risk pesticide but not wood vinegar. Pine tar oil has been registered for pesticide use in the USA, Australia, New Zealand, Hungary, and Canada, where as tar acid oil is only registered in Australia, India, New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Juniper tar has been listed for use only in New Zealand. In Europe, the wood vinegar market is not comparable to the Asian market.

Wood vinegar is a natural, biological substance that has a wide range of applications. While there are several uses for wood vinegar, agriculture and organic farming are two of the most promising sectors. Wood vinegar is an effective pesticide and fertilizer that enhances soil quality, aids in insect removal, and aids in plant growth management by hastening plant development. It is frequently used in orchards to enhance the amount of fruit produced.

❖ Wood vinegar's benefits in organic farming
➢ Increasing vitality and quality of crops by spraying diluted wood vinegar on plant leaves
➢ Protection from the harmful insects and specific plant diseases
➢ Control of the biological activity of the soil by helping to influence the concentration of useful microbes
➢ Help in the development of stronger roots for the plants
➢ Help in the development of stronger roots for the plants
➢ Reduction of odors from produced manures
➢ Facilitation of composting – wood vinegar as a compost activator helps to accelerate the materials conversion into organic compost
And also there are health benefits that we can get through wood vinegar.


❖ Health Benefits of Wood Vinegar

➢ Reducing Acid Reflux, Heartburn, and Indigestion: Wood Vinegar can help to reduce Acid Reflux, Heartburn and Indigestion, all of which are commonly experienced by millions of Americans every year.

➢ Removing Foul Odors: Foul Odors can be produced by many things, even some parts of your body. Body casts, gas, body odor and so on can pose social problems and embarrass and perhaps even nauseate you. But Wood Vinegar helps to neutralize foul odors.

➢ Stopping Bowel Diseases: Wood Vinegar is thought to aid in the body with Colitis, Crohn’s Disease, and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.

➢ Slowing Colic: Colic is a general disorder that affects mostly babies. Wood Vinegar is thought to help although please consult your doctor before administering Wood Vinegar to your child.

➢ Supporting Liver Disease: Surprisingly, Wood Vinegar is even thought to aid Liver Diseases like Hepatitis and Neonatal Jaundice and Liver Cancer.

➢ Blocking Diarrhea: Less dramatic, but nonetheless, Wood Vinegar can aid in blocking diarrhea.

➢ Preventing Vomiting: Vomiting can be very unpleasant, but Wood Vinegar can help here as well.

➢ Reducing Peptic Ulcers: Wood Vinegar can help relieve Peptic Ulcers as well.

➢ Eliminating Dental Infections: At some point in your life, you will have to struggle with a mouth infection of some sort of another. Wood Vinegar aids your health here as well.

➢ Lowering Cholesterol: And last but not least, Wood Vinegar can promote a healthy heart by lowering cholesterol.

➢ Insect Bites: Wood Vinegar is thought to have great venom-removal power. The application of Wood Vinegar to insect bits can help to draw those toxins out of your body.

➢ Pink Eye: Pink Eye is a dreadful eye infection that many of us have as children. The application of Wood Vinegar to the infected parts of the surrounding tissue of the eye can help to bring down swelling.

➢ Poison Ivy: In general, Wood Vinegar can be of great help to soothe a large number of plant poisonings such as Poison Ivy.

➢ Infected Wounds: Again, Wood Vinegar can help with various infections, so infected wounds can be reduced by its power.

➢ Cellulitis: An acute inflammation of the connective tissue of the skin, caused by infection with staphylococcus, streptococcus, or other bacteria. Since Cellulitis too is a bacterial infection, Wood Vinegar can help relieve symptoms.

➢ Diabetic Ulcers: Diabetics, especially the elderly, sometimes develop circulatory problems in their arms and legs. Because of this, they get ulcers, usually on their legs and feet. From time to time, these ulcers get infected. Wood Vinegar can help here as well.

➢ Ear Infections: Ear infections are another common type of bacteria-related affliction. Wood Vinegar can aid in the healing process.

➢ Snake Bites: One great thing about having Wood Vinegar in our Detox Foot Pads is that with Wood Vinegar, these foot pads can draw out all sorts of venom. This includes venom from snake bites. While snake bites are rare, Wood Vinegar, combined with other aids, can help.

➢ Gout: For those of you who don’t know, Gout is a type of arthritis. It can cause sudden attacks of great pain and can bring about joint tenderness, redness, and swelling. Usually it attacks one joint per episode and this is usually your big toe. Again, Gout can develop quickly and typically starts at night. It is thought to be caused by a collection of Uric Acid, which luckily is absorbed by Wood Vinegar.

➢ Prostatitis: This is a condition not commonly understood. Prostatitis simply refers to prostate swelling and infection which can be found under the male bladder. Infected prostates can cause many symptoms, such as a constant need to urinate and painful urination. It can also cause forms of groin or lower back pain.

➢ Pain Relief: Since many of the disorders and infections listed above can cause great pain, Wood Vinegar has also been used to relieve pain


Negative Effects of Chemical Fertilizers

The biggest issue facing the use of chemical fertilizers is groundwater contamination. Nitrogen fertilizers break down into nitrates and travel easily through the soil. Because it is water-soluble and can remain in groundwater for decades, the addition of more nitrogen over the years has an accumulative effect.

At the University of Wisconsin, Madison, they discovered the effects of chemical fertilizers are compounded when mixed with a single pesticide. They discovered altered immune, endocrine and nervous system functions in mice, as well as influence on children's and fetus's developing neurological, endocrine and immune systems. These influences "portend change in ability to learn and in patterns of aggression."
One popular fertilizer, urea, produces ammonia emanation, contributes to acid rain, groundwater contamination and ozone depletion due to release of nitrous oxide by denitrification process. With its increased use and projections of future use, this problem may increase several fold in the coming decades.

Groundwater contamination has been linked to gastric cancer, goitre, birth malformations, and hypertension; testicular cancer and stomach cancer.

Excessive air- and water-borne nitrogen from fertilizers may cause respiratory ailments, cardiac disease, and several cancers, as well as can "inhibit crop growth, increase allergenic pollen production, and potentially affect the dynamics of several vector-borne diseases, including West Nile virus, malaria, and cholera."

Perhaps one of the scariest effects of chemical fertilizers is something called methemoglobinemia. In infants it is alternatively known as Blue Baby Syndrome. The risk most often occurs when infants are given formula reconstituted with nitrate contaminated water. The condition causes a decrease in oxygen in the blood and results in a blue-grey skin color, causes lethargy and/or irritability and can lead to coma or death. I've been unable to find whether the same risk exists for breastfeeding babies whose mothers drank contaminated water.

Nitrogen groundwater contamination also contributes to marine "dead zones". The increase in the water-soluble nitrates creates an influx of plant-life, which eats up oxygen and starves out fish and crustaceans. This has an impact not only on the aquatic ecosystem, but on local societies who depend on food sourced from those areas.

Unfortunately, as unsustainable farming and gardening practices continue our soil is stripped of its health and we depend on amendments even greater. This leads to some pretty negative effects of chemical fertilizers.
Chemical Fertilizers Effects on Wildlife

The arrival of humans in an area, to live or to conduct agriculture, necessarily has environmental impacts. These range from simple crowding out of wild plants in favor of more desirable cultivars to larger-scale impacts such as reducing biodiversity by reducing the food availability of native species, which can propagate across food chains. The use of agricultural chemicals such as fertilizer and pesticides magnify those impacts. While advances in agrochemistry have reduced those impacts, for example by the replacement of long-lived chemicals with those that reliably degrade, even in the best case they remain substantial. These effects are magnified by the use of older chemistries and poor management practices.


Archeological studies have found that pyrolysis liquids were already used in the time of the Neanderthal. Wood Vinegar and other slow pyrolysis liquids are produced as a by-product of charcoal manufacture. However, future environmental concerns may highlight a new direction with pyrolysis liquids replacing synthetic chemicals in the form of pesticides and biocides known as Green Chemicals.

Directives and regulations related to the sustainable use of pesticides govern and direct plant protection strategies toward a lower use of synthetic chemicals. It is hoped that many mega trends of global policies will boost the use of plant based products given that a reduced reliance on fossil fuel is a general target in the global food and feed production economy. The importance and social impact of pyrolysis technologies will be enhanced because it is a practicable technique in the sustainable use of wastes and biomasses

Use of plant derivatives in agriculture dates back at least two millennia to ancient China, Egypt, Greece and India. Wood Vinegar has a long history and has been used daily in Japan as a result of numerous health claims relating to this product. Since the 1930’s, wood vinegar has been used in agriculture as a fertilizer and growth promoting agent. The characterization of liquid products from pyrolysis has been continued for a long time. The products contain many organic components and the composition is very complicated. During the last twenty years the interest has been mainly focused on the liquid product from fast pyrolysis.

The main organic components of wood vinegar are methanol and acetic acid. Other components are acetone, methyl acetone, acetaldehyde, ally l alcohol, furan and furfural, and formic, propionic and butyric acids. Other compounds that are also present are aldehydes, phenols, ketones, acids and esters.

Firetree Wood Vinegar is a complete plant based extract produced from the carbonization of wood. The condensation of the gaseous substance during the process of carbonization gives a light amber solution with a distinct smokey odour that is known as pyroligneous acid or wood vinegar. The solution contains more than 200 natural compounds such as organic acids, minerals, and other complex organic compounds found only in plants.

Since the components of wood vinegar are naturally organic, it is highly suitable for use in organic and hydrophonic farming, as well as for conventional farming. Firetree Wood Vinegar is extracted entirely from trees, it contains all the macro- and micro- nutrients that trees have extracted from Mother Earth. It contains none of the poisonous or toxic ingredients of some similar chemical products. The product presents no health risks to the end user and is a naturally effective product.

The wood vinegar solution contains macro-nutrients such as magnesium, sulphur, phosphorus, calcium and potassium along with micro-nutrients. By applying wood vinegar to plants, we are effectively recycling and returning the macro and micro nutrients absorbed by trees back into the soil.

Firetree Wood Vinegar is a natural product extract from hardwood. It is a good choice for organic farming. The natural contents make it an attractive alternative to chemical pesticides and fertilizers. It is non-toxic and biodegradable.
Benefits of using Firetree Wood Vinegar:
Accelerates plant growth.
Acts as pest repellent
Promotes healthy and balanced growth
Strengthens roots and leaves
Enriches soil fertility
Prevents diseases caused by bacteria
Nourishes seeds for germination
Stimulates vegetable growth
Repels insects on plants
Facilitates composting

Wood Vinegar has been long known to be very effective against nematodes. It kills nematodes directly as well as propagates microbes that feed on them. The high acidity, methanol and phenol content have strong bactericidal effect at a high concentration, such as 50 to 100 times dilution. This is mainly due to the effect on the metabolism by the main element, acetic acid. Acetyl co-enzyme is produced by plants and microbes from acetic acid.

Through the TCA cycle, actyl co-enzyme is converted into citridic acid, malic acid, fumaric acid, succiris acid and other elements that are necessary for the plantand microbes. This is the main reason behind the propagation of microbes.
Through foliar application, some bacteria are killed by direct contact and the changes of the microbiological population deter the propagation of pathogenic bacteria. The acidity on the leaves surface also deters propagation. However, the most remarkable effect of foliar application are the increase in resistance of the leaves against pests and diseases and the increase in the effectiveness of agro-chemicals.

Through foliar application of wood vinegar, the leaves become shiny and darker in colour. This is due to the increase in chlorophyll through the effect of ester in the smoke water which promotes photosynthesis. This ester also helps in the formation of sugar and amino acids. This results in better and sweeter tasting product. The healthier leaves naturally have a stronger resistance against pests and diseases.

Furthermore, wood vinegar accelerates the process of transformation of nitrogen to amino acids. This will stabilize the formation of methionine , and as a result, oxidized etheriene is also produced. These processes contribute to higher plant resistance against various diseases.
At 500 times dilution, wood vinegar can reduce the cluster value of water to 1/3. This means that the water is activated and can be easily absorbed by the plants, because water with a low cluster value is in a very small mass. Each of these masses will hold one or more mineral elements that can be easily absorded. The concentration of agro-chemicals or liquid fertilizers can be reduced by 50% if it is diluted in a 500 times dilution solution of wood vinegar due to its higher permeation. This will greatly reduce the use of agro-chemicals.
This product should not be used with alkaline chemicals.


Wood vinegar has been widely used as pesticide based on old traditions and knowledge of users and local producers. Pyroligneous acid, also called wood vinegar or moku-saku, is an aqueous liquid produced from slow pyrolysis of hardwood. Wood vinegar has been widely used to repel insects from plants and households in Thailand and it is easy to find pyro ligneous products marketed on the Internet as an insect repellent. Archeological studies have found that pyrolysis liquids were already used in the time of the Neanderthal. Wood vinegar and other slow pyrolysis liquids are produced as a by-product of charcoal production. However, future business ideas may be the other way round as pyrolysis liquids including wood vinegar may replace synthetic chemicals in the form of pesticides and biocides.

Directives and regulations related to the sustainable use of pesticides govern and direct plant protection strategies towards a lower use of synthetic chemicals. It is hoped that many mega trends of global policies will boost the use of plant based products given that a reduced reliance on fossil fuel is a general target in the global food and feed production economy.

Wood Vinegar and Pyrolysis technology has been actively studied and developed around the world and is linked to the development of the knowledge based bio-economy. The importance and social impact of pyrolysis technologies will also be enhanced because it is a practicable technique in the sustainable use of wastes and biomasses.

3. Orde Wood Vinegar Pesticide

Globally changing pesticide policies and integrated pest management programs (IPM) aim to reduce pesticide risks on the environment and human health. It has been clearly stated that the hazards to health and the environment from the use of pesticides must be minimized and dependence on chemical control needs to be reduced. In Europe, a thematic strategy on the sustainable use of pesticides was adopted in 2006 by the European Commission and as such, a new directive was put into force in 2009. Replacement of synthetic chemicals with alternative plant protection technique has been mentioned in numerous policy documents related to the use of pesticides. The highest demand on natural pesticides is in the organic farming where synthetic chemicals cannot be used for plant protection. In Europe, replacement of chemicals with biological control agents has been slow but in Asia and the USA, botanical pesticides have already been placed on the market as green chemicals.

Globally, the need to minimize the environmental risks resulting from pesticides leaching to groundwater and waterways has bolstered the use of wood vinegar as a biocide and pesticide

Wood vinegar has been widely used to repel insects from plants and households in Thailand and it is easy to find pyroligneous products marketed on the Internet as an insect repellent. Strong in 1973 reported good results when wheat seeds were treated with hardwood tar oil to repel birds, rodents and insects. Hardwood oil was also found to be toxic to all the tested insects. Very similar effects were found when pyroligneous acid was used for controlling insects from sweet corn plots. Other studies have concluded that wood vinegar in organic farming can have a variety of applications, including pest control, improving soil fertility, and plant growth promoter or inhibitor. The wood vinegar based pesticide market is very progressive in Japan and in numerous other Asian countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, and China. In the USA, vinegar has been listed as a minimum risk pesticide but not wood vinegar.


4. Why Try using Wood Vinegar

Another major benefit of wood vinegar is that it appears to assist the enzymes and microbes which facilitate plant cell growth and other useful reactions. While this mechanism is unclear scientifically, many researchers claim that spraying wood vinegar makes plants take root more firmly, helps leaves grow larger and fuller, counteracts excessive nitrogen, stimulates the metabolism of plants and raises sugar levels. It is assumed that plants are favorably affected by trace elements in the wood vinegar, or other substances produced when wood vinegar is decomposed through the photosynthetic process. Spraying wood vinegar diluted 500 to 1000 times can improve the taste of fruits that are not very sweet due to weak photosynthesis resulting from a lack of sun or poor soil. This effect is assumed to be due to wood vinegar’s role as a coenzyme. It is also thought to be related to the presence of esters in wood vinegar. Valerianic acid ethyl, for example, benefits the growth of radish and of Chinese cabbage. Such esters in wood vinegar as methyl acetate and methyl formate also have a strong growth acceleration effect on plants.
Just as wood vinegar increases the effectiveness of pesticides and herbicides, it also increases the effectiveness of fertilizer. This is due to the fact that wood vinegar complements both the fertilizer and the existing soil nutrients. For example, it has been recorded in applications of wood vinegar in the growing of tea that it increases by three times the level of useable phosphoric acid. The roots of plants secrete organic acids which dissolve and absorb phosphoric acid in the soil, and it is thought that organic acids in wood vinegar have the same effect.

5. Wood Vinegar Human Applications
Studies showed that when wood vinegar was used as feed supplements in poultry, salmonella bacteria, which are responsible for gastrointestinal diseases of chickens, were eliminated.

(a) In chicken egg production, farmers claimed that their hens improved
(b) Their egg-laying performance improved
(c) Had better rearing characteristics
(d) Improved their hatching efficiency
(e) It also improved the quality of eggs such as
Better taste
Reduced cholesterol content
Had harder egg shells

Mixed with water at rates of between 1:500 and 1:600 (1 liter of wood vinegar with 500 liters of water). Wood vinegar reduces the cluster of water to 1/3 and can adjust bacterial levels in the digestive tract which improve the absorption of nutrients from feed and mineral elements of water .

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