The Armor Circus

The Armor Circus

This year’s Circus is done and was amazing! We can’t wait until next year!


Hey peeps! Come follow our new event page! This is going to be an annual event for any past or present members of the Armor family!

The Armor Circus This year’s Circus is done and was amazing! We can’t wait until next year!

Photos from The Armor Circus's post 27/04/2024

Your 2024 Armor Circus podium finishers!!


Without further adieu... the floater

"They All Float"
- Athletes will have 6 minutes, one working at a time, to perform an UNBROKEN 3 rep max and an UNBROKEN 5 rep max thruster. One athlete will perform the 3 rep and the other will perform the 5 rep. Score is total combined weight. It does not matter how athletes approach this or who does what, as long as there is only working at a time. Each team will only have one barbell, it will start from the floor, and they may perform a cluster for their first rep as long as it meets all standards and criteria of a thruster.

Standards: Barbell must start from the floor. Barbells must have collars/clips on them before performing the rep. Barbells MAY NOT BE DROPPED FROM OVERHEAD. They must be brought down to front rack under control before dropping to the floor. Hips MUST travel below the hip crease at the bottom of the rep and MUST be over the centerline of the athlete's body at the top of the rep. If the athlete does not squat below parallel or does not press the barbell over their body (not out in front), it will be considered a no rep. They may, however, continue the complex and repeat the no repped rep, as long as they do not drop the barbell.


WOD 2 is a chipper in waterfall format...

"The Ring Master"

For time, all reps divided as desired with only one athlete working at a time. This workout has an 14 min time cap. WOD is scored for time or completed reps for teams that dont complete it. ENJOY!!!

- 50 Push press (Rx: 135/95---Sx: 115/75---Beg: 75/55)
- 40 Ring dips (Sx: double box or ring dips---Beg: HRPU)
- 50/40 CAL Echo bike
- 40 Box jump overs (Rx: 30/24---Sx: 24/20---Beg:20/20)
- 50/40 CAL Echo bike
- 40 Ring dips
- 50 Push press

Only one athlete may work at a time. Sx teams will be using 2 boxes standing at 30 inches, and will be performing dips in between them. Sx teams may also perform ring dips, but both athletes must complete the same movement and cannot switch once they've informed their judge. Athletes may tag in and out as they see fit. Rx and Sx teams MUST perform a two foot jumping take off for box jump overs and Beg teams may perform jumps or step ups.


WOD 2 drops tomorrow!!!


And just like that... WOD 1: "The Big Top"

One athlete working at a time, and MUST complete 2 rounds before tagging out, and may NOT complete more than 2 consecutive rounds. 2 and 2 only.

- 4 Devil Press
- 6 DB Front Squat
- 8 DB Front Rack Lunges (Forward or reverse)

- Rx- 50's/35s

- Intermediate- 35's/20's

- Beginner- 20's/15's

LETS FREAKIN GOOOOOOO!!! Registration is LIVE!!!

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- Divisions are Rx, Intermediate, Beginner and best team circus costumes. Podiums for each

- Standards:

Sn**ches 75/55
Deadlift 135/95.
Clean and jerk 95/65
Shoulder to Overhead 95/65
KBS 35/26
Hand Release Push-ups
Abmat Sit-ups
Single Unders

- Intermediate/Masters-
Clean and Jerk 155/105
Sn**ch 135/95
Shoulder to Overhead 155/105
Deadlift 225/155
KBS 50/35
Box Jumps 24/20
Double Unders

Clean and Jerk 225/155
Sn**ch 185/125
Shoulder to Overhead 185/125
Deadlift 315/205
KBS 70/50
Box Jumps 30/24”
Bar and Ring Muscle Ups
Double Under


Whats up ARMOR!!!! Here is the official page for our crazy circus! The comp date is set for April 27th and we are super excited!!! Here is the registration link to get in. We hope ALL current and past Armor peeps will jump in to compete, volunteer or just come and hang. This is for US and our amazing community!!!!

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